Up In Smoke → Liam Dunbar [1]

By ummhiya

265K 5.6K 4.3K

"I saw! I saw you, and I saw how scared you were. I saw how terrified you were about hurting anyone. I know h... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen


8.5K 244 104
By ummhiya

–Two weeks later–

"So, where are you guys going?"

"I think he said something about ice cream, which I am always excited for," Addy explained. She was straightening her hair as Brayden watched her, sitting on the bed. He looked at the outfit she had hanging on her closet door: a new pair of black skinny jeans – she needed some after hers were stained in blood – and a maroon colored crop top with an Aztec print on it.

Liam had finally decided on a day to take Addy out on a date. He wanted it to be nice, a bright sunny day so that they could actually enjoy cool foods. The sun was out and high in the sky, and the few clouds kept it cool. He was going to pick her up at three, and it was half past two.

"Are you sure you want to still wear that top?" Brayden hated when she wore crop tops, but every brother was like that when a little sister showed too much skin. Addy laughed as she brought the hot hair tool through her hair again.


Addy tossed a bottle of hairspray to her brother. She always got him to do it because her short arms didn't reach around to the back of her head. Her hair was straight as a picket, and she wanted to keep it that way. Brayden stayed in her room as she did a little bit of makeup around her eyes.


"Yup?" She looked at him in the mirror. He sat up on the bed and crossed his legs. Something was going on with him. She dropped the makeup brush in her hand to give him her attention. Addy turned around and looked over at her brother. "What's up?"

"Nothing. I just-it's your first date," Brayden mumbled. Addy set down her eye shadow and sat next to her older brother. She leaned against his shoulder. He was worried about her, as per usual. Going on this date meant that she was growing up and he wasn't quite ready to see that happen. 

"Bray," Addy started, "you know that I love you, and that you'll always be my favourite. You're my brother, Brayden."

Addy nearly started crying when she heard her brother sniffle. He watched her grow up. He was there when their father left, and he was there when their mom was working. Brayden was the one to make her chicken noodle soup with goldfish on the side when she was sick. He was the one who she went to when she was having a bad day. He was the one who raised Addy, and she could never repay him for that.

"I love you too, Adster." He slung his arm around her for a hug. Brayden rubbed his nose. He wasn't supposed to cry over this. His little sister was growing up, but he didn't want her to.

"Don't cry! You're gonna make me cry, and it's going to ruin my makeup!" Addy joked. She rubbed her fingers under her eyes to stop the unshed tears. The clock read 2:51, and Addy needed to finish getting ready.

Addy changed into her clothes for the day, and at 2:57, she was officially ready for her first date, with her phone in her back pocket and cash in her front pocket. She didn't worry about bringing a bag. She hated carrying around a purse.

There was a knock at the door. Brayden beat her to it. He needed to talk to Liam: just a little brother to boyfriend - 'guy friend' - talk. Nothing too serious, Addy hoped. She didn't have super hearing, so she couldn't hear them talk as she walked down the stairs.

Liam stopped talking as he saw her. She was beautiful, as always. Maybe it was because she agreed to go on a date with him, but she looked even more wonderful than she did every day. "Oh, you look, um, beautiful," Liam murmured, pink crawling up his neck and onto his cheeks.

"Thanks." She pecked his cheek once she was at the front door. "Bye, Brayden!"

"Stay safe!"

Liam had walked from his house to hers, so they were going to walk to the little ice cream place a few blocks away. They walked hand in hand and their steps in sync.

"You look great too, by the way." Addy looked over him. He wore dark jeans and a light colored shirt with a grey jacket. Liam's hair was gelled slightly; it looked good. Addy stopped as they rounded the corner. She played with his little hairs on the back of his neck. "Like really, really good."

"So do you." Liam set his hands on her hips. "You. Look. So. Beautiful." He placed a kiss between every word he said: first her cheeks, then her nose, and finally her lips. Addy laughed. He loved her laugh. It filled the air. "I'm sorry I didn't get you any flowers."

"I don't like flowers." Addy smiled. She wasn't a fan of them. They were pretty, but they were too much work. "So you don't have to worry about it."

"I still should have gotten you something." Liam pouted. He felt like every first date needed a little something. He was just stupid enough to forget.

"No, you really shouldn't have because all I really wanted was to be with you for the day." Addy kissed him. Liam could hear her heart beating faster than it was seconds ago. Addy trailed her hand down his chest so it was over his heart. She loved feeling how fast his heart beat when they were together.

The moment was ruined when Addy's stomach growled. She was hungry, very hungry. "Food?"


They talked about random things when they walked; about music, lacrosse, even what they wanted to do for the summer even though it was months away. The little shop was cold as they walked in. It was pretty empty, with a few kids hanging out in there.

