On Tour with Pentatonix


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Victoire was not an extraordinary girl. She had an okay singing voice. She could dance okay. Her grades were... More

Surprise Encounters
Packing and Concerts
Flights and Fights
Georgia Part 2
Georgia Part 3
School and Superfruit
Virginia Concert
Check-outs and Check-ins
New Years
Atlanta Show
Disney World
DISNEY! (part 2)
Poor Unfortunate Souls
The Disney Cruise
Dragons and Driving
Charleston, South Carolina
Richmond, Virginia
Sacramento, California
Unexpected Meetings
After Tour
The News
Living With Pentatonix

Atlanta, Georgia

286 6 0

January 1, 2017

Victoire's PoV

We got to the airport and went through security checks. After that we made our way to our flight. The flight would be about two hours so I could get a quick nap. We boarded the plane and, thankfully, got seats near each other. I was beside Esther. 
"Hey, will you wake me up when we get there?" I asked her as I yawned. She laughed and nodded. 

When I woke up, the plane had landed. We all picked up our luggage and got a taxi to a nearby hotel. All of the rooms were booked and we made our way up to our rooms. I crawled into my bed and fell asleep quickly.

The sound of someone knocking on my door woke me up. I quickly threw off my blankets and answered to door. It was Scott. "Hey, you slept in so we rehearsed without you. We wanted to let you know that we have an interview in about an hour so you better get ready." 

"Thanks, Scott," I said before closing the door. 

I picked out a black flowing shirt with flowers on them, a long jacket, and ripped jeans. I curled my long brown hair and put on makeup. By the time I had finished it was time for me to meet everyone. I grabbed my phone and ran to catch up with Kevin in the hallway. 

"Kevin!" I called. He turned around and waited for me to catch up with him. "Where's the interview?" I asked. 
"I actually have no idea. I just know it's at some fancy building," Kevin replied. We met up with everyone in the main area of the hotel and we rented 3 Ubers. Mitch and Scott got the first one and Kevin, Avi, and I took the second. 

Our driver was an old lady. A really old lady. She turned around and looked at us. "Do I know you three?" she asked us in a creepy voice. 

"Kevin and I are in an A Capella group called Pentatonix," Avi offered. 
"No, that's not it. Oh! You're the three I keep getting the visions about." The old lady turned around and started driving. I shot Kevin and Avi confused looks. They shrugged. 

When we arrived at what I assumed was our location, the lady turned around. "Y'all better be careful. The spirits and telling me something bad's going to happen to you." Then, she turned back around and we got out of the car. 

"That was so creepy!" I shrieked once we got out of the car. 
"What do you think she meant?" Kevin asked.

"That was very creepy," Avi said. 

We caught up to Mitch and Scott and explained what had happened. "It better not be our show," Scott said. 
"Don't even start," Mitch laughed. 

We got to the interview and they sat out stools for the group. I stood with the cameramen and watched as they went through their interview. They asked various questions such as (but not limited to):

What is your biggest fear?
Where do you see yourself in a year?
Do you think people will ever get tired of A Capella?
To what do you owe your success?

But my personal favorite - Who is this lovely lady you brought with you

They waved me out and I carefully walked over to them and stood in between Avi and Kevin. "This is our intern, Victoire," Scott explained. "We invited her to come on tour with us and she accepted. We've been giving her training in photography." 

"So, Victoire, what is your favorite part of traveling with Pentatonix?" the interviewer asked. 
"Well," I started. "They're really inspirational. They always get done what needs to be done. Oh, and also I really love traveling to different places." 

"Thank you, Victoire," the man said. I walked back to my place and watched the rest of the interview. 

"So, what do you guys think of having someone so much younger being around you all the time?"

Esther looked at me and her jaw dropped. "That was rude," she whispered. 

Avi spoke first. "Well, we've all kind of adopted her as our own. We all see her like our kid. We love her like she's our daughter." 

Kirstie spoke next. "She fits in really well with our dynamic." 

"She's really funny and sweet and we love having her around," Scott added. 

"It looks like you guys really care for her," the interviewer said. He thanked them for being here and then we left. 

We caught another Uber. "Do you really think of me like your daughter?" I asked Avi and Kevin. 

Avi ruffled my hair and wrapped his arm around me. "We sure do." 

"I don't know how we couldn't. You're so much like us," Kevin laughed. 

When we got to the hotel, it was late so we ordered a pizza. We all gathered in Scott's room and they practiced. Esther and I sat on the bed and listened. Before long, it was midnight. 

"You need to get to sleep, we have a show tomorrow and then a flight," Scott said. 

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, Dad." He laughed and pulled me into a hug. 

We both said goodnight and I entered my room and fell against my bed.

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