Truly Happy/Jonathan Toews Fa...

By mpeps6

325 7 0

Molly loves her life...well most of it. She has great friends and a wonderful family, but there is one thing... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11

Part 3

30 1 0
By mpeps6

**Molly's POV**

I sat in the office cubicle of my second job watching the clock tick away, just waiting for 5:00 to roll around. The closer it got, the more I could feel the excitement building up. I loved plane rides and going up in a helicopter was on my bucket list. I was also excited to see this part of Caleb again. It had been a while since we did anything closely resembling romance, so this could be a great turning point in our relationship. I couldn't lie to myself that part of my hope was a flight to Minnesota to watch the Blackhawks take on the Wild (which happened to be Caleb's favorite team), but I knew that wouldn't happen. Caleb was supposed to be going out of town on business tonight so it would be a very short date, but a date none-the-less.

"Hey sweetheart," I turned around to see my dad smiling at me.

"Hey Daddy," I said as I stood up to give him a hug. As I got closer, the smile on his face disappeared. He grabbed my shoulders and I knew he was studying my eye.

"Molly, what happened to your eye?" He asked quietly not to disrupt the other people around us. Before I could say anything, he grabbed my hand and walked me into his office. Yes, I worked with my father as a part-time employee. I loved my job working with children, but it didn't pay all the bills I needed it to. Plus I had started with the Wirtz Corporation in high school and had made some really good friends. He shut the door behind us and asked me what happened again.

"It's nothing Daddy." I said trying my best to get him to drop the subject. "I was working out in the living room with a weighted ball. The neighbor's dog started barking and I ended up dropping the ball on my face." I looked at his face when I was done with the lie and I knew he didn't believe it.

"Jonathan told me that you ran into a door."

"Why the hell were you talking to Jonathan?" Now my dad looked away. I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"First of all, he called me to..." he paused and I saw a look of concern on his face.

"Why would he call you?"

"One, I'm the owner of the team he plays on. Two, he wanted to talk about realty and owning rentals. Third, he wanted to ask me if you had said anything about arguing with Caleb recently." I felt my blood starting to boil.

"It isn't any of Jonathan's damn concern if Caleb and I fight."

"I didn't say fight Molly, I said argue." I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter what you said Dad! It's no one's fucking business what goes on behind my closed doors. I'm not in the public eye!

"He's just concerned. He wants you to be happy."

"I am happy, in fact Caleb sent me flowers this morning and has a surprise for me tonight." The look on my dad's face didn't change. He was still looking at me like he could see right through to my soul. The men in my life really needed to stop doing that.

"What did he do that he had to send flowers and a have a surprise for you?" I was slightly taken aback that he would actually ask me that question. I wasn't even sure how to answer for a moment.

"Just because Caleb did something surprising and nice doesn't mean he did anything wrong, Dad. Jon does nice things for me all the time and it doesn't mean he has a hidden agenda." I turned to look out the window just wishing this conversation would end so I could leave.

"It means that he loves you." I heard my dad mumble something, but I didn't actually catch the words.

"Dad, I have to go. Caleb wants me at the Vertiport at 5:00." I saw a slight smile spread across his face. He walked over to me and kissed me lightly on the forehead.

"I just want what is best for you Molly. You're my baby girl and all we ever want is for you to be happy." I smiled and hugged him. "Why don't you have Sean drive you over to the Vertiport? I'll have your car taken back to the house."

"Thank you Daddy. I love you!" I hugged him again and walked out of the office. The ride to the Vertiport was quiet. I couldn't help replaying the conversation with my dad. It was so strange and confusing. I shook the thought from my head as we neared the port.

"Thanks Sean," I said as I got out of the car. I started walking towards the sign with my name on it. I smiled as I thought about all the time he had used to plan this. When I got to the sign, I looked around to find Caleb, but he was nowhere in sight. A few minutes later I saw a helicopter descending towards the ground. I could feel the wind from the propellers push me back a little, as it neared the ground several hundred feet away from me. The excitement I was feeling from earlier was growing with each passing second. When the helicopter landed, a young man got out and started walking towards me.

