Cardfight vanguard! -aichi's...

By vj-cfv

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This story takes place at the end of legion mate !!. After Aichi return's back ,but something is not right wi... More

So close yet so far ....


900 21 8
By vj-cfv


Hey guys here's chapter 3 ...
As we already know that we don't own cardfight! vanguard and sorry for the late update...

This part of the story takes place parallel to that of aichi's dream let's see what actually happens in the outside world .. $

After kai drops aichi back to his house he walks back home thinking about all the things happened at the sanctuary ...their fight ...quatre knight's joker seed ...and then suddenly stops walking and frowns thinking about how he was responsible for the link joker incident ...just for the sake of reaching out to aichi !!!which in turn had a complete different effect . He then starts walking slowly remembering about how aichi saved him from that curse but inturn inflicted it on himself ,how he felt wen aichi suddenly disappeared ....and how he brought him back and that was all over and link joker was no longer a threat (little did he know.. )...a small smile made place on kai's face as he remembered his confession and a small blush crept in his face as he remembered aichi returning his feelings ...and before he realised he had already reached his apartment . Kai flung himself on to his bed "good nyt aichi .....I'll always protect u......."kai mumbled in his pillow as he tried to sleep.but he woke up with a fright and worried face and started panicking and panting at the middle of night"aichiiiii.... ...huh..huh" as he looked around " a nightmare ha... but why...??? aichi's returned back .....back to where he belongs ...with his family and friends ...right!!""then this dream... y do i feel that it just wasnt a dream i have to go check on him now..."

kai wore his jacket and turned around to check the time ."It's just 2 am in the morning I can't go now.....argh ....I'll just hav to wait till Morning before I can go check him on.... "kai mumbled in irritation and tried sleeping to overcome his tension but then he could even sleep as that if that was new ...he couldn't even sleep at times wen he didn't see aichi at least once a he thought of distracting himself by cooking knowing how much he liked cooking .......but that didn't help him though coz 2 dishes were burnt just like that he decided to go to sendou residence and wait there to confirm if aichi was okay and was glad that cooking helped him kill some time but it was still 4 in the morning as he left.

so here he was ,in front of sendou residence "now what ,I'm a little too early....I'll just wait here"kai said as he sat down and leaned so that his back rested on the door frame and before he knew, he fell asleep (note:becoz kai reached home around 12 30 at mid night after dropping aichi.... that literally means he slept only for 1.5 hrs so basically he didn't get any sleep)and his eyes started opening up as his body started falling backwards as the door slif open and his eyes widened as he gasped .but before he made contact with the ground a pair of hands caught him. He was shocked and turned around and, relaxed himself after seeing that the person who caught him was none other than shizuka sendou....aichi's mother . Shizuka smiled at him as she helped him stand "oh my ...kai-kun, what are u doing here this early in the morning...??"she asked him as she signalled him to come in ."hmm...shizuka-san...It's becoz..I wanted to check on aichi..."kai said as he looked at her with great intensity for her reply."aichi......but.." shizuka said as she looked down sadly "what's wrong...."??Kai - questioned with a worried face .... shizuka looked at his worried face and smiled at him "nothing serious kai ..It's just that aichi's running a very high fever that won't go down..."shizuka said as her smile disappeared as kai sighed as he felt happy that aichi was there "can I go and check him out ..."kai asked " sure, y not ..just make sure that u don't catch a fever. ..."shizuka said ."and try waking that sleepy head ,if u can kai-kun.."shizuka said as she giggled as she made her way towards the kitchen . Kai then made his way into aichi's room as his heart started pounding faster at the sight of his aichi .. ....his love sleeping peacefully after all that he's been through now he knew that aichi was back and was safe and that dream he had was not related ţo aichi ...he felt happy of that fact .he sat next to aichi as he stared at his clear white adorable angelic face (a/c to kai that is....)and touched his fore head as he felt the heat radiated by him .."he sure is running a high fever .....I think this is one of the side effects of the seed been removed from his body ..."kai thought and then started shaking him awake but that was not helping as aichi did not even react to it ,kai became worried but then relaxed thinking that this was probably becoz of the habit that aichi was sleeping in slumber the entire time in the sanctuary wen he had sealed himself ,so that was the reason y aichi might be sleeping for so long .....and that aichi would wake up by afternoon and then may be he can ask him about his weird dream that he had .....and then kai just rolled the blankets up on aichi and tucked him up and then changed the cloth on aichi's forehead he started at him for sometime and then noticed that ,emi was not there so he assume he was a little too early..and, he was eagerly waiting to hear aichi's voice ...the way he called him kai-kun ..."wake up soon aichi ...I'll cme back afterwards to meet u..."kai said as he made his way downstairs "kai-kun...ur leaving already ..."shizuka asked as she peeked from the kitchen ."hmph...but I'll be back to check on aichi once he wakes up shizuka-San .Thank u fr having me.."kai said as he made his way outside the house and started walking towards card capital ,and after walking for some time he reached the card shop and enters in to find ......that all his friends were present there including Leon,kenji &,ren.."what a surprise!! why are ..u guys here anyway ...."kai asked as he looked at them..."kaiii....
.that's a mean thing to say...."miwa whinned as he placed an hand on kai's shoulders, and kai figured what he had said and kai had changed from the time of aichi's disappearance "sorry...I didn't mean it that way ....."kai admitted his mistake "but still what a coincidence.., wat brought u all here?? ...."kai continued ."hmm ...about that, we don't know that our selffff.....we just felt like viiisiting and... we are here ..hipeee......"ren coed as Leon smacked him on his head "shut it ren....."Leon said with an irritated face ."but this redhead is right ...we don't know the reason why...but we all just got a feeling, and then decided to cme here and find out abt it ,and how's aichi doing ??...."leon admitted .
"Oh he'll be alright.... now we can just wait to find out about the reason....and for it to unleash itself "kai said as he thought as he closed his eyes and sat on one of his usual table"what now.....just wen we thought everything was back to normal..."ren nudged kai"kai ........don't sleep ... cardfight me...". "Not a bad idea till the time comes wen we know the reason for us assembling here.."leon said
And then they all started to cardfight each other ......