"Can we get a cookies 'n cream in a waffle cone and–" Liam ordered. He looked over at Addy to see what she wanted.

"And a chocolate fudge, also in a waffle." Addy smiled. It was her favourite. The man behind the counter nodded and quickly made up the order. He made Addy's first and passed it over. Liam's was up next, and finally they had to pay.

Liam pulled out his wallet the same time Addy got out her money. "What are you doing?" he asked, gesturing over to her hand.


"Yeah, nuh uh. Put it back." Liam handed over a ten dollar bill to the cashier and told him to keep the change.

"Liam..." she dragged out. He looked at her innocently, walking away while he ate his ice cream. Addy had no idea where he was going, but she followed along.


Addy rolled her eyes at him and ate her ice cream. She took no shame whatsoever from finishing it before Liam did. She loved ice cream, so much it was unhealthy actually.

"Glad to know you like ice cream." Addy wiped her face with the napkin and threw it in the nearest garbage she saw. Liam did the same when he finished his.

"Love it." Liam pressed his lips against hers. The taste of ice cream lingered on both their lips. "So, where to now?"

"I think you'll like it." He smirked a little.

Addy both hated and loved his little smirk. It depended on the situation. Whenever he was right, she despised it because frankly, he was right a lot of the time.

He walked them to a playground. A few kids were playing around while the couple settled on the swings. Neither of them really tried to get up high, but rather swayed whilst holding a conversation.

"So, what's your favourite color?" Liam asked. He never really knew the little facts about her. They never had the time. Addy gave him a look. He could not be serious. "What? It's a serious question."

"Orange, like, a sunset orange. You know what I mean?" Addy reached over and lightly swatted his chest. He nodded. "You?"

"Hmmm. I don't really have one."

"What? Everyone has a favourite color. It's like, human nature," Addy exclaimed. It was impossible not to have a favourite color.

"Okay fine, let's go with... whatever color you're wearing. Yeah, that's a good color."

Addy looked down at her maroon shirt and rolled her eyes. It was a nice color, but his favourite color couldn't be one that he don't even know the name of. "Are you just saying that because it's the color I'm wearing?"

"Well, you do look really good in that shirt." Liam grinned cheekily.

She sighed. This kid was impossible. "You're a dork."

"But I'm your dork." Addy slapped the back of his head and jumped off the swings, racing away from the playground. Addy didn't realize how long they were actually there for, or how long they had been talking. "You don't know where you're going!"

"Then you better catch up to me!" He easily caught up with her, using werewolf speed and all. Addy nearly screamed when he swooped her up in his arms and continued running. Her arms wrapped around his neck. She was not in the mood to fall on her face that night.


"What?" He slowed down to a walk, but he wasn't going to let Addy go. She was comfortable so she didn't particularly care too much, as long as she wasn't hurting Liam.

"Are you going to let me down?"


"What about tell me where we're going?"


"What if I do this?" Addy tilted her head up and kissed along Liam's bare collarbone. His steps faltered slightly. She continued up his neck and across his jaw.

"Still not going to tell you," he breathed out. Liam adjusted Addy in his arms. His grip was loosening from the distractions. He tried his best to ignore Addy and keep his eyes forward as he walked. He ignored the soft lips that went across his collar bone.

"Why not?"

"Because I want to surprise you," Liam whined.

Addy sighed. She wasn't going to get anything out of him, so she just nuzzled her head onto his shoulder. He pecked her forehead and continued to walk. Addison's eyes fluttered shut, as the pace that Liam walked at was peaceful. How she fell asleep, Liam would be envious of.

He glanced down at her as he walked on the sidewalk. Addy's head bobbled at his uneven steps but she didn't stir. She looked peaceful with her lips parted and her face relaxed. It was a face he could get used to seeing.

Unfortunately, he couldn't just continue to watch her as they had arrived at the main part of their date.

"Addy. Addy, wake up."

She groaned and rolled over. Sadly, at least on her behalf, she forgot she wasn't in her bed and instead in Liam's arms. Addy fell to the ground with a loud thud, and rather than helping her up, Liam laughed.

"Shut up," she mumbled and curled herself into a ball.

"Aw, I'm sorry." Liam laid down next to her, and Addy, who hadn't opened her eyes yet, snuggled into his side.

"Where are we?"

"You could always just open your eyes."

She sighed and opened her brown eyes and immediately met Liam's bright blue ones. She loved his eyes, and was envious of them. Brown eyes were so boring. Blue was so interesting. "I think my new favourite color is blue."

"You're such a dork," Liam mocked. Addy rolled her eyes and jumped up from her spot. She looked around. She was surprised at the place Liam took her.

"The school? Are you going to like kill me and leave my body in the locker room? Because I hope you know I can beat you." Addy jokingly raised her fists.

