Doctor Who Adventure: The Doc...

By TimeLordKisser920

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Time for another adventure through time and space. And again you must help the Doctor even if he doesn't know... More

DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story
DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story-Chapter 1
DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story-Chapter 2
DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story- Chapter 3
DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story- Chapter 5 & 6
Doctor Who Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story- Ending/Wrap Up

DW Adventure 2: The Doctor's Story- Chapter 4

455 15 1
By TimeLordKisser920

Chapter 4: A Ghost Story With Monsters

Chapter 4 Part 1 : Bar Fights In Space

When you felt the white flash subside you opened your eyes and looked around. You were in a big building with glass floors, loud music, and the sound of pool. There were aliens and all different creatures walking around, sitting, and some of them were dancing. This must be like an outer space bar or dance club. Nobody seemed to notice that you had just appeared. “Can I get you something?” Asked a man behind a blue bar. You guessed he was a bartender.

On the bar and behind the counter were a bunch of different strange drinks and foods. “I’ll pass but maybe later.” He nodded and moved on.

“You better believe I hallabaluclactered her!” Someone yelled across the room. You should have just ignored it but the voice sounded familiar. You slowly turned your head.

 “Oh my god” you said.

It was a man with brown hair, blue eyes, amazing jaw, and a long blue coat that looked like it was from World War 2.

Captain Jack Harkness?!?!?! You thought you would start laughing your head off. Of course he would be in an outer space bar!

But before you could go over and say hi a man went over to him and yelled, “Did you really hallabaluclact my wife?” I guess he heard him boasting. You had a dark feeling this was not going to end well.

 “As an old friends would always say, “oh yes!”

Wrong answer you thought. “That’s it.” He lifted Jack up and slid him across the bar counter. That has got to hurt, you thought. But that couldn’t have been worse then when the man punched him in the face and probably broke his nose.

The fighting went on and people seemed to notice more and more. The weird thing is Jack didn’t fight back.

You had to do something so you picked up and empty bottle and ran to the guy beating up Jack. “Hay!” He turned around. “Hallabaluclact this!” Then you whacked him over the head with the bottle. The man fell to the ground unconscious.

 You ran to Jack and helped him up, “We better get out of here before he wakes up.” you said.

“Good idea.” he moaned. The bartender pointed to a back door and you quickly dragged Jack out the back.

Chapter 4 Part 2: Hello Captain Jack

You helped jack walk down the alleyway half holding him up, “You don’t have to do this you know.” He said grunting in pain.

“I’m a nice person.” You were doing your best to hold him up but he was really heavy.

“Stop, stop.” He said falling to his knees. “Need a rest.” He slumped against a wall and closed his eyes.

“Come on I bet you’ve taken worse.” You kneeled down next to him as he smiled at the comment. But suddenly you were concerned. “What’s wrong Jack?”

You knew Jack well enough to know he wouldn’t just start a fight so easily and not defend himself.  His eyes opened and he looked at you, “How do you know my name?” he looked you over and chuckled, “I didn’t notice it was you at first. Look at you all grown up”

“Well, you saved my life and I saved yours, now we’re even.” you said with a smile.

“One of my lives… Anyways what are you doing in a crappy bar on Planet Zicron?”

“I could ask you the same thing. The last time I saw you, you were at Torchwood with your team.”

He seemed to get sad, “Things happened.”

It looked like he wasn’t ready to talk about it so instead you told him why you were here and the pages you were looking for.

“Well count me in.” He said standing up and stretching.

“You want to help?” You asked.

“Yeah. Why not? I’ve got nothing better to do.”

You thought about it for a second and then said, “Good because I have no idea where to start.”

“Me either? Where would we find ancient scripts of paper?”

“Well I don’t know about this planet but back on Earth we went to a library.”

He smiled, “Well then It’s good I know where one is .”

Chapter 4 Part 3: To The Library

The library was amazing! Just the entrance shocked you but even more the whole city was wonderful. You and Jack rode in a futuristic taxi and eventually came to the library. “Wow.” you said. It was a big glass building with sidewalks that looped around it. Inside were shelves of computer books. It was the biggest kindle library you had ever seen.

“You think this is amazing you should see the shopping malls.” Jack said, you laughed.

“I don’t think we have time for shoe shopping but if I ever come back and I’m not on a quest that effects the survival of the universe, I’ll defiantly check it out.”

