"True Love"

By G_CLue

750 50 7

I made a fool of my self, I made a mistake. This is about 6 people who have everything they could ask for... More

Special Event
Boys Birthdays
Shocking news
Life without her
Found Them!!
Let's win this!

Long week

52 2 0
By G_CLue

"I thought it was a dream, I thought it wasn't real

But pain really hurts and it's really how I feel
Memories keep coming back, and so do all of the tears
I hear your voice, and as quick as the smile came, it quickly disappears
I don't know what is happening, because you always held my hand

You said you would never let go, that is what I don't understand
So many promises you made, and more of them broken
Lost and confused, feels like I'm choking
A lot of things I did not say
Now I can't find my way

I feel like a boomerang, you throw me but not only that
Every time you throw me, I always seem to come back
Back to you, back to pain
Nothing has changed, you're still the same

I cannot start over because I don't know where to start
I guess that is what happens when someone breaks your heart
If we are supposed to follow our dreams, why can't I follow you
Because now I am so lost, I wish you were lost without me too..... By Shelli." Lydia finished her poem.

Week has passed since the incident, and now everyone was back in school even Lydia who had been depressed a week ago, they were back in class and now they need to recite a poem that means to them or for someone. As soon as Lydia finished her poem everyone in class applause loudly and shouting while some people was whistling.

"That was really good Lydia, and now can you please tell us, why did you choose this poem?" The teacher asked as she sat on her chair.

"Yes, the tittle of this poem is Lost, you see there's this person I trust and love and so this poem is for that person." Lydia said, while tears running down on her cheek, while looking at Alston "I'm sorry but I will need to excuse my self I have some errand to do maam."

"Ofcorse, you have finished your poem so I guess it's alright, and good-luck for this week sports fest. You may excuse." The teacher said standing up.   "That will be the last person for today the rest will be next week since we have our sports fest for a whole week this week I believe everyone will be busy. And good-luck to everyone especially to the cheer leading squad, Beavers Academy Team and the rest clubs, you may go now."

As soon as the teacher leave, all students was confused and was asking each other what Lydia meant, and who was that person she was talking about. Jen, Bella, Alvin, Alston and Brantly obviously know who that person Lydia spoke off. Alston was shocked when Lydia was reciting the poem he couldn't believe how much he hurt her. He stood up and went out of the class, then started looking for Lydia when he saw her inside of her office, he opened the door and you could see Lydia's face who wanted to run away but froze on the spot.

"What do you want? I'm busy right now." Lydia said as she walk towards the door wanting to escape from the situation she's in. When Alston hold her hand to stop her.

"Will you please stop ignoring me and face me then tell me what I need to do for you to forgive me!" Alston said still holding Lydia's hand.

It has been a week since Alston and Lydia seen each other and even talk, a week ago when Alston, Alvin and Brantly was talking about girls they decided to go to have a drink and talk about their problem and when I said theirs, I meant Alston and Brantly's girls problem. On their talked last week, Alston decided to talk to Lydia as soon as he will see her, then explain everything. He told Alvin and Brantly that he won't let anyone to break them apart. While Brantly on the other hand decided that he will asked Bella to go with him and her.

"No!! Don't touch me!! Why did you go and meet another girl behind my back, when you told me that your going to practice your shooting, why did you lie? How long have you been lying behind my back huh!!? What else have you not tell me? Is it the fact that you love me? Maybe the only thing we could do right now is a space with each other. Goodbye Alston." Lydia said as she cried and run away from Alston.

Alston tried to run after Lydia when a girl tried to stop him, Lydia saw the girl who stop Alston it was the girl he was with that day, which made Lydia think if he really does cared about her. Alston on the other hand he was confused why the girl stop him from chasing Lydia but one thing that hit him was that Lydia wouldn't like this so Alston told the girl that no matter how much she loved him he couldn't loved her back because his heart was only and always will be for Lydia. Back to class when Alvin and Jen was talking about their next date, they were also worried at the same time for Lydia and Alston who seems to be breaking up soon.

"I can't believe, this is actually happening right now." Alvin murmured.

Then they heard people whispering outside even in the classroom.

"Hey Bella, Jen is it true that Lydia and Alston broke up?" Pammy said. She's the co-captain of the cheer leading squad. "Everyone seems to be talking about it right now all over the school. And now all the girls and boys were trying to talk to either both of them."

