Past is Past - The Vamps Band...

By authoring

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Tristan and Kaylee Evans are trying to cope with the loss of their father, but it becomes increasingly harder... More

Chapter One - Introduction
Chapter Two- Reality hits
Chapter Three- Interrogations and Interruptions
Chapter Four- Catch ups and slow downs
Chapter Five - Preparations
Chapter Six - The Big Day
Chapter Seven - The Mystery Unravelled
Chapter Eight - The Morning After
Chapter Nine - Renovations
Chapter Ten - Complications arise
Chapter Eleven - Lights Camera Action
Chapter Twelve - Heartbreak and Apology
Chapter Thirteen - Meals and Mishaps
Chapter Fourteen - The truth comes out
Chapter Fifteen - New Arrival
Chapter Sixteen - Confrontations
Chapter Seventeen - Is this true?
Chapter Eighteen - Perfection is within reach.. maybe
Chapter Nineteen - The sun doesn't always shine..
Chapter Twenty - When life gets you down..
Chapter Twenty One - Guilt Trip
Chapter Twenty Two - Party Time
Chapter Twenty Three - Headliners
Chapter Twenty Four - Unfathomable Emotions
Chapter Twenty Five - Psychotic Minds
Chapter Twenty Six - Stay.
Chapter Twenty Seven - Day Trips
Chapter Twenty Eight - Gifts and Mischief
Chapter Twenty Nine - So little time..
Chapter Thirty - One shock after another
Chapter Thirty One - Coaching and Helping
Chapter Thirty Three - How could you..
Chapter Thirty Four - Heart of Gold
Chapter Thirty Five - Shippers and Planners
Chapter Thirty Six - Wedding Bells
Chapter Thirty Seven - After Party Fun
Chapter Thirty Eight - Interviews and Playgroup
Chapter Thirty Nine - Revenge is sweet
Chapter Forty - New Years Finale (Last Chapter!)
Remember Me?

Chapter Thirty Two - She's here

1.9K 52 1
By authoring

18 hours later, no baby. I was getting really restless, as well as stressed. "Does anyone want to go the canteen? I haven't eaten in hours" I asked/complained, food was always on my mind. Everyone agreed, and we all headed down the long, long hallway to the canteen. Nobody had a big meal, just snacks. We stayed down there for around two hours, then trailed back to the waiting room. "I'll go ask at reception if there's any developments with Cat" Priscilla said, then she left. 

Before we had to resort to small talk again (because nobody had slept none of us could make a full conversation), my phone started to ring. I walked around the corner and answered it, it was my mother. "Kaylee? Has it happened yet?" she asked/screamed down the phone. "No mum, we're fine up to yet, you still have time to get here" I replied, and I heard her breathe a sigh of relief. "I think I can make it there in about four hours, if there's no traffic" she told me, and I bit my lip.

"Um, I think it might have happened by then, Cat's nearly ready to go into the delivery room" I told her regretfully. "Oh, well, that's when i'll be there anyway. Okay, I love you honey" she said. "I love you too mum, i'll keep you posted. Bye" then I hung up. 

As I sat back down in the waiting room and sighed, Priscilla returned too. "Apparently Cat's ready to go into the delivery room any minute now" she informed us, and we all nodded. "She's going to have a baby. An actual baby. That's just ridiculous to think about" Kimmy stated.

It was a bit unbelievable to think about. Before anyone else could reply, my brother came running towards us. "Guys.. it's time. She's going into the delivery room right now" he told us breathlessly, and we all perked up. "Good luck!" we all chimed in at the same time. He nodded then ran back to be with Cat. 

It was two hours before we heard from either one of them. But when my brother returned, a huge grin was taking over his face. "She's here, she's here!" he told us, and we all jumped up and grabbed him into a group hug. "When can we see her?" Kimmy asked. "The doctors say only two at a time can see her, but the first two can go in now" he said, and we all looked at each other. 

"Do you-" James began to ask, but I shook my head. "You two go, I need to call people first" I replied, and he nodded. Then, he and Kimmy followed Tristan back into Cat's hospital room. I called my mum, grandparents and other various family members on my brother's behalf, and by the time I returned to the waiting room, Kimmy and James had returned, and Brad and Priscilla were gone.

