Love and Deception

Da causeimirish22

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (final)

Chapter 5

192 4 0
Da causeimirish22

After that night out with my family and Niall I barely spoke to any of them. Louis was too busy worrying about his relationship with Brianna. The phone calls I had with my mom were brief. I avoided Niall like the plague. He was wrong. There were reasons I haven’t had a boyfriend since Chris. Reasons I don’t want to talk to about with anyone. He just needs to respect that. It’s my life. No one else’s. I decide if I want to be single or in a relationship.

Now I’m home for winter break. Every year before Christmas and the New Year we take a trip to this ski lodge up in Vermont. It’s about a five-hour trip from home but it’s worth it. Or so I thought it was. I knew this year I wasn’t going to enjoy it as much. I finally had everything packed when Louis came to my room to bring my suitcases down to the car.

“Why can’t Brianna pack like you?” he joked. I shot him a look. I didn’t need to be reminded that bitch was going to be there.

“Because unlike her I’m not insecure. I don’t need thousands of make-up and hair products for my boyfriend to love me” I fired back at him. I folded my arms across my chest and tapped my foot waiting for him to carry my suitcase downstairs.

“That would require you to have a boyfriend” he muttered.

“Oh shut up Louis.” I pushed him out the door as I grabbed my purse and followed him downstairs. Our parents already headed out with Zayn’s parents. We just needed to swing by Zayn’s and pick him up.

“Well it makes my life a whole lot easier. I don’t have to be all scary big brother on anyone.” I scoffed and jumped in the front seat of his black Tahoe. If he only knew the things I did. It’s safe to say I’m not little miss perfect. I may not have a boyfriend but I have random hook-ups. Most of them I am not proud of. I was usually drunk and just looking for a good time. At 19 who wants to be tied down to one guy? I sure as hell don’t. I like my freedom. Every relationship I have seen is always about controlling the other person. If my boyfriend told me I couldn’t go somewhere I would be livid. No one can control me. Chris tried to. He would demand me not to go to parties he wouldn’t be attending. I listened to him for some time but eventually I just started going without him anyway. Of course he would find out and be mad but I just wanted to have a little fun.

“What’s he doing here?” I asked annoyed when we pulled up to Zayn’s house. Niall’s truck was parked in the driveway.

“You got beef with Niall now?” Louis asked. I rolled my eyes and avoided telling him about our past.

“No. I just thought we were just taking Zayn.”

“And Brianna” he added and covered his body immediately knowing well aware that I was going to punch him.

“Seriously Louis? Can’t she just go with her friends? Isn’t Marissa going with her?”

“Marissa went with Harry and Liam. Can you just try to get along with her?” I shot him my death glare. The one he knows could burn a hole through his body. “For me?” He pouted his lip and have me those puppy dog eyes that work on everyone, except me.

“I’m sorry. I won’t. I hate her and you know that.”

“Give her another chance.” He held my shoulders and shook my body.

“No. And you shouldn’t have either. She treats you like shit Lou.” He groaned and knocked on Zayn’s door. I helped Zayn with his luggage, ignoring Niall on my way in the house. These boys packed more than I did.

Once everything was in the car we headed towards Brianna’s house. Her house was beautiful. Her dad made good money. She got everything she ever wanted, including my brother.

“Be nice” Louis gritted through his teeth. I ignored him. “Oh and get in the back. I told Brianna she could ride shot gun.” He jumped out of the car before I had the chance to protest. I climbed over the center counsel making sure to get my shoes all over his newly cleaned seats. I was sandwiched between Niall and Zayn. Talk about awkward.

Louis pulled two of her Gucci suitcases behind him. She had a matching duffle bag and her large purse. We are literally going for three nights. She doesn’t need all this much stuff. Louis had to move around most the luggage to fit hers. 

Brianna plugged in her iPod and played some girly pop songs. Niall knew I was on edge. All of Louis’ friends despised her too. They just tolerated her because of Louis. I didn’t care. I made it obvious I hated her. 

Niall started poking at my leg. I glared at him and he raised his eyebrows. Zayn was fast asleep and I wanted nothing more than to do the same. I pulled my pillow from the back and placed it behind my head. Niall nudged his head for my to lay on him.

“I’m fine” I whispered.

“You look really uncomfortable. You’ll never fall sleep sitting like that.” He took my pillow and placed it on his lap. “Put your feet on Zayn. He’ll never know.” I did as he said. I was much more comfortable this way.

“Don’t get any ideas” Louis said from the driver’s seat.

Brianna laughed rather loudly. “Lauren isn’t Niall’s type. You have nothing to worry about babe.” Niall chuckled and Louis shot him a look in the rearview mirror. I pinched his leg so he pinched my ass.

“Hands off my sister Horan” Louis said sternly. Niall held his hands up then placed one on his thigh and the other my back, lightly grazing his fingers up and down my spine until I fell asleep.

“We’re here” Louis announced loudly, causing me to shoot up in my seat. Niall slid out of the car and I followed.

“You boarding this year or skiing?” Niall asked me.

