Fear the Walking Dead (Comple...

By AshtynSimerl

303 26 4

Trapped in a world full of walkers Hailey must decide to trust the "gang" of people that are necessary to he... More

Joining the group and finding Carl
Daryl's first fight with me
Lost with him
Anyone there?
Authors note
The angel and the devil
Is that a dog?
Where am I?- Mika
Washington DC
Peter Pan and lost friends
Don't go
Who the hell are you?
You attacked me
Moment of truth
After the Apocalypse
Second Book? (A/N)
Things about this book!

The day I met the Rick and Daryl

78 2 0
By AshtynSimerl

I ran home. To the house I felt safe in. This world was a mess and every day it felt like I was getting closer to deaths gates. One day my mom used to be here. Then one day she gave up and was gone.

It was getting late when I heard 2 hushed voices outside my door. I reached for my gun on my side pouch as I heard the door slowly open and two people barge in. I raised the gun at the first man with the bow. They suddenly thrust their weapons up and demanded my name. "Hailey." I said. "who are you?" I added. The other man lowered his weapon slightly but, the bow man didn't move.

"First off we have 3 questions to ask you. Answer them honestly." he said as I nodded for him to continue. "How many walkers have you killed?" Question 1. I pondered that question for a while. Then I realized, " Too many to count."

"How many people have you killed?" Question 2. "Only one." I said as the bow man started to slowly lower his weapon as well. And then the man asking me these questions looks at me with those eyes of his trying to show sympathy for that one person I killed or for me deciding to kill someone like it was really a choice which it really wasn't.

"And the last one." he said. "Why?" I looked off in the distance as a walker was about 350 yards away. "She was bit by a walker and she asked me to. She didn't deserve to die but she didn't deserve to be sick either and harm others, herself, or grow into one of them. I wasn't going to let that happen." I said trying not to hesitate.

The weapons, including mine that was still up went into the pouches except for the bow which didn't fit there. "I'm Rick and this is my friend Daryl." He nodded to the man with the bow that know had a name. A weird yet nice name. We walked into the kitchen as they sat down. "Do you guys have a group?" I asked as I poured them some water in two glasses. Daryl just pushed his away a little. not much to be rude but enough for me to notice he didn't want it.

"Yes and no" Rick replied before saying," We lost some of them when the walkers came through our fence and dieses broke out throughout the camp. Me and Daryl went one way. Beth, Michonne, and Maggie went another. Glenn was separated from Maggie but was joined with Sasha and Tyreese.  Patrick spread the whole dieses. He was close to my son." Rick said. "What happened to your son?" I asked placing some food on the table as they ate. Rick shrugged. "I couldn't see. I tried to go back to check but Daryl here stopped me as we ran towards the woods."

Daryl shook his head. "You could have died." "I could have saved my son." he swallowed as I changed the subject. "So what was his name?" I asked. Rick smiled a little to himself. "Carl." he responded. "What was he like if I may ask." I said suddenly interested in this. "Bull headed he was. Never listen. Always wanted to help. He caught Carol in the library teaching the kids how to kill the walkers. It was just uncalled for." Rick said. Daryl stood up and went to the living room to lay down. "He has no emotions since the whole thing started." he said. " I heard that!" Daryl said as to Rick responded," That's the point."

"So who is Carol? And the kids." I said. "Carol wasn't always bad. She just didn't want this to happen to any other kid that came across a walker that happened to her daughter, Sophia." I never realized until now that were this guy comes from it wasn't much different than the world I was born in. "There are a few other people as well.  Lizzie and Mika are sisters. They got out with Carol and my baby Judith. Beth takes care of Judith since the death of my wife when she was born. Then there's obviously Carl and his dead friend Patrick. We also have..." he started when Daryl cut him off with "had". he nodded, " Had Hershel. he ran the camp. made sure everything was going fine and he took care of everyone when they were sick. He is Beth and Maggie's dad."

I nod. I think that I could do okay with these people. "What about the 3 questions?" I asked. He looked confused. "What about the questions?" I laughed a little. "What about your 3 questions. what was the answer?" he smiled. "The answer isn't always what it seems, but yours was perfect. I just hope that one person you killed died for a good reason." He said joining Daryl on the couch as he fell asleep. "I hope so too." I whispered.

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