Don't you wish...?

By LalonnieWhite

305 7 0

In this wolf socioty the size of you wolf doesn't depend on your rank. It is based off how much trainningyou... More

Don't you wish...?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4-Lukes father
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8-The Wolf Goddess Rises
Chapter 9
chapter 10-Trainning Sucks
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13-The test-Part 1


24 2 0
By LalonnieWhite

Queen's POV

Looking down at my daughter sitting in the den reading from her favorite collection of werewolf myths and legands. It was her tenth birthday today and this was the only thing she wanted for her birthday. She didn't want an expensive birthday ball we had every year. I was shocked but we agreed. But even at ten years old she's growing at an alarming pace. She had beautiful big brown eyes and long raven black hair.


"Yes Isadora?" 

She looked into my husbands beautiful brown eyes and said "When I shift...what will my wolf look like?" 

He looked at me for help and I smiled.

"Oh honey. When you shift you're wolf will be special just like you are. We'll just have to wait and see now won't we?" 

She nodded and said "That's six years away mother." 

"I know you can't wait for your first shift ball. It's going to be alright." 

She stood up and went over to the window. She opened it and took a deep breath. It was December first and the air was crisp.

"Isa come away from the window and shut it before you catch your death of cold." 



"The moon is beautiful and full. But it's blue and purple. What does that mean?" 

I saw her hair start turning silver and I got worried. I knew her eyes would change their color as well. I just wondered what they would look like. I jumped up, shut the window and covered the blinds.

"Nothing. Just when the moon is like that...stay away from it okay?" 

She looked up at me with her big blue green eyes, smiled and said "Yes momma." 

She picked up her book, bowed to us and said "Good night mother. Good night father." 

"Good night honey." 

We watched our daughter leave the room and I said nothing.

"We'll have to tell her eventually." 

"I know we will. But...she's so young." 

"She'll know as soon as she shifts babe." 

"I know she will. But...I'm still going to forget that message the moon goddess sent us when she was born." 

"You know it's just going to happen." 

I sighed and said "I know." 

I sat down and read my book.

~~~~~~An hour later I heard a crash and a scream.


We ran to her chambers and she was no where to be found. All we found is a single silver hair and a broken window. I looked at my husband and he growled.

"Search the grounds and find her! Now! I want who ever took her in the dungons!"

I sat on her bed and looked out the window.

'Dear Moon Goddess, please let her be safe where ever she may end up.'

I felt a tear run down my face and cried. I knew they wouldn't catch the person that kid napped her. I could only hope she was okay.

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