It's Not Hard to Pretend to L...

By PebblesandStones

206K 2.8K 292

This story is about a girl and a boy who despise each other at first. But then their girlfriend and boyfriend... More

It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 1
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 2
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 3
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 4
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 5
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 6
It's Not hard to Pretend to Love You: 7
It's Not Hard to Pretend to love You: 8
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 10
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 11
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 12
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 13
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 14
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 15
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 16
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 17
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 18
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 19
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 20
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 21
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 22
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 23
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 24
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 25
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 26
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 27
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 28
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 29
It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 30(THE FINALE)

It's Not Hard to Pretend to Love You: 9

6.5K 86 6
By PebblesandStones

The dinner went by smoothly. We all talked about different kinds of things while eating and just had a nice time with each other. The dinner ended as soon as it started. We're now playing some video games in the twins' room. I didn't have the chance to talk to Blake awhile ago because their mom called again for us to go down. I just decided to tell my decision to him when the kids are already asleep.

"Woohoo! I win! You owe me 10 bucks Blake!" Sander said as the letters KO appeared on the screen telling that Blake lost his fight with Sander.

"Rematch." Blake said sternly as their mom appeared by the door.

"No more rematch Blake. Kids, it's already 10:30, you've got to go to sleep now. Tomorrow's the start of the new semester, I don't want you guys to be late." she said.

"Okay, but mom... Can Syd stay here for the night? I don't want to have the nightmares again..." Sandy quietly said beside me.

"That's fine by me honey, but its Syd's decision on whether she'll stay or not." Mrs. Collins looked at me with a concerned look.

"Please Syd?" Sandy pleaded.

"Sure, no problem with me. Besides, I'll just be by myself in our house so that's really fine with me." I said and smiled as she hugged me.

"Thanks, Syd." Mrs. Collins said.

"No problem." I replied with a smile and she left with that. Then Sander lounged on the bed where Sandy and I were sitting on and then Sandy brought out a book. Little Red Riding Hood.

"Will you read us a story first so that we could sleep soundly?" Sandy asked.

I smiled and grabbed the book and positioned ourselves comfortably while Blake was sitting on the other bed looking at us expressionless.

"One day there was a girl..." and I began to read the book.

Blake's POV

She's going to stay here for the night. When Sander and Sandy are already asleep, we can already talk privately. As she was sitting in between my siblings, their heads on her shoulders while reading them a story, I felt something weird and different. I thought that I wished I was also being told a story by her and my head was on her shoulder as well like them.

When she ended the story, the twins already fell asleep.

"Blake!" she whispered enough for me to hear.

"What?" I replied on the same voice.

"Help me lay them down properly." She said as she slowly lifts their heads from her shoulders.

I carried Sander back to his bed and put the blankets on as she did the same for Sandy. She turned to look at me and motioned for us to go outside. We went downstairs and to the living room where she got some kind of a notebook and sat on the couch. I just went and sat beside her.

"Okay Blake, was your offer 2 weeks ago still on?" she asked after making sure that no one can hear us since all of them are already in their rooms.

"Yes and I've been waiting for your answer. So what is it?"

"Okay, yes. I accept the plan BUT!..." she said.

"But what?"

"You are not allowed to do some things that you aren't supposed to do because all of this is just a pretension. Nothing's true." She stated.

"Of course I know that! I was the one who proposed this plan you know? Nothing will happen between us unless you want us to..." I teased as she glared daggers at me. I just laughed at that.

"Cut it out Blake! Okay look, here." She said as she raised her notebook?

"What's that?"

"It's Justin's daily planner." She answered. Wow, Justin keeps a planner.

"Okay, what about it?"

"He puts every single plan of his life in this and I think this might come in handy. I thought we should go to his and Stacey's major dates, major because he only put the major events here, and so that they'll know that we're really together and see us all the time. We can do some thing that'll make them regret leaving us behind. Do you get what I mean?"

"Yeah, I see your point. You want us to go to their dates and show them how we're really into each other in our dates." I stated.

