Just to protect you

By lovelyzbangtan

15.9K 931 70

Jeong Yein, was a normal girl living a happy life... Well only if it was just her and her family. She always... More

{ Chapter 1 }
{ Chapter 2 }
{ Chapter 3 }
{ Chapter 4 }
{ Chapter 5 }
{ Chapter 6 }
{ Chapter 8 }
{ Chapter 9 }
{ Chapter 10 }

{ Chapter 7 }

1.1K 83 7
By lovelyzbangtan

Jungkook was secretly getting ready to pick Mira up to go on their date. He got another Butler to drive him secretly, after trying to convince the butler multiple times.

Jungkook wore a white T-shirt, Jeans and his Timberlands and a hoodie to hide himself because he doesn't want to be seen going out.

After getting dressed, Jungkook secretly got out of the house through the window after the security guards left and went into the butler(-that-is-going-to-drive-him)'s car. Jungkook laid down under the back car seats and eventually fell asleep. Soon the butler had arrived and started the car engine which woke Jungkook up. The butler used the excuse that he's going home because his family member was sick and that got them out quite easily. They picked up Mira and left for the mall.

"Oppa, you're wearing your jeans and timberlands again, do use the same clothes every time we go out?" Mira asked annoyed because she thought her boyfriend doesn't think she's that important for him to look good infront of her. "No, I just have bunch of clothes that are the same, and what's wrong with wearing these clothes everytime we got out? Even if these clothes are boring, my face makes up for it" Jungkook answered. Mira sighed heavily and leaned back on the chair with a pout. 'why is she so angry?' Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows but didn't care and looked out of the window.

While they are on their way to the mall, Yein is at home also getting ready.

"Yein, you sure you don't want me to drive you?" Namjoon asked worringly "Its dangerous you know"

"I'll be fine, it'll be better if I take the bus, I won't be able to be noticed easily" Yein answered with a smile and walked out of the house. She made her way towards the bus stop and got onto the bus. Yein wore simple clothes but something that made her look pretty, so she wouldn't look like some criminal.

As Yein made her way to the entrance, she showed her pass to the security guard and made her way into the mall easily. Yein looked around at the huge mall. Yein looked at the map that showed the layout of the mall. The Kim's office/house was on Level 5. She slowly walked to her destination because she kept looking at all the things sold at the mall. As she got to level 4, without Yein knowing, Mira seemed to have noticed her while standing in line to buy her bag.

"Hey, its Yein" Mira nudged Jungkook to look at Yein "Is she stalking you? Why is she even here?" Mira said with a tone in her voice "She won a pass, its probably just a coincidence that she's here today" Jungkook said and turned Mira around to continue walking as the line has moved up. Jungkook took a glance at Yein and at the same time Yein turned to the shop he was in, which made them have eye contact but Yein looked away as if she didn't notice him.

Since, Yein knew Jungkook was there, she walked away.

"Oh my god, the lines so loooong, I have more shopping to do" Jungkook's attention went back to Mira as she kept complaining about the long line. Just then her phone rang, she picked up the phone.



"Ok, I'll come right now!"

She ended the call and looked at him with sad eyes

"What happened?" Jungkook asked her

"My mom's in the hospital, she suddenly fainted" Mira looked worried, Jungkook quickly responded

"Well lets go to the hospital quickly" Jungkook grabbed her wrist to leave but she stopped him "We can't leave though" she shook her head

"Why not? You're mom is in the hospital" He looked at her confusingly

"This is the last bag, if we leave, I can never buy this bag" Mira looked at the long line. Jungkook looked at her in disbelief 'She cares about the bag more than her own mom?!' Jungkook mentally facepalmed himself

"Fine, I'll stay here to buy the bag, you go tell my butler to drive you to the hospital" Jungkook grabbed her bag and pushed her out of the line

"But how will you get home?"

"I'll use the bus, just go" Jungkook shooed her away.

As Mira left to go the hospital, Jungkook just stood in line quietly.

Back to Yein, as Yein made her way to the escalator that was used to get up to level 5, She stopped and stood behind a plant that was next to her. She looked at the two man in suits blocking the escalator. Yein sighed, It was impossible to get pass them. She looked at the elavator, as the door opened there was another guy in a black suit too. She was standing there behind the tree plant thinking what she could do.

'Get into the elavator and beat him up in there? But there will definitely be guards guarding all the entries into level 5' Yein bit her lip, as she was still staring at the man guarding the escalators. Two men, a smaller and a taller one, exited the restroom and because the entry of the rest room was right opposite of her, they took notice of her.

