The Curse

By MattScarlett

1.3K 25 9

After the death of a pastor in rural Kansas shocks a small town. His only daughter Samantha takes it upon he... More

The Curse
The Beckoning of Diablo
A Night of Betrayal

The Afformation of Preeminence

89 3 3
By MattScarlett

Thunder sounded and lighting once again lit the room. I groggily rubbed my eyes, wondering how long I have been out for. I looked around dark room and realized I was home safe. It must have been another dream.

I need to seriously stop having these nightmares. I hope that Lizzy and Tiffany didn't witness or see half of that dream!

I tried to focus on the room but the electricity must still be out. No candles were lit and an eerie black room suffocated my senses.

"Lizzy, Tiffany," I stammered, scared to speak in fear of hearing that evil voice once again. No answer came back and I now sat up off of my back and turned to scan the room.

"Tiff, Lizzy, what is going on you guys?" Still no answer came back.

Oh God, I hope they didn't see that dream and leave.

The thoughts raced through my head as I moved cautiously on my hands and knees looking for a candle and lighter. It had to be near the Ouija board we had just been using. Lightening again flickered through the room and illuminated the board with two nearby candles that had toppled over. 

Reaching over for the candles I luckily found the lighter close by. Lighting the wick the small flame grew slowly in the dark room, making a small circle of light. The Ouija Board once again caught my eye and I moved the candle closer. It had small symbols and letters that seemed to have been burned into the board itself.

What in the hell is that and where in the hell are my friends?

Fear began to overtake me and I could hear the slow thump of my heart beat in my ears.

Standing up, I held the candle in front of me and headed towards the bedroom door. With what little light the candle provided, I could see that things were strewn throughout my room, like a tornado actually came through here. As I reached the door I moved the candle back towards the bed where Tiffany and Lizzy had their bags, everything is still there.

Something is wrong and my stomach began to flutter. I opened the door and it creaked, echoing into the hallway. Tip toeing into the hall the boards also creaked as I moved lightly with each step. The candle brightened a small globe around me. Half of each side of the hallway lit up and I started to see the symbols yet again appear, etched on the wall.

I couldn't quite tell what they were, but as I moved down the hall the symbols became larger and more pronounced, making complete sentences. Nothing I could read. Stopping at the end of the all I turned and put the candle as close to the wall as I dared. Leaning in I tried to make out what the symbols said but could not. I ran my finger across the writing and the fine dark red liquid saturated my skin.

This is blood!

Sanity fled as fear yielded my senses, I cried out in the dark house. "Tiffany, Lizzy, Mom! Where are you guys?"

I began to cry as I moved down the stairs one at time. Symbols of pentagrams, devils and letters were marked all over. Handprints made a long line down the stairwell, as if someone had been drug down them.

The candle shook and the light danced off the walls as I reached the final step into the living room. Stepping down, my foot became instantly soaked and without even moving the light I knew what it was. A large puddle of blood splashed underneath my other foot. Standing still, I again called out for my friends and mother.

Guys, please be ok, please be ok.

I repeated over and over in my head as I walked into the living room. Taking another step forward I followed a bloody trail in the flickering candle light. It leads in the direction of the kitchen back into the dark abyss.

A floorboard creaked on the opposite side of the living room and I instantly stopped. A few feet were only visible amongst the occasional flash of lighting.

"Who's there?" I asked, a whimpering voice coming out.

"It's me Sam!" the dark voice whispered through the darkness.

"Where is my family and friends you monster!" I demanded my voice still weak.  

"Oh Sam, you know my dear, you know all too well." 

"You're a coward," I whimpered.

 "Look at me Sam, look at me!" The monster hissed

 Laughter now sounded in front of me and my candle flickered as the same hot breath that tortured my dreams before. It blew across my face and my toes curled, digging hard into the wood.

"Look...." The whisper again filled my ears but there was no time to react.

 Diablo stepped into the light of my candle. His blood red skin and robust body towered over me. His evil eyes and malevolent grin stared down at me. I tried to focus away but another hot breath crept down the back of my neck sending chills down my spine.

"There is nowhere to go Sam," Zozo said in his cold evil voice.

I closed my eyes and tried to pray.

 "What is happening? Where are Lizzy, Tiffany and My Mother?" I must be dreaming. I pleaded in my own head trying to save any grace that could be left.