Alvin, Jen, Bella and Brantly went to find Lydia and Alston because they knew how much Lydia and Alston loved each other that it's almost impossibe what they were talking. They went to the back of the gym and saw Alston crying and punching the wall in front of him, Alvin and Brantly rushed towards him to stop him from having bruises around his hands since they have an up coming match tomorrow. The girls also went to find Lydia and leaving the boys behind, they went to the private room where Lydia always go to dance or listen music to expressed her feelings, as soon as they arrived they saw Lydia crying while dancing.

"Lydia, stop dancing and crying at the same time your hurting yourself." Bella said walking towards Lydia. 

"That's right Lia come here let's talk about it. We thought you won't break up with him and just ask him why he lied to you?" Jen said as she hug Lydia.

A week ago when the girls was talking about Alston, Jen and Bella told her that she should let Alston explain what really happened that day and why did he lied to her. So Lydia told the girls that she will when she's ready to face him.

"I know that.... I have to.... face him and.... I just wanted.... some space." Lydia said between on her sobbed.

Actually when Lydia saw Alston on her office she really wanna hear what he's going to say but for her looking at Alston right now was making her more and more hurt because the incident that happened last week was flashing back to her mind which making her run instead. Back to where the boys were, Bella went to them to tell Alston what Lydia wanted to tell him.

"Ok, so Lydia said that she was sorry for running away like that but, she want's some space and when she's ready to hear everything from you she will call you and meet with you." Bella said as he look at Alston. "Alston, it's not like she wanted to break up with you she just want more space that's it, maybe you can just focus on your team and win tomorrow's game."

"How many days or maybe months she need!? All I want her to do is to listen to me. No!! If that's what she want then maybe your right I will focus on my team, but can you tell her that I will wait on that day and I love her so much and I won't let anyone to break us apart." Alston said while walking away from them.

"Ok, I guessed that's us guys I need to go and meet Jen." Alvin said while running away from Bella and Brantly.

It was awkward at first but this is actually what Alvin wanted for them to be alone and Brantly would ask Bella out on a date on Wednesday after their final game.

"So Bella I was wondering if you want to hang out with me on Thursday after our game?" Brantly said courageously.

"Ofcorse I would love to." Bella said.

Although they can't see each other's expression right now but they were actually happy to have a date on Thursday, Brantly was happy because he could finally have time to talk to her while Bella on the other hand was also happy because the person he fall in love with, is asking her out on a date.

  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday was the game for all sports club and Wednesday was the final game, Thursday was to have fun with friends and ofcorse visit all the booth, and lastly Friday was the last day of the week, everyone will be wearing black and white theme for the social dance, there's a saying that as soon as the last dance start they should find the person they like and confess their feelings.  

"Welcome everyone to our 21st sports fest celebration in school, everyone enjoy this week celebration, there's foods you can buy, sports you can watch or if your on a pinch and wanted to say sorry or confess to someone please go to the school rooftop courageously, so once again welcome and enjoy." Lydia said.

Beavers won by 50-46 score, people applause and cheering, finally the final game finish. Alvin went straight to Jen and hugged her, Brantly also went to Bella who was still standing with the rest of the squad while Alston was standing though he wanted to hug and share the happy moments to his beloved Lydia but he couldn't because of their misunderstanding. After the game like what Brantly and Bella plan they went on a date.

Roses everywhere red and white combination 1 round table and two white chairs, white lights was on the tree's around them. Perfect for a beautiful night, to have a perfect date. Brantly was wearing black formal and simple suit while Bella was wearing white simple dress.

"You look beautiful Bella." Brantly said mesmerize by Bella's natural look.

"Thank you, you look handso.... I meant ... Good with black." blushing as she turned around.

"Thank you." Brantly grinned.

Half hour passed when Brantly sudenly stood up and took Bella's hand.

"I know I was known for being a ladies man, but thought you should know that there's only one girl I have in mind and that is you Bella. And now I'm standing here in front of you to tell you this ....
Bella Maaike will you be my girlfriend and be my one and only woman?"

There was a paused.... for about a minute ....

             "Yes ofcorse." Bella said while hugging Brantly.

There was a tear in both of their eyes as they hugged and finally share their first kiss.


