The Life I Don't Want

By thewiseone12

581 12 0

Ally Thurston is 23 and has already been part of the Music Industry for 5 years She hates it though, it is t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 18

20 0 0
By thewiseone12

Ally's POV

Mom was giving me that silent treatment. She hated me talking about Dad. I haven't even met him. She won't mention it all. Instead of ordering me around she would get other people to do it for me. I didn't have any spare time at the moment and I knew that that was her being angry at me.

I seemed to have a trillion interviews on each day. Ana and Tara were tagging along to most of them because Mom thought that they were on her side. They were still trying to convince me to forgive them but I still wasn't sure. I have managed to keep in contact with Cam.

The conversations were shorter now because I was so busy with interview. I was so fucking sick of them. Ana and Tara were even sick of them. I was currently sitting in one and the man was asking me about Parker. Apparently it is really hard to keep a long distance relationship and they loved to remind me of that.

I know how hard a long distance relationship is and the interviewer think that Parker and I are so much in love that it doesn't matter. Tara seems to find every question about Parker very amusing and she doesn't even know that he is gay.

Mom was sitting in the arena when I got there for practice which surprised me. She hadn't been there all week. She was already talking to dancers about what she wants to practice for the day.

"Practice Now or Never and then Stand Up," she snapped.

I changed out of jeans and into clothes that I can dance in. The rest of the dancers were already standing in a circle on the stage.

"Your Mom is so mean," one of them said.

"She is practically a slave driver," another added.

"I know, come on let get this over with," I said and we split.

I grabbed a mic and shoved my shoes into a pile of the side of the stage. Mom was on her phone again. I started to sing and I could see that she wasn't even paying attention. I rolled my eyes and continued to dance.

Now and Never is an upbeat song and it has a lot of jumps. Not only was Mom not paying attention but she then she got up and left the arena. I signalled for the dancers to stop but left the music going.

"She orders us around and doesn't even watch," I snapped.

I lay down on the stage and started to stretch out. Mom came back in and was extremely mad that we weren't dancing.

"What are you doing? I told you do something," she snapped.

"And you weren't paying attention so we stopped doing something that was pointless," I told her.

"Well get back to it."

We all groaned and returned to our positions. Now or Never started again. I wasn't interested in running through this again. Mom thought that we hadn't done very well last night but she hadn't even watched the show. She was more interested in talking to people like the record company.

We finished the two songs and then she had another four that she wants to run through. I was so sick and tired of dancing and I hadn't even performed yet.

Mom wanted to run through so more but Ana pointed out that show was going to start in an hour and I had rest. I headed backstage after grabbing my shoes. Ana and Tara once again joined me in dressing room.

I was so tired that I collapsed on the couch. Ana and Tara were moving around but I was too tired to look up and see what it was.

"Come on Ally, you have to get ready," Tara said.

I groaned but did stand up. I headed into the wardrobe and grabbed my clothes before changing into them. I let Tara do my hair because she is a lot better at it and I can't be bothered trying to find Katie who is probably trying to get the dancers ready.

Ana then helped me with my makeup and it felt nice to have my two friends helping.

"Guys, this reminds me so much of high school," I said.

During high school we would all help each whenever one of us had a date or something that required dressing up we would help each other. Most of the time it was me though.

"I know," Tara added.

"I'm sorry I haven't forgiven you guys. I'll forgive you," I said.

The other two wrapped their arms around me.

"We're so sorry," Ana said.

"So am I. I should have forgiven you earlier," I added.

I had to head for the stage after I hugged them one last time. Mom came in just as I let go of Ana.

"Come on, you have to go," she said and I headed off after her.

The dancers were already standing by the stage and all in costume ready to go on. Mom was still ordering people around and I walked out onto the stage before she could tell me anything new.

The dancers followed me out and I waved out to the crowd as I grabbed my mic. The crowd yelled as I started to sing. Mom was standing in the wings and she was on her phone again. I rolled my eyes and continued on.

Ana and Tara were standing there as well. They weren't on their phone, instead they were dancing and enjoying the concert like the audience was. I was so sick of performing at the moment. I really want to end this tour but Mom won't let me. I wouldn't actually because of all the fans.

The crowd was really loud and it was hard to think. The show was finished quickly and I saw that Ana and Tara both had suitcases with them.

