One Mistake, Two Gifts [COMPL...

By iStarKidrauhl

100K 2.6K 286

♡ SEQUEL IS UP ♡ Emily was trying to have a normal relationship with her boyfriend, but how can anything be n... More

Chapter 1 ♥
Chapter 2 ♥
Chapter 3 ♥
Chapter 4 ♥
Chapter 5 ♥
Chapter 6 ♥
Chapter 7 ♥
Chapter 8 ♥
Chapter 9 ♥
Chapter 10 ♥
Chapter 11 ♥
Chapter 12 ♥
Chapter 13 ❤
Chapter 14 ♥
Chapter 15 ♥
Chapter 16 ♥
Chapter 18 ♥
Chapter 19 ♥
Author Notes ☺
Chapter 20 ❤
Author Notes ☺
Author Notes - HEELPP ☺
Chapter 21 ♥
A/N: Characters!!! ☺

Chapter 17 ♥

2.2K 77 7
By iStarKidrauhl

"NOOO!" I shout and swiftly sit up in my bed after having this horrible nightmare again where Sean murders Justin. I'm really tired of this dream. "Are you alright??" Justin asks as he hurries up to me from the outside.

"Yeah, yeah.." I mumble while rubbing my eyes. "It's just a nightmare." I add and sigh. "Same one?" I nod to his question and sigh once again when he kisses my forehead. "It's just a dream." He assures me and walks back to the entrance where Ryan is waiting patiently for him. "I'll talk to you later." Justin states before he shuts the door and heads back to me.

It's been three days since I got into the hospital. I would've been released a lot earlier but Justin didn't allow it. He wants to be sure I'm alright. It's sweet of him but I know what he's planning. He doesn't want me to come with him to Miami and that's what he does to make it happen.

He's so innocent and naive, it's adorable...

"Wanna tell me about the nightmare?" Justin all of sudden asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I shake my head at him and cover myself with the blanket.

If it isn't obvious yet, I haven't told Justin about the nightmare. I can't bring myself to tell him that I dream about my ex murdering him with cold blood. I mean, how can I even explain it?

"Alright, when you're ready." He says and leans back, getting himself comfy before he grabs the remote on the side-table and changes the channel to something with sports. "Hey, I was watching that!" I blurt. I was watching Spongebob and he changed the channel! How rude!

"Not anymore you don't." He smirks at me and takes a bite from my sandwich. Okay, he's crossed the line!

I snap the sandwich out of his grip before his teeth grab another bite and put it all inside my mouth. "Why did you do that??" He asks. I chew the food and swallow it hard once I can before answering. "I'm the pregnant one in here, not you. I need to eat, not you. Plus, it was MY sandwich. If you want one, ask from the nurses to bring you." I cross my arms on my chest and smile inside in victory. Ha. No one messes with my sandwich.

Justin just shrugs and reaches out to the side table again, grabbing the other half of the sandwich and placing it all inside his mouth just like I did.

That. Bitch.

He chews it all and swallows it in before smirking at me. "No need for that." He takes a sip from my drink before making himself cozy in his seat and gazing at the football game that's airing on the TV.

I reach out my hand and slap his head before stealing the remote out of his hands and changing the channel back to spongebob.

"C'mon!" He groans at me. "Shh. My husband is on." I place a finger on my mouth to sign him to shut up as I stare at the TV. "Excuse me? I thought I was your husband." I chuckle. "No. You're just my manwhore." He fakes a gasp while placing his hand on his chest. "You were using me for sex?!" He says with his high-pitched voice.

"Of course, what else would I do with you?" I roll my eyes and let a another chuckle come out of my mouth. "I cannot believe this!" He stands up with a shocked expression. "I will not tolerate this! I'm leaving!" He shouts dramatically and walks out of the door. By now I'm chocking from all the laughter and tears.

"Goodbye!" He shouts before shutting the door loudly behind him. I crack out even more and hold my tummy tight so it won't explode from all the laughter.

The door all of sudden swings open and Justin is there standing with his famous smirk. "Missed me?" He winks at me before rushing up to me, jumping on my bed and gluing his lips to my smiley face. "I love you." I state randomly and kiss his nose. "I love you, too." He says cheerfully and kisses my nose, too, making me crinkle it.

