United (Slowly Editing)

By KurtDestin

411 94 130

Completed? [✖️] •••#10 under United••• >>Under Editing<< Five strangers wake up alone in a forest with no mem... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18

Part 15

9 2 1
By KurtDestin



We have entered the heart of Blackwell Universal's Main Office. We've broken inside the building. Everything was going right on schedule... Until I realized that we didn't break in, we were drawn in... And now we are all targets in another Hunt.

"How could I of been so idiotic?" I said angrily.

'Lacey, Brianna, Brody... Faye... I lead them here and now Faye has become some sort of monster snack! It's all my fault! Now Faye is probably dead and that monster that killed her is after Brianna, Brody, and Lacey too... But I have to find Jeremy's body... What do I do? No, it's not a question. I came here with a mission, find Jeremy's body. I can't just lose focus, there's something much bigger at hand. People are being killed for "spare parts" and it can't go on any longer. I'll need Jeremy to stop it.'

I started walking again and ended up in a room similar to the one Faye was murdered in.

'Damn! I thought I was onto something, but I keep getting lost. This place is like some sort of labyrinth, no wonder how Faye got lost. Oh Faye... I feel awful, I should of been there. I could of warned the others, told them the truth... No, Lauren. You're doing what has to be done. Now what was the way to the morgue...'

"Ah, you must Lauren. I've heard quite a bit about you." A voice said and I turned around in shock.

"You! I saw you go after Faye! Where is she?" I yelled.

"The pale one? Oh, she's gone. I sucked her out dry. Now she's just another set of spare parts, like the others."

"What in the hell are you?"

"I had a name at one point in my life, but that is long forgotten. Now, I am referred to as the Octorian."


"Being part vampire, part Frankenstein, and just a dash of werewolf deserves a rather unique name, wouldn't you say? The only issue with me is that I tend to go a little insane... unless I eat my dinner." Octorian smiled.

"Dinner? She was a human being, not a T-bone steak!"

"Well she was delicious!"

"You can't just go around taking people's lives! She had a future ahead of her! She had so much potential."

"Cry me a river, Princess."

"She wanted to help people and change the world in great ways."

"And look what happened because of that. She's dead. Now, it's time for you to join her." Octorian smirked.

"I don't think so, I'm walking right on out of here, and you're going to let me."

"Oh yeah, and how does that plan work?"

"Haven't you heard? I'm indestructible." I smiled.

"So that means I can't kill you.... But what about them?"

"What about who?" I said confused. "Oh no!"

I turned and saw Brody and Brianna behind me.

"Lauren!" Brody said relieved.

"We have been so lost."

"We went looking for Faye and Lacey."

"You won't find Faye.." Octorian laughed.

"What is that thing?" Brody asked.

"I don't have time to explain, but you need to follow me now!" I said and ran away from Octorian.

"Run all you want, but you aren't leaving this place alive."

We entered various rooms until Brianna yelled "Stop! Hold up a second."

She started catching her breath and I yelled "Come on, we can't stop, we have to get away from it!"

"No, you need to tell us what in the hell is going on right now! Do you know something that we don't about this place?" Brody said demandingly.

"Fine, have you guys ever heard the story of Frankenstein?"

"Of course I have." Brianna obliged.

"What does that have to do with our situation?" Brody asked calmly.

"Well that should make this much easier. The story is true. Someone found out a way to create life and reanimate the deceased. I'd know because... I am a creature like the story says. I am a product of Frankenstein's experiment." I sighed.

"Lauren, be real. This is a serious matter here." Brody crossed his arms.

"Tell us what is really going on."

"Fine, you'll get the short version. This place is pretty much a monster factory."

"A what?" Brianna exclaimed.

"You heard me, and there's a possibility that I came from this very building." I sighed.

"Wait, you're being serious right now?" Brody questioned.

"Yes. Blackwell Universal is killing people and creating monsters. I have to stop them."

"Why are they creating monsters in the first place?" Brody asked suspiciously.

"To hunt them."

"That's sickening!"

"I know."

"And this boyfriends of yours, he's in the morgue?"

"He's like me. I'm the Bride of Frankenstein making him-"

"Frankenstein's monster, I'm catching on."

"I have to bring Jeremy back, he can help me stop all of this."

"Hold up, this is crazy!" Brianna snapped.

"Look Brianna, I'm not saying you have to believe me, but if you stay in denial, this won't end well for you unless you listen to what I am telling you."

"I'm with you, Lauren." Brody obliged.

"I just want to leave and get out-" Brianna began.

"Hello? Is someone there?" A voice asked.

"What the- Stay here, you two. I mean it." I said and walked to the door that the voice came from.

"What did we just get ourselves into?" Brianna sighed.