“Is that a joke?” I replied. I stopped skiing when I was twelve when I learned how to snowboard. Niall was the one to teach me. I was jealous that all the boys were able to go out on their own without the parents to go snowboarding. I begged my parents to take me for snowboarding lessons but they refused. They didn’t want me going out with Louis and his friends. I made Niall give me lesson and since then I haven’t touched a pair of skis.

“Let’s get you a board then.” I picked out the one I wanted and paid the rental fee. “Lou, why aren’t you getting yours?” Niall asked him.

“I’m skiing this year.”

“Seriously man?”

“He promised me” Brianna cooed, wrapping her arms around Louis’ waist. Not once has Louis ever ditched his friends when it came to this trip. She truly had him whipped this time around. All his friends would be out snowboarding while he was trailing down the bunny hill with his wench.

Zayn replicated the noise of whip. Niall, Zayn and I all burst out in laughter. “Shut up or I will leave all of you here.” We all rolled our eyes and picked up our gear. We shoved it into the open spaced that were left in the Tahoe and headed towards the lodge.

No one spoke about sleeping arrangements. Usually Amanda and I share a room. Her parents weren’t here this year. If they were they would have never let her share a room with Liam but she made it fully clear that she wanted her own room with him. Zayn and Harry claimed one room. Brianna and Louis took another. There was one room left and Niall and I still hadn’t staked claim on one.

“You take it” I offered. “I can sleep on the couch.”

“No pipsqueak. You take it.” I stared at him, obviously mad at him calling me that. We haven’t done anything since that one time on Thanksgiving. I was still craving him. No matter how much he annoyed me I would still go crawling back to him for sexual relief.

“Really Niall it’s fine. Just take it.” I dragged myself back downstairs and placed my luggage near the couch.

“What are you doing?” my dad asked.

“You’re in my bed.” I sat down next to him.

He turned off the TV and faced me. “Honey, just kick someone out of their beds. Where’s Amanda sleeping?”

“With Liam” I gulped.

“Isn’t there an extra bed in that room?”

“Gross Dad. I am not sharing a room with those two love birds.”

Niall came downstairs grabbing my bags. “I will sleep on the couch Lo. I won’t take no for an answer.” He ran up the stairs and I followed behind him. He pulled me in the room and shut the door behind us. “About time I got you all to myself.” He backed me up against the door and pinned his hands on either side of my head.

“Stop Niall.” He smirked, knowing that I didn’t really mean it. I never said no to him. His lips found the sweet spot on my neck and I tried to push him away. “I’m serious.”

“God, what is with you today?” I pushed him back even more and plopped down on the bed. “You get your period this morning?”

“Oh god. No Niall. Did you ever think that I don’t want to be touched by you?”

“No” he answered smoothly. “You’ve barely talked to me since parent’s weekend. Where did you even go that night? Amanda said you never went back to your dorm.”

“None of your business.”

“Yes it is my business. You are Louis’ little sister. I have to look out for you.”

“You sure it’s not because you want me all to yourself?” I asked, turning my body towards his, running my hand up and down his toned chest.

“Hmmm, maybe just a little.” His lips curled up slightly and he brushed his nose against mine.

“Niall I-” he cut me off with a kiss. The moment his lips met mine I knew I would give in to him. I bit his bottom lip and he parted his. Our tongues slid against each other’s. He lifted me on top of him and I rubbed myself against him.

“You were saying” he grinned.

“Shut up and fuck me.” His hands reached from the hem of my shirt when we heard footsteps in the hall and stop at the door. “Shit” I muttered and climbed off of him. Niall adjusted himself in his pants and sat up on the bed.

Louis opened the door without knocking. “What are you helping him unpack?” I nodded and threw my suitcase up on the bed. “Why is your stuff in here?”

“I have to put it somewhere.” Louis ignored me and fell onto the bed.

“So Niall tonight we are hitting up Lift tonight.” Lift is a dance club located near the lodge. You have to be 21 to get in but that never stopped me before.

“You in Lauren?” Niall turned towards me as I putting my clothes in a drawer.

“Of course.”

“Oh, no, no” Louis interjected. “You’re not going.”

“Don’t tell me what to do Louis.”

“Yes I will. You are my little sister Lauren and you’re only 19.”

“Amanda’s going” I argued.

“Amanda isn’t my concern. And you don’t have an ID.”

“Yes I do.” I ran over to my bag and searched through my wallet. “You took my ID?” I yelled. “Niall tell him he’s being an idiot.” Niall looked at me then at Louis.

“Sorry Lauren. He’s right.” he shrugged and started to unpack his stuff.

“You guys suck.” I stormed out of the room, grabbing a magazine and planted myself on the couch. I could go out. It was easy to flirt my way into the club. But once I was inside Louis would just make my night hell anyway. I grabbed a blanket already deciding my night would be spent alone.

“Why aren’t you dressed?” Amanda whined when she came down from her room.

“I’m not going. Have fun.” She sighed then grabbed Liam’s hand and joined the rest of them on their way out the door.

Niall turned around and walked back over to me. “Want me to stay in with you?” I shook my head no. “Everyone is gone. We could have our own fun” he said running his hand up my thigh under the blanket.