You and Jack looked around. “Are best bet is to find a librarian and ask them.” He then walked over to a desk and said, “Excuse me?” And an Ood appeared. The Ood was holding a blue tab with a bunch of numbers on the screen.

“Can I help you?”

“It’s and Ood.” You said.

“You know about Ood?” Jack asked.

“Yeah.” you thought about, the Doctor helped the Ood and they swore never to forget it. “Do they have their own planet yet?” You asked.

“Yeah, they were issued non slaves not too long ago.”

“You walked toward the Ood. “I need your help. It’s about the Doctor.” Suddenly the Ood’s eyes turned red.

To help the Doctor and find his lost pages you must go to the Monster Cathedral.”

“The what?” you asked.

“The Monster Cathedral it’s a place or more like a headquarters for the Monsters and their gang.” Said Jack.

 “You will find your answers there, good luck Doctor’s light.” Said the Ood and then his eyes turned back to white. “Can I help you?” he asked he obviously didn’t remember what just happened.

“Uh no.” you said. You and Jack walked toward the exit.

“Does that happened often with you?” Jack asked.

“You have no idea…” You sighed. “Anyway, to the Monster Cathedral?” You asked.

“To the Cathedral.” Jack confirmed.

Chapter 4 Part 4: Monsters In A Cathedral

The Cathedral was probably the creepiest place you’ve been throughout this adventure. It was so white and quite. No sound at all. Being in a huge building and no sound is just…wrong. “Are you sure this is the place?” Jack asked taking out his gun and holding it up for protection. “Why would the Lady Monster and her group even have it?”

“Did you say Lady Monster?” You asked just as you both walked into a room.

“That’s right.” Said a voice from inside the dark room. That’s when the light flickered on and you saw the weirdest thing ever. There was a group of people siting around one golden thrown. On that thrown was a women with white hair and a golden dress.

“Who are you?” You and Jack asked.

“I am Lady Monster.” Lady Monster stood up and walked toward you in a her elegant but creepy fashion. “What brings you to my Monster Cathedral?” She asked.

“Uh well.” You said and then started to explain about the Doctor and why you were here.

“If the Ood says the answers are here then they most likely are.” She said. “But I do not know of these pages and I know everything in this Cathedral except… the basement.” After she said the word all her fellow monsters gasped.

“Uh, ok.” You said, “Well can we look there.”

There was another gasp, and then Lady Monster said, “Nobody goes there unless they want to be killed brutally.”

“Well I guess we want to be killed brutally.” Jack said. “Now lead the way.”

Chapter 4 Part 5: The Creepy Basement

The cathedral’s basement was even creepier then the top. There was dim lighting and caskets everywhere, and every once in a while you would here a moaning or clanging.

“Are you sure you know where you’re going?” Jack asked.

Lady Monster seemed offended, “Of course I know. I’ve lived through theses corridors since I was a little lady.”

“How are we going to find the pages anyways?” You asked.

“I have a feeling there being kept in the center of the basement where most important things are stored.” She answered.

You heard a scuttling sound and the lights flickered. “Power surge?” you asked.

“There’s no power down here just candles and torches.” She said.

You heard scratching behind you.

You turn around and looked down into the clear lid of a coffin. You flinched then covered your mouth to stop yourself from screaming as the corpse in the coffin eye’s opened wide. The milky white and gray eyes looked directly at you and then its mouth opened and it moaned a pitiful scream that if you weren’t so scared you would have felt sorry for it. Then all around coffins and caskets started to open and the undead awoke.

Jack looked around nervously and then said, “As the Doctor would say…Run!” you took off after him and Lady Monster followed behind you.

Chapter 4 Part 6: Escape

You all ran as fast as possible through the basement tunnels. Lady Monster clopped behind, her high heels making her sound like a horse. You all stopped and ducked behind a statue. “You know if you took those off then maybe they won’t be able to follow us.”

“Never I rather die glamorous then live with my outfit unfinished.” She retorted.

Just after she said that the hall you were in started to fill with undead and creepy monsters. “Now what?” Jack asked.

“Uh…” you said trying to think, “There's always an escape no matter where and when you can always escape. You thought of the Doctor and how he would always say that.

“Lady Monster?! Where's the way into that main part of the basement?”

“Well there's a latch behind a statue…” All three of you looked up at where you were standing…right behind the only statue in the basement.

“Is it that statue?” you asked.

She put her hand behind the stone women and there was a creaking as the wall behind you and the ground under you turned completely around into a dark room.

