Home ➸ Larry (Discontinued)

By guardianzayngels

4.9K 333 359

[DISCONTINUED | AU] ❝I'll make this feel like home.❞ Warning: Contains mild language. © 2016 by guardianzayng... More

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1K 80 112
By guardianzayngels

yay i'm so happy i managed to crank out a second chap bcuz i love this book so much already. i have great plans with it:) i've also thought about Ziall's ages and i've decided that Niall is 18 months and Zayn is 4. also, that's what Harry, Louis, and Liam look like. now onto this super long chap!

Louis really hated his job. Like really, really hated it, with a burning passion. He wished the whole building would engulf in flames and burn to the ground until there was nothing left except ashes.

He hated what he did, he hated his co-workers, he hated his dick of a boss. He just hated everything about it. There was not one little thing he liked about it. Well except for the free pretzels offered on floor twelve every Friday.

"Why the hell do I keep working here? Why the fuck do I get up every damn day and come to this shithole? Why?" Louis thought to himself as he typed on his keyboard bored out of his mind.

He didn't plan on doing this for the rest of his life. No, he had dreams of becoming a nurse practitioner ever since he was thirteen, but here he was, typing and taking calls. It sucked.

Louis got up from his stupid leather chair to go to the stupid copier to copy these stupid papers that were do at the end of the stupid day. At the copier, he saw Bob to which Louis rolled his blue eyes. Bob was just...ugh, he can't even explain it. And yes, his name's Bob. What a boring name, but hey everything about the company was boring.

"Morning, Louis" Bob greeted with a smirk plastered on his stupid face.

"Hello, Bob" Louis replied in a monotonous tone, squinting his eyes at the middle-aged man.

"So Mr. Jackson's looking for someone to take the higher position since George left..."

"Yup" Louis said, popping the p. He tapped his fingers on the copy machine, waiting for Bob to finish up his stupid papers.

"I think I've got the position in the bag. You know, since I'm the best employee in the office. I get my pristine work done on time, I'm always early, and I'm always the last one to leave."

Louis had the urge to punch him right in the throat, but resisted. He couldn't lose this shitty job. At least right now. "Mhm."

"Plus I've been working here the longest, besides Bertha and Matthew."

"That's great, Bob. Good for you" Louis said, sarcasm practically dripping from his voice, but Bob didn't seem to care because he continued.

"No offense to you, Louis. You're a good worker too, besides being late multiple times and not having all your work done on time like you should. I have all my ducks in a row, but hey at least yours are all in the same pond, right?"

Louis gritted his teeth, eyes darkening in anger. He sighed, turning to Bob. "I think your papers are done copying."

Bob looked at the copier and grabbed his papers, shuffling them into a neat pile. "You're right. Seeya 'round, Louis" he smirked, turning on the heels of his stupid loafers and sauntering off.

Louis watched Bob's stupid back, his eyes in small slits. God, he loathed that man. He was the worst one in the office.

"Seven more hours, Louis, seven" Louis said to himself, counting down the hours he had until he got out of this dreadful place.

Finally Louis got off and he was so ready to get home. But first he had to pick up his sons...and maybe check up on that homeless boy. He just wanted to make sure he was there and safe. There was absolutely no harm in that.

Louis pulled onto the street where he...lived. He hated that. Lived. His living quarters shouldn't be on the street. Every time Louis thought about that, sympathy filled his heart. God, he really wanted to help that boy. Giving him money wouldn't just miraculously give him a home though.

Louis parked his car on the curb across the street from the boy (thank God he was there). He could see said boy, sitting on the ground with his ratty blankets wrapped around his shaking frame. People passed him left and right, totally ignoring him as if he didn't even exist. Louis couldn't believe it and frankly he couldn't stand it anymore either so he jumped out of his car and ran over to the boy's aid.

His head was down as he rocked himself back and forth, his grip on the blankets tightening with each gust of ice cold wind passing over him. Louis bent down to him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. The boy jumped from the contact, snapping his head up quickly. He couldn't believe it was the man from yesterday. He thought it was a cop telling him to move somewhere else again.

"Hello" Louis greeted.

The boy didn't say anything at first. Hell, he couldn't because his teeth were chattering so bad. Louis began to rub his shoulder to comfort him.

"H-h-h-ello" he finally spoke up after getting control of his mouth.

Louis was happy he replied. "You're freezing."

