You Got Me and I Got You (Nat...

由 Wanteds12

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Julianne Nelson is a outgoing 20 year old From London England, Here life changes in a big way 10 years ago wh... 更多

The News/ Telling Julianne
The Lads/ Open It
Fun With The Gang/ Back To LA We Go
Ryan/Boat Of Fun
Back To The Wanted House/Home We Go
Back To Gloucester/ Let Hear You Sing Julianne
Summer Time Ball
New House/ How The Story Goes Ryan
Manchester/ Woman Down
Getting Ready/ The Wanted After Show
The Song/Big News
Teen Now/Tell The Family
Capital Radio/ The Ex
The Ex and New Love/Your Hurting My Family
The Question/The Big Shocker
Your Killing Me Paul/ Oh That After Show
Dress Shopping/Heart Vacancy
Belly Time/Seeing Mummy And Daddy
Family Time/The Big News
Last Tour/ Fun Time With Max
Were Having The Baby/ I Need Nathan
Sophia Marie/Human
Back Home For The Girls with Daddy/Mummy And Sophia Time
Update Kinda
Fun times with Mummy
We Are The Sykes

Surgery/ My Rock Julianne

262 3 0
由 Wanteds12

*Nathan’s POV*

I wake up from a nightmare and look at the clock is 5:50 and wake up Julie. Babe im sorry im waking you but I need you

*Julianne’s POV*

Nathan is ok let’s go sit in the tub and try to relax. Put’s on my swimsuit and holds Nath in the tub. Just try to think of yesterday how much fun we had how much you kept smiling. Nath turns around and kisses me and his phone rings and we see it the lads we answer the phone.

*Max,Tom,Jay,Siva and Big Kev POV*

Hey Nathan happy birthday, we call to wish a happy birthday and wish you good luck today and we hope you did not open that gift we told you to wait to open and we should be back tomorrow and we will call back later to check up on you little Nath we love you bye. We hang up the phone, he will be so happy to see us when we show up, Julie told us that he has to be there by 8:30 so are flight will be in by 10:30 LA time. So let’s get packing

*Nathan’s POV*

Babe I need to shower so if you, mom and Jess want to get food do it when I'm in the shower so I do not have to smell it. I walk in the bathroom and shut the door and just cry. I hear a knock on the door and see Julianne walk in and hold me.

*Julianne POV*

Hey baby don’t cry I know you’re scared but you will beat this whole thing. I get in the shower with him and Nath kisses up my neck and smiles and we get out and we both get dress. I put on my shorts on and a wanted shirt that the guys got me for 20th birthday with the writing I'm with Sykes across my back and Stay calm and be a TW Girlfriend on the front of the shirt. Nath comes out with this Gloucester sweetpant’s on and a white t-shirt on and his glasses and start’s to laugh at my shirt and hug me. What I love this that shirt babe is really funny. I pull my hair up and put on Nath's hat. We walk downstairs and see Jess and Karen wait for us to come down with Nano laughing at my shirt. "Really Julianne I think the shirt was a joke but is funny to." We all get in the car and Nano hands me the gift that Nath has to open with me, and we all make are way down to downtown LA and get to the doctor’s offices and we sign Nath in and wait for his name to be called. The nurses comes out and Karen get up to go with him and Nath kisses me and says "I will see u in a bit" and hands me his phone and I get on twitter and let the fan’s know that is going on.

@NathanTheWanted this is Julianne, they called Nathan back and there getting him ready but his surgery is not until 11. I will keep you all updated on his twitter,the band’s or mine. Just make sure you follow all 3 and I will keep you all updated.

I put his phone in my pocket and my phone rings and see is Max calling. Hey Max they took him back to get him ready and Karen is with him and there talking with the doctor. But im going back with him when they take him to go get ready and I will have him open the box then. What time do you think you boy’s will be here. I think we are getting in at like 11 right when he goes in so Nano told us that he will be in the waiting room so we can just meet you in there. Well text Nano if I do not text back or I will just text you that im going to see him and that should keep him from see what is going on. Plus I have his phone. Alright Max I will see you all in a bit love ya. Hangs up and wait Karen to come back.