Chapter 4 Part 7: Ghost

Eventually you found and lit a torch. “Wow.” you said looking around. “What is this place?” you were looking at one big stone room. There were different symbols all the walls that marked where each coffin was kept.

“It’s where some of the most famous leader’s bodies and souls are kept. My mother and father are here.” She said. “And maybe one day I’ll be here.”

“Maybe?” Jack asked.

“Not too long ago the medallion was lost. The medallion controls and contains the souls. That’s why the souls were running free back there because they've been awakened from their sleep.”

You all kept walking until you came to a big room with torches all around. Floating up above were souls of the dead just roaming around. “It’s sad.” you said. But right after you said that you noticed two stands at the end of the room. On one stand held a medal medallion and on the other were ancient pieces of paper that looked like the other Doctor pages you had. “Look!” you said pointing. “The Doctor’s pages and the medallion!”

Without thinking you started to run over when the floor under you began to crumble. You jumped back. “Be careful!” Jack yelled. You carefully stepped and when you were close to the stands the ground under you crumbled. You’ll only have time to grab one but which one?

You grabbed the medallion and jumped on to a steady ledge rolling onto your back. You shut your eyes to block the dust and you heard the crumble of the floor and when you finally opened your eyes you were staring into the face of Captain Jack and Lady Monster. Jack bent down a concerned look on his face. “Are you ok?” he asked.

You held up the medallion toward Lady Monster, “Here”

She took it “You got it, but what about the pages.”

You thought about it for a second, “I’m supposed to make sure they don’t fall in the wrong hands and they won’t down there.” You gestured to where the floor had been. Now it was just a black pit and you knew sitting at the very bottom where the pages.

“But still aren't the Teller and Writer going to be upset?” Jack asked.

“Well then next time they can go find the pages their self.”

As you said that Lady Monster held up the medallion and said some ancient words. You and Jack watched as the air turned into a small tornado in the air and the souls were sucked into the medallion. But two souls slipped away and went down the dark hole and came back up with the Doctor's pages. They came over to you. “Mom? Dad?” Lady Monster asked. They smiled at her and handed you the pages with their ghostly hands.

“Thank you.” you said still in aw that you were talking to a ghost.

“No, thank you.” Said the Women, “Now we can finally rest in peace.” And then they shot into the medallion. Ghost, elves, and Captain Jack. What’s next?

Chapter 4 Part 8: Goodbye Monsters, Goodbye Jack

You sat next to Jack on one of Lady Monster’s chairs. When you had come back to the surface of the cathedral you were known as heroes and fed delicious food that wasn’t at all what you had expected the monsters ate.

“That was good.” you laughed as Jack laid back on his comfy chair. He stared at the wall and all of a sudden he had a sad look on his face.

“Jack I don’t know what happened and maybe you can’t even tell me but I know you and if something happened to your team it was not your fault and if it was then I know you only did what was best.”

He gave you a smile and said, “You know I don’t think that you were picked on random to save the Doctor a year ago. I think it was destiny that you got mixed up with him, me, and everybody else. I guess what I’m trying to say is the universe needs you.”

You gave him a smile, “You think I don’t know that?”

You both laughed as Lady Monster came over. “We thank you for everything you’ve done and as a reward we make you an honorable Monster.” She brought out something that looked a lot like a smooth metal hockey puck. She grabbed your hand and placed it on your arm, instantly words imprinted onto your skin. A small tattoo of words that you didn’t understand were now on your skin.

“That’s nice but I can’t stay I’ve got to go. The quest, remember.” You looked at the Monsters they were all sad and some were crying, “But before I can read some things about the Doctor.” You said while taking out the white pages. They all gathered round as you read.

We must never forget the thing that makes the Doctor’s travels possible. The TARDIS; Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. The Doctors most faithful companion. There has been some speculation that the TARDIS is actually alive even if it can’t communicate with the Doctor. The TARDIS has claimed to have stolen the Doctor instead of it having been the other way. Whatever the case the TARDIS and the Doctor always seem to fit each other no matter what the situation…and that is a gift that he would never give up.

You paused after reading and though about how you would say goodbye again. You looked at Jack. He stood up. “I guess this is goodbye then.” You nodded. He gave you a solute.

“Bye Jack.” you said giving him a solute back. “Bye Monsters.” you said turning toward them. “Have a monstrous life.” you forced yourself to push the button and watched as it all disappeared.”

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