Again the boy didn't respond.

"I can take you to a library or something in order for you to warm up?" Louis suggested.

"N-no" the boy denied his request. "No, that's alright. J-just carry on with your day...don't pay attention to me. No one ever does..."

God, could Louis' heart get any heavier? Can he feel anymore sympathy for this kid?

"I don't mind."

"I do" the boy glanced at him with blurry, green eyes. The intense wind made them water. "Look I appreciate your concern for me, sir, but I am not your problem nor your responsibility."

The boy was right. He wasn't Louis' problem or responsibility. But that didn't stop him from wanting to help this kid. Louis' a very compassionate person and he doesn't mind going out of his way to help people. Especially for something as severe as this.

Louis studied him for a second. "How old are you?" He asked.

The boy was caught off guard by the question, but answered. "Eighteen."

Louis' teeth sunk into his bottom lip. He knew it. He knew the boy was around that age, but it still managed to shock him. An eighteen-year-old boy homeless? This boy should be finishing his senior year, getting ready for college. He should be at home, living with his loving parents. Not getting hypothermia and starving on the streets. It sickened Louis.

He's never felt like this before. Sure those abused dogs and starving children in Africa made him shed a tear or two (God how he loathed those commercials, they just made him sad) but this...this made a whole new feeling coil through Louis' stomach. Maybe it's because he was seeing such a horrible thing in person and not through a television screen. Or maybe it's the look this boy had in his eyes. They were practically screaming "save me".

Before Louis could stop the words from tumbling from his mouth, they spew out. "Alright, grab your bag and blankets, let's go."

The boy's eyebrows shot up. "What?"

"I want you to come with me."

"Sir, you don't need to take me to a library--"

"No, forget that. I want you stay with me and my family."

The boy's eyes widened at that. "W-what? N-no I couldn't. Thanks, but no thanks. I couldn't intrude."

Louis shook his head quickly. "No you wouldn't be intruding. Zayn and Niall would like you I feel, they're very sweet. And Liam, well Liam is very friendly as well. Besides its not permanent. Just till you get back on your feet. Come on, its the least I can do. You need a home and I have one."

"No. No, I will not accept that, no."

"Please let me help you" Louis begged, motioning to him. "Look at you, you're practically malnourished and tired and sad and heartbroken and a whole bunch of other things I can't pinpoint. Please...let me help you."

"Is this some type of joke? Are there cameras somewhere?" The boy questioned curiously, squinting his tired, bloodshot eyes.

"What? No, this isn't a joke. I want you to stay with me, really" Louis promised sincerely.

"You don't even know me."

"I don't care, that doesn't mean I can't help you."

"Well, I don't know you."

"Doesn't matter, doesn't mean you can't accept the help someone's trying to give you."

The teenager pursed his lips, Louis was right about that. But still, that didn't mean he was going to stay with some stranger.


Louis sighed, dropping his head. He stood back up and quickly snatched the garbage bag beside the boy. "Come on, please? If you don't go I'll take this."

Louis was bluffing, he would never steal this kid's belongings. He was just using that as a way to get the boy to come with him.

"Take it, it's not like I have anything else to lose."

Louis stopped dead in his tracks when he said that. Yup it was confirmed, his heart could feel heavier and he could feel more sympathy. He released a breath and placed the bag back down. He dropped to one knee in front of him and looked him dead in his eyes.

"Please come stay with me. I know we don't know each other, but I'm willing to help you. I definitely do not mind having you stay with me and my family. No one should be homeless, especially someone your age. Everyone deserves a roof over their head, clothes on their backs, and food in their stomachs. Just...two days? Stay for two days, if you don't like it, I'll drive you back here, but please let me help you..."

The boy stared at him until he finally sighed, peering down at the dirty sidewalk. It would be nice not to live on the streets for two days. Just two days. After two days he can come back here.

"I...I don't know."

"Jus two days...please?" Louis persuaded and damn, was he good at it.

The boy exhaled deeply in defeat. "...Alright, just two days" he said. He had a feeling this man wouldn't leave him alone until he obliged so he just made it easier on the both of them.

Louis smiled gratefully. He stood on his feet and the boy did the same, dusting off his pants. He grabbed the garbage bag, but Louis stopped him.

"Here, let me."


"Don't argue with me, just grab your blankets" Louis demanded playfully.

The boy obeyed, picking up his blankets and following Louis to his car. The man placed the bag in the trunk and the boy stood there watching him.

