Polaroid Poems

By therealalyssakoepke

24.4K 1.3K 297

So I write poetry... © Alyssa Koepke ____________________ For even more poetry, check out the next book in th... More

Poem #1// Done
Poem #2// Sticking
Poem #3// Old Friend
Quote #1// Numb
Poem #4// Second Skin
Quote #2// Flames
Quote #3// Cliff
Poem #5// Game
Quote #4// Try
Poem #6// Tick Tock
Poem #7// Screw Up
Poem #8// Count
Poem #9// I Owe
Poem #10// War
Quote #5// Assuming
Poem #11// Locked
Poem #12// Alone
Quote #6// Wall
Quote #7// Mind
Poem #13// Rotten
Poem #14// Paper Heart
Poem #15// Emo...tional
Quote #8// Doesn't Matter
Quote #9// Life
Poem #16// Victim
Poem #17// World
Quote #10// Hole
Poem #18// Cracked
Quote #11// Strengths
Quote #12// No End
Poem #19// Piece
Quote #13// Without a Heart
Quote #14// Inside
Quote #15// Change
Quote 16// Vague
Poem #20// Pulse
Quote 17// Judge
Quote 18// Gravity
Quote #19// Lost
Poem #21// Mark
Quote #20// Waves
Quote #21// Lost Cause
Poem #22// Sometimes
Poem #23// Valleys
Poem #24// Understand
Quote #22// Learned
Quote #23// Joking
Poem #25// Chapter
Quote #24// Extra
Poem #26// Sky
Quote #25// Worse
Quote #26// First
Quote #27// Falling
Quote #28// Younger
Poem #27// Over
Poem #28// Haunting
Poem #29// Searching
Quote #29// Conquer
Quote #30// Build
Poem #30// Saving
Quote #31// The Way
Quote #32// Run
Quote #33// Shore
Quote#34// Dreamer
Poem #31// Me
Quote #35// Thunder
Poem #32// Bones
Quote #36// Pages
Quote #37// Hatred
Poem #33// Depths
Quote #38// Fake
Quote #39// Smallest
Quote #40// Buries
Quote #41// Fear
Quote #42// Control
Quote #43// Before
Poem #34// Concrete
Poem #35// Only
Quote #44// Reason
Quote #45// Help
Poem 36// Forgive
Quote #46// Shoes
Poem #37// Flaws
Quote #47// Guessing Game
Quote #48// Negativity
Quote #49// Fail
Poem #38// They Themselves
Quote #50// Moments
Poem #39// Nonsense
Quote #51// Listen
Quote #52// Real
Quote #53// Miles
Quote #54// Believe
Quote #55// Suns
Poem #40// Choices
Poem #41// Small
Quote #56// Spill
Poem #42// Effort
Quote #57// Hear
Quote #58// Illusion
Poem #43// Thorns
Poem #44// Change
Quote #59// Step
Quote #60// Give Up
Poem #45// Spell
Poem #46// Bright
Poem #47// What
Poem #48// Expect
Poem #49// Ocean's Kiss
Quote #61// Solution
Poem #50// The Point
Poem #51// Slipping
Poem #52// Further
Poem #53// Choice
Poem #54// Devotion
Poem #55// The Queen; The King
Quote #62// Embrace
Poem #56// Hole
Poem #57// Loophole
Quote#63// Darkness
Poem #58// Hide
Poem #59// Wilt
Poem #60// First
Quote #64// Wreckage
Poem #61// Villanelle
Poem #62// Noise
Poem #63// Life
Poem #64// Seasons
Poem #65// Star
Poem #66// Twisted
Poem #67// Mirror
Quote #65// Broke
Quote #66// Labels
Quote #67// Level
Poem #68// Over and Over
Poem #69// Tidal Wave
Poem #70// Suffocate
Quote #68// Power
Quote #69// Unstoppable
Quote #70// Unbearable
Poem #71// River Banks
Quote #71// Curse
Quote #72// Finding Happiness
Poem #72// Blizzard
Poem #73// Madhouse
Poem #74// Underestimated
Poem #75// Roots
Quote #73// Forward
Poem #76// Scraps
Poem #77// Support
Poem #78// Always Me
Poem #79// Save Today
poem #80// Clean
Quote #74// Attached
Quote #75// Bullets
Poem #81// Sickness
Quote #76// Friendship
Quote #77// Heal
Poem #82// Strings
Poem #83// Default
Quote #78// Year
Quote #79// Cosmos
Quote #80// Betrayal
Poem #84// Wounds
Quote #81// Moments
Quote #82// Say It
Poem #86// Naked
Poem #87// Trapped
Poem #88// Boundaries
Quote #83// Alive
Poem #89// Confuse
Poem #90// Hooked
Quote #84// Built For Two
Quote #85// Limits
Quote #86// Heavy
Poem #91// Meaning
Quote #87// Forever
Quote #88// Void
Quote #89// Crinkle
Poem #92// Tightrope
Poem #93// Win
Quote #90// Signs
Quote #91// Assumptions
Quote #92// Young
Quote #93// Moment
Poem #94// First Broken Heart
Quote #94// Puppet
Quote #95// Risk
Poem #95// Storm
Poem #96// Nothing Wrong
Quote #96// Demons
Poem #97// Strangers
Quote #97// Time Limit
Poem #98// Patterns
Quote #98// Frozen
Quote #99// Beating Again
Quote #100// Heart Skips

Poem #85// Mediator

35 3 0
By therealalyssakoepke

Everyone expects so much.
That it drowns you in stress.
You're supposed to be the smart one,
The one that everybody comes to for help.
You are the mediator
And everyone takes advantage of your advice.

Everyone puts on so much pressure,
That it makes you suffer.
You're supposed to be the one who does good,
The one that makes no mistakes.
You are the god-child
And everyone see's nothing but perfection.

Everyone surrounds you,
That it makes you grow tired.
You're supposed to be the judge,
The one that people can trust.
You are the vault,
And everyone empties their problems onto your own.

Everyone pushes you,
That it makes you stumble and fall.
You're supposed to be the stone,
The one that always stands tall.
You are the bridge
And everyone walks over you.

Everyone envies you,
That you become sick of yourself.
You're supposed to be the role model,
The one that parents are proud of.
You are the queen
And everyone wants you off the throne.

Everyone ignores your problems,
And you start to lose control.
You are the one who people talk about,
The one that people disown.
You are falling apart
And everyone was too blinded to see it.

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