My Son's Best Friend

By MariahSinclair101

376K 9.9K 902

Intro I needed to forget, I needed to feel wanted, at least just for that night and I did. He was young... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Part A (the real one)
Chapter 7 Part B
Chapter 8
Chapter 9B
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Redo
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Final Chapter

Chapter 9

15.4K 448 34
By MariahSinclair101

A/N Please don't forget to vote and comment. I listen to your feedback. I know things have calmed down lately but will be heating back up soon! I think these last two chapters were necessary to the story but if there's something you don't like let me know:)

 The L word still hadn't been discussed but I knew what we had just done wasn't just sex. I avoided bringing it up as we got redressed to go out for another surprise Jayce had planned. I knew if I let the words come out of my mouth I wouldn't be able to take them back making it so much more real. It wasn't that I didn't relish in the idea that we could be happy together but the fear of the next step was what was overwhelming me.

"Oh Tyler by the way, me and Jayce are having sex but it's okay because we're in love," and then the WBAL news broadcast would flash through my head next. "Breaking news at 5:00, another violent murder hits Baltimore County, some say it was a crime of passion, some say it was domestic violence that played a part. Details still yet unknown."

"Mia!" I heard Jayce yell breaking me away from my obscure nightmare.

"Sorry, my mind has a way of getting away from me," I complied obviously shaken up as my words came out distant.

"What's wrong, is it something I did? You can talk to me you know," he took hold my of hand gently caressing my skin with his as we stood by the front door ready to leave.

"Is this because I told you I love you?" He pried even deeper opening up the discussion I wanted to avoid and at the same time clearly confessing his love without uncertainty.

"Come on, let's sit and talk," he didn't give me chance to respond leading us over to the sofa seating us down while he still stroked the top of my hand with his.

"I love you too," the sentiment finally released but the tears followed immediately after streaming down my cheeks.

"But you love Tyler and you're worried because you know we really have to tell him now," his words were filled with compassion and understanding.

"Yea, I'm so scared of how this is going to affect him. Being in love shouldn't be so complicated but somehow it is and it sucks." I was in admiration as his soothing affection warmed me throughout but I couldn't even revel in it I was too disturbed.

"Just remember, Tyler never played a part in us meeting. We did that on our own. There was no way either of us could have seen any of this coming that night. I just knew when I woke up that morning and you were gone I was at a loss. I've had my one night stands but for some reason I couldn't forget about you. You were so strong and commanding, you weren't afraid to do or say what you wanted. You were unlike any other woman I've known or would ever meet. The only thing I've ever seen you afraid of is hurting Tyler which only draws me into you even more." Then he held his hands out mid air with his head nodding, " and the sex, you could put porn stars to shame, not that I'm talking from experience of course. I'm only going by what I've seen on the internet."

"Damn you Jayce," I chuckled wiping away my tears,"you always have a way of cheering me up even when I don't know if I want to be."

"We have a couple of days left before he get's back home. We'll figure things out by then but now it's our time to enjoy ourselves without worry," he offered reassuringly as he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear kissing away my tears. I dissolved under his lips heeding his words. We only had a couple of more days left and I needed to make the most of them. His power over me always clouding my decisions having me following my heart which in our case wasn't necessarily always the right choice.

" Okay, but where are you taking me? What if somebody sees us?"

"Mia sometimes your paranoia makes me wonder if you don't have a bomb shelter hidden underneath this house. My friend's don't hang out at this place, we'll be fine." He laughed.

"Do you have a bomb shelter underneath?" he playfully added back in trying to act serious.

"Fine, and no, I couldn't afford the bomb shelter. It was too expensive," I joked batting my lashes. I was a paranoid freak but I trusted him knowing better that he would take us somewhere it was unlikely to be seen. I guess I just needed some reassurance.

"See, all better now. Now we can go," and then he gave me a minute to straighten myself back up and we headed out the door.

We left the house and got into his oversized SUV. I tried asking where he was taking me to on the way there but he wouldn't budge an inch. I just watched from the passenger side window of his Escalade staring out noticing that he were headed towards the city. Jayce drove through the Harbor tunnel entering downtown with all it's bright lights, tall buildings and crowded streets. He drove straight through making his way to the Inner Harbor until he pulled up to some exquisite restaurant sitting right on the water.

"I thought you might like a change from pizza in bed," he brightly smiled as he took my hand escorting me out of the vehicle while the valet took over in the driver's seat.

"This is definitely a step up from pizza in bed but can you afford this?" I knew he didn't work and his father paid all of his bills so he could focus on school like Mark and I did for Tyler but I had never bothered to ask much further into it and this place seemed pretty pricey.

"Let's just say I know the owner real well now come on, I'm hungry." he evasively replied.

I followed him in, I figured I'd just grill some answers out of him during dinner because he definitely had some explaining to do.

Everyone there immediately knew who he was greeting him as Mr. Montgomery peaking my curiosity. Who was he? Some secret agent?