"Days have gone so fast... Jen ! can you help me zip this dress?" Lydia said putting her make up on.
"Are you guys finish?" Bella said closing the door.

It was already 7:30 Friday night and it was the night where they will held the social dance. As the girls walk down the stairs boys was asking them to dance. But Alvin took Jen's hand, Brantly took Bella's hand while Alston on the other hand is not on the party yet so Lydia went to the back garden refusin all the men who asked her for a dance. Drinking a wine of glass, and deep in thought... Then she decided that maybe it is time for her to listen to Alston. The room was crowded and everyone was whistling while Alston walked towards Alvin and the rest of the group.

"Wow, too much for being such a popular...  Prince." Bella said as she saw him walking towards them.

"Whatever guys, I need to talk to Lydia have you guys seen her?" Alston said looking around.

"Actually, I did saw her walking through the garden, so I believe she's in the garden alone right now." Brantly said.

Alston run towards the garden entrance while Brantly and the rest went to their table to have a drink and talk at the same time.

"I'm really hoping that by the time they come back inside, there will be a good news." Alvin said while putting his hand around Bella.

"Your right, I meant there's no way they will break up just because of this." Jen said, taking a sip on her wine.

"Who was the girl anyway? Have you guys seen the girl? I heard that she's been keeping an eye on Alston." Bella said.

"Yes, actually I look through her profile and saw that her family was new in a business and she's a new student here. Like what you said she's pretty much trying to break Alston and Lydia apart, you know ... Why people always trying to get our attention right? It was either to have a relation with us for them to be our business partner or making us to look at them to married one of us. Everyone here knew that we six have a higher social status than the rest." Brantly explained while eating a biscuit.

"That's the vice-president for you. Good job sweety." Bella said reaching on his cheek to kiss him.

"Well there's no way am gonna let anyone to break them apart, or any of us." Jen said standing up.

"Where are you going honeybee?" Alvin said.

"I need to call someone, I will be back." Jen said putting her glass of wine on the table and leave the rest of the group behind.

While Jen step out to call someone, Bella, Alvin and Brantly went to their other friends to have a talk with them, Bella was with the squad member while Alvin and Brantly went to their beavers team table. And while everyone was doing their own thing, Alston was still looking for Lydia when he heard someone singing.

  "Well I've lost it all, I'm just a silhouette,
A lifeless face that you'll soon forget,
My eyes are damp from the words you left,
Ringing in my head, when you broke my chest.
Ringing in my head, when you broke my chest.

And if you're in love, then you are the lucky one,

'Cause most of us are bitter over someone.Setting fire to our insides for fun,To distract our hearts from ever missing them.But I'm forever missing .... him. " Lydia sang while tears running down on her cheek.

"Lydia? I finally found you." Alston said as he run towards her and hug  her tight.

"Did, you just..... Heard me..... Uhmp... singing? I meant... Why are you here?"  Stuttering as she spoke  to Alston.

"I'm sorry, but I have to talk to you and am not letting anyone to break us apart, look.... I love you so much, and hell!. I respect you and would never hurt you, that day when you saw me with that girl and I'm also sorry that I lied to you. I just don't want to hurt you and you know that everyone wont budge or leave me alone if I won't face them. And I didn't kiss her, she just kissed me on my cheek surprisingly, but I would never kissed another girl beside you. Give me a chance I will do anything to wi..." Alston explained, when Lydia cut him off by kissing and hugging him.

"I know and thank you for telling me the truth, I love you too so much that it hurts when your with another girl behind my back and I won't let anyone to break us apart, I am sorry too for the way I acted this past few days. Maybe we can start all over again but promise me this time you won't lie anymore." Lydia said finally giving up on her emotion and bursted crying on Alston's shoulder. "I miss you so much my boyfie."

As Alston and Lydia said their sorry to each other the MC called out everyone to tell them that it's time to end the sports fest with their last dance. 

"Will you dance with me?" Alston said offering his hand to Lydia's.

"Ofcorse, I would love too."

That night as all six of them share the last dance and was really happy to be on each other's arms again, there was also people who was jealous.

"So guys, what are we going to do with her?" As Ida said to her friends and grinned.

Heyaaa guys, Who do you think is Ida and what would happened to the next chapter I will be writing? Well I will be writing it soon.

Hope you guys liked this part as well, thanks for reading. :D 

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