Red Viper

By Ronnika409

464K 10.5K 981

"Love me or hate me, both are in my favor.... If you love me, I'll be in your heart. If you hate me, I'll alw... More

Red Viper
Purple Wedding
The Trial
The Red Viper and The Mountain
His Prize
The Rock
Welcome to Dorne
Sand Snakes
Water Gardens
Not an Update
The Wedding
Morning After
Sparing and Schemes
Failed Seduction
Poison Poison
Stones and Sand
Merchant and Talks
A walk to Sept
Vipers and Letter
Not an Update
Ships on Ocean
Questions by Me
The Conquer of Tully Castle
Battle of Bastards
The Queen and King in the North
Snow and the Hunt
Not a Update
Untold Stories
Schemes over Lunch
The End
Just some Musings


20.5K 452 66
By Ronnika409

"What are you doing Jamie ? Stalking Sansa as a creep ?" Ronnika whispered into her cousin's ear making him jerk and causing her to chuckle. She then turned to her side looking at an unknown blonde lady who was dressed in blue tunic and black boots and had a sword on her belt, all she knew that lady saved her cousin and brought her cousin safely at home. She smiled warmly at her and hugged her, the lady was surprised by her actions but hugged her none the same.

"Thank you for saving my idiot cousin and bringing him home safely.", Ronnika said she pulled back and introduced herself," I'm Ronnika Stark and forgive me, I don't know my cousin's savoir's name ?" The lady was surprised to see another Stark, she hadn't heard of her but she looked like true norther.

"I'm Brienne of Tarth, lady Stark," the lady introduced herself with a humble smile. 

"Oh, no need of formalities, you can just call me Ronnika, you're elder to me. And I'm no lady, my lady. It's honor to meet you.", she replied smoothly and continued," I'm really grateful, thank you for everything. If you ever need anything my lady just give me word and you shall have it." Brienne was shocked but nodded, and looked at two siblings conversing.

Ronnika turned to her cousin," Tyrion told me I could find Sansa here, and from the looks of it she is going to need someone. I'm going to talk to her. I'll see afterwards." Before Jamie could reply anything her cousin turned around bowing down little at Brienne,"My lady" and skipped ahead.

Jamie turned around to Brienne who was still watching her disappearing figure of girl in pants and shirt towards Sansa Stark. "I didn't knew there was another Stark ? ", she said to Jamie. 

 He signed," She is half Lannister from her mother's side. She daughter of Brandon Stark but after he died her mother moved to back to Casterly Rock and died after a few years. She never behaved liked a Lannister nor looked like one. She hates Lannisters and disowned that name as soon as she could. She is different."

Brienne turned towards him taking an interrogating stance ,"How ?" 

 Jamie looked at his feet and thought for a movement before answering her," She is known as The Lone Wolf, she doesn't behave like lady as you saw. She likes to wear men's attire, she knows how to fight and has quick wits as Tyrion. Her beauty is known to everyone and many suitors have come over years for her hand but she refused them all. When men challenged a duel for her hand, she would fight it by her own self and she would win, every time."

They both looked at her as she approached Sansa, Jamie broke the silence and said in the quietest voice," Eddard Stark once said that when the snow falls and white winds blow. The lone wolf dies but the pack survives. And I don't agree with him, at all."

Ronnika rested her hand on Sansa's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Sansa felt someone's hand squeezing her shoulder for comfort, she was surprised when she saw who it was. Sansa got up and wiping out the tears on her cheeks before muttering, "Lady Stark." Ronnika just looked at poor in girl in front of her, she didn't have any family in capital except her, she was alone. She wished Sansa would accept her now because she is her last family too. Ronnika gently wiped out the tears in her eyes and smiled softly at her," No need for formalities cousin, we're family after all. Would you like to have walk with me in the gardens ?" Sansa just nodded, stunned at politeness of her because she heard a lot about her, the lone Stark, the lone wolf.

They walked gardens hand in hand," Sansa I'm really sorry for your lose and I'm sorry I wasn't here when you needed me. I wanted to but I was stuck at Casterly Rock. So please, forgive me.", Ronnika confessed because she felt really guilty for not being there for Sansa. Sansa looked at her, she was amazed about how she just looked like norther and acted like one, she was really beautiful and now she knew why everyone talked of her. She saw guiltiness in her eyes and she knew she has someone now who she could talk to, her cousin. Sansa just nodded again as she was just nervous about her new sibling. Ronnika noticed her hesitant answer,"Am I making you nervous ?" when Sansa just nodded again she continued," I should be nervous cousin, I'm walking with the a beautiful lady who could have anyone at her feet with her beauty."

Sansa shook her said," You're gorgeous and I've heard how many suitors have come to your doorstep but got rejected." 

Ronnika bought Sansa close and neared her whispering in her ear," I'll tell you a secret cousin. All of them were idiots." She pulled back and they looked at each other before bursting out in fits of giggle. Ronnika felt proud that she could make her cousin smile, she complimented her," You should smile more, it suits you." Sansa blushed at the compliment.

As they walked through gardens Ronnika heard some crunching of leaves and she knew someone was following them, and she suddenly halted and gesturing Sansa to be quiet and reached forward grabbing the person and pinning him to nearest wall, pressing her valyrian steel dagger to their neck. She looked up a bit to find none other than a certain prince of Dorne. She pressed her dagger more into him narrowing her eyes at him, leaning into him and whispering into her ear,"They say nothing cuts like valyrian steel. Maybe I should see for myself." The prince just let a dark chuckle that held no humor in it and the next thing Ronnika knew was she was pinned to the wall, her dagger pressed to her neck. Prince leaned into her, pressing his body to her's, hissing," Maybe" and leaned down pressing a kiss on her throat, causing her to breath to hitch.

