Shawn Mendes Imagines

By yolo_bananas

665K 8.5K 1.3K

Copyright ©️ 2015 Some nasty ass imagines I wrote a while ago. Completed May 18, 2017 More

Rainy days.
Coming out.
Long Day
Shut Up!
Dont hit me cause im beautiful!
Looking at Fetus you.
Learning the guitar
He beats you
How was your day?
Your best friend.
Couples therapy
How have you been?
Having a Teen
Requests? Ideas?
Steal My Girl
Drunk Texts
Teenage Dating.
The wedding.
Her Body
You go to his concert and he sings for you.
That one nerd.
Meeting For The First Time.
He reads your old fan-fics
Merry Christmas
He calls you fat.
I seriously need ideas.
I Still Love You
Hey there.
Still No Requests
Car Crash
Car Crash 2
I Dont Care Anymore
I Won't Forget
Hot (2)
I Won't Forget (3)
Love doesn't last
Victoria Secret
I love you
Best Friends
Its okay
Hot Topic
Not what I expected
Abuse : Part 2
Don't matter what you look like
We don't talk anymore...
Let it die or let it grow
The End

I Won't Forget (2)

5.6K 93 12
By yolo_bananas

"IM DEFINITELY COMING!" I yelled at my best friend through the phone. She had just told me about her graduation from Yale. I'm so happy for her.

Ever since my junior year, I had been so depressed since Shawn had left. I told him I wouldn't forget about him, but I haven't even talked to him since. It's been 4 years now and I can't help but wonder where he is and how he is doing. But I'm too scared to contact him.

"Good! Because this is a huge deal for me! We're finally becoming adults!" She yelled through the phone. I laughed.

"I know. I can't believe we've come this far!" I squeal.

"I know. But hey, I have to go. There's a party tonight and we'll, this is my last chance to get laid. I'll talk to you tomorrow sweet thang. Love you!" She blows a kiss through the phone and hangs up. I sigh and pull out a book from my bookshelf and start to read (Y/F/B). I smiled, remembering how in love I was with it.

*ring* I looked at my phone to see who could be texting me. It was from an unknown number.

Unknown Number:
Well, long time no see.

I look at my phone for a few seconds. Who on earth could be texting me?

Who is this?

Unknown Number:
Wow, I thought you promised you'd never forget me.

Just then I knew, it was Shawn. I started to feel my eyes fill up with tears. How did he get my number if he has a new number?

Oh my god, Shawn? How did you even get my number?

Well, I was talking to Matt and all and he gave me your number since he still had it stored on his phone. Plus I made a promise to never forget you. And we're in college now, I figured, hey, maybe she is available.

I haven't talked to you in forever. I'm actually graduating in a few weeks.

Lol, I've already graduated.

I know, you're in a grade ahead of me.

I laugh to myself.

Well, maybe I can go to your graduation.

Yeah, maybe :)

Awesome! Text me the dates and stuff and I'll try my hardest to make it :)

Okay, I'm so excited now :)

(A/N): hey guys, I'm sorry this is short but, I'm planning on a part 3 :)

So someone asked a while ago if I was still taking requests, and yes I'll be taking requests until I complete these imagines so PLEASE! Request away :)

Alright, that's it for now! Thank you for reading! Bye!

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