"Exactly. So what do you think?"

"Yeah, sure. I don't mind. But do you know when and where are they going to have their dates? Is it written there?" I asked pointing to the now I know, the planner.

"Yes, here check this out." She said handing it to me.

January 19- Dinner date with Stacey at The Last Supper Club, 7 pm

February 14- Romeo and Juliet with Stacey at theGolden Gate Theatre, 6:30 pm

March 25- Welcome Party for André Van Eimeren, 7 pm

Wow, I didn't know that Justin's interested with these kinds of stuffs. I mean these events aren't his type of events on having a date. I thought he'll just bring Stacey to some movie crap and make-out with her at the back from the opening till the credits.

"So what do you think? I don't know much of these events because they're some kind of events wherein only people in the high society attend to. I was really surprised when I read that Justin's going to take Stacey on a date there." Syd said.

"Don't worry, I know these things. I was really surprised too that she'll take Stacey to watch Romeo and Juliet and go to André Van Eimeren's party."

"Huh? Who the heck is André Van Eimeren" she asked confused.

"What? You mean, you didn't know André Van Eimeren?" I asked shocked. Syd, one of the smartest people I've ever known, didn't know the famous painter!

"You don't have to rub it on my face Blake! I told you, these things aren't for me but for people in the high society! How many times do I have to repeat that I'm not rich like you?!" she snapped.

"I'm sorry if you mistook my reaction. I'm sorry okay? Here, I was just shocked that you, the one of the smartest people I know, didn't know about the famous painter, André Van Eimeren. I mean he was just really famous for his art work, 'Sunset by the Boulevard'."

"Wait 'Sunset by the Boulevard'? As in the painting that costs $500,000?" she asked shocked.

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Oh my god, that's one of the most amazing works of art I've ever seen in my life. I saw it in a documentary video but it didn't say the painter. I researched for that on the internet to no avail. And wow, I can't believe he's coming here!" she said excitedly.

"Yes, he really is and I think he will bring with him along all of his art works and of course, Sunset by the Boulevard, to show it to the people who admire his art. Don't worry; we'll be going there because that's our original plan whatever happens."

"But of course the tickets are gonna be real expensive. I don't have enough budget for that you know." She said as her smile faded.

"No worries there. My father will be sponsoring this event so we'll be able to get tickets for us." I said smiling as she smiled widely.

"Thank you!" she said as she enveloped me in a hug. Oh, why is my body reacting weirdly against hers? I felt like I was shocked with some static electricity and I think she felt it too because she pulled right away after 5 seconds.

"Sorry." She muttered softly as she pulled away.

I know that the next moments are gonna be real awkward so I tried to make a joke out of it, "So, are you falling for me now? You know, if you want to make this real, just tell me and I'll think about it." I said and smirked.

"Oh shut up Blake! How can you be so sure that I'm falling for you? That thing will never happen neither in your dreams!" she snapped.

I pretended to be hurt by clutching my heart with my right hand and said, "Ouch! How could you say that when you don't know what my dreams are? Maybe you're dreaming of me dreaming of you huh?" And with that she shoved me hard and I fell on the floor laughing as she went to the stairs.

"I will never fall for you Blake. Never." Then she stormed up the stairs and to the twins' room. After she said that, I stopped laughing on the floor. I felt some kind of sadness? I'm not quite sure; I just don't like the feeling. I know I shouldn't be reacting like this because I know that we're just doing this for payback, nothing else. Ugh! I'm confused! Maybe I'm just sleepy that's why I'm thinking these things! Might as well go to sleep because I know that tomorrow's gonna be a great day.

Syd's POV

Why did I say that? No, that's not the correct question. Why do I have this gut feeling that I'm going to eat my words back someday? That I'm going to regret the words that came out of my mouth 5 minutes ago? Ugh! I'm just sleepy that's why I'm thinking like this. I have to have enough energy to start a new semester, year and probably a new life tomorrow.

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