"Ms. Stevens." A voice that comes from the entrance says. I quickly move my gaze to the doctor that stands there and groan inside as Justin stands up. "How are you feeling?" The doctor says as he approaches me. "I'm feeling fine. Is something wrong?" I ask. "No, no. Nothing is wrong. I just wanted to see if you changed your mind." I screw my eyes shut in anger that starts to form inside me and draw a deep breath.

"How many times do I need to say this? I'm not staying here." I open my eyes. "I really think you should consider it. You're in a big risk to have an abortion." He lets me know but I don't care. Justin is leaving in a few hours and no way he's going on that plane without me. "I'm sorry, but I'm not staying here." The doctor sighs when he realizes I won't give in and excuses himself out of the room.

"So, where were we?" I ask happily as I look up at Justin and pull him closer to me. "Em.." I sigh as I let go and prepare myself to what to come. "I really think you should stay. I don't want you to lose the babies." He says cautiously. "I'm not staying." I say firmly. "Em." "No!" I cut him off. "I'm not staying here and that's it!" I declare before crossing my arms on my chest, letting him know it's not up for a discussion. He grips the chair next to him and screws his eyes close.

"Can you stop acting like a child and think straight??" Justin all of sudden bursts out, his grip on the chair gets tighter. "You're so selfish, thinking only about yourself!" Did he just call me selfish?

"So you won't be with me for a few weeks! So what?! The babies are what's important right now! Not us!" I can see the veins in his neck showing up. "Stop being so selfish for once and think about your children!" He draws a deep breath as his chest raises up and down from the anger and lack of air. I just stare at him in disbelief to what I just heard, my eyes slowly get wet from the tears.

"If that's what you want." I say and crawl under my blanket. I feel a movement on the bed and assume Justin sat down next to me. I feel a hand grabbing my shoulder and quickly shake it off. "You have a flight to attend in a few hours. Go." I say firmly and scoot away from him.

There's a pause for a few moments before I feel the bed moving again and hear the door shutting close. When I don't hear anything else, I let myself break into tears and cry without a stop.

How could he say that to me?? Me? Selfish?! Since when?! All I wanted to do was to be with the father of my children! How is it selfish??

I feel more tears rushing down my face and crawl more under the blanket, blocking the outside world.

~Justin's POV~

What have I done? I can't believe I just called Emily selfish. And why? Because she wanted to be with me? I'm an idiot.

I walk up to my mom who sits in the hallway next to Emily's mom and sit down with a sigh coming out of me which makes them both look at me worriedly. "What's wrong, Justin?" Cory asks. I lean back before I answer. "I'm an idiot." I state.

"What have you done now?" My mom asks in annoyance. "I kinda called Emily selfish.." I mumble. Their eyes grow in size at me. "You what?! Why??" My mom bursts out with questions. "It pissed me off how Emily doesn't wanna stay here and I just blurt it out... I wasn't thinking." I say, feeling ashamed. How could I say that to my girlfriend, the girl I wanna marry?

"Go apologize." My mom orders. "I can't. She doesn't wanna talk to me. She kicked me out." I say and hold my head with my palms, rubbing my eyes roughly to prevent the tears from coming out. "Not now, silly! Later!" My mom says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I lean back again and just stare at the ceiling for about thirty minutes when I decide it's been long enough for Emily to relax.

I get on my feet and head back to Emily's room, knock lightly on the door and walk in before she could tell me whether I'm allowed to come in or not. As soon as I'm in and the door is shut behind me, I look around, noticing she's nowhere to be found. I walk into the bathroom she has there and go back into her room when I don't see her there. My gaze wanders around the room until it lands on the bed. I stare at it for awhile until I see her lying there with the blanket wrapped lousy around her body. I lick my dry lips to moisten them and slowly and cautiously make my way over to the side of the bed her back is facing.

Every move I make feels like I'm walking on broken glass. I don't wanna make things worse than it is. Now that Emily is pregnant, it's very hard to predict how she's gonna react. It's very stressing.

I slowly sit down and scoot closer to her bed until her body is inches from my face. I sit still with my eyes closed for awhile until I hear a sniffle coming from her and decide it's time to speak up.

"Babe.." I whisper only for her to cut me off. "Don't call me babe. My name is selfish, remember?" She mumbles stiffly. I can hear mini sobs coming out of her. "Em, I didn't mean what I said. I was so pissed you didn't wanna stay and accidentally blurt it. I'm really sorry." I mumble, feeling as tears start to form in my eyes. It really hurts me to hear her cry.