------'..........time flies ..........--------------------time around 5pm---------------
(Not that i dont want to write the cardfights but at this part of the story its of not that importance so ....I'll let that skip and don't worry ill include cardfights at the later chapters . . ....)

.....Dragonic Overload!!! The End attacks ur vanguard......kai declared trigger check. ..first check ..critical trigger ....all effects for the vanguard ....second check .....stand trigger ....activating stand trigger rear guard Nehalem stands once more with a +5000 power boost last damage fell on Ren's damage zone....
"Kaiii....u beat me....ur the strongest cardfighter I know....." ren said as he pouted and kai just stood up with his hands in his pocket "no, ur wrong...."kai spoke "heee......wat do u mean kai ..."ren asked as he narrowed his eyes at kai."it's aichi....he's the strongest... not me"kai said as he started walking as ren had a smile plastered on his face."you've changed kai..."ren said as smiled lightly at his comment "but... y do u act as in like a meanie towards me ..... ha kaiii "ren asked as kai turned around but before he could open his mouth a white light engulfed the card shop and at the same time kai felt something piercing and entering into his body as he fell onto his knees and screamed in pain and then suddenly that light as well as the pain disappeared in a flash of time as kai noticed that something similar had happened with the others also... as he found them fainted and lying on the floor before he knew ...even he lost his consciousness .....

After some time (almost 2 hours)kai felt like some one was shaking awake as he slowly opened his eyes to find .........
".emiiiii ......wat are u doing here" kai asked as he sat up and a stinging pain wen up in his chest as he winced ..
"Kai-San are u all right ...."emi asked as she directed him towards one of the tables and helped him to sit as kai glanced through ....everyone was awake and he guessed every one had gone through something similar "minna.....did u guys experience the same thing too ...."kai asked as he scanned them and everyone just nodded as response "I guess this was the reason..but...."kai started but was interrupted by kamui's yelling. .."emi-sannnn......what's wrong ....why are u crying....did someone hurt you......tell me..."kamui said as kai shifted his attention towards them . that was wen he noticed that she was crying ....maybe from a long time from now as her eyes were swollen due to crying.."what would be the reason behind it..?"kai though as he approached her and knelt down to her height and wiped off her tears "what's wrong......emi. .."kai asked ."It's ....It'"emi said as she started crying heavily kai's heart broke down at her words and sank down on the floor as the world around him seem to be paused for a second and he Rogaine his posture"what hap...."kai started but noticed Emi's condition and guided her to sit ..even though kai was acting calm ,he was freaking out from the inside ..he had to stay calm ..."what happened t-to a-aich-ii "kai asked his worry clearly evident in words ...""a-aichi ....his fever had raised ....and .." emi sobbed ."what about his fever ..."kai asked as his tension grew .."his fever came down but after that ...aichiiii"emi started crying again ...kai's patience was almost on the line as he clenched his fist which was turning white indicating how much he wanted to know how aichi was..hence noticing this, miwa pushed kai away from emi "what about aichi how is he ?? .."miwa asked as the others also looked at emi for an answer"aichi's pulse.... had dropped... down to a almost nil state ....he had stopped breathing...we were scared ..."emi said as the others eyes widened in shock "whatttt..."everyone present yelled except kai who froze on the spot ."noo..aichi " everyone thought and then kai suddenly stood up making the chair to fall backwards and the impact startling the others as he was about to break down into tears "h-Howw iss hee n-now...?"kai asked as at that moment his heart was completely broke by the news of his love, as his eyes were covered by his bangs to cover his tears that had started forming at end of his eyes"his p-pulse became n-normal but ..."emi said ."but....wha..t "kai asked his eyes still covered by his bangs with an irritated tone."but a-aichi's not waking up...we tried waking him up, but its of no use ......It's almost been a day .....and aichi's not even responding. ..even the doctors don't know why..."emi said as she broke down as miwa hugged her to calm her down during which they heard the door open and some body run out ..the all turned around to see that kai had run off ."Guys!! ,we need to follow him I don't know what he's up to ....."miwa said as they followed behind kai to the sendou residence along with emi. Meanwhile ..kai was running in an alley " u can't do this to me ......u can't leave me, after I just got u back....... please aichi.....don't leave me again ....."kai thought as he made his way towards the sendou residence.....

What has happened to aichi ....???will kai save him from link joker.....why isn't aichi waking up......what was that thing that the others experienced .......

The next chapter will reveal what had happens to aichi ...but not the reason sorry its a little early for that it will be answered maybe almost after 2 chapters and if aichi would even wake up or not......and what will kai do...and y aichi's pulse was off for some time..

I think I made kai act different from his actual behavior...though it ended up in this way even though kai's character is not like that.....

I know this chapter was boring ...but don't worry the answers for the things happening will be slowly revealed from the next chapter onwards ...and more of kaichi moments will be there...

Hello guys ......
Sorry for the late update coz there was some problem with the WiFi connection ...that didn't let me update ...but don't worry from now onwards the updates will be faster ......
Thank u for reading......

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