"I don't know, I just wanted to save those animals..."

I opened the door and entered a room full of padded walls and floors.

'Oh shit, padded walls and floors? I really hope whoever is in here isn't a psycho...'

"Hello? Is anyone in here?" I asked looking frantically around the room.

"A-are you here to kill me?" The woman stuttered and showed herself "Please, just get it over with. Kill me."

"I recognize you. I saw you earlier with Trent Johnson."

"He was suppose to take us to his office!" The girl cried "We just tried to have a little fun..."

"It's all good now, I'm here to help, but you need to try and pull it together. Can you do that?"


"What's your name?"


"Who were the others you were here with?"

"My best friend, Natalie, and my sister, Terra." Ella sniffed.

"Where are they?"

"I... don't know. When we got here, Natalie just screamed and screamed, until she just stopped. By then, it was just me. Something made her stop, someone visited her. Where do you think she might be? Do you think she is okay?"

"I'm.. not sure, but we need to get you out of here. We need to leave now."

"No! We have to help Natalie and Terra!"

"We can't, Ella." I sighed.

"No, we have to! They mean the world to me!"

"I'm sorry Ella."

"Please, none of us did anything wrong!" Ella sobbed.

"Look, you have to be strong for me."

"But what about Natalie and Terra?"

"Okay, listen, Natalie and Terra are gone and if you plan on living through this, you need to follow me. Now."

"Fine, I'll try and keep myself under better control."

"Good, now let's leave. Just follow behind me and don't make any noise."

"Alright." Ella nodded and we left the room.

Meanwhile, back with Octorian...

He entered the room outside of where I had found Ella and stood in confusion.

'They were just here... Yes, their scents are fresh. That's good...'

"I know you can hear me, and I hope you remember, I'm part werewolf! I can easily track you. Come out now with some dignity!" Octorian yelled. After a few seconds, he resumed "Fine, hide. Just keep running. I will find you, and when that happens, I will have a feast!"

Meanwhile, back with Lauren...

We entered a familiar room and I smiled "Guys, I think we are getting close. I remember this room in the surveillance room."

"The right track to what? You haven't been very explanatory, but it better be a way out of here." Brianna frowned.

"Fine, we are going to the morgue. I'm not going to lie to you."

"Are you kidding me, Lauren?"

"We are going where?" Ella asked setting a hand on her head.

"Look, this is a big deal! Bigger than you, and bigger than me. I mean Ella, they kidnapped you, Terra, and Natalie. Don't you want to stop them from taking anyone else?" I asked looking at Ella.

"Yes... But could you let me out of here first?"

"No, once we leave, we cannot come back inside. This is our only chance, the one chance to bring back the one person who can us end this all!"

"I'm with you, Lauren." Brody stepped forward.

"What the hell, Brody?" Brianna yelled.

"Brianna, we are talking about human lives here! Sure, we came here for the animals, but we could do so much more. This is so much bigger. We can really make a difference."

"Don't you see? This has to be dealt with." I crossed my arms.

"Fine. I guess humans matter too, but after this, I'm back to helping animals." Brianna sighed.

"Fair enough. Now let's go, I think we're close." I said and entered the next room "Yes! This is it, the morgue!"

"Great, the morgue." Brianna muttered.

"C'mon, Brianna. Give her a break."

"Fine, but this break better be short. I'm getting tired of this place."

"Now what?" Brianna asked carefully.

"We find Jeremy's body. He's blonde, reasonably tall, and has scars all over his back and chest."

"Got it." Brody smiled.

"Thanks guys, let's do this."

"Yeah, uh, anytime?" Brody said frantically.

"I'm getting new friends after this, I really need some." Brianna sighed and began looking at bodies.

"Hey, Lauren, what do we do once we find him?" Brody asked concerned.

"I have all the instructions, formulas, and algorithms to bring him back, but the equipment will be pretty hard to locate." I said handing him the instructions.

He scanned over them, handed it back, came close to me, and said "We will go whatever it takes."

"Thank you, Brody."

"Hey, can I help with anything?" Ella asked nervously.

"Bar the door. The Octorian monster is still out there and he is dangerous. We need all the time to search as possible. We have to be prepared incase he shows back up."

"Got it- oh my god..." Ella froze.

"Wha- oh no." I said shocked.

Brianna stood over a few bodies she had just uncovered and their eyes filled with tears. It was Natalie and Lacey.

"Oh my god..." Ella muttered.

"Is that-" Brody's mouth dropped.

"Lacey!" Brianna cried.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry..." I sighed.

"She was my best friend..." Ella winced.

"I'm so-" I began.