"What's that young girl doing?" the men short one pointed her out. The tall one squinted his eyes to see what she was doing, and then his eyes widened "Jeong Yein?" He tried to look at her more properly, "That's impossible, we killed her" The other man replied and patted his back.

Yein who had very good hearing skills, heard their conversation. She hid her face with her hair, She turned away to leave but her hair got caught on the tree plant which revealed her face. Yein's eyes widened and so did the men.

"IT IS HER! QUICK GET HER!" The taller one shouted and they both ran after her but Yein had a quick reaction and ran away before them.

"JEONG YEIN GET BACK HERE!" The men shouted for her, which caught Jungkook's attention, he saw Yein getting chased by two men in suits. His eyes widened, when he saw Yein's face, she was definitely scared. As Jungkook got to the counter, he quickly asked the lady at the counter to hold onto the bag.

"Can you hold onto this bag for me for a few minutes, I'll be right back!" He gave the bag to the lady and ran off. He went down to follow the men.

As he got down the ground level, and caught up with the men just behind them by a few metres. As the taller man got to the entrance. He stopped his partner.

"Why are we stopping? we need to get her!" the short one tried to run again but was stopped "No, stay". They both took their breathe.

"didn't you kill her?" The tall one asked the other in a serious tone. Jungkook heard and his eyes widened, he stepped aside behind the vending machine the was next to the entrance and listened to the conversation.

"We did! We did what you told us to do!"

"Then why isn't she dead?!"

"I don't know she must've survived"

"How the hell did she get into the mall?!" The tall one looked down thinking

"The school!" The shorter one answered


"Yes, the only people we gave out a pass to was a school, well only two but-"

"School? that means someone took her in"

"Don't we have to kill her as soon as possible?"

"We should, but if we do, it'll be obvious that we're the criminals, we can't do anything obvious that will affect The Kim Family" The tall one explained as the other nodded

"So what should we do?"

"Lets just try and figure out everything about her right now, where she lives and who took her in, But either way she'll be dead by the end of this year"

As the two men walked away, Jungkook stood there shocked at what he just listened to, after a few minutes he snapped back into reality as he got a phone call from Mira.

'Oppa, did you buy the bag?'

"Bag? Oh yeah, bag, yeah I bought it" he quickly ran up to level 4

'My mom is fine she just fainted cause she was exhausted'

"Good, It wasn't anything bad, Well I'll drop by your house to give you the bag, See ya" He quickly ended the call and paid for the bag.

He got on the bus and went to Mira's house. He dropped the bag off with the maids in the house and went home.

He totally forgot that he wasn't supposed to be out and entered the house normally.

"Where were you young man?" A voice said

Then Jungkook remembered that he was suppose to sneak into the house.

"Shit" he mumbled

"I said where were you?" NamJoon repeated his question

"Ok, I'm sorry! I went out on a date with my girlfriend!" Jungkook admitted

"So you sneaked out?"

"Yes.." Jungkook looked at the floor

"You actually thought what I said was serious?"

Jungkook looked at him confusingly "What?"

"See? You believe people to easily, you still have many things to learn"

"Wait, what?"

"Anyway, where'd you go?" NamJoon asked

"The mall" Jungkook answered

"Oh, did you see Yein on the way?"

"Yeah, I guess" He then remembered about the conversation earlier

"Hey dad"


"Actually, nevermind, I'm gonna go to my room now" Jungkook bowed and went his room. After remembering the situation earlier at the mall, he couldn't get it out of his mind. When he had dinner with Yein and NamJoon. He kept glancing at Yein, talking to himself mentally.

'People want to kill her?'

'Why? Is she a criminal'

'Wait no, the guys are the criminals, they want to kill her'

'But she might have done something wrong to make them kill her, right?'

'She was also chucked down the cliff? Oh my god'

'How did dad find her?'

"Jungkook, are you okay? You haven't ate much" Namjoon was getting worried

"O-oh, I'm fine, just thinking about something" Jungkook ate his food quickly, and went to his room.

He laid on his bed, again he continued to think about it, but fell asleep a few minutes after.

I actually decided to cut the actual chapter 7 in half because its too long. The second half of chapter 7 will be chapter 8. And sorry if I make mistakes, I'm really blind at times so even if I re-read it to make sure there are no mistakes, there will still be mistakes.

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