Opposites Attract (A Dean Amb...

By switchblade_

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Skye Blackwood bounced around backstage, bored with no one to talk to. "Hmph.." She thought, frowning. All o... More

Opposites Attract (A Dean Ambrose story!)
meet skye blackwood!<3
01 ; new friends?
02; unscripted
03 ; mysteriously intriguing
not a chapter, but...
05 ; moving in reverse
06 ; make mistakes.
chapter 07 pt. 1 ; things lost and gained
chapter 07 ; part 02
chapter 08 ; having doubts

04 ; new romances...?

5.5K 111 9
By switchblade_

Chapter Four:

New Romances…?

Dean’s POV.

I woke up that next morning around 8 or 9. Most of the roster had an off day, including myself and The Shield. I didn’t have much planned for today, I was gonna work out with the guys and possibly go hang out with Sami if he’s here.

I couldn’t help but wonder if Skye had a day off herself…Damnit. I went a few minutes without thinking of her, though, That has to mean something, right?  While getting up to go take a shower, I couldn’t help but think about what Sami had told me last night. Was it true, Could I have been in love?

Tch. Listen to me…Talking about being in love. Imagine how hard Seth and Roman would laugh hearing about this. I mean, I hate pretty much all human beings. How is it possible for me to…be in love? I stripped, and got in the shower, putting my feelings on the backburner for now.

Skye’s POV.

I groaned as my phone rang in my ear. Considering I fell asleep with my phone in my hand, I should have known it, but, yeeesh.  I looked at the caller ID, seeing it was one of my friends from the indies, Aileen Lakeman. She’s known better as Suki Ocean in the indies.

“Whaaaaaaat?” I said, sleep etched deep into my voice.

“Skyyyyeeeee! I wanna hang out with you today, are you off?” Aileen said. She was known for waking people up in the wee hours of the morning to go do something completely stupid…But, I accept it from her, She’s my best friend.

“Yeah, Yeah, I’m off. Come over to my hotel room and we can go…do some shit, I dunno.” I heard Aileen laugh on the other end. “Alright, Give me five…Shout out to Big E.” I laughed this time. Aileen and her fucking random ass references.

We said our goodbye, and I rose out of bed. I had planned to go and train a little more, considering that WWE was obviously starting a feud with me and AJ, so, I needed to step up my game a bit. Aileen wouldn’t mind, I’m sure she wouldn’t.

Walking into the bathroom jogged my memory of what had happened last night, when Dean came to my room and gave me my keys. Wow, That was funny. I laughed a bit thinking of it.

I mean, The guy stood in front of me with a hard-on, red faced, and speechless. Priceless. That is one thing you’ll probably never see from Dean. That does mean something…Because y’know, He doesn’t usually get red faced around anybody. Could that have meant he liked me? Maybe I’m just fucking overthinking things, Like I usually do.

Later On That Day…

Skye’s POV.

I sat in my hotel room, scrolling down my Twitter timeline when there was a knock at my door. “Coming!” I hopped up, hopping over to the door and opening it, expecting to see Aileen, but, I found Dean Ambrose at my door again.

“Oh, Hello, Mr. Ambrose.” I grinned happily at him. What could he want?

“Hey, Skye. I wanted to ask you to go somewhere with me…?” His voice was slightly shaky, and his hands remained stuffed into his pockets. Was he…fucking nervous? “I’m heading to the gym with Roman and Seth right now, but, later on I’m going to hang with Sami. You wanna come?”

Oh, Sami! I heard that he got signed to the WWE, But I haven’t gotten around to talking to him yet. I’d love to see him. “Oh, I’d like to. Can I bring a friend? Because I’m goin’ to hang out with her right now.”

I saw a look of thought cross Dean’s usually clouded face, before he nodded. “Yeah, That’s fine. I could text you when I go to get Sami?” I nodded my head, smiling. “Great! Lemme give ya my number.” I stuck my hand out, waiting for Dean to place his phone in my hands. He took his hand out of his pocket to dig into his back pocket to give me his phone.

I went to his contacts, adding myself as ‘Skye-chaaaaaan<3’ and putting in my number. I went to add a picture onto the contact, pressing ‘Take a photo’ and posing with the typical Japanese girl pose. A peace sign and a wink. I saw Dean chuckle at me as I saved myself.

“You had to take a picture?” I nodded my head. “Yup! I hate for things to be unfinished, y’know?” Dean laughed at me, nodding his head. “Alright, I’ll see ya later, Skye.” He waved, before heading to the right. I waved at him before closing the door and running and jumping back on my bed, pulling my phone out.

