Gotham High: A Harley Quinn S...

By questiongirl

74K 2.5K 813

Gotham High has a new girl on campus. Her name, Harleen Quinzel. High school is supposed to be weird but this... More

Diary Entry
Biology Bestie
Cheery Chit Chat
The Boys
Party Probs- Part 1
Party Probs- Part 2
Uh oh!
Cold Feet
Something Fishy
A Sticky Sitation
The Diva of Debates
Science Fair- Part 1
Science Fear- Part 2
The Hospitable Hospital
Girls Night In
I Started A Joke
Consequences of a Joke
The Pleasure of a President
Brains and Brawn
Harleen's Halo
Costume Couples Countdown
This is Harl-loween
Crane's Clues
Chaos and Confusion
Impactful Punchline
Disney, Diaries and Delusions
Her Search For Love
His Story
Ace Chemicals
Her Smile
Riddle me a Date
Glasses and 'Jack' asses
Gotham Knights V.S Smallville Crows
Pre-Homecoming Jitters
Homecoming Lookbook

Falling in Lo-ts of Snow

1.3K 59 12
By questiongirl


Have I ever mentioned how much I love Winter? No? Wow, that's a shame. Winter is like a full 6 months in Gotham-Well that's what I am told. Winter, the word itself makes me smile. I love the color of snow, making everything white and fluffy. It reminds me of a clean slate, wiping all the bad out and placing it with the good. The football team is almost over, meaning I would have less encounters with the jocks like Waylon and Deigo. The good thing is they haven't been messing with me or Johnny since the Science Fair. Oh boy, speaking off good, a lot of good has been happening lately.

I smile, looking out the window in Math. Little flurries were coming down as I wrote in my journal. Although I had only been attending Gotham high for maybe two months now, I had almost completed about half my journal. It really was not my fault, there was too much abnormal activities happening for me to keep track of...and I could not get Jack out of my head. The notebook was almost completely full of his charm, little things I have heard and noticed Mistah J do. Not to mention I started to write some of my dreams about him. Whoa! Distraction, focus Harleen. I don't know why my brain has been more flustered than normal. Anyways, I am in school so I can't go off on my little fantasies. But--Then again no one really focuses in math, or at least that's what Mistah J told me. I smile, thinking about him a little more. Snowflakes gracefully fluttered about in the sky, however, sadly they would melt upon hitting the window. Sure, it was only October, but I could not wait for our first snow to stick to the ground. Wait! It's only a week until Halloween! What am I going to be for Halloween? MiSTah J said I should be something sexy like a murder. I really wanted to be a nurse, however maybe I could make this work-hmm-I think Johnny's having something for Halloween..Harleen! Shutup and refocus, this journal is for my research and analysis. Not my dreams and fantasies, even if that was what it was turning out to be. I had a lot of analytic stuff in their, don't get me wrong. For example, noticing how Eddie twitched twice at stupidity but bites his lip in anger when he sees Bruce getting a better grade than him. Or how Selena always seemed to disappear at the same time as Bruce.

As I started before I got distracted in my journal entry. Winter is the time of year for renewal. I think patients should always have a time of the year like winter. A time to refresh, renew themselves because they always have the possibility of goodness within them. Imagine how much emptier Arkham would be with lower crime rates too, if we gave everyone another chance. I notice in my school everyone gets excited for winter. The obvious reasons are snow days, holidays, Christmas, the list goes on and on. Wonder if it's the same in Antarctica-

The Bell rings, startling me. The teacher must have said something about homework because some strange numbers were on the board. I squint before a small sticky notes falls on my desk, reading,

H.W Problems 8-31 Skip 15. Pg.672.673, 674

I smile, looking up to see Johnny's face. "Thanks Johnny." Johnny is always the sweetest, I mean he did not even know I needed glasses yet was kind enough to help me. He gives a small shrug, "Figured the handwriting was too messy for you again." A smile comes across his face for a second, before he went to his usual emotionless expression. I stand up, slinging my book bag across my shoulder. "-and I couldn't help but notice you were writing in that journal again."

I laugh, "Johnny for the fifth time, I am not going to tell you or Eddie what's in it."

"I know, I know." Johnny said, not being insulted that I did not show him. He was a good friend, who respected and understood my privacy."Speaking of Eddie, has he been acting weird lately."

"Yes!!" I jump up, glad someone else noticed it. "Okay! Yesterday, He was walking down the hallway, when I was talking with Harvey and Barbara. He started babbling to himself, which I know I do, but Ed looked panic as he ran into the Boy's bathroom. Plus Bruce caught him yelling at his reflection." The gossip spills from my lips. Eddie was acting strange-well stranger than normal. Jonathan and I walked down the hallways together, considering we both had Creative Writing next block.

He froze, his eyes widening. "Pamela."

"No, I'm Harleen." I reply before noticing Pamela Isley coming down the hallway. We were all trying to avoid her reign of terror this week. It was nothing serious but her presidency went to her head fast. She had hardly been President a day before we had new rules. For Example,
    1.) Ivy has final say on everything.
    2.) The Lunch Room will stop surviving salads unless the fruit and vegetables have naturally fallen, no apple picking.
    3.) No more detentions, all detentions now turned into maintenance of the schools grounds and plants.
    4.) The president gets primary treatment in lines. She will be first, and if you disobey you will be expelled.

Those were just the start of it. For me it was hard to avoid her because we were friends but Jonathan had not seen her since the Science Fair. "You go ahead, I'll distract her."

"You sure?"