I waited to start asking questions until the food was brought out to us. I was too caught up in the the calming atmosphere and enchanting scenery. We were sat out on the patio at a private table that overlooked the water underneath the twinkling stars. The full moon gleamed just above the harbor hailing over the small ships settled underneath. I don't think I had ever seen such a beautiful view of the harbor before, everything was so perfect and romantic. How did I get so lucky from what was meant to be just a one night stand?

"Okay Jayce, are you some kind of 007 I don't know about?"

"No," he chuckled, "My father owns this restaurant and a couple others. That's why I'm majoring in business so I can work with him once I graduate," he replied while he cut into his steak.

"Oh," I hung my head down in dismay putting down my silverware.

"What's wrong, why does that seem to upset you?" I had halted him from his meal with concern.

"I just realized I'm suppose to be in love with you and there's so many things I don't even know about you." I felt like an idiot, these several weeks I had gotten to know Jayce but I hadn't really gotten to know Jayce. I knew that when I was sad he could always put a smile on my face, when I needed comfort he was there to hold me in his arms and sooth my soul with his embrace, I knew that my pulse raced ten times faster whenever I felt his touch, but I barely knew anything about the life he had outside of me.

"You know I love you and all the little stuff that comes after can be filled in," and that's what we did during the rest of our meal, fill in the blanks.

He told me more about his family and left out his mother which I already knew enough about. I'm glad he chose not to talk about her because I didn't like the way he got upset when he was brought back down that dark path. Any woman that abandoned their children didn't deserve the right to be called a mother. I didn't know her but I knew I didn't have to to know I hated her.

It turned out Jayce's father owned several fancy restaurants in Maryland that Jayce was going to help run when he finished college. His sister Andrea and him were very close with her being 3 years younger but she was currently living out of state going to school in Michigan studying law. She had come home briefly at the beginning of the summer but returned to Michigan to focus on some extra studying leaving the night before we met.

I didn't really have much to tell him, I just sat back mainly and listened. He already knew everything there was to know about me from the time he spent at the house. There wasn't much more to learn about me that he hadn't already from living at my home day in and out.

After we were done eating I felt so much closer to him now that I knew more about his family and his life.

"Thank you for dinner, it was beautiful," I said with a beaming ora surrounding me gazing into his capturing blue eyes while we made our way out the front doors. I couldn't help but feel those tingling sensations constantly inflamed inside when I was around him. The sweet things he did, the way his touch sent electricity coursing through my veins every time, I had never felt more enamored or alive.

"Well you know the night's not over yet. I know how much you love to dance, there's an exclusive club around the corner that I'm taking you to next." I was always listening to dance music around the house unable to stay still. I guess it wasn't to hard for him to catch onto how I loved to move to music.

I just smiled and rested my head on his shoulder as he locked his arm with mine and lead us down the street.

When we entered the club the multicolored lights flickered back and forth across the ceiling as the blaring speakers pulsated in our ears. The room was filled with individuals scattered all over either trying to make way through the crowds or grinding their bodies on the dance floor.

"You stay here and I'll grab us some drinks real quick," he yelled out to me over the loud trance beats that captivated the room.

"Okay," I replied still unable to stop glowing in his presence as he broke away heading to the bar off in the corner.

Shortly after Jayce walked off I felt someone grab onto my waist pulling me out on the dance floor gyrating against me.

"Come on baby, have some fun with me," a young stranger called out to me as he gripped his hands on my sides grinding himself into my body. I could tell straight off the bat that he was some sort of playboy that frequented the clubs attracting naive young women to go home with him for the night. His overconfidence, good looks, and designer clothing giving it away in an instance.

"I'm sorry, I'm here with somebody," I tried pulling away but he wouldn't break his hold.

"You're not going to try to lie to me and tell me you're here with your boyfriend are you? I'm sure your girlfriends won't mind us getting to know each other, they can wait an extra minute." He looked down at me locking his arm around me tightly with a grin of confidence. What a conceited ass.

I pulled away again this time freeing myself from his grip,"Actually I am here with....." and then I drew a blank. Jayce and I had never established any labels. Was he my boyfriend?

"She's here with me. Her boyfriend," Jayce asserted coming up from behind handing me my beer and then grabbed me with force curling his arm around my waist bringing us less than an inch apart. Without hesitation he fiercely started kissing me sparking that yearning twitch in between my legs he was so good at igniting. I guess he was my boyfriend which the new found knowledge only enlightened me more.

Our tongues twirled around each others as he would break away sporadically tasting my lips in his ever other second coming back in to let our tongues meet again with burning desire. I was lost in his mouth completely forgetting about the playboy who apparently got the point and had disappeared. I could feel his large member begin to stiffen as his body pressed hard against me tweaking my arousal.

Finally our kiss broke and we were moving into each other under the palpitating sounds. With my arms now wrapped around his neck I couldn't help but whisper in his ear, "I love you."

"I love you too..... Maybe we should get out of here and head home," I could tell the same insatiable lust I was feeling he was feeling too.

"Let's go."

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