"Miss Wirtz?" He yelled over the noise from the helicopter. "I'm so glad you could make it. My name's Martin and I'm going to be your pilot tonight. Are you ready to go for a ride?" My heart sank for a minute.

"Well, I..." I paused and saw a look of confusion written over his face. "I'm sorry, I just thought my boyfriend was going to be here." Martin shrugged his shoulders.

"My log says that I have one passenger today named...Miss Wirtz." He opened his log book and there it was plain as day, one passenger. I smiled as he led me to the helicopter. I felt a twinge of disappointment that Caleb wasn't actually coming, but he was sending me on an adventure I had been talking about going on for years. Martin helped me into the helicopter and then climbed in the other side. We spent a few minutes on the ground as he explained how everything worked. I was so excited for the take-off that I didn't even mind that Caleb wasn't with me.

"Martin?" I asked as soon as we got in the air. He looked at me quickly before turning his head back to the controls. "Can you tell me where we're going?" He smiled. He didn't say anything but pointed towards the setting sun. My breath caught in my throat as I saw the beauty of the sky in front of us. It wasn't every day that you got to see such a beautiful sunset in Chicago. We kept going towards the sun and if I didn't know any better I would have thought we were trying to catch up to. An hour later the sun had finally vanished from our sight, but we still kept going. "How much longer do I get up here?"

He smiled at me again. "Do you want this to be done?" I shook my head. I enjoyed it just as much as I thought I would, but there was still the question of why he would do this. "We have another hour up here." I sat back and enjoyed the last hour of the ride. When we started our descent I realized that we weren't back in Chicago.

"Where are we?" I asked growing a little bit nervous.

"We are in Minneapolis." My eyes grew wide and I knew right then that none of this was from Caleb. Jonathan had sent me the flowers and planned the ride of my life. Everything made sense now and my excitement level went down and my anger level rose. I got out of the helicopter and thanked Martin for the wonderful trip. I started walking towards the terminal when I see a man holding yet another sign with my name on it. I walked over and smiled. I decided I would save my anger for the man that didn't know how to leave well enough alone, Jonathan Toews.

**Jonathan's POV**

I sat down on the bed closest to the door. I couldn't believe that I was actually worried about what was going to happen in less than 15 minutes. Molly had reached Minneapolis around 7:00 and would be on her way to the hotel. I know she's going to be pissed when she gets here, but it was the only way I knew to get her away from Chicago. I checked my watch again and just counted the minutes until I would hear an awful pounding on my door.

I felt bad for tricking her into coming, but I knew that something was wrong and I, I needed her to let me into her world. I had already talked Pat into coming and helping me get through to her. He had a relationship with Molly that bordered on way too truthful, but it worked for them. Neither was afraid to tell each other exactly what they thought and I definitely needed that extra encouragement.

5 minutes...she would be up here in less than 5 minutes. I knew she was downstairs right now finding out what room I was in. It wouldn't be hard. There were probably a few guys lounging around the lobby talking to their girlfriends or wives, maybe playing a card game, or just waiting to go to supper. Me, I had no appetite at the moment. I could hear my heart pounding loudly in my chest. I took a deep breath to control it, but the pounding didn't stop. I quickly realized that it was the door, not my heart that I could hear. I walked over and opened it.

"WHAT THE HELL JONATHAN!" Molly yelled the second I opened the door. I knew she wasn't going to be happy, but I had never seen her this mad.

"Hey Moll..."


"Can you just come in here?" I said quietly moving to the side.

"Why the fuck should I?" Her voice was a little quieter, but the anger was still boiling over. Her eyes were the darkest shade of brown I had ever seen. "Do you have another damn surprise in there?" I glanced up and down the hall.

"No, but I would prefer it if you finished this yelling in a little less public place." I heard her take a deep breath as she brushed past me. I sent a quick text to Kaner and followed her into the room.

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