City of Heavenly fire -The mo...

By HerondaleBoys

243K 2.9K 617


City of Heavenly fire -The mortal instruments- My version of the last book
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Authors Note

Chapter 24

4.9K 78 15
By HerondaleBoys

Hey guys sorry for the extremely long wait, I have been very busy and I am going to be for a while longer but the story isn't over yet there is still around 10 chapters to go :)
Thank you for continuously reading this it means a lot.
This chapter is dedicated to BeautifulGames1 for using 'by the angel' because it made me laugh :)
But also this chapter is dedicated to everyone who has Ben continuously reading, thank you

Chapter 24


A time in my life that I never will forget is a couple of days after the battle in Idris. Everyone had returned home from the glass city and we had returned to the institute, I remember being so happy I couldn't stop smiling. Clary, the girl I love, wasn't my sister.
One day Clary came over to the institute mad at her mum for saying something rude about me, she was annoyed and kept on arguing to someone who wasn't there. So to get her mind off it I took her to the green house where we first kissed. I had set out another picnic for her, just like the one on her birthday, I had her sketch pad and pencils lying on the rug just in case she got some inspiration. That's one of the things I love about her she can leave the real world and wonder in her own and then draw it so clearly on to paper.
The only thing missing from this was the midnight flower.
I would have loved for her to stay and for us to wait for the flower to bloom but Jocelyn hates it when Clary doesn't return home before 7. But Clary told me it was still perfect, just what she needed. She had smiled up at me, a genuine smile that was wide and full of teeth, her eyes were joyful and happy shinning greener then ever before and when I had kissed her she grinned in the kiss the whole time.
But now looking at her... no not her, this thing in front of me has just taken over her body, her beautiful green eyes were replaced by deep black holes, her smile wasn't so much as a smile but a snarl and if I were to kiss her she would most likely bite me.
The group had traveled to a country side in France and search for a small empty home. They took Clary inside and tied her up to a chair, seeing her this way was killing Jace to no end, he hated seeing her tied my to the chair like a prisoner.
When settled in Magnus went to work with putting spells around the house so it couldn't be tracked and Isabelle and Alec went to grab some food from a local market. When they returned they joined Magnus on the couch from exhaustion.
Clary still hadn't woken up from being knocked out and Jace has just been sitting on the opposite side of the room the whole time watching her sleep hoping that when she opens her eyes the real Clary will show. But she won't, not like last time, this time the poison had completely taken over her and it won't be as easy to get her back. They had to kill Sebastian.
Hours later Clary still hadn't woken up and Jace was trying his hardest not to fall asleep on the job when Isabelle went over to him "Jace get some sleep, if she wakes ill wake you up" Jace new better then to argue with her and to be honest he was to tired to even say a word so her just nodded his head and went to a bedroom.

The next morning Jace was woken up by Alec tapping in his shoulder repeatedly "she's up" he told him. Jace quickly got out of bed and went to the main room where Clary was tied up. Upon entering the only thing that stood out was her struggling figure, they had tied the ropes around quite tightly making sure she couldn't set free, they had made so the more you struggle the tighter they get and they would burn you as well, hoping that she will soon get the idea that its no use to struggle against the restraints.
Seeing this image of her struggling made Jace want to reach out to her and untie her but he knew that it wasn't her, and he was sure when she looked up at him showing her new eyes. When she saw him she just looked at him like she was thinking but then began to struggle again and yelled out in pain as it burned her. Jace winced at her scream of pain, he couldn't take seeing her like this even if it wasn't really her it was Clary's body.
Seeing Jaces reaction she looked at him and said "Jace" by angel she sounded just like Clary "Jace" she repeated a tear had escaped her black eye and fallen down her cheek "it hurts, it hurts so much" at that moment right there she looked to innocent and Jace wanted to go and set her free not wanting her to be hurt
"Then don't struggle" Isabelle interrupted knowing just what this thing was aiming at, trying to get Jace to see that the real Clary was still there and hurting
"Jace" she ignored Isabelle and looked right into his eyes "I can't feel my fingers" Jace looked down to her burnt wrists
"Guys" he spoke "maybe we should just stop the burning part"
"Jace!" Isabelle yelled "this is what she wants, to make you believe that Clary is winning and tricking you to let her go"
"She is right Jace" Simon spoke up "maybe you should only spend time with her when your with another person"
At that moment in time Jace felt weak, a girl could make him forget all he had learnt about obeying the Clave and the rules, right now he had forgotten all of the things he had learnt to help the girl he loves and he couldn't even do that now without nearly setting her free.
And he couldn't let himself do that "ok, but only for the first couple of times, ill get use to it soon enough"

The first shift was taken by Simon who had watched her none stop, Jace had spent his time in his room but when he went by them so he could go to the kitchen for a snack he would hear Clary telling Simon that she felt sick and sore, but of course Simon just sat there not listening. This made Jace angry, how could Simon so easily not want to help her, maybe he was just better at it than Jace, maybe he knew when she was faking the whole thing.
The next shift was Magnus, then it was Jace and Alec, nothing really happened she did try to say rude things to Alec to try and stuff him up for entertainment and she would again try and say things to me to make me feel bad.
It was mid afternoon and it was Isabelle's turn and she had taken Clary to the bathroom when all hell broke out. Clary had taken her seat back in the chair waiting for Isabelle to start tying he rip but before Isabelle could get close to her Clary pulled out a sharp pair of scissors and looked at them and twirled them around her index finger.
"Where did she get them from?!" I yelled
"I don't know" izzy panicked "they must have been in a cupboard or something"
"I wonder" she spoke aloud "how much stabbing yourself would hurt" she looked up at me and smirked "I'm guessing a lot" she opened them up and with the sharp side pressed it against her thigh and pulled it across cutting her self deeply.
Then seeing our shocked expression she smirked again and stabbed herself in the side asking her gasp herself but then grinning madly "stop this right now!" I yelled getting even madder, she was taking joy in killing Clary not caring that she would die with her. "Drop them now" I told her sternly, it felt like I was talking to a child.
"No" she smirked and raised it again and was about to stab herself again when she collapsed to the ground. Behind her I saw Alec standing there with a book in his hand still raised from the action.
"What was that for?" Simon yelled
"Hey Clary is safer unconscious then dead" he shrugged the started tying her back onto the chair.

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