"You can get in the car, you're freezing. Hell, I'm freezing and I haven't even been outside that long so I know you're an ice block. I'm surprised you're not ill or anything" Louis said.

The teenager didn't reply to that, but got inside of the warm car. The heat was cranked all the way up and he was super grateful for that. Louis got in a second later, turning on the boy's seat warmer.

"Now your buns will be toasty too" he laughed, the boy nodding awkwardly from not knowing what to say.

Louis pulled from the curb, driving off down the road. He made a few turns here and there and he was getting tired of the quietness so he spoke up.

"I'm Louis by the way, Louis Tomlinson. What's your name?"

The boy gulped, leaning his head onto the window as he watched cars, people, and buildings fly by him. "Harry."

Louis hummed, stopping at a red light. "Harry? That's a nice name. Is it short for Harold?"

Harry tensed immediately. "No, it's just Harry."

Louis noticed him tensing and quickly apologized. "Whoa, alright. I'm sorry, I was just curious."

Harry didn't say anything in reply, silence filling the car once more. Louis wanted to talk to the boy. He knew it would take some time to get him to open up to him, but he just desired small talk.

"Where ya from, Harry?"


Louis' eyes widened and he glanced at him. "Really? Bed-Stuy? That's so far from here, not to mention an extremely dangerous neighborhood."

Once again Harry didn't reply so Louis continued.

"When was the last time you were there? If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your parents?"

"I do mind."

Louis pursed his lips immediately. Okay that's fine, he didn't have to answer that. He didn't wanna push Harry.

Another awkward silence infused the air once more so Louis turned on the radio. Soft rock played in the background, Louis tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. Harry turned his head to the faint tapping noise, studying Louis until his eyes fell upon the ring wrapped around the man's finger.

"You're engaged."

"Hmm?" Louis glanced at him then to the ring and chuckled. "Oh yeah, have been for a year."

Harry pursed his plump lips, nodding. He shifted his attention back out the window. Louis looked at him for a quick second before going back to the road.

"We have two kids also. Zayn and Niall. Zayn's four and Niall's eighteen months. In fact, I'm going to pick them up from my fiancé's parent's house right now. Hope you don't mind."

Harry shrugged. "Your kids, your car, you can do what you want."

Louis laughed. "You're right."

Five minutes later, they arrived at a nice one-story home. Louis unbuckled his seat, turning to Harry.

"Alright, just stay here for a sec. I'm gonna get them."

Harry nodded and Louis got out of the car, jogging up the cobblestone path and knocking on the red door. A woman with blonde hair answered, smiling immediately when seeing who it was.

"Louis!" The woman hugged him. "Nice to see you."

"Nice to see you too, Karen. Where are the little rascals?"

As if on cue, two pairs of noisy footsteps come out of nowhere and Zayn and Niall come around the corner.

"Daddy!" Both boys yelled, crushing each of Louis' legs in a huge hug. Louis and Karen chuckled, the man picking up both kids in each arm. Harry watched the scene from the window, looking away when Louis picked up his sons.

"Hey guys! How'd you enjoy grandma Karen's?"

"It was great!" Zayn cheered. "We played games and grandma Karen made us cookies!"

Louis gasped. "Cookies?! No way!"

"Yes way!" Niall said.

Louis laughed, kissing Niall's head then Zayn's. "Alright, go grab your things so we can head home" he said, placing them back on the floor. The two ran off to get their things, Louis stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"How's the wedding plans coming along?" Karen asked.

"They're coming" Louis laughed. "Still got a lot to go over with Li, but it'll be good."

Karen smiled. "I'm so happy for you two. If there's anyone I want to marry my son, it's you, Louis. You treat him so well, you make him so happy."

A blush sprinkled Louis' cheeks. He can't stand getting compliments. "Thank you, Karen. He makes me happy too, he's perfect."

Zayn and Niall came back with their Spider-Man and Power Rangers backpacks in tow back and Louis grabbed both their hands. Him and his kids bid goodbye to Karen and walked out to the car. Harry took a deep breath. He didn't know why he was so nervous to meet a couple of kids.

Louis opened the back door and in came Zayn, jumping into his car seat. His eyes caught Harry and they grow wide in the process. "Whoa, who are you?"

