My Fake Boyfriend

By authorX99

133K 4.3K 654

"Fine. Then Kiss" Julia snaps I stared her with wide eyes. Kiss? "We don't have to-" "Fine." Ben responded. M... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 30

1.6K 47 9
By authorX99


Sorry for the mistakes

Sophie POV

"We, therefore, commit her body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in the sure and certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life."

They lowered the casket to the ground, a small sniffle could be heard from somewhere in the cemetery.

I couldn't even cry, I didn't cry once. The tears just wouldn't come. All I felt was...


I didn't feel angry, confused, hopeless, lonely,

just nothing...

I felt a small nudge to my right, and turned to see Ben looking at me, "They want you to drop her neckless in." He told me, sorrow in his eyes. I nodded, as I turned to the priest, walking towards my mother's coffin.

I looked at the black box and wondered how my mother could even me in there. I felt as if I would just go home and find her in the kitchen, cooking her famous lasagna or sitting on the couch with a movie with popcorn everywhere.

I looked at Ben and he gave me a reassuring nod before I took a deep breath and kissed the neckless before throwing it into the hole, landing right on the top of the casket.

"Would you like to say a few words?" The priest asked me, and I shook my head. I already gave my speech before, I didn't felt like saying more mournful things. The priest gave me a small smile and I walked back to Ben.

"Let us go in peace to live out the word of God." The priest ended.

There wasn't a peep as people started to leave the cemetery. Some people stayed and kissed the gravestone, before walking off. I took a big look at the stone, running my fingers over the words,

In loving memory of Suzan Evans,
August 28, 1967 - April 6, 2015
A loving mother and caring friend

I took a big breath before walking back towards Ben and his mother. I would be staying with them for now until I found a place to stay since I wasn't 18 yet I couldn't live on my own.

As soon as a reached them Tess engulfed me in a huge, warm, motherly hug. I great fully hugged back.

"You okay honey?" She asked as she pulled away from the hug but kept her hands on my shoulder. I nodded my head and smiled at her. It wasn't as forced as they were to everyone else because I truly loved Tess, she reminded me so much of my mother.

"I'm okay, I guess. Been better." I tried to lighten the mood with a small chuckle. She gave me a sad smile.

"Your so strong hon, I hope you realize that." I just smiled as she turned back to her son, "I should be getting home to Teddy, who knows what trouble he and your older brother are getting into." She tried to lighten the mood and I found myself smiling a bit. Teddy was absolutely adorable. So was Ben's older brother, Max. The first time I ever met him was last week, and from the second I stepped into their house he had already engulfed me into the biggest bear hug I had ever received. He kept going on and on about how Ben had told him so much about me and how he was so happy that 'this little piece of shit could find someone like you.' His words, not mine. I also met Maxes fiance a few days ago. Her name was Claire and she was the prettiest person alive. She came over all the time and was super nice.

"I'll see you guys later," Tess said as she gave me arm a squeeze before walking towards the parking lot. By now practically everyone was at the post-funeral reception. I sighed as I looked at Ben, who tried to search my face for any emotion. I smiled and pecked his nose.

"I'm fine, I promise," I reassured him as I put my hand on his arm. He hesitated for a bit before nodding. He has been so suportive during this time. He kept telling me 'it's okay to cry' and I knew it was, I just couldn't. None of this seemed real. And I was not looking forward to the day when reality hit me...


We got into Ben's car to go to the receptions which was a few minuets away from the cemetery. We drove in comfortable silence with the radio softly playing in the background. I could see Ben ever so often glance at me with a worried expression from the corner of my eye. He didn't have anything to worry about... Yet...

We reached the place where the reception was being held which I wasn't really looking forward to that much. I mean, one or so hours of people coming up to you and saying that there were so sorry for my lose and that I was so strong and blah blah blah wasn't really my idea of a good time.

Well a funeral isn't really my idea of a good time either...


Ben got out of the car and before I could even unbuckle my seat belt he had already opened my door like the gentleman he is. I gave him a smile and great fully took his outstretched hand in mine, intertwining our fingers together. He helped me out the car and closed the door behind me.

I started to take a step but was suddenly pulled into a warm, hard chest of the person my hand was connected to. Ben wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer and I snuggled into his chest, breathing in his heavenly smell. He kissed the top of my head and buried his face into my hair. I knew he like my strawberry smelling shampoo, which is why i could feel him inhale the sent also.

Wow, now that I think of it we sound pretty creepy...

We stayed there for a few minutes, just enjoying being in each other's hold before I reluctantly pulled away.

"We should go in now." I told him and an unknown emotion flashed in his eyes as he gave me a smile.

"Okay." He took my hand again, and I took a death breath before making my way towards the reception.

When we finally reached the door, Ben opened it for us and I gave him a small smile before walking in, pulling him in behind me.

We walked towards the people and I noticed they were all crowded around something...


I looked at Ben who raised his eyes at me. I could only see the back of this person. He had a muscly back, and looked pretty young. His hair was blonde which was jelled up.

Now the curiosity was killing me. I slowly walked towards the crowed. My aunt was hugging the man, crying a bit. When she pulled away from him her eyes locked with mine. She smiled though her tears,
"Sophie, look who's here!" She said as she wiped her eyes.

I frowned in confusion as the man started to turn towards me. When he faced me, it took me a second to realize who he was. My face fell and my eyes widen.

I could barely feel Bens hand squeeze mine, "Soph, what's wrong?"

The man smiled at me, the smile that I haven't seen in a year,

"Hey little sis."



Bet you all forgot about her brother😉

Well there's this chapter, sorry about the late post.

Hope you all have an amazing day and remember to SMILEEE!



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