I notice the way Dean looks at me…I see it. I see how he keeps staring at me for longer than a normal person would, just talking to you. I…I think I like it. Dean isn’t unattractive. I should ask him out…or something…

I heard another knock on the door, this time, I was sure it was Aileen. I walked over to the door, and opened it to be greeted by a big hug from Aileen. I had a fucking mouthful of her curly plum-colored hair. “Holy shit, Ai…” “I haven’t seen you in aaaaaaaaaaaaaages, Skye!!” Aileen squealed as she squeezed the air out of me.

I laughed, patting her back. “Ai, We hung out like last week, You can let me go.” I struck gold, meeting the one person that was more hyper than I was. That was perfectly fine, though. She finally let me go, and I took a big deep breath.

“Shit…You almost killed me, Ai.” Aileen laughed, pushing me playfully. “So, Where are we goin’?” she asked me.

“Well, I was gonna go train for a little bit, And Dean invited me to hang out with him and Sami. And you’re coming with me, because you’re you and I love you.” I explained, grabbing my cream colored furry bookbag.

“Wait, I don’t even know who Sami is!” Aileen yelled out, causing me to laugh. “Oh, You know who he is! Remember, You two were in Ring of Honor together!” Aileen was silent for a second, her eyes widening. “OH! Him! I remember him! I had a crush on him, and I switched promotions before I could talk to him.”

Aileen has been through all kinds of promotions. I’m waiting for her to get signed to the WWE, It’s bound to happen.

“Oh, You had a crush on him?” A smirk immediately appeared on my face. “That’s awesome, babe, You two can rekindle your loooooove.” I teased, Aileen pushed me again, her face turning red.

Hey, Maybe both of us can get some romance started tonight.

Dean’s POV.

I took a long gulp of the rest of the semi-cold water in my water bottle. “We done for the day?” Seth asked me, walking over to me with Roman behind him. I nodded, shrugging.  “I guess so.” He ran my fingers through my already messed up hair, sighing.

“So, How did that thing go with you and Skye?” Roman asked as the three of us left the gym. Well, He brought it up before I did. Save me the trouble.

“It was cool…She’s…I really like her.” My eyes widened, realizing what I had just said. Welp, Shit.

Both Roman and Seth stopped in their tracks, dead silent, they turned to face me. “Did you just say you liked a person?” Seth asked, breaking the silence. I nodded my head, sighing. I may as well come clean about it. “Yeah…I said it, I like a person.”

Seth and Roman both burst out into hysterics, Just as I assumed. Why is this so funny to everyone?!

I sighed, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes, letting them get their laughs out. “Yeah, yeah. Yuck it up, Go ahead.” I looked away. Seth placed a hand on my shoulder, holding his stomach from laughter. “No…No, I’m laughing because…I swear to God, man, I never in a million years thought I’d hear you say anything like that.”

He was fucking right. I sighed heavily, rolling my eyes again. “Yeah, I know, I know. Whatever, Just…Just go.” I referenced to the direction we were going. I just needed to get back to the hotel to shower, then I’d be back out to meet Sami somewhere.

I then was reminded that Skye was supposed to go with me. Shit…

As Roman started the car and began to drive to the hotel, My mind wandered as I stared out the window. I’m having a really hard time with this...Do I like her? Or, Is this just sexual attraction? Everytime I’m around her, or I even think about her, I get aroused. What if this is all just really strong sexual attraction? Maybe I just need to fuck her and get it over with…

Wow, That…would be amazing…I gulped, closing my eyes tightly, trying to force those thoughts out of my head. Nope. Not a third boner of her, nope.


3rd Person’s POV.

After Dean walked out of the shower and put on some clothes, He picked up his cell phone and sent a text to Skye. I’ll be over in 5 to pick you guys up. Be ready, Or I’m leaving you. He pressed the ‘SEND’ button.  He had texted Sami earlier that day about bringing Skye and her friend over to their little meet up, or whatever it was. Sami was fine with it, as he usually was. He was actually rather friendly than most would expect. Completely opposite from Dean, Who was rather the introvert at times.

He stood up, sliding his keys and phone into his pockets before leaving his hotel room, walking down the hall to Skye’s hotel room door. He knocked twice, waiting paitently before Skye opened the door.

She was dressed in a white button up shirt, with a black blazer along with it with plum-colored skinnies and black sparkly heels and her multi-colored hair didn’t have much done to it. While, Skye’s other friend, was dressed a bit more girlier. She wore a white tank top with a black biker jacket along with a blue frilly skirt and red wedges. Her plum hair had been curled.

Despite all of that, Dean couldn’t take his eyes off of Skye. In fact, He was speechless. Realizing that he hadn’t spoke for about 3 minutes, he coughed and attempted to talk.

“Uh…You two look nice…” He spoke awkwardly.

Skye smiled lightly at him, leaving the hotel room and closing the door behind her. “Yeah, I know.” She spoke confidently, her light smile turning into a slight smirk. Dean glanced back at Aileen, smiling awkwardly at her. He still didn’t like people much, and found it quite awkward to talk to Skye’s friend. He figured that he had better make a good impression on her to impress Skye. Luckily, She took the step for him.