*Nathan’s POV*

They walk me back and hand me a gown and a bag for my stuff and I change into the gown and look at my hand and see Julianne’s bracelet that she gave me for luck on my wrist and smiled at it and talks with my mom. I feel like I am going to be sick mom can u please ask them to get Julie for me I need her. My mom looks at me “Nath just text her from my phone she will clam you down.” I text Julie and she text me back. “Nathan just relax I will be in when they let me but you need to calm down first and think of something nice like me giving you lot of kisses and anything you ask for.” Doctor Nasseri walks in and talks to us. “Well Nathan you ready get this over with first were going to take you in back to get you ready and I think Julianne will be back there wait for you and we will let you both have some time for you to see her when we are get everything set up and ready for you to come back. Then he tells me there going to put a needle in my hand can’t wait for that and then they will take me in for surgery. I turn to doctor Nasseri and ask if jul can sit with me when I fall asleep and he said “no she can’t we don’t want to have extra people in the back due to the camera crew here and everything but he said that she can bring back her flip cam and film me and her in back, but I will let you leave on her bracelet that I have on right now.” “Well Nath let’s take you back and see Julianne.” I hug my mom and walk back the room and sit there waiting for my girl and crying.

*Julianne’s POV*

“Julianne go back and see him he is asking for you and was crying when I left”. Ok thank Karen, hug her and picks up my phone, Nath’s and the box. Nano will you let the boy’s know I'm in back so they can come whenever they want but they can’t go in back until after his is out of surgery.” Sure thing and don’t forget your flip.” He throws me my flip cam and I walk in the back to Nath’s room and walk in. Hey baby, walks over and kisses him and sit next to him. ”hey there I was hoping I get to see you before I go in and I see you have the box with let’s open it”. Before you do I was given a messages from the lads they told me to tell you that they are sorry they can’t come, somehow there plane will not be back in LA until later tonight when we have you home already but they told me to film you opening your gift from all of us. I start filming Nath reading the card ”Hey Sid The Sloth we all got you something that we know will be useful after your surgery and we hope to have you back on stage singing with us really soon. Love Max, Tom, Jay, Siva, Kelsey, Nareesha, Big Kev, Nano, Scooter and the rest of the TW Crew.” He start’s to laugh and open’s up the box “wow they got me a board to write on and there is a messages on a paper from Max and Tom, Pleases wash me in the pool and if you do not mind do not write things that you to do Julianne on me, im not you bich so be nice to me or I will have Tom and Max come get me from you, love Pecker Parker and Maximillian aka Tomax.” Wow that is Tomax for you babe. “Yep that is right and I have something for you but I want to give it to you when the boy’s get in later and is something that you said you wanted before we go back to Gloucester.” The nurse come in and get Nathan ready for surgery and put a needle in his hand and I hold his hand watching him start to have a breakdown. Baby im right here just look at me im not going anywhere yet until they take you in to surgery. “I know baby im just scared that I will not get to sing again but I know that I will be fine.” The nurse walk over to me and talk’s to me “is time for the both of you to say your good byes but Nathan if it will help you Julianne can walk with you to the doors before she can’t go any farther.” “Yea that will help me out.” I help Nath up and we walk holding hands and he hand me his glasses and we walk to the door and we kisses and tell him something. I will see you soon and you sleep well and im right there with you in there. They shut the door and one of the nurse walks be back to the waiting room where everyone else is. I sit down and just cry. Pull out my phone a tweet to the fans

@TheWanted Well here we go everyone pray @NathanTheWanted just when into surgery.... #staystrongnathan

*Nathan’s POV*

I lay on the table and watch them get everything ready and I look up at Doctor Nasseri and we talk” well Nath here we are, just think of Julianne and you will see her soon and if it will help you I will have them bring her back to talk to you when you wake up, how does that sound?” I will love that and please this is your hand’s don’t f this up. He nods and I wish them all luck and fall asleep think of Julianne and me singing to her.

