Single Father (Ziall Horlik)...

By BriannaLynnC98

291K 13.7K 5.7K

It wasn't something he was ever expecting in his life, but it happened. Zayn Malik was a young man that got t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24

Chapter 23

8.2K 413 212
By BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV 

A giggle left Niall's mouth as my scruffy beard tickled down his chest and stomach as I left kisses. After his little melt down yesterday, he seemed to be feeling allot better and more secure about our relationship. Now we were both kind of loving on each other pretending like we didn't have a full day a head of us.

"You're so sexy." I mumbled against his tummy. My hands slipped off my underwear off making him blush. I continued to kiss down him, disappearing under the blankets. I left Niall reached to pull them back so he could see me, but I kissed over his slightly hard self which made made him slap his hands loudly to cover his face instead.

"Zayn, stop." He whimpered. I pushed back the blankets of see if he was really wanting me to stop. He moved his hands to look at me with so much want in his eyes, yet so much confusion to what I was actually doing. Then it hit me that he probably didn't know what a blow job was or that you could actually do that.

"It's okay, Niall. It's just another way of making you feel good." I whispered to him. He nodded in a slow way that showed that he obviously thought this was weird. I kissed his hip bones a little then went back to my actual task.

When I licked the under part of him, Niall let out a surprised yelp. His hips squirmed away from me and his hands pulled my hair away from him. He sat up and pulled his legs up to his chest. A heavy blush painted his cheeks as well as an uncomfortable look in his eyes. I pulled the blankets over my back and crawled forward to him in a way that made me look like a fool. However, it made Niall giggle at me.

"I don't think I like that." He whispered to me as if his body language hadn't already spoken for himself. I smiled at him and pulled the blankets so they covered us both. Niall laughed at me as I attacked his face in kisses and upper body. I ended up laughing too because his laugh has always been contagious to me.

"Don't kiss my lips! You just licked me in a gross area!" Niall squealed to me as I chased to kiss his lips. That became our game while we rolled around in bed, our naked bodies getting tangled in the blankets and our laughs being the only thing heard in the room. I tried to kiss his lips one more time, but we both underestimated how much space we had on the bed and went tumbling to the floor, landing with as thud. That only made us laugh that much harder and cuddle a little closer to each other. Laila's little hungry cries sounded through the baby monitor, making us both huff because that ment it was time to be adult again and not horny, loved up twenty year olds.

"I don't know how to get out of these blankets." Niall giggled and started moving around like a caterpillar. I laughed and did the same. Eventually, we both got untangled from the blankets and we're able to get dressed enough to tend our daughter.

Our morning rituals went on with me getting in the shower while Niall fed Laila her morning bottle. When I got out, he used the bathtub and a baby bath seat to wash our little girl. She was too big for the sink now, which was a sad day for the both of us. I did my hair and shaved a little then went to get dressed. Niall finished washing Laila and took her to get dressed as well. He got himself ready too then carried her into the kitchen where I found myself making some toast and coffee. Laila was placed in her bouncer seat and given some toys to play with while Niall and I ate our breakfast.

"So I was thinking of bringing home a pizza for dinner because I don't want to cook and I'm feeling a lazy night with my boyfriend." I offered to him. He nodded and got my hand across the table. He was eating and not really looking up at me, but something in me was just drawn to looking at him. I felt like I needed to memorize him for some reason. It was a strange feeling, but I just wanted to look at him. His blue eyes met mine and a soft smile played on his lips.

"Laila has her doctor check up today. I also need to go get her some diapers, wipes and new clothes. Is that fine if we go shopping without after?" Niall asked me. I nodded and gave his hand a squeeze. He finished eating and took both our plates to the sink. I continued to watch him, but something hit me stronger than it ever had before.

This was the man I wanted to marry. The thought had always been there, but looking at him now, it was screaming at me in the face. I wanted to marry him. I wanted the rest of my life with him. But mostly, I wanted to show our daughter that Niall was her father completely without a doubt. I wanted this so badly. There was nothing else I could imagine in this moment other than making this man mine and mine only. His body would be for me to see. His heart would be for me to hold. But mostly, his life would be mine to share.