She slowly rolls around to look at me with her two bloodshot eyes. The view of her crying breaks me even more. As soon as she turns, a tear escapes my eye, sliding down my face. She quickly raises her hand and wipes it off. "I know why you got pissed. I just don't get why you called me selfish. All I wanted to do was be with you." Her voice cracks as the words leave her mouth. I feel my heart crumbling and my face slowly winces in pain. I really hurt her this time. It's all my fault.

"I don't know why I said it. I'm sorry." She takes a moment to think, giving me time to stare at her face and take in her beauty. From her plump lips to her pinky cheeks to her beautiful hazel eyes. But now her eyes are bloodshot and puffy from the tears and her cheeks are tear stained from the tears that came and are still coming, which makes me feel a pang in my chest. She notices my pain and stuffs my face in her hands.

"I know how much you're worried about the babies and I appreciate it, therefore I'll stay here." She says, tears still slide down her face. I sniffle before I get under covers with her and just lie there while stroking her hair so she'll stop tearing. I kiss her forehead a few times and whisper sweet and comforting words to her, making her giggle now and then. I look down at her to find her smiling at me and return a smile to her.

Our lips are about to connect when there's a knock on the door and it swings open. I shoot my eyes to the back and find Scooter and Kenny standing there next to each other. "It's time to go." Scooter states and walks out of the room.

Seriously, Scooter? Just when things got better!

I groan as I realize Kenny isn't gonna follow him and stand up on my feet. "I'll call you when I land." I say when I look at Emily. Sadness is all over her face but she immediately covers it up with a huge smile. "Okay, have fun." She says. I can see tears forming in her eyes again. I lean in to kiss her forehead and mumble, "I'll be back. Don't worry." I give her a quick peck on the lips before I lean out and come up to Kenny who's waiting for me outside the door now. I take one glance at her before Kenny holds my back and leads me to the opposite way from my love.

~Three Days Later~

~Emily's POV~

Three days have passed and I'm still in the hospital. Yep. Justin might not be here but my mom made sure I'll be here until I'm 100% okay. It's really annoying how I can't even get out of my bed. It's like I'm a hostage or something.

My mom and I are now watching my lover, Spongebob. Well, I'm watching Spongebob. She's reading the newspaper. The door flutters open and my doctor walks in with papers in his hand. I shut the TV and my mom closes the newspaper, sitting up in her seat.

"Well, Ms. Stevens, it's been a lovely week and as much as I love your presence in here, it's time for you to leave." A huge grin comes upon my face and a loud sigh leaves my mouth as I crash my head on the pillow while shouting 'finally!'.

"I accidentally brought the wrong papers. I'll be right back." The doctor excuses himself with a smile before leaving the room. "C'mon, get my clothes!" I start rushing my mom. She quickly stands up and hurries to the closet across the room to take out my clothes she brought for me from the hotel Justin and I stayed and hands it over to me. I take the red dress before heading into the bathroom I have here and take a quick shower after throwing the dress on the floor.

I hurriedly come out of the shower, take the towel and wipe my body before wearing the dress and the brown sandals and going out of the room. "Ready!" I shout, causing my mom to jump. A big smile is on my face as I take my phone and head outside. I can't wait to leave this place!

I hurry up to the elevator to get out of here as soon as possible before something else happens and I have to stay here for another week or so when the doctor calls my name.

Please don't tell me you changed your mind. Please don't tell me you changed your mind!

I spin around to find my mom rushing up to me. I ran too fast to the elevator, she couldn't even catch up with me. Ha. Oops.

"You called me?" I ask as I watch the doctor coming to me. "Yes. I want you to come here next week so I could check on you." "But I'm going to Miami right now." I exclaim.

"No, honey, I talked to Pattie and we both agreed that what's best for you right now is you staying away from the press." What? She can't be serious. "Are you kidding me? What's best for me right now is to be with my boyfriend!" I only realize I shout when the whole room goes quite and everyone stares at me. "Sweetie.." She starts but I quickly cut her off. "Don't sweetie me! He's the father of my children! No way I'm gonna stay in this city until I give the birth!" I can't believe she actually wants me away from Justin!

