The Alpha Saved Me (Editing A...

By ChocoholicLover

848K 16.4K 912

Sometimes life doesn't go as planned. At times, you get dragged down to the deepest pits of your mind, the un... More

Chapter 1 (Pic Of Blake)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Pic Of Isabella)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 2 (Pic Of Alexis)

32.3K 699 64
By ChocoholicLover

Blakes POV :

"Wakeup!" Someone screamed in my ear while ripping the covers off me.

"Go away and leave me alone," I grumbled to my sister while trying to pull the covers back to me. "Come on! It's our first day, we can't be late!" She said.

Unlike me my sister wasn't popular. Yeah she had the looks but she was kind of a nerd but I still love her. I guess I'm the opposite. What do I say, I love the girls.

Oh and yeah I'm a shifter, awesome right . I'm not a werewolf, when werewolves turn they have the head of a wolf but body of a man but shifters turn into a normal wolf, well not exactly normal we're bigger, faster and stronger then a normal wolf. I'm the Alpha, my dad passed it on to me sometime last year.

See shifters can change into wolves any time and not just on full moon like what the crappy books about them say. We have mates, you can find our mate at any age but it's usually around 16 -19 you find your mate. Personally I don't want one, why should you stick with one girl when you can have all of them.

"Are you even listening to me!" Alexis yelled at me . "Geez sis can you not scream at my ear." I said while trying to get the cover.

We're twins, not very common with shifters as the Alpha gene is supposed to pass to one heir. We're both 18, but I'm older. 

Before I could get the cover she runs to my window and rips the curtain open. I groaned when the light blinded me for a second. "Alright, I'm getting up. Go away." Once I said that, she skipped out of my room and left me in peace. I flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I turned my head to the side and looked at the clock.

"Holy crap!" I shouted. It was 8:30 and I had 10 minuted to get ready . I jumped of the bed and ran to the bathroom. When I was done I ran out picked some random clothes, got my bag, pulled on my converse and ran out the door to where my sister was in the car.

"Didn't I tell you to get ready!?" She yelled at me. "Yeah, yeah." I said while looking out the window.

Sooner then I would've liked, we were at school.

The moment I stepped out of the car, people swamped around me, especially girls. Trisha started plastering herself on me. Rubbing her body against me, I just smiled down at her. Alexis rolled her eyes in disgust looking at us before turning away and making her way towards school.

Usually I would flirt back but I had some things to do. I pushed her away from me and walked to my other friends to discuss some pack things as I was the Alpha.

"Hey man, whats up," I said. Just as I was going to say something else. I felt someone crash into me and I stumbled a bit before quickly turning around and caught the girl. She looked up and I saw her eyes.

They were the most beautiful chestnut brown.

I felt like it was just me and her and nothing else mattered. Everything else faded away, just that girl in my arms. Her scent and the way her body fit perfectly into mine. 

"Mate," My wolf howled. 

I couldn't believe it, I had just found my mate.

"Hey Blake," Sean, one of the people in my pack called. She looked like she had had woken up from her shock, blushing then pushing herself away from me. I couldn't help but miss her warmth and it left me cold inside. She muttered a rushed goodbye before running away. 

Everyone was laughing at joking around me but I couldn't seem to hear them. My thoughts centered on that little brown haired beauty. I was still in shock, I had found her. 

I had found my mate.

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