My Lovely Mistake |✔

By danivalla54

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I was always the shy one and the quiet one. Heck people would think I was even mute! I was considered the nob... More

1. Nobody Is Me
Chapter 2: Him and his freaking basketball
Chapter 3: And Where Have You Been?
Chapter 4: Attracted
Chapter 5: Those Awkward Moments
Chapter 6: Heart Burst
Chapter 7: The Answer Is...
Chapter 8: Reasons Not To Say
Chapter 9: The Two Of Us
Chapter 10: The First
Chapter 11: Slowly (Part 1/2)
Chapter 12: Slowly (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Out With It
Chapter 14: Simply Just Invisible
Chapter 15: I'm Not The Jealous Type. Am I?
Chapter 16: Hotdogs
Chapter 17: Perfect Me
Chapter 18: No Please No...
Chapter 19: Ride With Me
Chapter 20: Against The Wall
Chapter 21: My Man
Chapter 22: Out There (Part 1/2)
Chapter 23: Out There (Part 1)
Chapter 24: The Capital
Chapter 25: #WTF (Part 1)
Chapter 26: #WTF (Part 2)
Chapter 27: Blunder
Chapter 28: Dead Reality
Chapter 29: Liked
Chapter 30: 'Happy Birthday'
Chapter 31: Stranger Danger
Chapter 32: Not
Chapter 33: New Guy
Chapter 34: Written To The Skies
Chapter 35: Back (Part 1)
Chapter 36: Back (Part 2)
Chapter 37: Red Lights
Chapter 38: Walk Away
Chapter 39: Saw That Coming
Chapter 40: Not What I Wanted
Chapter 41: Knows Everything
Chapter 42: Dear Dreams
Chapter 43: Nothing
Chapter 44: Lovely Lies
Chapter 45: That's Me
Chapter 46: Open Promises
Chapter 47: Roses Are Red...
Chapter 49: Speak Of The...
Chapter 50: "Mother I Need You."
Chapter 51: Newer Than Ever
Chapter 52: Damn Girl
Chapter 53: Dark Danni
Chapter 54: Awkward Meeting
Chapter 55: Not A Cougar
Chapter 57: Stupid Refrigerator
Chapter 58: Not The Only Hater
Chapter 59: Sent To The Tubes
Chapter 60: Hire Me Or Get Lost!
Chapter 61: If I Fall
Chapter 62: Hi I'm Bully
Chapter 63: Five Percent Left
Chapter 64: Next Move
Chapter 65: Now You Listen To Me
Chapter 66: Barbie Can Slap
Chapter 67: Another In Line
Chapter 68: Throw Them Out
Chapter 69: Missing My Babe
Chapter 70: Now I See It
Chapter 71: Visible Feels Good
Chapter 72: Sick Of Love
Chapter 73: Burn Bitch Burn
Chapter 74: I Love Him Anyway
Chapter 75: His Name
Chapter 76: Will, Done, I'm Too Late
Chapter 77: Birdie In Distress
Chapter 78: *Insert* DREAM KILLERS
Chapter 79: Going Nowhere
Chapter 80: Weak Got Strong
Chapter 81: Dead But Alive
Chapter 82: Troubled Happiness
Chapter 83: Dark Is The New Me
Chapter 84: Keep Calm And Watch Soap Operas
Chapter 85: In The Box
Chapter 86: Unexpected Minute
Chapter 87: With Me
Chapter 88: Winging It
Chapter 89: Got Me
Chapter 91: Sour Yet With A Hint Of Sweetness
Chapter 92: Danielle And Fire
Chapter 93: About My Time
Chapter 94: Devil's Mask Revealed
Chapter 95: Rain Of Many Emotions
Chapter 96: Breaking Good
Chapter 97: Freaky Thursday
Chapter 98: It's A Start
Chapter 99: Without A Mistake
Chapter 100: Beginning Yet End
Author's Note
Extra Author's Note

Chapter 56: Just A Prank

26 7 4
By danivalla54

I thought pranks were meant to be just a practical joke. Meant to laugh you know but instead I ended up with the opposite. I didn't mean to harm no one but in my case it only ended up hurting me. I should've just left things how they were meant to be but I wanted some fun in my life. Fun which I now regret. I was in one of my friend's house when it all started...

"I'm bored. What should we do?" My friend Sarah asked.

"I don't know. What do you got in mind?" She was the smart one so If I had to ask for someone for something fun, she was the right person. She knew tons of things that were fun, unlike me who doesn't even know her own kitchen.

"Lets prank call. I love doing that." Sarah suggested.

A little light bulb lit up above my head. I wanted to have fun...even if it had to be with a certain person from my past.

"I have a number. We can prank through that call." I excitedly started to wiggle in my seat.

Sarah and I both exchanged smirks while I started to dial the number through her phone.

"Who are we pranking?" Sarah asked.

"My ex." I shrugged. I froze when I realized a consequence that could happen.

"Wait. He's going to recognize my voice." I pouted knowing it was useless to prank to Joe.

"Then lets text him." Sarah grinned at her own brilliant thought.

"Sarah you are a freaking genius!" I clapped for her.

"I know." She smiled cheekily. "Though lets do this in private so your brother won't know."

We hurriedly ran off into the guest bathroom and took our positions. Inside of myself I couldn't contain the excitement. For me this was something new. Never have I done a prank to someone.I sat in the toilet sit while Sarah was preparing her quick fingers. Our prank was just getting starting.

"Alright I'm ready. What do you want me to put?" She asked.

"It has to be something that will make him mad but it doesn't has to be obvious that's me. How about you start by saying ,'Hi my love miss me?'."

"Wouldn't that be obvious?" Sarah rose an eyebrow. "What if he finds out?"

"True. Hmm... start by saying ,'Hello there Joe. Forgetting something?' Then put lots of devil emojis." I instructed Sarah.

She quickly texted the message and we both waited for his reply. We were about to give up when her phone buzzed for an incoming message.

'Who the hell is this?'

"He answered!" Sarah squealed.

"Good now put your worse nightmare." I laughed. Sarah obeyed and sure enough I could just imagine an angry Joe texting back.

'How the hell you know my name? Who the fuck is this?'

"Now put something stupid." I told Sarah.

'Your mom.' Sarah texted.

The next thing left me and Sarah with mouth gaping as he replied back.

'Go to hell! You had to had a lot of balls to text me back after that night. Because of you my step mother is dead. She died right after you left me! This is all of your freaking fucking fault!'

"Holy crap. What is he talking about?" Sarah had wide eyes.

"I have no clue." I felt  my stomach tighten as I kept rereading the message in my head.

"What do I say now?" Sarah was starting to panic.

"I don't know!" I started to panic myself. "Let me handle this."

I snatched the phone from Sarah's hand and started to type.

'Chill Joe. Who do you think I am?' I asked.

'Who else? Danielle?'

'No fool this is a prank.' I replied while holding my breath.

'Prank? Then how do you know my name?' He asked.

'I just guessed random names. How was I suppose to know your real name was actually Joe? My next guess would have been Bob. Know what I mean?' I lied.

'Oh. Then how you get the number?' He asked.

'Guessed.' I felt bad for lying but no way was he going to guess it was me.

 I had enough to know he was still mad at me. It was a big sign that he was never going to forgive me. Apparently It was my fault that his step mother died. Sure guilt tightened my heart but I had to act like I never heard this from him. I never did this.

'Sorry for the prank. It was just a prank okay. Peace out.' I quickly handed Sarah her phone back and never answered back. Good thing he never replied back.

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