Your Nicotine Saved Me

By themissfittoy

223 4 0

This is a story about a girl with such alcohol obsessed parents that she is named after Lager. With no autho... More

Your Nicotine Saved Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

38 0 0
By themissfittoy

So here you go guys sorry for the long wait, I hope you find this alright!

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Waking up the next morning in my small box bedroom the house stunk of stale booze as always. Even in my room with the door locked shut you could still smell it. Pulling an old batman tee over my head and putting on a pair of dark skinny jeans I could now see that I was running late for school. I quickly applied thick amounts of eyeliner over my green eyes and ran out of my house wearing an old pair of blue converse that one of my mates had stolen for me from an old shoe shop in town.

I know that stealing is bad and everything but it was my birthday and he didn't have much money. I try not to judge people for stuff like that considering how much of a mess my parents both are. They've always drunk since before I was even born. It's all they've ever done and it's not like they've ever abused me it's just that they don't really think of me as a daughter. More of an inconvenience but you get used to it. I was just left to my own devices from about the age of 5 really, not that it bothered me. I liked it if I'm honest. I suppose it's all I've ever known.

I begin to run down my long street, which is full of people just like my parents. People didn't really like my estate as they thought it was rough and full of alcoholics and potheads. I guess they're right but it's still offensive.

My school is on the other side of town, which is a 20-minute walk from my house. I knew that I was going to make it into school late. My school had a stupid rule where sixth formers had to be in for school at 8:40 to be registered even if they didn't have classes until the afternoon.

I was halfway down my long street of dodgy looking council houses when an unfamiliar old white beetle began to slow down next to me beeping it's horn and making me jump. Looking into the car that had just scared me ready to punch whoever the driver was in the face I heard a familiar laugh.

"Hey sweetheart. Did I scare you there?" I began to give him fake evils, I hardly knew this guy yet he was already making my heart accelerate no matter how annoying he was.

"What do you want Oscar?" I ask rolling my eyes; I really wasn't a morning person.

"Well I was going to offer you a ride seeing as you're going to be late to school but if you're going to be rude I might just have to throw you into the sea again!" he says winking at me. This time it was my turn to laugh.

"You're such an idiot!" I say climbing into the front seat of the car putting my feet against the dashboard. I really didn't want to run all the way to school today; smoking didn't exactly give me the greatest lungs to be honest. "But I would love for you to drive me to school!" I say giving him my best puppy dog eyes that worked on every guy I ever came in to contact with.

He sighed starting up the car.

Glancing at him properly I could see that he was wearing an old band top that I recognised and a pair of old blue jeans. His eyes today were still big and chocolaty and making my heart skip a beat. They really are hot. He was staring out onto the road with such concentration that his eyebrows scrunched together slightly. This made him look adorable and I couldn't help but smile. I began to look out of the window daydreaming. There was a comfortable silence that made me feel at ease.

I was starting to crave a morning cigarette, as I hadn't had time to have one at home today. Pulling a packet out of my bag I lit a cigarette and rolled down the passenger window blowing smoke rings cockily.

"I didn't say you could smoke in here." Oscar immediately says raising an eyebrow at me before turning back to concentrate on the road again.

"I didn't say you could throw me into freezing salt water but that didn't stop you."

It's then that I saw a small smirk appear on Oscar's face letting me know that I had won this round. I don't know what it was about this guy but he seemed to make me smile more than I usually did, like it didn't matter that in fact we we're driving to the hell that was my school. All that mattered was that I was with him and that was ok. He was ok.

"You sure you don't want a smoke Ozzy?" I ask sweetly. I really didn't want to push his buttons too much. For some reason I actually wanted to impress this guy. You see normally I don't care what people think of me, I'm loud and act like a dick most of the time and I couldn't care less. But I wanted Oscar to like me for some reason.