"Sam, look," The voice only echoed in my head and I fearfully opened my eyes.

Diablo and Zozo were now gone. A small light flickered across the room. A candle dimly illuminated a body tied to a chair. I squinted, trying to weed through my emotions. Realizing at that moment what it was I sprinted forward almost falling over myself, moving as fast as I could.

I stopped dead in front of the chair, a little bit of light barely showed mother's body. I reached out to touch her face and a hand grabbed me, giving me an electrifying shock.

"It's ok Sam; I'll take it from here," My own voice said back to me.

Astonishment ran through my body as I watched my own self dance around the chair and into the full light of the candle. My other body was covered in blood and had the same sunken evil eyes that shared that of the lords of hell.

"I know what you're thinking Sam, don't worry we'll take good care of Mommy!" she laughed as she ran her hands over mothers head. My head began to hurt. Sharp pains began to ache at my side and I strained to move towards myself.

"Oh Sam, Don't you notice what is happening by now? Can you not feel the power surging in your veins? Your friends begged and pleaded, it gave me pleasure to end that wretched slut Tiffany. I mean a girl needs to look out for number one!"

She pointed over to the side of the room where Tiffany's headless body leaned against the wall.

"Oh, and don't worry, I'm sure the pigs won't mind a bit of slop for that perfect little miss proper, Lizzy! You should have heard the wails as I chopped her limb by limb, I guess we'll have to find a new study partner."

Again the evil laugh filled the silent room as my double pointed to a blood trail, leading into the kitchen.

"What is this?" I demanded, barely able to control myself. "Why are you tormenting me?" I gasped for air and fell down to my knees.

"It has always been our destiny Sam. Our father thought that moving into the middle of nowhere and becoming a servant of God, he could hide from his sins. Death is not so easily forgotten"

"I don't know, none of this makes sense and you have destroyed my life!" Again my evil double laughed. "Sam, Take my hand." 

I looked up; my double had her hand outstretched. For the first time I heard my Mother move. She was unconscious and I could see her start to struggle against her bonds.

"Sam, honey, who are you talking to" She looked confused.

"What is going on baby? What have you done? I told you to stay away from the witchcraft and that evil stuff. I tried to stop you from following your father that night but you left the house without me knowing and by the time you got home, it was already morning. You were covered in blood and I freaked out, I didn't know what to do honey."

My mother now had tears filling her eyes and she heaved harder than ever.

"I, I... saw that evil look in your eyes and that translucent stare. You were sitting on the porch swing whistling. When I approached or spoke you never said anything, just whistled this evil tune. I went to touch your shoulder and you passed out falling onto the portch, so I cleaned all the blood off your body and put you into bed. I knew I couldn't lose you too, I wanted to fix you, shelter you from whatever evil stalked your father and that poor boy Danny." she cried again.

Ha, she's starting to act just like father, Weak and Pathetic.

"Your father warned me that night, how incredibly sensitive you were to the spiritual side of our world. In his younger years he messed around with the occult. After the death of that girl, he could see the dead. He felt sentenced to eternal damnation, seeing only the evil souls stalk this earth. We had no idea until you were older, that you too had the same curse. I had no idea that the evil could reach you as it did that night."

"Mom, what are you saying?" My voice barely a whisper and my hand clutched my doubles tight.  

"Sam, you killed your Father!" 

I stood paralyzed, sorting through the emotions.

 "See Sam, I can protect you. We'll always be here to protect you."

My double looked at me holding my hand tight; she leaned close and whispered yet again.

"You'll be a God with us, she couldn't even tell you the truth, and she was ashamed of you."

I felt the tingle of greedy power begin to surge through my veins. My mother stared at me unsure what to do. She could not see who I am talking too.

"Sam, honey, what is going on? Please un-tie me. We can make this right baby; I'll make sure no one knows." 

My Double now lifted her other hand, which held a blood soaked bat, with crude nails hammered into the end. Without second thought, I reached and grabbed the bat and felt myself become complete again with my other persona. Every hair rose on my body and the new sensation of power rippled through my skin, my body shaking with pleasure.

My mother must have seen the sinister look come back to my eyes as she started to weep.

"Please, please, please, give me back my daughter, my Samantha."

A smile creased my face as I raised the bat above my head. "Don't worry; Samantha will meet you in hell."

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