"I love you." I blurted out when he came back over to get Laila out of her bouncer seat. Niall giggled and kissed my cheek then got Laila in his arms. My eyes shifted to the clock showing me it was time to leave. I stood up and went to slip on my shoes that were at the front door. I felt someone watching me, so I looked and saw Niall was peeking around the corner of the wall just watching me. He had a strange look on his face. It was one that seemed like he was feeling something that was a complete mystery.

"Everything is okay at work, right?" He asked me. I nodded then walked over to kiss his lips. He knew things were a little crazy at work right now. He knew I was safe, but I told him about bricks being thrown through our windows and the threats we had been receiving which made him think we weren't safe at work. I was, though. If I wasn't then I wouldn't be there because I had too much depending on me here at home.

I looked down at Laila's blue eyes and remembered I was going to speak to Perrie today. I didn't think I should bring it up to Niall because he seemed so much more happier now that I confirmed she was out of our lives when really she wasn't. I needed to talk to her, though. I don't think he would understand how it was to have her screaming at me that she didn't want our baby. He doesn't understand how hurt I still am by it and how scared I am that Laila might feel this same way when she's older. I need to talk to her to make sure she gets to message that I need her to stay away from me and my family for the rest of our lives.

"I'll call you once my meeting is over. Text me how her appointment goes. I love you both very much." I said to my whole world. I kissed Laila and Niall once more before getting my wallet, car keys and phone. I looked back one more time when I got to the door to look at my family. Niall smiled a little uneasy. I sent him a wink and a confident smile before closing the door to our flat.

The drive to work had me feeling a mix of emotions. I wasn't even trying to pick them out, I just felt them all at once. Mostly though, I was just feeling the strongest feelings of love for Niall and our daughter. It was so much love that I felt my heart pumping heavily like it was too full of the feeling. However, it began beating even heavier with dread when I got to the full car park of news reporters, protesters, police men and fancy cars that I knew belonged to the men were would be speaking with today.

I pushed through the crowd and went up to my desk to get everything I would be needing for the day. I looked at the picture I had on my desk of Niall and Laila then to the broken window a brick had flown through yesterday. At that moment I knew something didn't feel right being here and I needed to go home because this was not somewhere I needed to be. Unfortunately, I had to push those thoughts down and go to the conference room where some of the business men were already gathering.

I took my seat next to Mr.Scott and begin writing a few things down for him to bring up if the meeting doesn't work out the way we really needed it to. That thing was saying we could sue them for false advertisement and the damages done to the company's reputation. They were technically advertising that we were the ones selling and make their product and they had nothing to do with the price inflation. Mr.Scott nodded to me and looked at his watch.

"We'll be starting the meeting in ten minutes, and they aren't even here." He said to me lowly. A few minutes passed and I looked up as the door was being opened. Men in very expensive looking business suits walked in and sat down. They didn't shake anyone's hands, they just started getting papers out and ignored us all. I wrote down another note saying to look into if they were only increasing the price on the medication for personal use of the money.

"Welcome. I think we're ready to begin with the discussion that brought us together today." Mr.Scott started. The meeting begin with our company doing most of the talking. The other company just sat there and listened taking the occasional note. Then the boss of the other company begin to speak. He said that we should all just let out company take the wrap for their wrong doings then they would buy out our company and it would all be over. That's when normal tone of voice gradually grew louder and louder. Each side was yelling at each other for hours trying to get their own point across. I just sat there and took notes of some of the stupid things the opposing boss was saying then tapping Mr.Scott so he could bring up another point I had made. I looked up at the clock and saw we all had ten minutes before we could take our lunch break. I huffed and stood up. I gave the other boss a look of power and authority to get him to shut up. It worked and everyone seemed to get the point I was making.

"Our company is offering for you to confess your wrong doings. If you won't, then we will be withdrawing our business from you. Looking at the numbers that you all make off of our customers, I can see that wouldn't be a smart business decision. We are also willing to sue you all for false advertisement and damages because of what this has done to our company. I think now is a good time to call for lunch break. You all can think over your decision and ask us questions when we all meet back here at one." I said. Everyone in the room got up without another word and walked out of the room. Mr.Scott pat me on the shoulder and gave me a look like he was proud of the act I had just done as we made our way out of the conference room.