"Oh My God", they both forgot that Sansa was still there, with hands on her mouth, all shocked and a bit scared of the unknown man and the whole ordeal that took place. They looked at her and prince took a step back from his captive removing the dagger. Ronnika let out a breathe of relief, she reminds herself to be careful around him. Sansa comes forward, clutching her cousin's hand and worry itched on her face," Are you alright ? You are not hurt are you ?" 

Ronnika grabbed her hands squeezing them reassuringly," I'm alright. I'm not hurt Sansa. It's all alright." They broke out of their bubble when they heard a accented voice that didn't belong to Kingslanding," I'd never hurt her." He then put dagger in front of Ronnika, she just took it and placed it back in her jacket.

Ronnika introduces afraid Sansa to the lethal man in her front of them, Red Viper but Sansa doesn't need to know that " Sansa, this Prince Oberyn of Dorne. He is here to attend king's wedding." She looked at Oberyn introducing her," Sansa Stark, my cousin and Tyrion's wife." 

Oberyn took a hold of Sansa's hand kissing it," It's pleasure to meet you. And my condolences for your lose." This caused her cousin to blush, can anybody not be smitten by him Ronnika thought. Sansa bowed a little when he let go off her hand," My Prince."

"There are some people knows something about respect", this caused Ronnika snap her heads towards him and glare at him. She narrowed her eyes at him as she spoke to Sansa never taking her eyes off him," Sansa, can you excuse us. I'll see you later at dinner cousin." Sansa sensing the tension between them, just nodded at Ronnika and left. "What do you want Oberyn ? she spat, crossing her arms over her chest. 

Oberyn let out another chuckle, " That's why I like you, so disobedient. I just wanted to have walk with you. come."

Ronnika knew she is entering an uncharted territory and Oberyn was dangerous man but at the same time she was curious about him. So let her hand in his when he offered. "I've heard about you, the lone wolf who hates Lannister. Of her beauty and how she rejected every man that ever came for her hand also never having a lover. I'm curious, why would you do that ?" 

 Ronnika was surprised by Oberyn's interest in her, no man had ever dared ask her such question," Because they were idiots and as far as a lover is concerned, I never found anyone that interesting. I want a trouble maker for a lover. A blood spiller, a blood drinker, a heart of flame.", she said peaking at him through her eyelashes and for some reason she knew Oberyn would fit in the terms. But she readily disintegrated the thought," No, that's just absurd", she said to herself. Oberyn just hummed and looked lost in a thought.

She stopped, letting go off his arm and pressing her hands to herself,"Why did you come to King's Landing, Prince Oberyn ?" Prince snapped out of his thought and made sarcastic comment," I was invited to the royal wedding."

 Ronnika just shook her head," I thought we were speaking truth. " 

Oberyn looked ahead as he spoke,"The last time I was in the capital was many years ago. Another wedding. My sister Elia and Rhaegar Targaryen, the Last Dragon. My sister loved him. She bore his children. Swaddled them, rocked them, fed them at her own breast. Elia wouldn't let the wet nurse touch them. And beautiful, noble Rhaegar Targaryen left her for another woman. That started a war and the war ended right here when your uncle's army took the city... I wasn't actually present. And butchered those children. My nephew and niece. Carved them up and wrapped them in Lannister cloaks. And my sister, you know what they did to her?" Ronnika looked down at her feet, she heard this story and every time no matter what it caused shudder down her spine. 

Oberyn took hold of her chain raising it to meet his eyes,"I'm asking you a question." She released his hand off her chin,"I've heard rumors." 

 Oberyn chuckles darkly,"So have I. The one I keep hearing is that Gregor Clegane the Mountain raped Elia and split her in half with his great sword.I wasn't there. I don't know what happened. If the Mountain killed my sister, your uncle gave the order. I'm here to tell him the Lannisters aren't the only ones who pay their debts."

Ronnika looked at the man in front of her. He was beautiful even with murderous dark look on his face. This man was pained by his sister's death and wanted revenge, she also knew that he would go to great lengths to have his revenge. He cared for his family if not for anyone else. She started to admire him, his will to fight and avenge for his family. No matter what she heard about him, she felt drawn and cared about him even though they just had second encounter. She never felt this way before, he something else out of ordinary, red viper was something else entirely.

"Why are you here, with me I mean ?", Ronnika finally broke the silence they had submerged in. Oberyn just looked at her, he couldn't describe the beauty of her in words. He looked at in girl men's attire who disrespected him when they first met, even now, attacked him, pressed dagger to his neck, how curious she was, yet smart. He had never met anyone like her and she had no doubt captivated him with her chest nut brown eyes that held secrets untold. He couldn't help himself without having her. He just took step towards her and and she took a step back, he stalked forward still her back was pressed to the wall. He had his one hand on the side of her head another under her chin, raising her face to his, her breathing heavy and he whispered on her lips," Because I couldn't help myself.", and pressing his lips to her.

Their kiss was passionate and it was her first kiss ever. She was not disappointed, no she was excited and it was everything she wanted her first kiss to be. It was wrong kissing him but it felt so right with his body pressing in hers, his hand holding her jaw. The kiss grew rough and prince pulled back, breathing heavily and looked at her, she too was in the same condition. "I'll see you at wedding tomorrow, little wolf."

Oberyn left her in gardens with his promise of tomorrow. She was in haze, she reached to touch her lips where his were pressed not so long ago. One thing she knew for sure was she won't be able to keep distance from the deadly man, Oberyn Nymeros Martell is, The Red Viper.

He already had his fangs deep in her.

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