Destined| Half-Blood Prince :...

By xo___kay

109K 3.8K 1.4K

It's the Golden Five's Sixth Year At Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Things will begin to get mo... More

Last day at Shell Cottage
Catching Up
Weasley's Wizards Wheezes
Moony and I
The Train Ride
Great Hall
Draco Malfoy
Astronomy Tower
Stupid Eagle
Quidditch Practice
Hogsmeade Trip
Approved & Malfoy
Complete Tyrant
Dinner & Venting
The Game
Christmas Party
The Burrow
The Attack on the Burrow
Welcome Back
Safe and Sound
Stronger Together
Harry's Mission
Awkward Duty
Saving Ron
Back to Normal
Harry's Victory
The Cave
Waking up & the Funeral
Saying Goodbye


2.4K 97 139
By xo___kay


"It's fine Mi, I just don't feel like going to out today, I think I'm going to make a trip to the Room of Requirement and collect my thoughts there," I said.

Hermione frowned. She wrapped a hand around my shoulder and sighed.

"Harry told me he saw you and Jake last night," she whispered.

"Jake was comforting me when I needed it, Mi, he knows how I feel," I sniffled.

"Ginny," we whispered. "They would make a good couple, wouldn't they?"

"Absolutely great," I sniffled.

"Kay, don't hide in here," Annalise said entering the room. "It'll do no good."

Annalise sat on the other side of me and held my hand. She rested her head against my shoulder.

"Guess we're all having boy problems huh," I asked.

"No kidding," Annalise said.

Hermione and I looked at Annalise.

"It's Dennis, I like him a lot and I don't think he likes me in that way," Annalise said.

Hermione and I looked at each other and chuckled.

"Of course Dennis likes you, you're a wonderful girl," Hermione and I said in unison.

"And so are the both of you, Harry is mad not to see that it's you," Annalise said. "And Cedric is only doing his job Mi."

Hermione and my eyes widened.

"I knew about Cedric the night I saw the Map in your hands while you slept Kay," Annalise said. "I saw Mione and Cedric together. I also know that Dylan really likes you, Kiana."

"You mustn't tell," Hermione and I said.

"I know all about rules but I also know loyalty so I would never tell after all you and Hermione have done for me," Annalise said. "Why don't you just go for Dylan. He makes you happy."

I heard someone knock on my bedroom door. It was Harry's little fifth year bimbo.

"Dumbledore wants to see you," she said with a smile on her face.

Hermione lifted her wand and hexed the poor girl. I stared at Mione in awe.

"You have some nerve to come in here smiling," Hermione said. "Get out."

The girl went running away from our room. Annalise and I both looked at Hermione.

"It's what Cedric would have done," She simply said.

I nodded knowing that's exactly what Cedric would have done.

"I better go see what Gramps wants," I sighed.

I got out of the girls embrace and changed into black tights, the sweater Oliver made for me and black vans.

"I'll see you girls later," I said.

"Wait, your hair," Annalise said.

With a flick of my wand my hair was soon fixed and she gave me a thumbs up. I walked down the stairs and tripped on the last one. I expected to land on the floor but instead landed in someone's arms.

"Hey there Captain, does this count for saving your life," Cormac asked.

He helped me up and I sent him a small smile before walking away.

"No insult," He asked.

I waved goodbye and exited the common room ignoring the surprised faces of my team. I walked towards my Grandfather's office and approached the Eagle.

"Oh, it's you, are you here to fight me again," the Eagle asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Acid pops," I sighed.

The eagle moved out of my way and I walked up the spiral stair case and entered Grandpa's office.

"You wanted to see me," I asked.

"Congratulations on your win by the way," Grandpa said. "And yes, I did."

I took a seat in the spot I normally sat in.

"What's going on," I asked.

"I need a report on Mr.Malfoy," he said.

"I haven't had a shift with him since the 'Slug Club' dinner, and right now I don't really feel good to have a few shift this week," I said.

"Is it Harry?" he asked.

My eyes widened. I swear my grandfather gets the gossip update pretty quick.

"I know more than you think I do, I also know that as of right now you aren't speaking to Harry for hurting you and may I suggest moving on? Training harder," he said.

"I guess I could try," I stiffened. "But I'm pretty sure I'm crazy and no one would –"

"The lad Cormac sound familiar, I see the way he looks at you or even Mr.Horan or Mr.Smith I know Smith makes you happy," Grandpa said.

"Did you call me in here so you could give me relationship advice?" I asked.

"Can't blame me for wanting my granddaughter to be happy," Grandpa said.

"Well, Jake is madly in love with Ginny," I said.

"I meant Josh, do you see the way he watches you?" Grandpa asked.

"I wasn't aware," I said.

"Because you've been too busy watching Harry," Grandpa chuckled. "It's a cat and mouse game, show Harry you don't need him anymore and he will come chasing after you."