“Just don’t bring a girl home.”

“Can’t make any promises. Tell me you want me to stay” he whispered.

“Go Niall.” I slumped down lower on the couch and turned on my side. “I have a few episodes of Dexter to catch up on anyway.”

“Planning to kill someone?” My eyes flickered over to where Louis and Brianna were standing outside the window. “Play nice.” His eyes hardened on mine.

“You know I never do.” I pushed him back with my foot. “Go. Don’t want to keep the princess waiting.”

After an episode of Dexter I nodded off. I knew tomorrow would be physically demanding. I wanted to hit the half-pipes in the morning but I knew everyone else would be too hung over.

I was woken up by some loud noises outside. It was only midnight. I couldn’t believe they were back this early. Even our parents were still out. I squinted my eyes to see what was going on out there. I heard someone fiddle with the lock and eventually fall into the living room.

“Jesus Niall. You scared the shit out of me.”

“Hi baby” he slurred. He reeked of Jack and beer.

“You’re drunk Niall.”

“Not really though” he smiled and poked my cheeks with his fingers. I rolled my eyes and helped him up the stairs. “I had fun tonight. Did you have fun tonight?” I could barely understand the words that were coming out of his mouth as he continued to speak. I helped him into bed and tucked him in like he was a child, which right now I couldn’t tell the difference.

He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me down on the bed. “Get some sleep” I told him.

“No. You told me not to bring anyone home. I was dancing with this girl and I got horny.” He was beginning to sound a little clearer. I guess this is something he wanted me to hear. “So I came home to you.” How lovely. “I want your mouth baby.”

“You are out of your mind.” I fought my way out of is grip and headed for the doorway. Within in seconds he was behind me, growling into my ear. “Go back to the club and fuck the girl you were dancing with it.” I felt the heat radiating from my skin. I didn’t want to be jealous but I couldn’t help it. It’s what he does to me.

“I knew that would get to you” he said sounding perfectly sober. He spun me around and again he pinned me against the wall. “There was no girl Lo.” Even if there were I would give into him. No one can satisfy me like he could and I hated him for that.

Niall ran his tongue up my neck then blew cool air over the trail. I pushed him back until his body fell onto the mattress. I straddled him and bit down on his earlobe. “I love it when you play rough.” I pulled his shirt over his head and kissed down his torso. Pulling off his jeans and boxers, I dug my nails into his thighs.

“Is this what you want baby?” I looked up at him, my lips just centimeters from his throbbing cock. He nodded his head yes eagerly. “Well too fucking bad.” I ran towards the door before he had a chance to react. I heard his loud footsteps behind me. Before I could even reach the stairs I was wrapped up in his arms, giggling and flailing my arms. “Put me down” I laughed as he hoisted me over his shoulder. He spanked my ass and carried me back to the room. He threw me down on the bed, ripping my pajama pants off my body. I had nothing on underneath them.

Niall spread my legs wide and plunged into me. I cried out in pain at first. He licked him thumb before pressing it to my clit. He circled his thumb to ease the pain I was feeling. Once the pain was replaced my pleasure I locked my legs behind his back causing him to do short, deep thrusts. “Oh my god” I cried out. Niall started pumping in and out faster. I was in paradise. My eyes rolling to the back of my head. Moan after moan spilling from my mouth as he plunged deeper inside me. “Fuck Niall.” My hands gripped the sheets tightly. I felt my orgasm rolling through my body.

That’s when we heard voices from downstairs. Our parents had just come home and few other people.

Niall dropped his head to mine. “Quiet” he whispered. I nodded my head but I knew I wouldn’t be able to contain my moans. It felt too good. “Shoulder” he said, lowering it down towards my mouth. I bit down on it as he sped up his thrusts. We were both out of breath but determined to get the other one off. I clenched my walls as tight as I could. He spilled out inside me. He quickly lowered himself between my legs. Dipping two fingers inside me while his tongue flicked my clit quickly.

“Mmmm” I moaned and he looked up at me. His lips still around my clit as he stared me deep in the eyes. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. His finger found my g-spot and I came violently around his fingers while my thighs close around his head.

“That’s my girl.” We both rushed to find our clothes when we heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I turned on the TV and slid under the covers. Niall jumped on the bed but on top of the covers.

“What are you doing?” my mother asked, Louis standing right behind her.

“Watching something. It’s too cold downstairs” I lied.

“Fine” my mother sighed and walked down to her room.

“I swear Niall you put one hand on my sister.”

Niall put his hands up, showing that they were nowhere near me. “I know you will kill me.” Louis nodded and walked out. I grabbed a pillow and pulled the comforter out from underneath him. “Where are you going?”

“The floor.”

“Seriously Lo? We’re adults. Get in the bed” he demanded. I giggled and crawled in next to him. We haven’t cuddled since I was 16. He pulled me back into his chest. Our bodies molded together perfectly. “Night pipsqueak.”

“Are you really going to call that after what just happened?”

“You’ll always be my pipsqueak” he laughed.

“Good night Niall.”

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