I got to my desk and saw it had a text from Niall saying Laila was very healthy and growing just the way she should be. He also sent me a picture of her at the doctors office. I saw he had put a little bow in her hair after I had left for work. I text him back that I loved the both of them and when he went shopping, to get more hair bows for Laila.

"Zayn?" Perrie's soft voice came from behind me. I set my phone down and turned to look at her. She didn't look the same though. She looked aged by guilt and sadness. I felt almost glad because she deserves that. She deserves that after what she did.

"We can either stay here and talk or go somewhere else. I only have a short amount time." I said to her coldly. She took a step forward, her blue eyes darting to the picture on my desk of Niall and Laila. That was all it took for her face to completely crumble. She let out a cry that held so much pain that I actually could feel it too.

"I can't live with myself! I don't even know what I was thinking, Zayn. I was mad at you for being so stupid and getting me pregnant. I was mad at me for letting it happen. I was mad at everything because I was selfish. I just want to tell her I'm sorry for all those things I said. She's my little girl, I need her to know that. I can't go on with my life knowing I have a child out there that thinks I hate her when really I was just too young and scared to love her. Please, Zayn, let me make this right." Perrie begged me. She covered her mouth and began sobbing. I guess the part of me that Niall had taught to be caring took over and I pulled her into a hug. It wasn't one that told her this was all okay and I forgave her. It was one that comforted her enough for the truth.

"Please let us be a family." She cried to me. I sat her down in my chair and pulled up another chair so I could be facing her. She worked on wiping up her makeup and tears while I worked on keeping my anger in check.

"I gave you and chance to make that choice, Perrie. I don't want a life style for my daughter that has people in and out promising love. I want a stable life for us both and that's what I have now. She loves her other dad more than she probably loves me. We both have a nice flat because he only wants what's best for us both. I don't trust that you won't leave again. I want what's best and Niall is that. I love him, he loves my daughter. You can't just choose when to love her. I won't allow that. She deserves to be loved unconditionally from her parents. That's me and Niall, not you. I'm sorry, Perrie. You signed away your rights as a parent." I said in a tone that seemed to be more under control than I expected. Perrie shook her head and reached for my hands.

"I'm sorry, Zayn. I just-" She didn't have time to finish that sentence before the hell that was raging outside lost control and boiled in.

Gun shots sounded though the building. Screams and yells for power filled the air. My heart stopped beating, but my instincts to protect just like any father would kicked in. I pulled Perrie by the hand to the break room. There were some of my fellow coworkers in there already, including Mr.Scott and the men here for the meeting. The gun shots sounded closer to the door so we all began to pile up tables and chairs against the locked door. We turned off the lights and huddled behind another table. I checked my pockets for my phone to text Niall, but I realized I left it on my desk. I closed my eyes to keep my anger and fear in then opened them once I pulled it together.

Perrie looked at me with her blue eyes that were so much like my daughters and so full of fear. All I saw when I looked at her was Laila being afraid. So I pulled her into my arms and pressed her face into my shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tightly. In this moment I knew she had definitely changed. She was wanting forgiveness and she had grown up. I just wasn't going to gamble with this because it was also my daughter and my Niall involved.

"Zayn, we need to cover that window with something." I heard Mr.Scott whispered to me. I saw the window he was talking about. It was right above the sink and was easily accessible through the fire escape. I moved just a little to attempt on getting up, but the window was shattered from the outside in before I actually moved. A dark figure climbed in the window, making me hold Perrie tighter. With her in my arms, I felt like I was holding my daughter. She was so much like her that I only noticed now.

I made eye contact with the person in all black with a gun bigger than even they were. He pushed all the tables that were protecting us all and begin to fire at us all. I shut my eyes and prayed that Niall could take care of Laila without me. I prayed my sisters knew I loved them. I prayed my family could forgive me. I especially prayed that Niall could find love both him and our daughter deserved.

A/N:... This isn't the end guys! Just hang in here with me. Who was ready for this?!?!?!?!? Comment/Vote!
- Bri;)

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