The 100 V The Eighth Colony

By terrance3333

616 6 2

The Grounders and The Hundred are finally at peace. But for how long? CLARKE is beginning to judge Lexa's lea... More

Chapter 1 Clarke
Chapter 2 Octavia
Chapter 3 Wells
Chapter 4 Bellamy
Chapter 5 Octavia
Chapter 6 Wells
Chapter 7 Clarke
Chapter 8 Bellamy
Chapter 9 Octavia
Chapter 10 Clarke
Chapter 11 Bellamy
Chapter 12 Octavia
Chapter 13 Wells
Chapter 14 Clarke
Chapter 15 Bellamy
Chapter 16 Octavia
Chapter 18 Wells
Chapter 19 Bellamy
Chapter 20 Octavia
Chapter 21 Clarke

Chapter 17 Clarke

35 1 2
By terrance3333

The door opened, Bellamy and Alyson stepped into the small room. They were late as ever. Clarke and Lexa sat down at a miniature table, fit for just two more. The only others who lurked in the room aside from them, were Osiris and Karlina, who were privately chatting off to the side. 

"Your both late.." Clarke sighed, directing her vision back towards Lexa. Bellamy shrugged, and so did Alyson in a sense, as they both took their seats. 

"We were caught up with hallway traffic...Rows and rows of people were coming down the hallways and crap, its not our fault." Alyson explained. Alyson and Bellamy shared glances, that made Clarke feel somewhat uncomfortable, and she could say the same for lexa. 

"it is alright." Lexa spoke up. "Just try and not be late again." Lexa pulled her seat in, placing both of her hands on the table. "anyway, this is your second day in the capitol. Yesterday was your arrival, and of course, today is your enrichment. By showing your loyalty and trust to us, we need you to help serve Trikru, in one of the most biggest wars our people are going to face, yet." Lexa's words were cold, and made Clarke freeze up. 

"Wait." Clarke interrupted, leaning in so her elbows touched the tables ends. "I understand that assisting you in battle is a good way to show our loyalty..But I don't think my people are capable of fighting..they are just kids, and most of them are weak..." 

"Yes, I understand that...but I left a group of people at your camp, to teach them how to brawl. They now will be resilient with swords and other weapons. And them having firearms is a huge advantage. All we need to do is map out the terrain for them, and they'll be ready..You have an army at foot Clarke. Don't waste your power." Lexa's voice went from lightly cold, to boldly stern. Bellamy's expression fell flat, as he scooted himself in, eyeing Lexa hoarsely. He was about to speak up, but Clarke cut over him. 

"Alright...We'll help. But we need something in return also." She crossed her arms, and leaned back. Clarke hoped she was doing whats right. She had mixed feelings about helping Lexa, but focused on the positive ones. If they do assist lexa, maybe they can expand this lucky peace. The only thing that Clarke worries about, is if or when The Ark does come down from space, will they accept the peace, or will they prefer bloodshed upon the Grounders. 

"And what would you like in return?" Lexa rested her chin on her knuckles, staring at Clarke deeply. 

"After all this war stuff is done, I want you to promise, that Trikru, and the sky people, will never cast each others blood on Earths soil again..I want more then peace. I want tranquility." Bellamy and Alyson both stared at Clarke as if she was insane or something, But Lexa only smiled. 

"Very well, Clarke of the sky people. Once you aid us in war against the ice nation, we will no longer have bad vibes. Our peace will expand...And who knows, you may be the thirteenth clan, to join our coalition." The room had an eerie tone to it, but Lexa's smile made the eeriness not seem half bad. 

"Thank you, Lexa...Oh, and its not 'Clarke of the Sky people,' its just Clarke." The two girls exchanged smiles, before lexa dismissed the meeting, Bellamy, Alyson, and Clarke, exited the room. 

"What the actual hell, were you thinking!?" Bellamy angrily snarled, focusing his vision on Clarke. Clarke felt a bit hurt, and confused, as she shook her head slowly. 

"What? Assisting them in war?" 

"Yes, Clarke! Our people will get murdered out there! We can't go up against these ice nation people. One, our people are weak, all of us know that! Two, Lexa's warriors really aren't paying off. The only person that the training really took affect upon, is Octavia and Alexandra. Maybe Olivia, but that's a huge if! Two, Even if this whole war thing is over and we do manage to survive...We have to start living with these people and become loyal servants!" Bellamy argued, as he curled his fists up enraged. Alyson held his shoulders to calm him down, but he retorted. 

"I thought you trust the grounders! You were the one who wanted to guard me all the way here, your the one who came here with me! What changed? What is so different?" Clarke countered, curling her fingers up as well. 

"Well, I've changed over the last twenty-four hours....The past has made me realized who these people are, and what they are...I think their all nice and shit on the outside..but on the inside their killers...I believe that maybe Wells, was right.." Bellamy admitted. 

"Oh come on, Bellamy..Please don't agree with him..the Grounders are good people..their nice enough to allow us to stay, and provide us with water and food....Lexa even spared us, allowing a peace to forge between us. We need to accept that this is who we are now..and if we don't make the first move in trust..then who will be the one to take the first step?" Alyson asked, cutting in. She stared at Bellamy deeply, and he stared back. After a good four or five seconds, Bellamy rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. 

"Alright...I'll accept that our people are in war..For now. but I swear if anyone dies out there, the blood is on your hand Clarke..just remember that." Bellamy snorted, walking away. Once he was gone, Alyson shifted her vision to Clarke, who stood there frowning. 

"it's alright...No blood will be on your hands...Your smart, you can get us through just gotta believe..and you can accomplish anything...I'll see you later Clarke." Alyson's last words were, before she jogged down the hallway, catching up with Bellamy. Clarke stood there alone, realizing that they are going to war. War. To fight the Ice Nation. She knows there will be death. The only question is, who will die? And who will live? 

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