“Hello! My name is Aileen! People know me as wrestler Suki Ocean.” She stuck her hand out, smiling brightly at him. First thing Dean noticed was how much she reminded him of Skye. She was possibly…more hyper than she was. He licked his lips, thinking for a second. “Oh, I remember you. You’re all over the indies, aren’t you?” He said, trying to strike up a small conversation.

Aileen nodded her head, laughing. “Yeah, I love to wrestle, no matter where it is.”

After a 10 minute-long drive, The group arrived at an Applebees down the street from the arena that the WWE superstars had just performed in. The three all got out of the car, seeing Sami leaning against the wall of the entrance of the place.

“Hey!” Dean called out, catching Sami’s attention. Sami looked up from his phone, smiling at him before running and jumping into Dean’s arms.

Skye and Aileen both laughed, not used to seeing men do that. Or, Dean for that matter. He accepted Sami with open arms, hugging him tightly. “This must be why the fangirls ship them so much.” Aileen whispered into Skye’s ear, causing Skye to snicker.

Sami’s POV.

I hopped down from Dean’s arms, after hearing a snicker. I smirked at Skye, walking over to her. “Well, Look who it is, Little Miss Fearless.” I said, causing Skye to laugh and shrug. “Oh, You know. Skye never changes.” I laughed at her, giving her a friendly hug. It was nice to see her, I haven’t talk to her since the days of the Switchblades.

I then looked over, catching a pair of bright violet eyes. Whoa…Are those…real? “Hey…” I smiled softly at her. Holy shit, She’s pretty. No, fuck ‘pretty’, she’s gorgeous! She grinned at me, sticking her hand out again. “Hi! My name’s Aileen! Known better as Suki Ocean!” I shook her hand. I couldn’t even look away, Her eyes are so…captivating. “Hey…I…I think I remember you. We worked in Ring of Honor together?” She nodded her head, still grinning like the adorable idiot she was.  “Yup! I wanted to talk to you there, but, you burned outta there pretty quick.” Alright, I just had to ask.

“Your eye color, Is that real? Or are those contacts?”

Aileen laughed, looking down, then back up at me. “They’re real. Super rare, but real. I don’t have enough melanin in my eyes, so, they come out to be purple.” She spoke. Wow…She’s …so perfect. I couldn’t stop staring. I..I can’t stop staring. Dean must have caught onto that quickly, pushing me and knocking me out of my trance. “Should we maybe get inside or watch you ogle at Aileen for the next 3 hours?” He joked.

I gritted my teeth, pushing him as hard as I could, which only made him laugh. Skye lead the way as we all walked inside.


Hah! I had to end it in a cliffhanger. So, I had something to write in the next chapter. <3 

Along with the addition of adding Sami Callihan as a character, I've added another OC by the name of Aileen Lakeman aka Suki Ocean. 

Her full name is Aileen Kalia Lakeman, And she's known as Ai, Ai-chan, Lovely, and Love. 

Her hair is medium length, and dyed a plum color. She has violet eyes, as explained in the chapter. 

She has a tattoo of urban myth, Slenderman, that starts at her hip and goes all the way up to her collarbone. She also has piercings, 2 ear piercings on each ear, sharkbites and a belly button piercing.

She's been all over the indies She's been in Ring of Honor, New Japan Pro Wrestling, Xtreme Pro Wrestling, Heartland Wrestling Association, Combat Zone Wrestling, Juggalo Championship Wresling, Chikara, Shimmer, ChickFight, Evolve, and Dragon Gate USA.

She's always been a Face wrestler, and she's known as a high-flier.

Some of her finishing moves include:

·         Waist Deep (Rope-hung Boston Crab)

·         Suki Star Press (Shooting Star Press)

·         Ocean Mist (Blue mist, used occasionally)

And some of her signature moves are:

·         Shining Wizard

·         Handspring back elbow

·         Snapmare driver

·         Spinning heel kick

·         Springboard moonsault

·         Diving crossbody

·         Tilt-a-whirl DDT

·         Three Amigos (Triple rolling vertical suplex, In homage to Eddie Guerrero.)

Extra facts about her, She was trained by Daniel Bryan when she was in Ring of Honor, and, she was recommended to the WWE by Mick Foley. Which, in the WWE, is a pretty big thing. People are honestly just waiting for her WWE debut, seeing that it has to be soon. 

Alright, that's the fourth chapter for you guys! <33 I'll try to have the fifth one up for you guys by tomorrow or something, Because I'm really wanting to write this. xD Love you guys, stay awesome, don't forget to comment and vote! And, by all means, suggest this to your friends! I'd love to have more readers.

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