"That's Harry, Zayn. He's a friend who's gonna be staying with us for awhile" Louis answered as he placed Niall in his seat and buckled him. Harry gave a weird, tight smile and waved. Niall released his thumb from his mouth in order to wave back.

"Why are you staying at our house?"

Louis gave the child a warning look. "Zayn--"

"It's ok" Harry said to Louis then looked at Zayn. "I just need a place to stay is all. I know it's gonna be awkward for you, trust me, it's awkward for me too, but it's only for a little bit."

"That's fine! We have plenty of room for you at our house! We have a super duper awesome extremely cool guest bedroom!" Zayn said excitedly then pouted. "Daddy won't allow me in there though, he thinks I'll make it messy."

"You did make it messy. I asked you to simply bring the air freshener plug and what do you do? I come upstairs to the room and it looks like ten tornados ripped through it. All the drawers were open and the bedding and pillows were on the floor" Louis rolled his eyes.

Zayn rolled his eyes back and wow, Harry could really tell they were related. "I said I was sorry, Mr. Grumpy Pants."

"Whatever, Mr. Messy."

Zayn stuck his tongue out at his daddy before turning his attention back to Harry. "How old are you?"


"Whoa, cool! I'll be eighteen in..." Zayn started counting on his fingers.

"In fo--"

"Nope let him figure it out, he's got this" Louis interrupted Harry.

Zayn continued counting until he counted fourteen fingers. "Fourteen years!" He shouted in victory, Louis grinning and looking in the rear view at him.

"Good job, buddy."

The car ride was quiet besides the radio playing Onerepublic and Louis' humming to the song. Zayn and Niall were out like a light in a heartbeat, pooped from all the playing they did at grandma Karen's. Louis rounded the corner off Maple Street and onto the road of the suburban gated community entitled Washington Park. Harry's mouth dropped at the scene. All the houses were beautiful, sculpted in the finest brick with the greenest lawns he'd ever laid his eyes on.

Harry watched each house with a passing eye, wondering which one of these gorgeous homes was Louis'. Finally, he figured it out when Louis pulled his car into a driveway, reaching to the top where he pressed the garage button.  The environment shifted to a shady black when Louis pulled into the cluttered garage.  It was filled with tool stuff and toys like those toy cars you could drive and bikes.

Louis shifted the vehicle to park and turned it off. He peered at Harry who looked nervous. "You okay?"

Harry turned to him. "I shouldn't have agreed to this. Please, just drop me back off on the street, I'll--"

"No" Louis interrupted, placing his hand on top of Harry's. "I know this must be a lot to take in and all, but trust me okay? I know that sounds crazy because Hell, you don't even know me, but just trust me. Please come inside..."

A silence fell upon the two males, Harry staring at Louis with uncertainty and Louis staring back, his ocean eyes practically begging for Harry to come inside.

Finally, the young man sighed, reluctantly undoing his seatbelt and Louis smiled, opening the car door and stepping out before running over to Harry's side and opening his door. Harry had no idea why he was so polite.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" Louis sighed happily, watching Harry exit his Nissan. He then went to wake up the boys and to undo their car seats. "Zayn, Niall...come on, get up, we're home. Come on, loves."

Harry heard a few disgruntled sounds come from the kids as he went to get his garbage bag full of clothes out of the trunk.


Harry closed the trunk, looking at him. "Yes, sir?"

"Oh for Christ sake, stop calling me sir. I'm not an old man, I'm twenty-four. Here, take my keys and unlock the door will you? I have to deal with these stubborn sleepyheads."

"O-Okay" Harry grabbed the key ring from him. "Which key is it?"

"The one marked 'H' for home" Louis answered as he unbuckled Zayn's car seat, who was kicking and groaning.

Harry walked to the white door and stuck the key in, turning it all the way until a click sound was heard. He placed his hand on the brass knob and opened the door slowly. He didn't feel right going inside alone and first.

A small hallway came into view. The floors were a shiny hardwood and the walls were a subtle gray, some areas covered in small nicks and black scratches from the boys. To the left Harry could see a glass dining table and four chairs plus a high chair surrounding the piece of furniture.

The teenage boy took a few tedious steps inside and he could now see the kitchen to the left also. The cabinets were dark and the counters were marble. The backsplash was a cream brick and there was a big island sitting in the middle, a deep sink embedded into it. The dining room set that Harry's eye caught prior was behind the island.