*Juliann’s POV*

I sit there waiting with everyone and hoping to all goes well. Jess walks over to me with her mom and Nano and we all hug, then I hear Siva, Jay and Big Kev walking in the door and I hug them. Where Max and Tom, Jay looks at me” they’re getting something to eat and Max has a jacket for you to put on so you do not get cold.” Max and Tom walk in and Max walks over to me and picks me up and hugs me and lets me cry “shh Jul let it all out you have been strong for him and you are allowed to cry now”, he sits down and hold me close and I keep crying, Tom, Jay, Siva and Max all start singing Invincible to me and I found you.” “Julianne, Nath has not stop talking to us about how much he loves you and how much he has thrown at you and you have not given up on him and you kept him clam though everything.” I look up at them and Max wipes my faces with his shirt and keep holding me. Then one of the nurse walks out and gives us an update “Everything is going well, Nathan is doing well and we should be done in an hour or two.” She walks back in to Nath’s surgery and we all sit there wait. I sit there keep watching Nath’s phone light up from twitter and I shut his phone off and show everyone the video I took of Nathan. Siva looks at it and smiles “wow he look so happy having you back there with him.” he also love his gift you all got him and he was crying from the note from Max and Tom. We all sit and wait until then Doctor Nasseri walks out and we all stop what we are doing and Max hugs me. “Everything when well he is just starting to wake up and he keeps asking for you Julianne so mom, Jess and Julianne come back then we will have the rest of you boy’s come back and see him.” I get up and walk back to Nath room and let his mom and Jess go in and I will come in when he is ready for me.

*Nathan’s POV*

I wake up and see the same nurses as before hold my hand and asking me question’s “Nathan wake up surgery is all over your mom and sister are here.” I look and see my mom and hug her and kisses her and hug Jess and look for Julie and Doctor Nasseri walks in and talk to us.” Everything when well when we got in it was big and I need to take it easy for the next three weeks and I pick up the white board and write “Were is Julie?” my mom looks at me and said “she is coming back here right now we will let you see her and she has something for you.” I nod and lay my head back and fall asleep and feel a kisses on my hand and I wake up to see Julianne standing there in Max’s jacket and I look at her funny. “hey babe I got something for you and is coming in the door right now she let’s go of my hand and goes and stand’s with my mom,Jess,Doctor Nasseri and one of his nurses. The door opens and I see the lads walks in and Doctor Nasseri tells them that I can’t talk I can only wave. I hug every one of them and start to cry and write on the board what are you doing here I thought you’re not getting in until later tonight. Max’s hold my hand and Said’s “ we said that so we can’t come and see you and Julianne kept the whole thing quiet and she wanted to make you think that we were not going to make it in time to see you. But we really got in at like 11 right when you when into surgery.” I hug the boy’s and they messed with me when I was not really not know what was going on. They hand me a box that I got for Julianne and they all took turn’s talk for me.” well Julie Nath got you this as a thank you for being here for him and he hopes you like it” she opens the box and read the card “To my Angle, Thank you for all you have done for me the past week from planning the boat trip to my mom and sis coming in a day early to be here to see me have my birthday early. You have been my best friend for a long time now and I wanted to get you something that when im away on tour you can always look at and know I am there with you and will talk to you soon and see you soon. Love Nathan James Sykes.” She kisses me and opens her gift as I hold her hand “baby is so pretty I'm going to put it on right now.” She puts on a ring with are names on it and looks at the other gift that I got her “baby where did you get this at.” It was a picture of us on are first date in a frame that said You Got Me and I Got You on it. Julianne hugged me and kissed my hand. The boy’s all said there good byes and left us all in Nathan’s room.