"Sweetie, it was Justin's idea. He thinks it'll be best for you if you stay here with me instead of coming with him." It was Justin's idea? I slowly feel how my legs lose their strength and slowly fall to the ground.

Is he disgusted by me or something? Does he want me out of his life? Why would he want me to stay here instead of being with him? Doesn't he love me anymore?

I feel how tears start to roll down my cheeks as I think that. Nurses are surrounding me, trying to help me up but I kick them all away. My mom slowly approaches me and bends down next to me. She places one hand on my shoulder and the other one takes my hand and helps me stand up slowly. "We'll see you next week." My mom says to the doctor as she leads me into the elevator that just arrived and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

I just can't believe it.


Mom parks next to the hotel and helps me out. Paparazzi and fans run up to us and start shouting stuff but we both ignore them and walk into the lobby. The guards there block the doors and one of the bellboys helps us to my room. Once we reach our floor and we walk into the room, the bellboy closes the door and lets my mom and I be alone. She lets go of me just enough to get me a glass of water and quickly catches my arm again before I collapse on the couch.

I'm just about to drink when there's a knock on the door. My mom hands me the glass and helps me to sit down before she heads to the door and opens it. I can't see who stands there but by the voice I know it's a guy. "Come on in." My mom says cheerfully when she steps aside, letting the guy come in. I glance at the door and almost drop my glass when Justin walks in with red tulips in his hands.

"Special delivery for Ms. Stevens!" He shouts with a smile as I put the glass aside and hurry up to him, crashing my body on his. I thought he didn't want me anymore! What is he doing here??

"I see there's no need to ask if you missed me." I can hear the smirk in his voice. I let go of him. "I thought you didn't want me to be with you!" His mouth turns into an 'O' shape. "Never. I always want you by my side. Those three days have been a nightmare." A smile starts to form on my face as he says these words. How stupid of me to think he doesn't want me just cuz he came up with the idea of me staying here? He just wants me to be safe and not have stress around me.

I throw my arms around his neck again and let a giggle out from the relief I feel. "I love you." I say as I lean out just enough to smash my lips onto his when someone clears its throat. What is it with people interrupting us lately? I groan quietly as I break my kiss with Justin and move my gaze to my mom who's still standing next to the opened door. "I'm going to be two rooms next to you if you need anything." She says before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

Justin uses this moment to throw me gently on the couch and hovers over me. He plants kisses all over my arm, going up to my neck while whispering sweet and seducing stuff. His lips slowly travel around my body, leaving soft kisses every place they touch. A few giggles leave my mouth now and then, making Justin smile.

"Yknow.." He all of sudden speaks, not stopping with the kisses. "When I performed on stage last night.." He mumbles, planting kisses on my leg. "You were the only thing on my mind." He lifts my dress and kisses my belly softly. "You and the babies." His warm breath touches my tummy as a chuckle travels out of his mouth. "I hope you don't mind, but..." Oh, no. What has he done now? "I bought a few things for the babies.." He lets me know and quickly stands up, a cold breeze rushes to take his place. He walks up to the bags that are next to the door and brings them up to me. I didn't see those earlier.

He hops next to me on the couch and places the bags on the other side, out of my reach. I quickly sit up, waiting for him to take out whatever he bought.

"Now, I know I don't know the genders of the babies but if I bought something wrong, we could keep it for the next one." I raise my brows so high, I'm surprised they didn't leave my face. Did he just say what I think he said?

"That's right. I'm planing on having a big family with you whether you like it or not!" He states proudly, his eyes are wide and his lips are in one line. I can't help but crash my lips on his and hug him tightly. Can he be any cuter??

He laughs and lets go of me so he could show me the things in the bag he's holding. He throws the empty bag to the side when a pair of baby shoes are in his hand. Oh my god, this is too cute!

I observe the shoes and then look at Justin who has a huge grin on his face. I can't help but return a smile. "This is so cute!" I squeal, making him chuckle. Just thinking of Justin shopping for baby stuff makes me grin from ear to ear. This is too damn cute!

I grab the bags behind him before he could analyze what's happening to see what else he bought. "This is so cute, but you bought only boys stuff..." I mumble cheerfully. "Yeah, well..." He lets out a nervous chuckle while scratching the back of his neck. If only he knew...

"What about girls stuff?" I blurt out, realizing I just told him one of the babies is a girl. Luckily, Justin is too into the Michael Jackson outfit he bought for the baby boy he won't have to understand he's gonna have a girl. Two girls.