"Positive." I smile, glad to help him after all he's done for me. "-Now hurry she's almost here." I push Jonathan aside, he smiles as a thank you as I went to talk with Queen Pamela.

• • •

Time was ticking down faster than I was ready for. Two minutes longer and I would be officially late to my creative writing class. I clutched my books, hurrying through the courtyard. I knew this tardy would not exactly be my fault. It all started when Pamela was approaching us in the hallways, I mean to me it was no big deal but for Johnny he was a little worried. I still felt bad from earlier with the whole embarrassing mishap with the cell phone so I suggested that I would go distract her. My talking to her would allow him enough time to duck down another hallway and we would meet up in class. She dragged on for my help typing up more new rules. Any ways, I spoke to her just long enough for Johnny to get by, before hurrying on my way.

Hearing the second bell I broke out into a full sprint. Of course my sight was not the best, which caused me to run into someone, again. "Oofft!" I gasp, falling on my butt. "Ouch..stupid ice." I mumble to myself, looking around. My books had fallen out of my hands, scattered about into the fresh snow. Ugh I really should find a pair of contacts that worked so I could see where I was going. I notice someone's red stained purple tennis shoes in front of me. I must have ran into someone, "Oops, I am so sorry.." I crawl across the snow, trying to get my books together.

A loud chuckle brings my attention up to see J's smiling face. "Jack?" I smile brightly, not expecting to see him in school this early, or at all for that matter. He was dressed in a grey button down with casual purple pants. Not many people could pull of the whole comfy and adorable look but he most certainly did. The best part about him was his effortless green spiked hair, which looked fierce but playful.

"Nice seeing ya doll." I struggled to get up to my feet. Jack, being the gentlemen he was took notice, lending out a hand. I smirked, going to grab it for balance. Next thing I know I ended up flat on my butt again, with him laughing. "Gotcha." He said, having pulled his hand away at the last second.

I wince in pain from my butt hitting the frozen ground again. Ouch, why would he do that? I ponder to myself before realizing how stupid I was. It was a joke, of course it was a joke. I laugh along with my boyfriend trying to play it cool. Soon enough I found my footing to stand up on my own.

Jack leaned back on the school wall with a smirk, "So who are you running from?" He chewed on his gum a little, before trying to guess. "Teachers? Principle Strange-"

"Oh! I'm not running from anyone  MiSTah J, I'm just late to class." I try to explain, which for some reason I think he thought I was joking. Jack started to crack up laughing. My face turns bright red. Had I done something wrong or funny?

"Late? Hun, they don't care if you're late. Once your late toots you never have to show up."

"R-really? I didn't think it worked that way." I play softly with the ends of my blonde hair, not knowing what else to do at this moment. I was freezing, and a little wet from falling in the snow but I could not just push a side an encounter with someone as brilliant and funny as Jack.

"Trust me, it's either that or them yelling at you for missing the first few seconds."

"Oh." I think I understand what he was saying. Not to mention, I didn't want to be yelled at in front of the whole class...but I didn't want to skip class either. My attendance was always perfect. "But I still think I should be going..." I moved beside him only to be twirled around back in his arms.

"Come on Harley, I thought you'd be a little more fun." He leaned closer. I sensed danger in his eyes, which made my heart speed up. I wondered if he was going to kiss me again. My eyes looked down at his lips then up at him. He just shoved me back on the ground with a laugh. "Guess I was wrong."

For a split second I feel frozen, not sure what to say. I loved Jack, I did not want to disappoint him so soon. "No-no" I fumbled through my words, springing up to my feet, considering my butt was pretty much numb at this point. "I-if you say I don't have to go to class MiSTah J I'll come with!" I move to his side, giving him a hug to cheer him up. Maybe he won't ditch me if I was more carefree like him. A girl can hope. I smile, looking up at him with my light blue eyes. "Where are we goin' ?"

He wiggled out of my hug, I almost lost my balance but this time I was quick enough to catch myself. "You ask too many questions toots."


He laughed, "don't be sorry for anything in this world, it's supposed to be a game."

I lower my head a little bit, "I don't think I'm any good at it."

"Because your looking for the rules of the game, you can't live by any rules Harley. You've got to have fun-excitement in your life..Come on, I'm going to show you what I mean." Jack had a devious twinkle in his eyes, like he wanted to change me.

Oh boy, my heart starts to race just thinking about going out with him.  "You need to relax Harley." He whispered in my ear. "For instance, you should stop looking soo---" He pulled the ponytail from my hair, making me gasp. "Serious."

"But I like my hair up." I pout, my hair always got in my way when down. He slung the pony tail back at me.

"Find another way, not as boring and jail warden like." He was walking in circles around me. My heart started to beat out of my chest.

"I love pigtails but-"

He shot me a look of confusion, "Toots if you like them, Why don't you wear your hair in pigtails?"

"Pamela says they are childish"

"Be Childish! Be yourself! Harley!" He threw his hands up in the air upset. "You have to be interesting to survive in life, if you're boring I don't know how this is going to work." Jack groaned, getting annoyed with me. Oh no, please don't be annoyed with me.

"You won't think I will look weird in them?"

He cracked a smile, giving a small shrug. "Pigtails are fun, different..." He seemed to be thinking it through. Jack's grin widen, "Harley, I think you would look hot in pigtails.."

"Really!?" I smile, immediately putting my hair up in two high pigtails. "Is this betta?" My voice slowly shifted back into my natural tone as I started to relax around him.

"Anything less serious than that blonde bun of yours." He chuckled, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Come on Harles, It's time I show you how to have some fun."

"Okay MiSTah J."

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