Dumpster Baby

By 15marie

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Cassandra Pearson also known as Cassie by friends and family is an outgoing, kind and humble 20 year old. The... More

Chapter 1 - Surprise You're A Mum
Chapter 2 - Welcome to Motherhood
Chapter 3 - Moving Him In
Chapter 4 - Officially Mine
Chapter 5 - Stranger Danger
Chapter 6 - Super Mum
Chapter 7 - Family
Chapter 8 - Baby Daddy
Chapter 9 - The Girls
Chapter 10 - My hero?
Chapter 12 - Misunderstanding cleared up
Chapter 13 - Daddy?
Chapter 14 - Family bonding
Chapter 15 - Moving forward
Chapter 16 - Date Night
Chapter 17 - Father and Son
Chapter 18 - Day out
Chapter 19 - Meeting the in-laws
Chapter 20 - The Dress!
Chapter 21 - The Wedding
Chapter 22 - la luna di miele
Chapter 23 - la luna di miele - part 2
Chapter 24 - Life Lessons
Chapter 25 - The Resurrection
Chapter 26 - Meeting The Dead
Chapter 27 - Meeting The Dead (part 2)
Chapter 28 - Rivalry
Chapter 29 - Mine
Chapter 30 - Rescue Mission
Chapter 31 - Breath of life
Chapter 32 - The Price
Chapter 33 - The Price - Part 2

Chapter 11 - Clearing up misunderstandings

27.8K 756 49
By 15marie

Groaning I grab my pounding head as I sit up on the bed. "Ouch, I will never drink alcohol again" I vow. "You should also add not taking drink from strangers on that list too" a voice says. Looking around the room around a bedroom that I now notice isn't mine I find Angelo sitting on a chair in the corner in the room.

"What the hell happened? What am I doing here, with you" I ask. "Don't you remember what happened last night, Bella?" he asks his handsome face turning into a frown. "No. All I remember is going to the club with some friends and my sister and dancing, that's about it." I explain. "Well let me refresh your memory - you were almost raped" he says bluntly while getting up and going through a door which I assume is a bathroom.

Just like that flashes of last night attack my brain. "Leo right, where is the guy anyways" I say while shuddering not out of cold but fear and disgust.  Angelo comes back into the room with a glass of water and two small tablets.

"What are they?" I ask while eyeing the two pills in his now outstretched hand. Raising both eyebrows Angelo says "Oh so you can take a drink, drugged may I add from a complete stranger but you won't take some Advil from me."

Feeling embarrassed I manage to form a reasonable response. "Well actually you're a stranger too, I hardly know anything about you why should I trust you?" I say.

"Ah where was this sensible thinking last night" he replies with a smirk. "Fine I get it I was stupid, stop rubbing it in" I mumble pouting. Taking the pills I quickly swallow them with the refreshing glass of cold water he gave me.

"So ... what happened to ...err the guy?"I ask cringing at the memory. "It's taken care of" he replies. "What do you mean by that?" I ask. "Nothing you need to worry you little head over, Now get up I'll make us some breakfast" He responds changing the subject.

Leaving the conversation for now I stand up from the bed and stumble a little out of dizziness. Angelo puts his hand on my waist and pulls me into his chest. "Are you alright" he asks to which I reply with a simple nod.

Twenty minutes later I am sitting in Angelo's very large and spacious kitchen in his T-shirt eating a delicious omelette accompanied with French toast and a nice cool glass of orange juice. "You're an amazing cook" I say while pushing away my now empty plate. "Thank you" he replies with a smile that makes my heart stop, then start up again beating so fast I feel as though it's trying to break out of my chest.

"We need to talk" I say after taking a huge gulp of orange juice. "Talk about what?" Angelo asks while taking both our plates and placing them in the sink. "Really? You're asking me what we need to talk about, there's plenty to discuss" I say getting angry. How can he be so ignorant?

"Follow me" he demands while leading me into his lounge, sitting on a black couch he pulls me down next to him. "You have my undivided attention, so speak" he commands calmly.  Feeling uncomfortable under his heated stare I look everywhere but him.  Standing up I start to pace back and forth while explaining to him what happened four years ago.