"We have to go home," Tara said.

I hugged both of them really tightly and handed them my new phone number.

"I'll miss you guys so much," I said.

"We'll keep in contact with you," Ana promised and they disappeared out of the venue.

Mom was standing there and once I was finished she ushered me off. The last thing that I wanted to do was to go and spent another few hours taking photos with fans but I had to do it.

The hotel seemed really quiet without Ana and Tara moving around as well. Mom decided that since Ana and Tara couldn't look after me anymore she would now be staying in the same room as me. I stood in the bathroom and quickly texted Cam that I wouldn't be able to talk to him tonight.

Mom was still on her phone. I don't know how she can spend so much time talking to people. I can't even talk to Cam on the phone for that long. I climbed into bed and she was still on it.

"Mom, I'm trying to sleep, can you go call people somewhere else?" I asked.

"I am running your career, just be quiet," she snapped.

I rolled over and tried to block the sounds out but it wasn't working. Her voice was still ringing. I climbed out of bed and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"I'm going somewhere I can sleep," I snapped.

She didn't say anything so I headed into the room next door. I knew that it was some of the dancers and I had heard them say earlier that they had a spare bed in there. I knocked on the door and Alex opened the door.

"Hey, Alex do you mind if I sleep here tonight?" I asked.

She nodded and I quickly sat on the spare bed. Victoria was stretching out on her bed.

"You don't mind if we stay up for a few more minutes and stretch?" Victoria asked.

"I'm fine, my Mom was still on her phone and she was unlikely to get off it for at least an hour," I explained.

Alex explained to me what they were doing so I joined in. Alex said that they always roomed together and they had a stretching routine that they would do every night.

Mom was deeply questioning me about where I went last night. She said that she was worried about me but someone clearly told her where I was because she wasn't that worried.

"And the record company wants you to release a new single," she said.

"What song is it now?" I asked.

"Let's Go, at the TV interview you are going to preform it," she as just as we pulled up.

It was normal interview preparation. I was wearing a lime green shirt with floral patterns and peach shorts with sandals. Katie was already there and she was ready to do my makeup.

"I heard that our Mom was in your room last night," she said.

"And then I left because she wouldn't get off her phone," I said as she started brushing my hair and then straightening it.

I headed out onto the stage and the interviewer, Kathryn, was already sitting there. She smiled at me as I sat down.

"Welcome, so Ally, now are you enjoying Madrid?" she asked.

"Well, I have been here since yesterday and I leave tomorrow but I haven't managed to get out much but the city is very beautiful," I said.

"Now, Parker Evans is obviously your boyfriend, How is it dating another song writer?" she asked.

That was a new question. I hadn't been asked that before. For me that is pretty huge.

"It is great because sometimes I get him to help because a difference perspective is good. He hasn't asked for my help yet but I know he will," I said and the audience laughed.

I actually didn't mind the interview. She asked a few different questions and as someone that does a lot of interviews I really enjoy that.

I join the rest of the dancers off to the side of the stage. We were preforming a version of the dance that we do on tour. The stage is slightly different so we changed it. Well, I didn't change it, Mom got some choreographer did.

I'm always dancing, dancing by myself
I wanna take it there with someone else like you
Come on, come on, let's go baby
Come on, come you can save me
I'm always dancing, dancing by myself

Don't hold on so tight
Dance with me tonight

Let's go so fast, so high
Don't keep me waiting
I just wanna go so fast tonight

Let's leave 'em dancing, dancing by themselves
I wanna leave 'em, take it somewhere else with you
Come, come on, let's go baby
Come on, come on, you can save me
Don't leave me dancing, dancing by myself

Don't hold on so tight
Dance with me tonight

Let's go so fast, so high
Don't keep me waiting
I just wanna go so fast tonight

Dance with me tonight
Let's go so fast, so high
Don't keep me waiting
I just wanna go so fast tonight

I just wanna go so fast, so high
Don't keep me waiting
I just wanna go so fast tonight

I enjoyed preforming at this is a fun song to preforming. Kathryn shook my hand and we left the building. Mom looked like she had something to say but she waited until we got in the car.

"You think you know so much about your Dad?" she asked.

"No, but I think I can guess why he would leave you," I retorted.

"Well, you can find out, he is coming to visit."


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The Wise One

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