Fighting You ✔

By KindesttRegardss

3.5M 123K 29.5K

(Previously known as Mr vs Miss Delinquent) Dylan, turned to me slowly before kneeling and collecting my book... More

O N E | I Hate Changes
T W O | Meeting Gabe
T H R E E | That's How It's Done
F O U R | I'm Taking Over
F I V E | Guess What? I Don't Care
S I X | Don't Give Up
S E V E N | I Don't Find This Amusing
E I G H T | All Aboard The Insult Train
N I N E | This Means War
T E N | You Are In For One Hell Of A Suprise
E L E V E N - Who Knew The Bad Boy Could Apologize And Thank Someone
T W E L V E | You Guys Agreed With Each Other
T H I R T E E N | What The Hell Is He Doing To Me?
F O U R T E E N | Will You Let Me In?
F I F T E E N - Life Is Perfect
S I X T E E N - How Cliche
S E V E N T E E N- I Wanna Make You Mine
N I N E T E E N - He Can't Be Back
T W E N T Y - Let It Begin. Once Again.
T W E N T Y - O N E - He Was Gone
T W E N T Y - T W O - It'll Always Be A Dream
T W E N T Y - T H R E E - He Fucking Deserved It
T W E N T Y - F O U R - He Fucking Deserved it - Pt2
T W E N T Y - F I V E - An Escape From Reality
T W E N T Y - S I X - Jake's Back.
T W E N T Y - S E V E N - Happy Birthday To Me
T W E N T Y - E I G H T - It Just Got Worse
T W E N T Y - N I N E - My Worst Nightmare
New Book - Raven
T H I R T Y - He Killed Him
T H I R T Y - O N E - I'm So Fucking Sorry
T H I R T Y - T W O - Time To Say Goodbye
T H I R T Y - T H R E E - She's Gone
T H I R T Y - F O U R - We Will Be Perfect
T H I R T Y - F I V E - It's Only Just The Beginning
Epilogue - I Love You
Mentions :)
E X T R A | Worth It
E X T R A - My Boys
Sequel Is Up | Princess Undercover
Character Q&A
E X T R A | Embarrassing Tales
#Wattys2016 | Please Vote
E X T R A | Embarrassing Tales pt 2
ONE MILLION | This is Huge
E X T R A | Other Books

E I G H T E E N - Once I'm with him. Nobody else matters.

81.9K 2.8K 427
By KindesttRegardss

{Pic of Skylan. Not Edited}

Song: Seven Years

Artist(s): Lukas Graham

As long as you live, keep learning how to live.


Before I met Dylan, I had no idea what it felt like to look at someone and smile for no reason. Now I do. Dylan makes me feel beautiful, he's there for me when no one is, he makes me laugh and he accepts me for who I am. He's the best thing thats ever happened to me.

Meeting him was fate. Being his friend was a choice. Falling for him was beyond my control. I want him today, tommorow, the day after and the rest of my life. Remember that time I said I stopped smiling? Well now, I smile, when I see him. I smile, when I talk to him. I smile, when he touches my. I smile, when he's near me. I smile, when he looks me. I smile, when I think of him. I smile for him. But that one time I'm truly happy is when I make him smile back.

Once I'm with him. Nobody else matters.

Dylan and I have been going strong these past few months. After leaving the beach house, we decided to tell everyone about our relationship. Well not exactly, they found out before we could tell them. So eventually we confirmed it.

"Skylar does" I heard Dylan say who sat next to me

"I do what?" I asked confused. I zoned out. Sue me. We were currently sitting at our normal lunch along with the entire group.

"Sing." Zac answered o n behalf of everyone

"No, I dont" I tried to brush it off

"Yes, you do" Dylan spoke up

"Sing for us" Tori requested doing her signature puppy dog face

"The last time I sung was before my mom..." I trailed off at the end not wanting to drift off into memories. Everyone looked down nodding slowly. After a few minutes Dylan spoke up again.

"Well, now's a good time to start again" he got up off his seat and took my hand into his leading us out.

"Come on" he yelled at the rest wanting them to follow.

Dylan led us to the school music room and then into one of the practice rooms. He let go of my hand and walked towards the guitar stand and picked up a guitar before placing it in my hand. Zac and Blake stole the two chairs out of the three available in the room before anyone else could and placed their butts on to them. The last one they left for me. Everyone else got comfortable on the floor, looking at me expectantly. I really have been wanting to sing these past few days.

"I don't know what to sing" I mumbled while tuning my guitar

"Sing anything, we don't mind" Chase replied sitting against the wall. I let out a audible sigh before strumming the guitar. Once. Twice. I started playing a tune I was familiar with. I cleared my throat and closed my eyes before opening my mouth to sing.

Once I was 7 years old,
my momma told me,
Go make youself some friends or you'll be lonely.

Once I was 7 years old.

I opened my eyes to see everyone just looking straight at me mouth slightly apart but Dylan just had a proud smile covering his lips. He gave me a slight nod telling me to continue.

It was a big, big world, but we thought we were bigger
Pushing each other to the limits, we were learning quicker
By 11 smoking herb, and drinking burning liquor
Never rich so we were out to make that steady figure.

Smiling a little I put the guitar down and faced everyone agian.

"That was amazing" Beth finally spoke up

"Girl, forget street fighting, you should become a singer." Tori added

"I'm good." I reply and grabbed my bag which I had dropped before in started playing. I walked out the room and towards my next lesson which was also English. I had Dylan, Chase and Beth with me. We all together towards the room be we separated to our seats. I walked down the class sitting in my regular seat with Dylan next me. The bell had rung a few minutes ago and the classroom was soon full of loud teenagers.

"You have an amazing voice" Dylan whispered his breath fanning my ear, his fingers playing with my hair.

"Thank you" I whisper back smiling at him. He started leaning in but I pushed him back just before he touched me because the teacher had walked in. She settled her belongings on her desk before facing the now quiet class. This hag was one scary bitch. Dylan got comfortable in his seat his hand finding mine. It was normal. He would touch me any chance he got and I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it.

"Right class, we have a new student. I want you all to make him feel welcome" she spoke up. Great, another boy for the Miranda to fuck.

"Don't look at him" Dylan said so only I could hear him.

"Scared he's hotter?" I asked a smirk resting on my lips

"Yeah, right" he snorted

"I just don't want to him to get his hopes up, because your already mine" he continued shifting closer so our thighs were touching

"All yours" I said back quickly pecking his lips before Miss 'whatever he name is' saw. I looked up and saw the teacher moving her hands in a 'come in' motion. I rolled my eyes and looked back down at mine and Dylan's intertwined hands and smiled.

"Welcome Jordan everyone" her words made me freeze. It couldn't be right. My hand unconsciously tightened around Dylan's, which didn't go unnoticed by him.

"Don't worry, he's not hotter then me" he chuckled

I slowly looked up to saw him. It was him. No. Not again. Then I felt something I hadn't felt it a long time.


I knew my happiness was too good to last.


{A/N: Hey Sweet Peas. How's it going? So, it's all going to be get interesting now. Who do you think Jordan is? Also, I was wondering if I should change the name of this book. If so, I need suggestions. Please help. Anway.

Lots of love -

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