Forbidden Love { A Zalfie Fan...

By zalfie7

326K 4K 608

A sequel to "Skinny Love { A Zalfie Fanfic }" What happens after Zoe and Alfie get together? More

Forbidden Love { A Zalfie Fanfic }


10.1K 113 15
By zalfie7

I woke up abruptly, quite early in the morning the next day. Normally it took me ages to really walk up but this morning I felt perfectly awake. I sat up in bed and yawned looking at the clock. TO my surprise it was 5 am. Normally I would have gone back to bed, but I was so awake there was no way I was falling back asleep again. Anyway, I had to leave for filming at 7:30, so in the end it all worked out. 

I stood up, swinging my bare legs over the side of the bed. I stood up and shuddered a little as my bare feet touched the cold ground. As I walked out of the bedroom I glanced back at Alfie, he was so cute when he was asleep, in the least creepy way possible. 

As I was walking to the kitchen I noticed that Caspar's door was open, I glanced in a smiled. He was splayed across the bed, still wearing his shoes. He must have gotten home really late the night before. I continued to walk down the corridor to the kitchen. 

I thought it would be nice to make Alfie some breakfast so I started getting to work. I knew a really good recipe for pancakes so I started to make some of those. Alfie and Caspar had almost nothing in their kitchen. They just had a lot of sweets and beer. Thankfully I found some flour and baking soda as well as the other ingredients I needed. 

I made about ten pancakes and stacked them on a plate, eating two before heading back into the bedroom. I tried to be quiet as I rummaged through my bag. I found the outfit I was going to wear for the day and my makeup bag without making too much noise. 

I did my makeup at Alfie's desk looking at my reflection in his computer. I was wearing a simple white top with my black disco pants for vlogging today and I hadn't done anything special to my hair but I really liked the way I looked. 

I glanced down at my phone and was surprised when I saw how long I had been up, it was already 7 am. I wasn't sure if Alfie wanted to come with me to film. He might just want to stay with Caspar and hang out, but I wasn't sure. And I did have to leave in half an hour. If he wanted to come, I wanted to give him time to get ready. 

I wasn't sure how I was going to wake him up though. I mean yeah, sure I could just nudge him gently and tell him to wake up but that's no fun. I picked up my pillow and swung it high in the air before swinging it down on his face. I continued to do this, as I started to giggle. 

"Wake up, wake up!!" I shouted into his ear with glee. 

"Stop it, I'm awake," he grumbled under his breath. I set the pillow back down on the bed and hopped onto the bed beside him. "It's 7 am, why on earth did you wake me up this early?" he asked looking at me like I was some kind of a demon. 

"I have to go film and I thought you would want to come with me and hang out with Jim," I said this as if it was obvious. The reason to my madness.

"When did you wake up?" Alfie asked as he sat up and ran a hand through his hair. He finally stood up and started to walk to the dresser. He never said he was officially coming, but he was getting dressed so I took that as a yes. 

"Ages ago, breakfast is ready for you in the kitchen, whenever you want it. We have to leave in half an hour!" I said with a wide smile. I skipped out of the room, clicking the door shut behind me. 

I walked into the living room and started to gather all of my stuff together in my handbag. I knew that today was going to be a long day. I loved filming with Dailymix so much, but they always worked me and Jim for a long time. It was always a hoot though. 

I was sitting at the counter sending out a tweet when I heard a door open. I sat up expectantly, hoping to see Alfie's face but I was greeted instead by Caspar. 

"Morning!" I said with a large grin. 

"Hmm," he mumbled under his breath. I could tell he was really hung over. He walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water, taking a few small sips. "Are you going out with Alfie?" he asked sleepily. 

"Yep, we should be leaving now actually," right as I said it I heard another door click open. Alfie made his way slowly into the kitchen. He looked just as tired as Caspar. 

"I am not a morning person," he said with a slight frown and I just started to laugh. 

"We have to go!" I said hopping off of my chair. I ran over to him and grabbed his arm pulling him towards the door. "Bye Caspar!" I called as I grabbed a few pancakes for the go. "Here eat these," I said shoving them in Alfie's hand as I locked the door with my key. 


"And then when you dropped the ball," Jim said with a laugh. Tanya, Jim, Alfie, and I were all out having a late lunch after filming all day. After this I was going to go back to Alfie's pick up my stuff and get on a train back to Bath. Then I was going to pack for Playlist and get on an aeroplane to America! 

Alfie was sitting next to me and laughing with Tanya about some joke she had just made. Everything was going perfectly. I hadn't stressed about my and Alfie's relationship at all today and I had had loads of fun filming it was the perfect day. 

"I think we better head back now," Alfie said smiling down at me. 

"Alright," I said gripping his hand tightly. 

"Bye!" Tanya and Jim chorused. We were going to see them really soon at Playlist though and I was so excited, I could hardly wait. I was so excited to meet a lot of my viewers and even some American Youtubers that I really loved. The only thing I wasn't looking forward too was the aeroplane journey there. 

Aeroplanes always made me really anxious and the fact that Alfie wasn't going to be with me was going to make me even more likely to panic. I really didn't want to though, I really didn't. Thankfully Louise and Marcus were going to be on the same plane as me, so hopefully everything was going to be okay. 

Alfie and I got a taxi back to his flat. The instant we got back I sat down on the couch. I didn't feel like packing to go back to Bath. And I knew once I was home I wouldn't want to pack from Playlist. I was just in a very un-enthusiastic mood at the moment. 

"Sooo, I was wondering," Alfie said as he walked in behind me into the flat. He came and sat next to me on the couch. "When are we going to tell our viewers about, you know, us," he said looking over at me hopefully. I knew that his really made him angry, keeping our relationship a secret. He wanted to tell his viewers everything. 

"Oh Alf, please don't start this again," I moaned. I really wasn't in the mood to talk about this. I just wanted to go home and sleep. 

I stood up hurriedly and started to walk back to Alfie's room. I would just pack now and get an earlier train. I hated when Alfie brought this conversation up. I really did love him and I knew that he was keeping our relationship a secret for me, but I just was not in the mood right now. 

"Zo, wait," he said calling after me. I felt his hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off. 

"I need to pack. Just leave it," I hated feeling this way about our relationship, and I knew he hated it too. 

Sorry this chapter has gone up so late!! I was at a friend's house all day. I hope you guys like it!! Iove you so much! ^_^ xxx

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