Do I Mean Anything To You? |...

By ImSimplyEmma

152K 3.1K 1.2K

❝Slowly and surely, I fell in love with you. It wasn't planned, it just kind of happened.❞ ... More

Chapter 1, Ian Tries To Kill Himself.
Chapter 2, The Hospital.
Chapter 3, Ian's awake?
Chapter 4, Ian's Worry.
Chapter 5, The truth behind Kalel.
Chapter 6, Ian's hiding something.
Chapter 7, The Truth Is Reveled, Almost.
Chapter 8, Ian's Feelings Reveled.
Chapter 9, Trip To The Zoo.
Chapter 10, A fight Ends In Tears.
Chapter 11, Finding Ian And Some Shocking News?
Chapter 12, Anthony Confesses His Feelings.
Chapter 13, Ian Finds A Letter.
Chapter 14, Anthony Finds A Childhood Friend.
Chapter 15, A Mistake That Changes Everything.
Chapter 16, Ian Needs Some Space.
Chapter 17, Ian Forgives Anthony.
Chapter 18, Shopping.
Chapter 19, Jackie's Phone Call.
Chapter 21, Anthony's Dream.
Chapter 22, Ian Saves Someone From Suicide.
Chapter 23, Jackie's Ultrasound.
Chapter 24, Baby Shopping.
Chapter 25, The Baby Shower.
Chapter 26, The Beach.
Chapter 27, Sohinki Talks To Ian.
Chapter 28, Anthony's Birthday.
Chapter 29, Ariana Arrives.
Chapter 30, Anthony's surprise.
Chapter 31, Ariana and Ian leave the Hospital.
Chapter 32, A new Neighbor moves in next door.
Chapter 33, We meet Dasha.
Chapter 34, A Small Fight.
Chapter 35, Anthony and Ian's day out.
Chapter 36, Ariana's Day Out.
Chapter 37, We meet Jett.
Chapter 38, Alex tells secrets.
Chapter 39, Surprise!
Chapter 40, The End.
Thank you(:
Hey guys!

Chapter 20, The Hate Continues.

3.4K 63 29
By ImSimplyEmma

Ian's Pov.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around having a baby. I mean, I didn't create it, but Anthony did. He created a human being. I know it sounds gross, but he'll have some of Anthony's things. We can't wait until she has the baby, which she is only 2 months pregnant. Her party was 2 months ago. Crazy right? I can't believe she said, we could have the baby. I hope it's a girl, to be honest. I'd like a little girl. It's 2 in the afternoon and I was getting hungry. "Hey Anthony," I said. "Wanna go grab some lunch and film 'Lunchtime W/ Smosh'?" Anthony nodded. "Lemme get my shoes and jacket. Then we are good to go." I nodded, smiling. "My car or yours?" "Yours!" I chuckled, and grabbed my keys, heading out into the garage. I hopped into my car, putting the keys in, and turning it. It came to life. I waited for Anthony, who was taking forever, I might add. 5 minutes later, he came out. He hopped in, putting on his seat-belt. "Sorry," He said. "I didn't know where my jacket was." I nodded, opening the garage with the automatic button. I slowly backed out, smiling. 

"Hey guys," Anthony started to film. "Welcome to LunchTime W/ Smosh. Here we have Ian, driving." I smiled, as he pointed the camera towards me. "Hey guys!" I kept my eyes on the road, as I didn't want us to crash. "So, what are we going to get today Anthony?" I asked, off-camera. "Well we are going to get Chinese food!" He said, smiling. His dimple showing. "I'm so hungry," Anthony had complained. "We'll be there soon, just hold your horses." I chuckled at the last bit. "Are we there yet?" Anthony asked. This boy, I swear. "No Anthony, we aren't. Do you see a Chinese place in sight?" I asked, stopping because of the traffic lights. "No." He frowned, turning to face the window. Anthony had turned off the camera as we didn't want to bore the fans filming the ride there, because it's pretty boring. "Anthony," I said. "What?" I gulped before talking again. "When do you think, we should tell the fans, about us?" Anthony's breath hitched, and he shyly turned to face me. "Soon; maybe." I nodded. "I only say soon because I know that you'll get hate. Because I know how many girls want to date me, and finding out that I'm dating you, might make them go weird and funny." It's true. He knows what's going to happen. "I know, I just hate not being able to cuddle you in public." I frowned, focusing on the road. "We will soon Ian, I promise." Lets hope he can keep this promise.

"So we got the food!" Anthony said, starting up the filming again. "Yes, we do!" I said, fake smiling. I know how much it's killing me. We hopped into the car, and he was still filming. He was talking about what's up with the Food Battle game, and updating them on it. I really wish we would come out to the fans. But then again, I might attempt to kill myself because of the hate. I get where Anthony's coming from. I know what will happen. I just, hate having to hide, you know? I wish I could kiss him, hug him, cuddle him in public. Sometimes, I've nearly kiss him, but he stops me. I can't believe I have to hide it. I want to come out, but I know the outcome. I sat in silence, most of the way home.

"Okay guys, we are now home, and look at this food." Anthony had layed everything out on the table, with a fork. There were his food, and mine. I sat down, and just played with my food. Anthony got some on his fork and ate it. "Yum!" He said, into the camera. He saw how sad and glum I was, so he stopped filming. "Ian, are you alright?" He asked, looking at me, with worry flashing in his eyes. "No," I quietly said, so he didn't hear. "What was that?" He said. "I said, I'm fine." You're not fine Ian, and you know it. Stop lying. I nearly cried. "Ian?" Anthony was about to get up, when I got up and ran to the bathroom, locking it. "IAN?!" Anthony yelled, running to the bathroom. "IAN, OPEN THIS DOOR." He demanded. I grabbed my phone, going to the hashtag, #DieIanFromSmosh. I couldn't help myself. I saw some tweets from people. (Note, these are usernames I made up okay? okay back to the story)

"@iLoveAnthony: Ian, just kill yourself please? Please? It's been my dream #DieIanFromSmosh."

"@IanDie: You're worthless and a waste of space. Just please, kill yourself. #DieIanFromSmosh."

"@KillYourselfIan: Ian, please do us a favor and die. You're just a waste of space and not to mention, ugly aswell. #DieIanFromSmosh."

"@IHateIan: Ian, just kill yourself. Anthony doesn't love you, neither do we. #DieIanFromSmosh."

I hate all this hate. It makes me sick, and it makes me just want to die. Kill yourself is cruel. Maybe, I will. Maybe, I'll put myself out of this misery. Maybe, I should just get my back-up razors I keep at the back of the cupboard and cut. Cut till I hit a vein and bleed to death. Is this what you want?! I felt like the whole world was against me. I hated this feeling. It makes me feel unwanted. Oh wait, I am. According to the fans, I'm worthless, ugly and just a waste of space. I looked at myself in the mirror, grabbing my phone. Tweeting something, for might be the very last time.

@SmoshIan: You've won.



I know this isn't a good chapter, but expect some drama in the next one, or in a few chapters to come;) Anyway,  I might be publishing a new One Direction story, if you guys will be willing to check it out :) Thanks in advance! I hope you enjoyed.

Fan to become a KittyKitten today! Stay gorgeous! Meow:D

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