Into the World of Gintama! [H...

By JelliesAndMallows

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Yukino was just watching her favorite anime show-- Gintama --when suddenly they pulled her into the screen an... More

Just skip this lol
CHAPTER 1: Little brothers are really annoying!
CHAPTER 2: The Trio
CHAPTER 3: Where the heck am I?!
CHAPTER 4: Friends Reunion
CHAPTER 5: The Reason
CHAPTER 7: Flashbacks
CHAPTER 8: Harusame?!
CHAPTER 9: Into The Enemies' Lair
CHAPTER 10: How the hell are we gonna get them back?!
CHAPTER 11: Trapped!
CHAPTER 12: The Plan [Phase 1]

CHAPTER 6: Rivals or Enemies?

555 17 7
By JelliesAndMallows

Rivals or Enemies?


"Hasashi? I don't even know the guy, why should I even greet him?" Yuki said in a murderous tone.

Everyone in the room sweatdropped except for Sougo, (he's a sadist of course) Hasashi, (he doesn't care) and Logan (he knows her attitude).

"Lying, eh? You're not even good at—"
"You picking a fight with me PUNK?!" Yuki suddenly grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to her face. Oh shit, if those two fight, the Shinsengumi might be totally destroyed! Scarlet exaggerately thought.

Everyone who knows them thinks they're monsters because they're so violent and doesn't care if something was destroyed, plus they're sadists.

"Now, now let us all be friends here and not fight—" the kind gorilla started but was interrupted by the two monsters "shut up you stupid Gorilla or I'll pulverize your ass!!" The two said in unison.

Almost everyone thought of a plan preventing them to fight. Every second counts, every millisecond the fate of Edo lies in the hands of every person in the room. (Yeah I exaggerated a bit •_•)

Fortunately, Hijikata thought of a plan that MIGHT work. "Sougo go to Yukino."

"Are you ordering me around?" Sougo complained. "Sadist! If you don't go now I'll beat ya into a pulp!" Kagura shouted at him.

"Is that some kind of threat?" Sougo asked. "Just do it, DAMN IT!" They all shouted.

"Fine, fine."

Sougo started to walk towards Yuki and Hasashi. Sheesh, what good will it do? I'm just gonna get close to her anyway. He thought. As he walked, he could see imaginary lightnings burst out of their eyes.

"Oi..." he started.

"What?" she asked clearly annoyed 'cause she got interrupted in beating up Hasashi.

Sougo just went closer and closer until their face is only inches away from Yuki's face.

Her face turned red, she hyperventilated, then fainted.

Hasashi went down with her since she still haven't released her iron grip on his collar when she fainted.

Everyone in the room witnessed the most romantic (disgusting) thing ever.

Hasashi was at top of Yuki, and Yuki who was supposed to be unconscious was wide awake, stunned and was blushing really hard, you know why? 'Cause he accidentaly KISSED her on the LIPS.

"Yuki-chan..." Juvia said.

"...Oh fudge..." Scarlet and Kyrish sweat dropped.

"GAAAHH!!" Yuki screamed, then punched Hasashi on the face REALLY HARD.

"ITAI!" Hasashi cried.

"What the hell?!" Yuki yelled, she was almost at the verge of crying. My first kiss stolen by a bastard! she thought bitterly.

She clenched her fist and punched him on the face again which made his nose bleed and wince in pain.


Yuki destroyed the wall in the meeting room to get out of there. She can't take it anymore his annoyingness, everything about him! She is really going to lose it.

Everyone who knows her, knows that she doesn't have a long patience and easily gets irritated.


Almost everyone in the meeting room was worried especially Juvia and Kyrish. They have never seen their best friend this mad before.

Everyone turned their heads to Hasashi who was trying to stop a nosebleed.

"What?" he asked casually.

"It's all your fault Yuki-chan destroyed and left the meeting room! if only you hadn't—"

"That's enough Juvia." Scarlet interrupted her ranting. "It's a good thing we haven't seen her worse."

"Worse? You mean it's not her WORST today?" Kyrish asked completely confused.



*crii I AM SO SORRY!! I was not able to update for about a month or 2 was it? GAAHH!! I am such an irresponsible author! I blame school, homework, projects and facebook -___- T_T I am just so sorry! Anyway, REVIEW, LIKE or COMMENT kung may time. *goes to the corner and grows mushrooms*

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