Emily Black and the Society o...

By iluvremuslupin

142K 5.9K 1.9K

Emily leads the new reformed Dumbledore's Army in revolt against her uncle's teaching but she has to convince... More

Emily Black and the Society of Dark Creatures(Book 5 in Emily Black series)
The Society of Outcasts
The Will of Albus Dumbledore
The Wedding
Love is a Battlefield
Dumbledore's Army
Severus Snape
Superwizard underpants and firewhiskey
Teddy Lupin
Dulce et Decorum Est
The Grim
The End
Author's Note


5.7K 257 54
By iluvremuslupin

(Emily's pov)

The room was dark and damp.It smelled like blood and sweat.I could barely see a metre in front of me but I felt Cece's presence beside me.We were in this together.I turned my head slightly but this caused me extreme pain.She was slouched on the floor,blood and dirt matted in her blonde hair and her right wrist was chained to the wall.I probably didn't look any better.

"You alright?"I croaked,my voice hoarse.I needed water.My throat was so dry.

"I don't know"Cece replied,her voice cracking.I heard her start to cry but I couldn't see her face clearly.The door banged open and ambient light poured in.I flinched at the brightness and closed my eyes tight.A Death Eater came in,grabbing my arm roughly and unchaining it from the wall.I heard the other Death Eater do the same with Cece.We were dragged up the stairs.I just felt so weak.They dropped us when we reached a dining room.A large black table was in the middle of the room but otherwise it was empty.

"Ah our guests are back for some more fun" a cold voice said and I looked up and glared at him.His red eyes glowed ominously in the room,which was partly dark from all the black,making his skin look even paler. Voldemort.And by his side was Sev.

"Have you changed your decision?You could be great.You could be powerful.All you have to do is say one simple word"Voldemort said,walking towards me,his huge snake slithering behind him.

"No"I said weakly."Thats your simple word" I added,managing to muster a weak glare.I was hungry.I was thirsty.I was tired.

"Crucio!"he said calmly and pain hit me.It was like thousands of hot needles entering my skin but a thousand times worse.It finally stopped and I lay on the cold floor, my breathing heavy.

"Have you changed your mind now?"he asked and I shook my head,not trusting my voice.If I opened my mouth I would probably start screaming again.

"You can't change my mind"I whispered but he was closer now and he heard.

"Oh,really?"He asked,a cruel smirk appearing on his face.He looked at Sev and they had a silent conversation.Sev walked over to Cece and dragged her up by her hair.She screamed out in pain and kicked his shin but he just tightened his grip.I stumbled to my feet as Sev took out a knife.I was nearly there.

15 metres.

10 metres.

5 metres.

1 metres.

But I was too late.Sev stuck the knife into Cece's stomach,twisting it as he looked at me with a cruel satisfied smile on his face. Cece cried out in pain,coughing up blood as Sev let go of her and she slumped to the floor.Tears screamed down my face as I knelt down beside her.Her white shirt was red with blood and I was begging her to stay with me.

"Please.Don't do this to me.Don't leave me"I begged,tears falling down onto the ground. She tried to smile but it looked like a grimace to me.I shook her,still pleading and begging but her blue eyes dazed over.

"Now what is your answer?"Voldemort asked and I looked up,just about to give my answer but then-

I woke up.My body was covered in a cold sweat and my breathing was heavy.I had tear marks down my face and my scar throbbed so much that I had to grip my wrist tightly.At first I didn't notice the girl beside my bed but I turned around and I screamed.

"What's wrong?"Cece asked immediately, pulling a wand from under pillow.I guess the days of using your pillow as protection were gone.Her eyes landed on the girl behind me.Long brown hair with a flower in it,sea green eyes and a greenish tinge to her skin.Kamila.The wood nymph from the Society of Dark Creatures.I was so relieved to see Cece that I jumped out of bed and hugged her.She seemed a bit shocked,her wand lowering.

"Are you okay?Do you know this nymph." she asked and then she looked at my face."Have you been crying?"

Lavender and Parvati were sitting up in their beds,staring at Kamila,their mouths wide open and I looked down embarrassed, wiping the tear stains off my face.

"I'm fine.This is Kamila"I said and I turned around to the wood nymph.She looked a bit shocked for a moment before she grinned.

"Hey Emilia!Louvenia sent me here to say that she expects you in the Forbidden Forest tomorrow night.Well evening.Or is it night?Well anyway around eight would be fine"Kamila said and she disappeared into a bunch of flowers.She had disappeared by being a tree last time.Um,I never thought she could do both.