What the heck? Is Gramps teaching me how to be a player?

"Right, about Malfoy, am I still on babysitting duty," I asked.

He nodded.

"Follow up question, why do you need Harry to question Professor Slughorn," I ask

"Because I believe he holds valuable information about Voldemort," He said.

"Maybe I can try to squeeze it out of him," I said.

"I don't see the harm in doing so," He said.

I nodded.

"Well, that's all and I'm glad that the adoption worked out," Gramps said.

"You mustn't tell Annalise," I said. "I wanted to surprise her."

"You're doing a wonderful yet dangerous thing," Gramps said.

"I know, it's just, I can relate to her Gramps," I said. "Thank you for saving her."

"Of course. I'm glad she brings happiness back into your life," Gramps said.

"Me too, see you later Gramps," I said.

"Goodbye Kiana," he said as I exited.

I walked towards the Great Hall for lunch and felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Hey Captain," Cormac said.

"What do you need Cormac," I asked.

"I need help with some Quidditch plays," Cormac said.

"I assume you asked for my help because you like bothering me," I asked.

"No, it's because you're great at leading and being a good captain and I know you might not like me in any kind of way but I do want to be great in Quidditch like you," Cormac said. "Your talk the last practice really opened my eyes."

"Fine, but you owe me dinner for saving my life," I said.

Cormac's smile grew wider as he cheered. The two of us walked by Harry and his new 'girlfriend' down to the Quidditch Pitch.We changed into our gear and grabbed our brooms. The Slytherin's were on the field training right now. I flew towards Zabini.

"Zabini," I said.

"Black," he smiled. "You do know the field is mine for another hour."

"I know, but one of my eager teammates here wanted to learn more. So, is it cool if we sit on the stands until your done," I asked.

"Of course," Zabini said.

I felt his arms wrap around me. He pulled me off my broom and flew back. A Bludger was sent my way.

"Thanks Zabini," I said.

Cormac gave me my broom back and I got on it.

"I'll punish them for that," Zabini said.

"Don't sweat it," I sighed.

Cormac and I flew down to the stands and sat. I pulled out my wand.

"Muffliato," I said.

"You know, other than your goddess looks you're really something, between the spells, the plays, the leadership you're like a complete package," Cormac said. "Harry's stupid for not wanting you."

"Thanks for the observation," I said. "Can we not talk about this."

I then took out my playbook and held it out in front of him.

"It's simple, this is called Pinball, as a Keeper you're going to fake missing the Quaffle and toss it to Calvin, then Calvin will toss it to Jake who will use his Beater stick and send it to Ginny who will then throw it to Caleb who will send it to me and I send it to the post. Got it," I asked.

"Got it, is this the one you're showing us today," He asked.

"Yes. It is," I said.

"Wait! I remember this play, when Oliver was here," Cormac said.

I spent an hour teaching Cormac the plays and strategies I taught Ron.

"Don't tell him I taught you that, it's just when you're trying out for Professional Quidditch I want you to keep these tips in mind," I said.

Cormac nodded. I heard laughter coming towards us. I saw Harry and his girlfriend approach us.

"Practice is starting soon Captain," Harry said.

"I'm very well aware of that Potter," I sighed. "Round up."

I was about to fly off when I heard his girlfriend mutter a body bind spell sending me plummeting for the ground. Thankfully Cormac caught me on time. He released the spell on me and I stared as Harry laughed with his girlfriend. Annalise soon came running towards the girl and punched her across the face.

"Don't do that to my sister," Annalise spat.

"Shut up you little orphan," The girl screamed.

Annalise's face dropped.

"I WILL KILL YOU!" I screamed.

It took eight of my teammates to hold me back. Hermione noticed our distress and she punched the girl across the face.

"Don't you dare say a word like that to Anna," Hermione spat.

"Shut it Mudblood," she sneered.

That was it. No one. And I mean no one says that to Hermione. It was evident that no one said anything like that around me to Hermione or Annalise.

"What did you just say," I snapped.

I broke from their hold and flew towards the girl. I grabbed a hold of her robe and flew high into the air.

"Drop her," A voice whispered. "Kill her."

I could hear the girl screaming for Harry who stood there shocked.


I pulled the girl up higher so she could see my face.

"I suggest you stay far away from Annalise, Hermione and I. In fact don't talk to anyone I know or I swear it'll be the last thing I do before I take you out of your dorm room while you're asleep and fly you all the way up here to drop you. Am I clear," I yelled.

"Crystal clear," she whimpered.

I flew her back down to the stands and tossed her into Harry.

"Get out of here," I spat.

With that she stood up and ran away back to the castle. I then faced both teams seeing as Slytherin was still here.

"Mind if I have the field now Blaise," I said. "I'm so excited to train my team."

Zabini nodded and took his team out.


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