what if ; connor franta fanfi...

By envy-malice

548K 8K 6.9K

what if this was all just our imagination? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32- END

Chapter 17

14.2K 214 155
By envy-malice

At about 10:30 me and Connor got ready and headed out the door. We got into my car and I drove us there. By the time we were there it was about 10:58.

"Haha perfect timing." He grinned and nudged me.

We sat way in the back during the movie, eating our popcorn and drinking blue icees. It was the scariest thing I've ever seen. Every time I got scared or screamed I held Connors hand realllyyyy tight. At the end of the movie I was still holding Connors hand, and shaking. We got into the car and Connor Vlogged while I was driving.

"Okay. So guys. We just saw a really scary movie." He looked at me almost laughing that I was scared. "The conjuring." He smiled.

"Okay. So guys that was the most scariest thing I've ever experienced in my life." I said as he pointed the camera towards me.

"It wasn't that scary to me. Buy what was scarier was when Taylor got scared she would squeeze my hand really really right. And it hurt." He laughed.

"Well I'm sorry! It was scary." I said focusing on driving.

When we got home it was about 1-ish, and I went right to bed not even thinking about the movie.

I woke up to my phone ringing. Ughhh who could be calling at like 8am?

"Hello?" I answered not even looking at who it was.


"Joey? What do you want." I said annoyed.

"Girl, I saw the conjuring last night and sawyer is gone. So I'm home alone."

"And?" I said confused.

"I'm scared!" He said sounding like a girl.

"We'll. I don't feel like driving so you come over here okay?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Be over in 5" he said ending the call. I set my phone down and walked downstairs. Nobody was here? Now I was scared. I saw a note on the desk in the living room.


Went to Sams for an 'o2l day' I guess. Be back around 9

-Jc Ricky Kian + Connor.

I walked back upstairs to get dressed. I figured it was a lazy day again, so I put on yoga pants and my Joey Graceffa totro shirt. I was just about to walk downstairs when I remembered to bring my phone and grab my laptop. I turned around to see Joey standing in my door way.

I jumped with surprise. "Oh gosh Joey. Don't scare me like that!" I screamed at Joey who was laughing.

"Sorry!" He said in laughter.

I walked past him to the kitchen to make some coffee.

"C'mon Tay. I'm sorry." He said walking behind me. I ignored him.

"It was funny, you have to admit." He said giggling more.

I turned around and looked at him that said 'funny?!?!? Really?!'

"Okay. It wasn't funny at all. Best friends again?" He held out his hand for a high five. I waited before high-fiving him back and laughing at how childish we were. We went into the living room after a while and I grabbed my laptop and caught up on YouTube videos. When I watched joeys recent vlog, there was a bunch of comments about me.

"Why are there comments about me?" I asked confused.

"Because my viewers love you." He said smiling.

"Actually, Connor was talking about how his viewers love me too." I said ironically.

"You're famous!" He said grabbing my shoulders.

"I'm famous!" I said jumping up in surprise.

"Um. Taylor..." Joey said pointing to my laptop on the ground. Which was broken to pieces.

"We should get that fixed." I said laughing at myself. Gosh I was sooo clumsy.

Me and Joey just sat around watching tv and talking until finally at about noon we decided to go get me a new MacBook, and get some lunch. It was about 12:45 when we got to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory finally.

"Joey, why do we come here so often?" I asked as we were waiting for our food.

"Because whenever were hungry, we tend to be near it. And plus its good." He said making a good point. "Oh and hey Taylor, are you going to Vidcon in a few weeks?"

Vidcon? "What's Vidcon?" I asked confused.

"You know, it's like comic con for YouTubers." He said making it sound like it was obvious.

"Why would I go? I'm not a YouTuber."

"Because, like we talked about before, my fans and Connors fans love you, and I bet even Sawyers fans love you."

"Well, I guess I'll go. I think I heard Jc talking about it."

"Okay, we'll I have a meet-up there so I guess you can like hang out and maybe give autographs."

"Yeah cool. But I'm going to Minnesota on Friday and won't be back till Sunday."

"Don't worry Vidcon is on Friday NEXT week." He said as the person brought us our food.

"Okay. I guess I'm going." I said eating my food.

After we got done eating, it was about 2:30, and we both wanted to just go be lazy all day. So we drove back home and sat on the couch doing nothing but watching anime, while I was setting up my new MacBook.

A few hours went by and we were still being lazy. It was 7 and I was kind of getting sad that I didn't see Connor all day. So I texted him.

Me: Connor I miss you ):

Connor: I'll be home in 2 hours don't worry baby.

Me: k going to make dinner

Connor: xoxo

I smiled and walked to the kitchen. I made waffles for me and Joey and put a lot of whipped cream and sprinkles on it. I brought the plates over to where we were sitting and started eating and talking. By now it was 7:15. I was getting kind of depressed and wished that I could just have Connor all to myself right now.

Then wishbone started barking. "Shut up!" Joey yelled. He was watching anime and probably couldn't hear it.

I looked out the window to see someone in the distance walking down the street. Then I realized, it was Connor. Why was he by himself? I don't care. I ran out the door and ran right into his arms.

"Woah! Hey Taylor." He said in surprise.

"I missed you soo much." I said into his chest.

"I missed you too."

I just kept holding onto him like if I let go I would lose him.

"C'mon lets go inside." He said as he started walking. I let go and started walking with him.

"Oh and by the way, Joey came over too cause I was scared about the conjuring. So we hung out today."

"Okay." He said it like he didn't even like Joey. Like Joey is taking him away from me. Maybe he does feel like that.

When we got inside I told Joey to come up to my room because I needed to talk to him.

"Joey, when I was talking to Connor, it sounded like he didn't even like you. Like you are like taking me away from him."

"Yeah, I guess I know how he feels."

"Y-you do?"

"Yeah. And it didn't feel good. So, I gues what you're trying to say, is that we shouldn't be-"

"No I'm not saying we shouldn't be friends anymore, I'm just saying I need more time with Connor okay?"

"Yep. I get it. So I should get going." He gave me a hug and walked right downstairs and out the door. I walked behind him and saw Connor sitting on the couch. I sat next to him and didn't say a word about Joey.

"Why'd he leave?" He asked.

"Um, he needed to do ... Something important. I don't know."

"Okay then. Well I-" he started

"Connor, I just want to cuddle." I said and wrapped my arms around him.

We didn't say anything for the rest of the time we sat there. It was perfect.

"Connor." I said looking up at him.


"I love you."

"I love you too." He said with a smile.


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