Para siempre

By vanypie1516

2.2K 185 4

This is a sequel to mi príncipe read that first so you can understand this story. Royce and jessa had their s... More

The baby
Busy schedule
Hanging out!!!!
This is home
Amazing day
Things are looking up
Geoffrey the nurse
First day of school
Friends hangout
Lazy sunday
Shocking news
Decorating the twins room
Suprise baby shower
Not feeling well
A family of 6
First day with twins
Newborn homecoming
Jenny's 7th birthday
Big news
Saying goodbye
First show
Last show
Announcing the news
Whats next?

Are you ok?

41 3 0
By vanypie1516

I wake up today and decided since it was my baby's first day back I wanted to make it special so I made him his favorite breakfast which consist of bacon sausage eggs and pancakes.

I set the babies down on their cradle and serve breakfast for Gus and Jenni while I go wake Royce up.

Royce baby baby I made you breakfast. He started opening his eyes "oh baby thank you I'll be right down then".

~5 minutes later~
Wow breakfast looks amazing baby girl thank you so much I go and kiss her passionately. You're welcome sweetheart.
As soon as I start eating my throat and chest start hurting its the same pain I've been having for a couple of days and I'm getting worried.

Hey Royce baby are you ok you look like you're in pain is my cooking that bad? I joke.

No baby it's not that it's amazing it's just for the past couple of days my throat and chest have been really hurting me and I've been really low on energy and everything.

Really baby and why didn't you tell me? I just didn't want to worry you if it was nothing and yeah.

Oh baby but you're the love of my life my partner in crime I want to know if you're not feeling well or anything.

I think we should take you to the doctor just in case. No baby it's probably nothing but allergies or something.

But it's better to be safe than sorry come on. Ok we'll go.

~ 2 hours later~
We drop Gus and Jenni off at royce's parents house and explain everything to them and now they're super worried and so are my parents.

We arrive at the doctors and tell them everything that Royce has been feeling and he sounded like he was very concerned.

We hear a knock at the door and the doctor comes in I'm standing next to my baby rubbing his back trying to calm him down.

Ok so mr.rojas after checking your throat and listening to your lungs I have determined that what you have is very bad blood clots in your veins.

What blood clots how? How serious is this? Well mr Rojas it's pretty serious considering that you're having a hard time breathing and eating and are very weak. If you're not careful you can have a stroke or go into a coma.

What Doctor are you serious I say while still holding my baby's hand. Yes ms Rojas unfortunately but it is treatable I will give you so blood thinners to thin your blood so you don't get as many blood clots.

So Doctor what do you think caused this? Well mr Rojas what do you do for a living?

I'm a famous Latin artist/singer. My stage name is prince royce. Oh ok and were you on tour recently?

Yes I just got back last night, and when is the last time you were on tour before that? Maybe a year.

Yeah mr Rojas it seems to me that your singing brought this on you probably strained your vocals cords so much from singing that the blood in your system couldn't handle all the strain from singing  almost every night.

Wow this is such a shock I can't believe this happened to me singing is my passion and I don't want to stop. It's my career and I love it.

Well mr Rojas I'm so sorry but right now it's between your career or your life. Listen over time you can heal from this completely or get almost back to normal but I'm going to say that it's probably not good that you go on any more tours for at least a couple of years.

Years I said while looking at the doctor. I dont want to put my career on hold for that long. Geoffrey you can still sing but not for too long or long periods of time so maybe 1 to 2 songs a day.

By this time I'm sobbing in tears for him I feel so bad for him of course I don't want him to die but singing is one of his biggest passions and I don't know how he's going to Handel barely singing.

The doctor writes us a prescription and we head off.

On the way to pick up the kids Royce was sitting in the passengers seat with his eyes glowing from all his tears.

Royce baby I'm sorry for everything that you're going through right now i promise it'll get better I say while holding his hand.

I just can't believe this I can't picture myself without singing. What am I going to tell my fans ?what about my new album? These are all questions that I don't know the answer to.

Baby you'll figure it out I know you will and I'll be here supporting you every step of the way it's a freak thing that happened. And I'm sure your roycenaticas will understand everything.

Thank you baby for always having my back. I love you.
I love you too Royce and don't worry we'll get through this together and end the end come out stronger because of it.

~ 1 hour later~
We arrived at royce's parents house and tell them everything his parents both broke down in tears. We didn't tell the kids because they're still too little to fully understand what's going on.

We decided to eat dinner at their house since we're already here I sit down next to Royce with Josue in my arms and Gabriela is in Angela's arms. I'm caressing Royce's head while he sits at the table trying not to break down in tears again.

When we get home we put the kids to bed and then we go to bed we're both exhausted. By the time I'm Dinah brushing my teeth my baby is already asleep with headphones in his ears and when I go to move his phone I see he's listening too all his music.

Which totally makes me lose it and I start bawling like a baby. I lie down next to him and kiss his forehead.

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