"You see I am NOT Sarah ..." I start. After clarifying how I came about to have Gabriel and about the note I found that night, I finally look at him. Throughout my whole speech he has been quiet and calm too calm for my liking I felt as though he would explode any minute now.  Going to sit back next to him on the sofa I break the tense silence by saying, "What are you thinking" I cautiously ask mean while nervously biting my bottom lip.

With the pad of his thumb Angelo removes my bottom lip from my teeth, and then gently caresses   my bottom lip with his thumb. Searching his piercing blue eyes I see him battling with his thoughts. "I have a proposition that will make us all happy" He says. "A proposition, what is it?" I ask curious to see where this is going. "I want my son and I want a chance to get to know him and I don't want to take him from you in order to do so. Therefore to make both parties happy, marry me. " he says

Standing up abruptly I put both hands on my hips and glare at him. "Marriage are you out of your mind, that's your genius idea" I yell angrily. "Well yes ,I am a very wealthy man I'll make you happy and I'll give both you and Gabriel anything you want. Plus if you agree we can avoid the ugliness of court." He reasons.

"But I want to marry for love, why do you think I saved myself for so long" I say before I could stop it the words had already left my mouth. Covering my mouth with both hands I turn away blushing like mad and cure myself. "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid" I say over and over in my head. "Wait, you're a virgin but you're 24" he says shocked.

Turning around sharply I push my embarrassment aside and glare at him again. "How do you know how old I am" I ask. "Background check" he simply states while shrugging his broad shoulders. "Stop changing the subject. Are you a virgin is that what you meant?" he asks again. Sighing I mumble a "Yes". I know am weird who is 24 and still a virgin now-a-days but I just never felt any other man, well except Angelo. Sure, I dated in the past even had a few boyfriends but I never felt sexually attracted to any of them.

"I am still waiting for an answer" Angelo says after a second of tense silence. "I won't marry you, Angelo" I say dejectedly. Looking back at him a flash of hurt appears on his face but he quickly hides the emotion. "Then am taking Gabriel, I don't want to but you leave me no other choice" he says. "No wait, can I at least think about it?" I ask while silently praying he says yes.

"Alright, Bella you have until noon tomorrow" he replies. Before I can even negotiate a longer time period with him – his mobile phone goes off.  Angelo pulls out a sleek looking iphone 5 and swiftly answers the call.  "Good you found her, great job Joe, send me her address" he says before he ends the call. A few seconds later a beep is heard announcing he has an incoming message.

Angelo gets up and starts to walk out the house when I grab onto his forearm. "Wait, where are you going?" I ask. "I don't have to tell you anything, bella. You're not my wife - yet" he says with a small smile. "Whatever, you are not leaving me in this big house alone I am coming with you" I stubbornly say. "You don't even know where I'm going" Angelo replies.

"Well I guess I'll find out when we get there" I retort. Sighing Angelo takes my hand and races up the stairs pulling me with him. Going into his walk in closet he pulls out a summer dress and some pretty sandals and throws it towards me. "Quickly get changed" he says.

Raising an eyebrow I hold up the dress. "Why have you got female clothes in your closet. Is there something you want to tell me?" I say teasingly. "No, let's just say I have special female friends who love to have sleepovers" he says with a smirk and a wink. For some reason hearing that hurt a lot, I felt my heart squeeze painfully. Ignoring the feeling I run into the bathroom and slam the door shut loudly behind me. Changing quickly I come out of the bathroom, Ignoring Angelo completely I storm out if the door and head downstairs.

Catching up to me Angelo grabs my wrist and spins me to face him. "What wrong now? Why are you upset?" he says confusion written all over his face. Yanking my wrist away from his steel yet gentle grip I reply with a cold "Nothing". Huffing I flip my hair and walk out the house.  An hour later we are parked in front of an old looking apartment building in the rough side of town.

Turning to face Angelo I finally decide the silent treatment is enough and ask him who lives here. His reply makes me which I had never come in the first place. "Sarah's cousin and only living family member" he says before getting out of the car. I really wanted nothing to do with Sarah and her family, but I wasn't give up the opportunity to find out more about Gabriel's biological mother for Gabriel's sake.

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