"How is she?" I asked Kimmy as I sat back down. "She's so, so beautiful Kaylee! She's your niece though, how weird's that?" she said with a smile. "Unbelievably.." my voice trailed off as Brad and Priscilla returned. "Aw she's adorable!" Priscilla said as she sat back down opposite me. 

"They're ready for you two now" Brad said as he sat next to her. "Where do we go?" Connor asked, and Brad told him the directions. We stood up and began walking to the hospital room. When we arrived, Connor squeezed my hand. "You ready for this?" he asked. "I don't know, but i'm going in anyway" I replied, and he laughed softly. 

We slowly opened the door and walked inside. The first thing I noticed was the tiny person Cat was cradling in her arms. My mouth dropped open, and Cat smiled. "There's someone we'd like you to meet" she said softly, then passed the baby to Tristan, who held her out to me. "I-I don't know how i'm supposed to hold her.." I was really embarrassed, I had no idea how to hold my own niece. "Here" Connor said, and fixed my arms into the correct position. I then had a little tiny person in my arms, and as I looked down at her, I felt my eyes brimming with tears. "I can't believe I know you.." I said to her, well aware she couldn't respond. "She's so beautiful" I said to the parents, and they both nodded.

I reluctantly handed her over to Connor, and I wiped my eyes free of the upcoming tears. "Do you have a name yet?" I asked, voice shaking. "Not yet, truth be told we haven't even thought about it" Cat replied. Then the nurse came in and told us that the baby and Cat needed rest, and we had to leave, but we could come back first thing in the morning. 

I had to be practically dragged out of the room, but I made it back to the waiting room. "Are you alright?" Kimmy asked when we sat back down. "Yeah, just a little emotional. By the way, we're not allowed back in til tomorrow" I told everyone, and we all went back for some sleep. To their own houses for the first time in too long, may I add. I didn't have the energy to attempt to stay up, so as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell into a deep sleep. I didn't get much sleep, I still woke up at 6am, and I was greeted with a note from my mother, saying she was already at the hospital.

I grabbed a cereal bar from the cupboard, and headed to the hospital myself. A few minutes after I did, everyone else arrived, which was a shock. "Good news, I asked at reception and apparently we can all see them together in a few minutes" James announced, sitting down. "That's awesome! We'll all head down there in a few minutes then. In the meantime, anyone want to get some breakfast? I'm starved" Kimmy said, and everyone but me nodded. "You not coming Kay?" she asked me, and I shook my head. "I'll wait here in case they come for us, you go get some food" I replied, and she nodded and left. 

That left me alone for a few seconds, before my brother came running towards me. "Where's everyone else?" he asked. "Getting breakfast. They'll be back soon though" I told him, and he sat back. "Hey, can I talk to you about something?" I asked, and he looked at me concerned. "I'm your older brother, you can talk to me about anything. You know that" he told me, and I turned to face him. "About dad?" I asked, and he slowly nodded.

I took a deep breath before beginning the conversation. "Do you think he's proud?" I asked, and he thought about it for a while. "Definitely. No doubt about it" he said with certainty in his voice. "What about the relationships?" I asked. He took a deep breath this time. "Dad absolutely adored Connor, you know. They used to have banter all the time, they got on really really well" he replied with a smile. "Really?" I was just trying to confirm things. He nodded. "Then he'd love Cat too, they're not that different" I told him. "You think so?" he asked. "I know so. Now go back to your family, i'll go get the others" I said, and he reached over to hug me. "You're a really good sister you know" he said. "I know. But I always look up to the better sibling" I replied.

He smiled, then got up and left. As if by coincidence, the others returned at that exact moment. "We can go see her now guys" I told them, and we all headed into Cat's hospital room. We all fanned around her bed, and our eyes all went to the tiny baby. Even though she was a month premature, you wouldn't think it, she was the perfect weight, according to the chart the doctor filled out. "Do you guys have a name for her now?" Kimmy asked. Cat slowly nodded, and looked at Tristan. 

"Yeah, we came up with one last night" my brother said. We all stared at him expectedly.


I caved in and updated again because I felt guilty, but this is another filler, so sorry!

Please comment letting me know what you think of the fanfic! Your comments actually make my day, especially when my day's been really suckish, and you'll never know how much they mean to me!

I love you all, stay amazing xox

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