"Who's Louvenia?"Cece asked and I looked nervously at Lavender and Parvati,who were looked at the pile of flowers Kamila left behind.Cece's followed my gaze and frowned,giving me a look that meant that this conversation wasn't done.I nodded numbly and climbed back into bed.Cece flicked her wand and the lights went off but I didn't fall back asleep.

Things were bad.The Carrows were head of punishments and there methods were just cruel.The DA members kept on getting caught,including me and we were achieving nothing.It was October already.I felt that the Carrows were only made head of punishments because of my outburst at Sev. Cece confronted me the next day about Louvenia and Kamila.I was just glad Viola was with me.

"The Society of Dark Creatures?You could have been killed!"she had exclaimed and I had flinched slightly.We were on our second week of detention with Hagrid and we met outside Hagrid's hut.Viola came down with me,saying she 'wanted to walk me down', even though Neville,Luna and Ginny were there with me.

"Wer going to play with Grawp again today!"he exclaimed and I looked through the trees,hoping to see Violet or Teddy but instead Louvenia herself appeared.

"Emilia.Violin.I am pleased to see thee"she said and it was weird to get used to the old fashioned language.Neville was staring at her,his mouth slightly open and I had to resist the urge to laugh at him.Louvenia was stunning of course.She was a vampire and she was wearing a corset.I didn't blame Neville for drooling at her.

"What are yer doing here Louvenia?"Hagrid asked and Louvenia raised an eyebrow in mine and Viola's direction.

"Oh.Emilia and Violin have not yet told thee.They have joined the Society of Dark Creatures.We are having a meeting.Who art thou to refuse?"Louvenia said,smirking at Hagrid and for once Hagrid seemed angry.

"I 'ave 'em for detention.Go away"he said but Louvenia stayed in place,even when he tried to shove her gently away.I then realised the saying about vampires and strength was true.Not that I could remember the actually saying.

"Thine don't want me to tell Snape about your stepbrother.What is his name?Tis Grawp?"she asked and I stared in shock as Hagrid's face flushed with anger.

"Tell us where exactly is yer daughter?"He snapped and Louvenia took a step back,her fangs bared at him.I didn't exactly get the comment but it seemed to both anger and upset Louvenia.Teddy came out and grabbed her arm.She turned around and her eyes softened a little.

"Thy will regret thine comment"She hissed and Hagrid grunted,saying something under his breath.Louvenia's eyes narrowed and Viola gaped at Hagrid.

"What?"I whispered but Viola shook her head slowly.Hagrid glared at Louvenia before turning to us.

"You can go"he said and I gave him a small smile before I followed Louvenia deeper and deeper into the forest.She was silent in,what I guessed was rage.We finally reached a clearing with a large log being used as a table.Violet grinned at me and walked over.

"Hi!Your first meeting!Okay,look don't disrespect anyone.They take things very seriously.Also keep to the oath"Violet said and Viola scowled.

"So,I have to be called Violin?For Merlin's sakes it an instrument!"Viola exclaimed and Violet looked at her sympathetically.

"I know.I'm Violate.Do I violate things?No!" Violet exclaimed.I rolled my eyes at the both of them and I heard a snippet of the conversation Kamila and the veela, Belladonna were having behind me.

"Do you think she'll come?"Kamila asked, her voice eager and she was leaning forward on her tiptoes in what I guessed to be anticipation.I could only see her from the corner of my eye so I couldn't see her face because it was blocked from her thick hair.

"Nicolette?No.She will come when and if she pleases.You know her.She likes to stay at home.It would be much easier if she just cooperated.I mean.There is only a few of her kind left"Belladonna replied.It took me a moment to process the name.Nicolette was obviously the official Society name so the girl's name was probably Nicole.And what is short for Nicole?Nikki.

"Hum.Necromancers.They think they're so better than us.I suppose we'll just have to wait and see if she comes in the next meeting or the one after that but she only seems to come to about one meeting a year" Kamila said.

"Necromancer?"I asked,turning around in a slightly dazed state.The veela and the wood nymph looked at me with a bit of shock but they quickly composed themselves.

"Yes.A person who has the ability to see the dead and make it visible to others" Belladonna said.Thats why mum left me the box.'She shall break the boundaries between life and death',the line from the prophecy.I get to see Mum again.I get to see dad and Cedric.I get to say goodbye.

----------------------------------------------------A/N You probably all hate me for freaking you out with the dream,right?But I updated earlier than I was supposed to!And told you who Nikki was.I won't be able to update before my holiday.Sorry.I think I'm back on Tuesday next week.So sorry.Blame my mam.Okay now to the thank yous.Thank you to 'alex_weasley' 'dubliner12' 'SilverInukami' '_livvy_18' 'lovegood_13' 'ellecargan' 'ericalee12' 'oonahannula' and 'bookworm8782' for fanning.It means so much!

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