Do Not Read This Book

By zzooming

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By zzooming

*Opens Journal*

March 8

Sometimes people are so--

*Notices the reader*

Groans in frustration. *Slams Journal shut*

*Walk to room*

*Slams door*

March 8

Sometimes people are so annoying. For instance, they don't listen and interrup--

"Sara-Lee! Get down here, right now this instant!" Mother calls from downstairs.

I scream back"What?!"

"I said get down here young lady!"

I slam my journal closed once more! Hey! Why are you even reading my thoughts? You are not supposed to be even reading this. Shoo, fly! *Smacks head with newspaper*

I make my way downstairs. My mom is holding a boy by the ear. Uh-oh. That is Mark. Wait...why am I even telling you this? *Whatever, just tell me who he is!* He is my boyfriend. Secret boyfriend. My mom is not supposed to know I have one!

Mark looks at me and my cheeks turn pink,"Hi Markie"

"Hello Sa--"

"Stop this nonsense. Sara-lee care to explain why this boy was trying to sneak in the back yard toward your room?" my mom says.

"Uhh. Mom, he's my best friend. We...are working on a project together...and...he...likesicecream." I have nothing to say to this and I think my mom already knows who this boy is and why he is trying to sneak into my bedroom. I give Mark my wide eyes saying what were you thinking?

"Is that it? This boy tells me that he has been having a relationship with you....for the past three months." She gives me the mom-glare thing.

I don't make eye contact with my mom or Mark. I look at the door and then the ceiling and then take a peek at my mom's face. She looks very angry. I don't even know what to say. What are you supposed to say anyway? Why are you still here? Why am I talking to myself? Why am I still asking these question? Who in the name of pie are you? Please state your name.

*My name is Y/N. I want to read more of your story cause' i'm a dummy* ahh I see. If you read this story/book/my thoughts you absolutely cannot tell ANYONE. Got that? Good.

Back to the present.

"Young lady. You will never see this boy again as long as you live. Until I think you are ready. It's this boy or your phone." Moms these days huh? What do you think I should choose?

My mom releases Marks' ear and he rubs his red ear and groans.

I mouth to mark 'Sorry'

"my phone," I grumble and murmur.

"Now go home, boy" she shoves Mark toward the door and Mark looks at me and then leaves.

March 8

Sometimes people are so annoying. For instance, they don't listen and interrupt all the time. I would tell them to shut up but I'm too nice. One day I will burst. - Sara-lee King

*Author comes in*

Don't turn the page. -->zzleeping<--

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