"I know you can, babe." He grabbed her fists and intertwined their fingers. He started moving around and spun Addy around in a circle.

They were on the lacrosse field. It was empty: the whole building was. It was a Saturday night. No one wanted to spend their Saturday night at school.

"What are you doing?" She giggled.

"I'm dancing with you. Can I not dance with a beautiful girl?"

"Hmmm, I suppose I could dance with a handsome guy." Addy laughed as Liam twirled her around. They danced in the field for what seemed like hours. Well, it wasn't really dancing anymore. It was more like shuffling around while hugging.

They talked about random things again. Liam pulled out his phone and played music. The sun started going down and left an orange glow in the sky. He could see why Addy liked the color; it was amazing.

There was a cool breeze which made Liam shiver. "Are you cold?" Addy asked. She never got cold, which she was thankful for.

"Just a little bit." She placed her hands on his cheeks, and he instantly warmed up. "I think I might just keep you around for a personal heater."

"Eh, the only reason I still talk to you is because you're a good cuddler," Addy shrugged. He was a good cuddler, and a good listener. "So, why'd you really take me to the school?"

"I actually got your brother to help me with this."

"That little shit," she mumbled. How he managed to not tell her about it, she wouldn't know. Liam dragged Addy across the field, over to where there was a fire pit. A few logs of wood were already in it, and several laid near it. "Bonfire?"

"Something like that. Can you do the honors?" He gestured over to the wood. Addy chuckled and put her hand at the bottom of the little tipi that was made with the logs. She had been practicing on getting the flame started. It was easier for her now.

Addy kept her hand there until the fire was fully up and wouldn't go out.

"I don't care if you're immune to fire. It still scares me," Liam muttered.

"I know." She smirked. "I really like you."

"I know."

It was Liam's turn to snuggle into Addy's side. She was so warm; she always was. It was dark out, and the night air was cold. At least, it would have been if Addy wasn't there.

It was nice having the few days of peace after everything that had happened last month. The days were filled with focusing on school work so that Addy could keep her grades up enough to stay on the team. She loved playing lacrosse, and she loved playing against Liam. He was just as competitive as she was, and they often got into trouble from not only Coach, but also Brayden and Scott.

Last practice, they actually had to be separated completely. If they weren't arguing over a shot or play, they would be making out on the bench. Okay, they weren't making out – it was a little kiss here and there – but Stiles being Stiles over exaggerated when yelling at them to stop.

Liam ran his fingers through Addy's straight hair. He liked it better when it was naturally curly, and he liked it when she didn't wear makeup because she didn't need to get all dressed up. The crop top she wore rode up an inch or so, which made her belly button show.

"Dude! You're an outie?"

"What the hell are you talking about? And don't call me dude, Li," Addy sighed.

"You're an outie, like your belly button." Just to emphasize his point, he poked the little belly button. Addy slapped his hand away and glared.

"Yes. Now shut up, you ruined the moment."

"We had a moment?"

"Not anymore." Addy flicked his nose. She stood up from their spot. "Come on. Let's play lacrosse."

"We don't have our stuff," Liam said. They didn't even have a lacrosse ball. Addy shoved her hand in her pocket and pulled out a little key. She carried it around everywhere in case she did need to grab her lacrosse stuff if she and Brayden wanted to play on weekends.

"Is that a key to the school?"

"Yup. Coach gave it to me once so I could grab my stuff and I may or may not have copied it."

"Isn't that, like, really illegal?" Liam asked as Addy opened the front door to the school. It only worked for the one door, but it was still a key, even if they had to walk all the way around the school.


"Wow, okay."

They ran down the hallway hand in hand. It was completely dark and Addy had to admit, it was pretty freaky. As they got farther and farther into the school, it got even darker.

"Um, Addy, do you want to make some light?" Addy nodded and reached her hand out. The dark room lit up, and the glow made it easy to see how close Liam really was. "Hey."

"Hey," she whispered back. "What's up?"

"Hmm, just thinking about asking you something." Liam took a small step closer. His warm breath fanned against her cheek.

"And what's that?" She moved her hand so that it was glowing a little brighter and off to the side so that she could move a little closer. Addy's eyes flickered down to Liam's lips. His bottom one was pulled between his teeth.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend."

"Were you?"

"Yeah." His lips lingered against her cheek. "Addison, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I guess I could. Do we get to cuddle more?"

"We can cuddle as much as you want."


word count: 3059

April 24, 2016

That is it my friends.

I hope you enjoyed this cute little Liddy moment for the end.

There will be a sequel to this book, and will be up in a few weeks. The title will be 'Into the Flames' and I really hope you'll like it.

I would like to say thanks to my editor, as well as the people who created the GIFS that I used. All credit goes to them.

Love you all, and hope to see you soon ❤️

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