A Secret She Carried

By sparsha_kadri

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# Book 1 in The Milton Brothers Series # Bennett Milton , was the CEO of the Milton Corp. He was your t... More



180K 6.4K 115
By sparsha_kadri

"You are not going to Boston Sapphire, and that's final." Patrick Rodriguez sneered slamming his fists on the polished mahogany desk,making her flinch in fear.
"But Daddy, I want to go to college." Sapphire protested, her voice sore from crying. "You are not going anywhere Sapphire. I'm going to appoint a home tutor and you will be home schooled do you understand?"

"But Daddy you promised-" Patrick just shook his head, "Look Sapphire, we are not going to have this conversation again. You are not leaving this mansion and that's the end of the story."
This was it, there was no way she could get him to understand that she was fed up of being home schooled and wanted to get out of this hell hole which she called her personal prison.

"Don't worry cupcake, we will hire the best tutor for you." Jason stated as he gently squeezed her shoulder in order to ease her a little.
"You too Jason?" she cried out as more tears rolled down her cheeks. "Listen to me Sapphire-" but she shook her head,"You are my brother Jason, you are supposed to be on my side."She whinned making Patrick roll his eyes.

"Stop whining like a kid Sapphire, and go back to your room." Patrick snapped annoyed by his daughter's whining. "Sapphire, we are doing it for your safety. Please understand." Jason pleaded making her look away in guilt. This was what he always did,make her feel guilty.

"You know what? I don't care." and with that she turned on her heels and ran out of the room. She could hear Jason's voice behind her asking her to stop. But she wasn't stupid she knew how manipulative he was, and she wasn't going to let him convince her to something she would regret the rest of her life. She was going to college and nobody was going to stop her. Nobody.

Slamming the door of her bedroom shut, she hopped on her bed and covers herself with her blanket. She buried her face in her pillow and let her tears roll down. She didn't know what or how was she going to make her father understand that, for once she wanted to be a normal girl with a normal life.

"Open the door princess," she heard Logan's voice from the other side of the door. "Leave me alone!" she shouted angrily wanting to get at least a few minutes for herself. "Nope..not until you let me in." he calmly replied. "Logan please-" she pleaded hoping he would understand. But unfortunately he didn't. "No, not until you tell me what's got you so mad."

Letting out a frustrated sigh, she finally got out of her bed and marched towards the door and opened it. Revealing a very concerned looking Logan staring down at her. His lips curled into a small smile, "So what did the old man do to get you this angry?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "He refused to send me to college." she answered in a soft voice, as he let him in.

"Maybe he just doesn't want to let his little princess out of his sight." he stated trying to lighten her up."But he had promised me that he will let me go to college." she complained making him laugh. "What's so funny?" she demanded glaring daggers at him. "Nothing, absolutely nothing." he answered with a smile still playing at the corner of his lips.

"Ya right!" she hissed folding her arms before her chest pouting like a child. He gently ruffled her hair and said. "Has anybody told you how adorable you look when you pout?" he watched her as her cheeks heated up and his smile widened. "But...you look better when you smile." he stated as he tugged the corner of her lips.

"You really want to go to college don't you?" he asked as he watched her face drop. "I'll talk to dad. And don't worry, I will convince him to let you go to college." he assured as stared right in the eyes. "Promise?" she whispered once again making his smile go wide. "Promise."

"Tell me Sapphire, where have you been all these years?" Olivia asked bringing her out of her thoughts. "I.." she started awkwardly not really wanting to answer that. She knew that Olivia was only trying to make her uncomfortable, and honestly it really did work. "Mom!! Do we really have to do this now?" Bennett hissed annoyed by his mother's endless questions.

"What? I am just trying to make a conversation." she answered defensively glaring at her son. "Then try less." he snapped making her roll her eyes. "Look what she-" she paused as he saw the warning look on his face. "Ok fine,I will stop talking. If that's all you want." she muttered digging into her food making him roll his eyes.

"Sapphire, can I ask you something?" Elizabeth asked awkwardly making her turn towards her. "Of course." she replied with a small smile. "Don't you get confused with them? I mean they look so alike I can barely see any difference." she asked as she watched the twins eat peacefully. Sapphire just laughed, "Of course I can." she replied. "But how?" she asked making Ryan roll his eyes.

"She's their mother dumbass, of course she does." Ryan pointed out making her glare at him. "I wasn't talking to you." she snapped irritated by his attitude. "Ignore him love, he's always like that." Cameron stated as he pecked her lips. "Ewe..Get a room guys." Ryan shrieked in a fake girly tone and everyone burst out laughing.

Sapphire glanced at Bennett who seemed to be ignoring her ever since they arrived. She felt guilty for keeping things from him. Especially when all he wants is to help her. She knew sooner or later he had to know, she had to tell him everything before it is too late. "Sapphire are you alright?" Elizabeth asked bringing her out of her thoughts. "Ya I'm fine." she replied awkwardly.

"Mommy this is so yummy. " Ethan chirped as he savoured a mouthful of lasagna. "Yes it is.." she stated as she gently ruffled his hair. "Mommy can I have more?" Evan asked hopefully making her smile. "Of course you can." Olivia answered for her as she gestured the maid to refill his plate. "Thank you granny." he stated with a toothy grin making her smile go wide.

"They are so adorable Ben. They remind me so much of your childhood." she stated with a distant look on her face as she thought about the old days. Bennett just grunted a response not really caring about what she was talking about. His mind kept replaying the conversation he had with Sapphire about the Jason guy.

He didn't understand why was she keeping things from him. He knew something was wrong and he had to get her talk. He knew he had to be patient if he had to get her to trust him again. The mere thought of her not trusting him anymore. He had to make things right with her, but first he had to find out who this Jason guy is.

"What's wrong Ben? Don't you like the food?" Olivia asked bringing him out of his thoughts. "No, its good." he curtly answered turning his attention back to his plate. "So have you guys decided the date for the wedding?" Cameron asked making everyone turn towards him. "No," " Yes." they both answered the same time. "I mean... We haven't decided yet." Sapphire stated awkwardly.

"We are getting married in two weeks." Bennett announced making everyone's eyes go wide. "You must be kidding me." Elizabeth muttered as the mere thought sounded almost impossible to her. "Two weeks? How can we plan a wedding in two weeks?" Olivia shrieked not liking the idea. "I have taken care of things, you don't have to worry about anything." he answered not really caring about anything.

Sapphire just watched everyone discuss about wedding preparations not really paying attention to any of it. Her mind was still trying to process the tiny bit of information that she was going to be married to the man she had sworn never to see for the rest of her life. But that's not the only thing bothering her.

Tonight she was going to tell him everything. And she didn't know how was he going to react when he finds out that she had been lying to him from the day they had met. She didn't how was he going to react when he found out who she really was and where she belonged to.

Finally the dinner was over and the dessert was served to them as they all sat in the lounge, talking and laughing. The twins were in the garden with Ryan. And Sapphire on the other hand was lost in her own thoughts. Bennett still wasn't talking to her and it was really getting on her nerves.

"Sapphire do you have a venue in mind?" Olivia asked bringing her out of her thoughts. "No I don't" she replied uncertainty clear in her voice. "Of course you don't." she stated rolling her eyes. Bennett was about to snap at his mother when a ear piercing scream was heard from outside. "Ethan!" Sapphire immediately got up from the couch and rushed out.

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