"I saw the baby store and couldn't leave the boy section. The hours passed by and I had to go before I had the chance to buy something for the princess I might have." I blush to his words and bury my face in the crook of his neck. Do I have the best boyfriend ever, or what?

"I really love the flowers." I state randomly before leaning out and grab the bouquet that's on the table in front of us.

"You remembered my favorite flower." I declare as I sniff the red tulips. I don't like these flowers for their shape or color. I love those flowers for their meaning, which is entirely love. Can someone say cheesy?

"Of course I remember. You're my girlfriend." He says while smiling at me. I lean back into his arms and hug his chest tightly while kissing his neck softly, earning a soft moan coming out of his mouth. I smile to it and stand up briskly, fixing my dress.

"C'mon." I say while grabbing his arm and pulling him into his feet. "Where to?" He says, still smiling. "I don't know. Somewhere. I wanna do something." I say grumpily.

"Hmm, what should we do?" Justin says while holding his chin and making his thinking face. "Hmm.." He mumbles as his arm escapes my grip and he wanders towards the door. He slowly opens it, his fingers are still holding his chin, when one of the workers here comes in.

"Mr. Bieber, Ms. Stevens." He says politely while nodding his head. "May you please take this lady to the limo outside?" Justin asks. "Limo?" I blurt.

Justin just smirks and heads to the bedroom while the worker clears the way and waits for me to leave the room. I furrow my brows but step out of the room into the elevator when the worker is behind me. "Where are you taking me?" I ask but no answer is given back. I sigh loudly and hurry to the limo in the front of the hotel when the elevator reaches the lobby.

"Here you go." The worker says as he hurries to the limo's door and opens it for me. I smile shyly at him and get into the limo, automatically fastening the seatbelt around me. "Excuse me, can you tell me where we're going?" I ask the driver but he just smiles evilly at me through the mirror and closes the space between us.

Where is he taking me? I'm gonna kill Justin if it's some sort of a prank where I get splashed with a bucket full of water.

After about ten minutes of driving, the limo comes to a stop and I hear the driver coming out of the car. I see him running to the other side, reaching out a hand to open the door for me. He waits until I'm out and smiles at me before I make my way cautiously towards the beach. My eyes wander around to find any sign of Justin. Unfortunately, I'm all alone.

"Excuse me?" I hear someone saying. I spin around to find a black figure standing there. The figure starts to make its way towards me, causing me to step back slowly. "I was wondering if.." It comes closer and closer until it stops in front of the light. It's almost 8pm so it's quite dark right now.

It steps one more step until I can see his face. "You'd like to eat with me.." He mumbles with his famous smirk while holding out a basket and a blanket. I throw my hands around him and kiss his lips roughly.

"You scared me!" Justin laughs and kisses me once more before taking my hand and leading me towards the sand. He sets the blanket and basket on the sand and sits down. He looks up at me and pulls me onto his lap, earning a squeal from me on the way. I can't stop giggling as his lips meet mine and our mouths move in sync.

After what seems forever, he breaks the kiss to breathe heavily. "I brought your favorite food." He smirks as I get off of his lap and sit next to him. "You brought my mom's tomato soup? How?" I wonder. "Okay, then your second favorite food." "My mom's rice?" I ask. He sighs loudly and opens the basket. "Tuna salad." He states before taking out a bowl filled with salad.

"Oh, right!" I exclaim and snap the bowl out of his hand. "You're right, it is my favorite." I smile as I open it and start to gobble it in with the fork he brought.

"Hey, it's for both of us." He declares. "Don't you mean the forth of us?" I raise my eyebrows at him and smirk as a grin comes upon his face. He takes the bowl out of my grip, sets the it down and jumps on me. He crushes his lips onto mine while smiling. "The forth of us." I giggle at his cute expression and peck his lips before pushing him away and sitting up, grabbing the bowl and starting to gobble again.


So, this time I have an excuse for why it took me so long to update. I WAS IN SUMMER SCHOOL! With many hotties ;) so, excuse me for not updating earlier ♥

Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know, I'M GONNA CHANGE THE TITLE OF THIS BOOK so please keep your eyes open. If you can't find the story, just ask me here or on twitter (@BieberSexConda) ♥

Hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it ♥ Chpater 18 and 19 will be out real soon ♥


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