"It's okay, Lauren. I had a feeling this was what happened. Same with Terra. I'll go bar the door." Ella said sadly.

"Once we leave this place, Blackwell Universal is dead to me." Brianna said angrily and resumed her search for Jeremy's body.

Meanwhile, back with the Octorian...

"Oh where have you gone, my delicious snacks? They are... somewhere cold, somewhere silent, someplace... dead? The morgue... I'm coming close, and I'm getting hungry!" The Octorian laughed.

Meanwhile, back with Lauren...

"Okay, Lauren, I'm tired of looking at dead people's bodies. Are you sure he is in here at all?" Brianna asked aggressively.

"Truly, I don't know... All of this Blackwell Universal stuff is so confusing and encrypted. It's just all over the place. I'm not even sure-"

"Lauren!" Brody yelled "I think I found Jeremy, or at least his body. The tag name says Jeremy. He's blonde, covered in those scars, and he's kind of a meaty guy."

"That's Jeremy!" I squealed.

"Great, we found your body, Lacey, and Ella's bestie. Now what? After all, Ella has us barred in here."

"I can help with that problem." Ella smirked.

"And what do you think we should do?" Brianna questioned.

"While I looked for things to use to bar the door well, I saw one of those mini elevator things."

"A dumbwaiter?" I asked.

"Yep! That's what it's called!" Ella smiled.

"I wonder where it might lead to..." I wondered.

"The only way we can tell is to-" Ella began.


"He found us!" Ella screamed.

"Not now, I'm so close!" I yelled.


"Lauren, I think we can fit two in the dumbwaiter at a time." Brody said standing over Jeremy's body.

"Load Jeremy on first, we're all leaving this place together." I said helping Brody put Jeremy in the dumbwaiter.

"I know you're in there, you can't go anywhere! Get out here and die with some hair on your chest!" The Octorian yelled. "Fine, lets do this the hard way."


"Quick, we need to hurry!" I yelled and Brianna ran up to me.

"Lauren, Brody brought Jeremy's body up successfully. Now what?"

"I think it leads up to the lab. I'm not surprised, after all, that's the one place I don't want to be at the most, but there is equipment up there. Jeremy saw the instructions earlier, he shook be attaching Jeremy to the equipment as we speak-"

"Look, Lauren, no one cares! I came to ask who is going up next?" Brianna grunted.

"You should go with Ella. I'll go last." I sighed.

"Okay, we're loading up." Brianna said crawling in the dumbwaiter.

"You're next, Ella."

"I don't think I can." She frowned.

"Uh, why not?" I asked in confusion.

"I wasn't meant to do this. The monsters, the morgues, the deaths, the revivals, it's too much for me!"

"We can get you out of here, I know it."

"I don't think any of us are making it out."

"There is a likely chance we will make it out."

"Really? Like, what percentage, and tell the truth."


"We are screwed!" Ella cried.

"Look, you can't give up! You have to stay strong."

"It's funny, you sound like one of those self-esteem building posters they put up in schools. A cat hanging from a tree with the caption "Hang in there" on the bottom"

"I know what you're probably thinking, but-"

"I'm sorry, Lauren." Ella sighed.

"Don't take it personal, this is basically my Casual Wednesday."

"Remind me to delete you from my phone after this." Ella laughed.

"Anytime." I smiled.


"I'm going, I'm going." Ella muttered.

"That's sounds smart." I nodded and she headed for the dumbwaiter.

"Thank you, Lauren. You're the best!"


'That door's about to go down. I need to get out of here now.'

"Um, Ella, Brianna, save me some room!" I said squeezing into the small space and was reeled upward.


"Where are they? How did they- the dumbwaiter. Oh well, no big deal. I'll be with them soon enough." The Octorian chuckled.

The three of us crawled out from the dumbwaiter and I hit the floor of the lab.

"Lauren!" Brody panicked and helped me up.

"This place still gives me the creeps... I feel like something is about to jump out at me." I sighed.

"Lauren..." Brody said nervously.

"And don't get me started on that nasty dumbwaiter, it was so-"

"Lauren!" Brody yelled.

"What, Brody?"

"I did what you told me to do."

"Okay?" I asked questionably.

"I attached him to the machines and turned them on."


"Then, something... strange happened." Brody sighed.

"Brody, we didn't go through all of this hell just to mess-" I stopped in shock of what I saw before me.

"Hello, Lauren." Jeremy said standing in front of me with only a pair of jeans hanging to his body loosely.

"Jeremy... I-" I began and hit the floor unconscious.

A/N: Hey guys! So what's next? Now that Lacey and Faye are gone, who will disappear next? Now that Ella has joined the group, will she bring good or bad? What will happen now that Jeremy is back? Find out soon! Thanks!

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