Smiling he took a cigarette out of my pack and held it between his lips as I lit it for him. For some reason this all felt so natural to me, as if we've been doing this for years. As if I have ridden in this old dusty beetle millions of times before. Looking out of the window I could see all the old brick houses that were crumbling down. Weeds growing uncontrollably in all of the gardens and a few beer bottles scattered across the pavement. A mother was walking her child into the small primary school that was situated just 3 streets down from mine. She was smiling at her little daughter with such warmth and love in her eyes giving her a goodbye hug and a small, sharp pain in my chest began to form. My mum had never done that when she took me to school and it kind of hurt. I wish more than anything that I was that little girl being hugged tightly. That my mum loved me like the little girls loved her.

"So how long have you been smoking for?" Oscar asks breaking my thought pattern. I sighed wondering how much he was going to judge me because of this.

"Since I was 13" I say taking a long drag.

"Damn you beat me! I started when I was 14." He replied winking. I let out a long breath that I didn't realise I was holding. Normally people would either pity me or be disgusted that I started at the age of 13 but Oscar didn't seem to mind. It even sounded like he might even be jealous. I began to laugh then, relived at his reaction.

"You're crazy. Do you know that?" I say and he laughed. That laugh was becoming more addictive than fags.

"Of course I'm crazy I'm talking to you aren't I?"

Shocked I slapped his arm playfully, the contact making my hand electric.

Finishing our cigarettes we chucked them out of the car windows before Oscar pulled into the school car park. It was 8:38 meaning that we had made it just in time.

"Well thanks for the ride Ozzy, I'll catch you later!" I say as we both get out of the car. Winking at him playfully before starting to walk towards my form room.

"Cya sweetheart!" he shouts laughing.

"I wouldn't call me that if I were you." I sang turning my head back to face him but he just shook his head lightly, laughing at me.

* * *

Walking into my form room at 8:40 precisely I could see that Daz and Jaime were already sitting at the back of the room laughing loudly at each other. They were my two best mates and the closest thing to proper family I have.

"Hey look who's on time for once! Only Stella Artois!" Shouted Daz arrogantly.

"Shut up Walker!" I say slapping him across the back of the head and sitting on his knee so that I could blank him.

"So how was your date Jamie? I want every detail!"

Daz and Jamie had been like brothers to me since we started high school. They are complete opposites. Daz has dark brown curls and blue eyes and flirts with every girl that he lays eyes on. That's how we became friends actually. He was trying to flirt with me on the first week and I could tell that he was a womaniser so I did what I do best and sassed him completely. It made him laugh so much that we became friends and he introduced me to Jamie. A blonde haired brown eyed guy that's quite laid back and has only ever had one girlfriend even though he could go out with anyone that he wanted but he was more of an emotional person who was really good with advice.

"We don't want to hear about all the sappy crap Stell, I just want to know if he got laid or not!"

I slapped Daz around the head again glaring at him.

"Could you just shut up for one minute you horny shit?"

Before I could ask Jaime again I heard the all too familiar voice of my ancient form tutor.

"Stella Brooks! Would you please find your own seat to sit on? I'm sure you and Mr Walker can flirt in your own time!" she all but screamed.

Mrs Watson was an old hag with wrinkles as deep as the sea. She hated me with a passion, mainly because I was the only one that wasn't scared to give her back what she gave to other people. I had a bad habit of bad mouthing teachers. I just don't like how they think that they're the shit when in fact they're just old and boring.

"We weren't-"

"Do not answer back in this room or I shall make you stand outside of it for the whole 20 minutes!"


"Get Out!" she screeched.

I'm guessing she wasn't a morning person either.

I could hear Daz's quiet laugh as I walked out of the room and I could just tell that Jaime was rolling his eyes at me. I always knew when to step my foot in it.

I walked out into the plain school corridor with its grey walls and wooden classroom doors. I sat down to the side of my form room's door, looking down at my converse and began to think about how much I hated school. You see no one really liked me here they all thought I was too loud and goby which I suppose I am but it's only so that I'm noticed. You see I don't get attention at home and I just want to be seen and heard, I want to cover up my loneliness with my loud creative mask. I don't care what people think anyway it's not like I'm used to being loved anyway.

With all these thoughts going through my head I didn't even notice that someone was in front of me until they spoke.

"What's got you down Sweetheart?"

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So this is the secound chapter of YNSM! I hope it's okay and that you're all having a great summer! Please enjoy my lovies!

Lots and love and hugs

Tia x x x

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