*Julianne’s POV*

I lay in bed with Nath and he falls asleep kissing me. I turn to Doctor Nasseri and ask him when can we leave. He said “well we want to keep Nath her overnight and we will move him to a room were you three can stay with him for the night and that there will be more safe for him and is where we send people who had to spend the night go to this place where there are doctor’s and nurse there to take care of him. We will let him go home tomorrow if ever thing goes well tonight.” I get out of the bed and they move Nath to a different part of the hospital and he wakes up and I help him to his new bed and I lay with him and hand him his phone and we both do a joint tweet

@NathanTheWanted well I just came out of surgery and I want to thank all of you for all your tweets, card and all you nice word. I want to thank my @TheWanted family for coming and seeing me and the boy’s passed on all the tweet’s they got and gave them to me. @JulGirlTW Thank you for all the kind words and messages for @NathanTheWanted. We are taking it one day at a time. Thank you everyone for your love,Nathan and Julianne

We sit in his room and me and Nath fall asleep in his bed and Jess and Karen in the other bed. At 5:30 pm a nurses came in to check on Nath and see if he needed anything. Nath try’s to talk to her but I hand him his white bored and he ask her for his med becomes his voice is hurting.

*Nathan’s POV*

This sucks I can’t talk I have to be quite and all I want is to tell Julianne that I want to buy a house with her and everything. I pock Julianne in the arm and write her something “Babe thank you for staying with me and taking care of me and tell mom and Jess to go get something to eat and take their time” ‘Karen, Jess go get something to eat or go out to eat I think Nath want’s to rest and he will not let me leave’ my mom kisses my head and tell me she will be back later. I write’s Julie something “Can you call Max and have to guys come or him come pleases” She gets on the phone and call’s Max ‘Max is Julianne Nath wants to know if you and the rest of the guys want to come and see him he really need some guys here I think he is sick of being with just girls, babe Max said he will come and maybe Jay will come with and see you’ I kisses Jul’s hand and smile.

*Julianne’s POV*

I rub Nath’s hand and gets out of bed and meet’s Max and Jay in the hall way and brings them in Nath’s room. Nathan look who just came, I sit walk in the bathroom and let them all talk.

*Jay’s POV*

Hey little Nath we see you got your gift and using it well. Nath write’s him something “Thank you both of you for coming, it means a lot to me and Max thank you for the text that you sent me after you left I had to have Julianne read it to me and I did not stop crying how sweet it was.” Nath what did it say I ask Max read’s the text “Nathan I am really happy to hear everything when well with your surgery and when we walked in the waiting room and Julianne bypassed everyone and hug me crying and I told her that she has the right to cry and we talk about everything we have talk about on how you love her and everything, and see you after you got out of surgery I did not know if I should laugh or cry. as im writing this im in the car crying with everyone. Get better little bro.” Julianne walks out and hug max.

*Julianne’s POV*

Thanks Max and Jay for being here, is hard to know what do for Nath that he can’t tell me but I know is hard for him to have me now talk for him and everything. Boy’s when do you go back home to the UK. Max says to me “we are leaving for NY tomorrow morning and then we go back to UK then next day.” Wow I will see you guys when we get back home. The nurses walks in and tells us that visiting hour are almost up and Max and Jay hug us good bye and I walk them out and  kiss both of them and thank them for all they have done. Max hugs me longer “ If you need anyone to talk to u can call us and we will try to help, just keep us updated and I hope to make a trip up Gloucester and see you both when you get Nath home and want guest to come over and hang out”. Thanks Max for everything have done and making me feel like I have an older brother who will look out for me. Watches them leave and goes back in Nath’s room and changes into one of Nath’s shirts and put's on my wanted sweet pants and watches Nath pull me in to snuggle up to him and we fall asleep.


This took me longer then 4 days to do. hope you like


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