Destined| Half-Blood Prince :...

By xo___kay

109K 3.8K 1.4K

It's the Golden Five's Sixth Year At Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. Things will begin to get mo... More

Last day at Shell Cottage
Catching Up
Weasley's Wizards Wheezes
Moony and I
The Train Ride
Great Hall
Draco Malfoy
Astronomy Tower
Stupid Eagle
Quidditch Practice
Hogsmeade Trip
Approved & Malfoy
Complete Tyrant
The Game
Christmas Party
The Burrow
The Attack on the Burrow
Welcome Back
Safe and Sound
Stronger Together
Harry's Mission
Awkward Duty
Saving Ron
Back to Normal
Harry's Victory
The Cave
Waking up & the Funeral
Saying Goodbye

Dinner & Venting

2.4K 82 37
By xo___kay


"But Hermione, I don't want to go to this stupid dinner," I complained as Hermione informed me that Slughorn was having a dinner tonight and being Headmaster's granddaughter meant I was valuable.

"Kiana, please, I don't want to go alone and Harry and I aren't talking at the moment," Hermione said.

"I'll think about it," I said.

"You have to dress nicely," Hermione said.

I let out a frustrated groan and hid my face in my pillow. I heard a knock on the door and turned around.

"Oh, Hey Anna," I greeted.

Annalise smiled and sat beside me on my bed.

"You're going to that dinner," she said.

"Oh, am I," I chuckled.

"Yes, because I need to be there for you too, I want you to stop being so worried about me and others and just enjoy yourself," Annalise said.

"Finally, someone with sense in this room," Hermione said gesturing to Anna.

"As much as the three of us love Harry, we know he's being stupid right now," Hermione said. "Was this why you were such a tyrant the other day?"

"You think," I asked. "Harry just confused the heck out of me."

"He's a boy, it's what they do," Hermione and Annalise said in unison.

"Cedric was never this complicated," I groaned. "I wish he was here to knock Harry into the wall repeatedly."

At this the girls and I laughed. Through the months I've grown to know more about Annalise the more she knows about Cedric and us.

"I feel like Cedric is a bit cautious around me," Anna frowned.

"He's just being overprotective Cedric," I chuckled. 

"Well, if he's anything like Ernie, Jace and Lucas I'm sure he's lovely," Annalise said.

She's also grown closer to the three guys who also meant a lot in my life. Cedric was a bit hesitant but he's getting there.

"But seriously, you're going to that dinner," Annalise said in a demanding tone.

I groaned before hesitantly nodding.

"After Prefect Duty," I said.

Considering Hermione was ready she headed to the Dungeons for dinner. Annalise left me alone and I groaned. I changed out of my pajamas and changed into a dress with black lacing as the top and a mint green bottom. I slid my black combat shoes on and exited the common room.

"Hey Dylan and Draco," I said.

Draco rose a brow. Dylan held my hand.

"You look beautiful in Mint Green," Dylan blushed.

Dylan placed his lips on my cheek.

"What, no insult, no playful banter," Draco asked.

"Not tonight, I'm tired," I said.

"Where are you going dressed all fancy," he asked.

"If you two must know, I have dinner with the 'Slug Club,'" I groaned which made him laugh.

"Tell us what's really on your mind," Draco said.

I laughed.

"What isn't," I scoffed.

"This is true," Dylan and Draco joked. "You over think way too much."

I punched Draco on his arm which I felt bad due to how skinny and fragile he is.

"I told you to start eating more," I frowned as he rubbed his arm.

"It's not that I don't want too, it's just," Draco began.

"This big secret you have that you won't tell us and that sucks because now Harry knows I'm your Prefect Buddy and well he's furious," I snapped.

"If only he could remember we are cousins," Draco laughed.

"I mean I'm not even that jealous," Dylan chuckled.

"Because you're always with us anyways," Draco laughed.

I rolled my eyes as we approached the dungeon floor.

"I'll do my round here since the dinner is down here, you two can head up to your dorm and sleep, looks like you need it Draco," I said.

Draco surprisingly pulled me in for a hug.

"I want to thank you for not making me feel as alone as I do," Draco said. "To both of you."

I smiled.

"Draco, there's no way I could do that, when I felt alone you helped me now I'm repaying the favor," I said.

"You're doing a great job at it," he smiled. "Now go on down to your dinner."

"Wait, I don't even want to go to this ridiculous thing, I promised Annalise," I began.

"That you would and do you really want to break your new sister's promise," Dylan asked.

"She's right you know, for you to start taking care of yourself because you take care of us too much," Draco said.

"Wow, when did you become a master at advice," I asked.

They smirked.

"I'm very great at giving advice thank you very much, and as for Potter, give him time, he's slow remember," Draco said.

I simply nodded and hugged him. I kissed Dylan on his cheek and they left. I walked towards the dungeons and opened the door. Ginny was already here sat next to Hermione. The only seats being next Harry or Cormac. Guess what I chose. I chose Cormac. I felt Harry's intense glare at the side of my face and I swear I won't hear the end of this tomorrow.

"Hello, how kind of you to join us," Slughorn said.

"Hello Professor, pleasure to be here, sorry I'm late and all, had Prefect Duties," I said.

"With Malfoy," I heard Harry mutter.

"Harry," Ginny and Hermione warned.

"Yes, with Malfoy, lovely chap," I said.

"Kay," Hermione warned.

"Well, um, okay," Slughorn said.

Slughorn then went around asking about our families and such. Then he got to me.

"So, Kiana tell us about your family," he said.

"One is bat shit crazy, my mum and dad are dead and well my other brother is kidnapped, anything else," I simply answered.

"Yes dear, we know, we're sorry for that," Slughorn said. "Do you have any family?"

"My brother Cedric he's an Auror here," I answered. "But to answer your question, yes, I have family sir. Hermione, Ginny and even dear old Harold here. They make me happy make feel safe. I of course have friends for family for it is not the blood that makes you family it is the bond, like I have one with Annalise."

"Ah, yes," he said


"Hey, I'm sorry," Harry apologized.

I rolled my eyes.

"It's not going to be this easy, you get a chance but only as friends, you can't be jealous when I'm around other guys, or you can't argue with me and you can't kiss or show any affection. Maybe a hug or high five like we did when we were 11 am I clear," I said.

Harry frowned but nodded.

"Goodnight Kay," he said as I exited the dinner.

Harry wanting to stay back to find out more about Slughorn.

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