Louis entered the home next, holding a sleeping Niall with one hand while his other was slotted in Zayn's tiny one. The boy was yawning and rubbing his tired eyes with his fists. Louis kicked the door shut with his foot, sighing as he walked into the kitchen where Harry stood.

"Your home is beautiful" Harry commented, running his finger over the countertop.

"You haven't even seen the rest of it, silly" Louis snickered.

"I bet it's all beautiful."

Louis didn't say anything, but his lips twitched into a small smile. The room got quiet and Harry looked at Louis who was already looking at him. They just stared, not knowing what to say, until Zayn mumbled out a "tired, daddy".

"Oh sorry, bud" Louis peered at his son then back to Harry. "I'm gonna go put them in their PJ's and in bed. You can look around for a minute."

The man went off around the house and Harry stood there awkwardly for second before deciding to take a seat at the table. He scanned the room while waiting, drumming his fingers on the table.

Louis returned two minutes later with two towels in his hand. "I bet you're just dying for a shower, huh?"

"Uh yeah, haven't had one in a long time" Harry responded, biting his lip.

The twenty-four year old smiled, handing the fresh towels to him. "You can use my shower, it's better than the guest one. You can use my shower gel too, it's the one in the blue bottle, and my shampoo it's the American Crew one. Come on" he beckoned Harry with two fingers to follow him up the stairs and to his master bedroom. It was big and beautiful of course, like Harry imagined.

"Oh I need to get my clothes" he remembered.

"Oh no, honey don't even think about putting those clothes on. They need to be washed. Here, I'll put them in the wash and for now you can wear something else" Louis said.

"Like what?"

Louis trotted over to the neat, color-coordinated closet and went through the articles of clothing until he came across one of Liam's big, cozy cable knit sweaters. He thrusted it to Harry, but Harry just stared at it.

"Oh no--"

"Liam won't mind."

Harry glanced from him and to the red sweater in his hand. He slowly took it into his and Louis beamed before heading over to the dresser where he pulled out a pair of gray boxers and Adidas shorts. Harry blushed madly.

"I can't wear your underwear."

"Well I don't know if you can wear Liam's, plus my wide ass and hips stretched it out so there's bound to be room in there for you."

Harry's eyes grew wide and Louis laughed. "Just take the underwear. It's clean and I don't have anything, trust me."

Harry took the underwear and shorts from him, the salmon color on his cheeks darkening.

"Okay well I'm gonna go order some pizza, any toppings you want?"

"Um...anchovies?" Harry bit his lip.

"Anchovies? Really? That's my favorite" Louis smiled.

"Cool" Harry said awkwardly.

"Alright, well, holler if you need me" Louis said then departed from the bedroom to head downstairs.

Warm water fell from the shower head above, beating down onto Harry's coarse, dirty skin. The water not only cleansed his body, but it seemed to soothe it too. The boy sighed in content, lathering himself in the delicious smelling shower gel, the turbid water slipping down the silver drain. After rinsing off, he poured a generous amount of shampoo in his hands before going to town on the matted, greasy mess atop his head. And when he leaned his head back to rinse off his hair, the soapy water cascading down his shoulders and back, Harry just kept his head under the water, enjoying, practically melting into the feeling of water palpitating him. It was a glorious feeling, he hadn't had a shower in ages.

After thirty minutes, the water started to get ice cold so Harry got out. He dried off and put on the clothes Louis gave him then exited the bathroom. He could hear Louis doing something downstairs, but Harry didn't head down like he probably should've.

No, he admired all the pictures on the beige wall of Louis and his fiancé. Most of them were formal pictures from parties and such, but there were some that were silly, like they were from a photo booth. He gently smiled at the picture of Louis making some weird face and wow, that's the first time he smiled in awhile.

Suddenly, footsteps ascended up the steps and Harry turned quickly to the door. A man appeared around the corner, his brown eyes widening when seeing Harry. The man could only be described as Louis' fiancé because a. Who else would it be? And b. Harry now knows what he looks like from the pictures.

He opened his mouth to say something, but the man beat him to it.

"Louis, why is there a teenage boy in our house and in my sweater?!"

uh-oh spaghetti o's, Liam is home. hope you enjoyed the chap, comment #redsweater and vote if you did:)

dedicated to MaddsLeigh bcuz I finally finished The Rubik's Cube Champ and it was amazing, definitely recommend it.

okay I'm signing off now, love y'all and have a blessed day!

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