Running Scared

By Cristy1289

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Natalie Walker is a 17-year-old who was taken in by the Hunters almost a year ago. Just before the adoption c... More

1- Our Feelings
2- Me and You
3- Upside Down (part 1)
4- Upside Down (part 2)
6- Mixed Feelings (part 2)
7-New life
8- Questions
9- Back To Life
10- Confrontation
11- Mistake Or Not!
12- Fighting For Family
13- Too Much
14- Taken
15- Without You
16- Come Back To Me
17- The End or The Beginning?
18- Letting Go
19- Forever and Always
20- Eplouge

5- Mixed Feelings (part 1)

129 8 0
By Cristy1289

March 12, 2014

Natalie POV
I have been here for almost four months and I have gotten the hang of how things are run around here and have begun to pitch in. Since I have died my hare darker and have started going by Kate, Alec as started letting me help out some around the bar but only during the day when it's not to busy. "Kate don't you have a doctors appointment today," Sophia say taking the cleaning rag from my hand. "Yes but maybe I shouldn't go this is my first real doctors appointment, what if someone sees me and recognizes me," I say nervously. "Trust me they want plus from the few things you have told me I don't think they would ever think to look under a false name," she says reasoning with me. "I guess your right," I say turning to head up stairs so I could get changed before heading to see the doctor to check on the baby.

Alec POV
As I see Kate headed out the door Sophia gives me this look and says, "you cannot let her do this alone." "What if she doesn't want me to go, I have to give her some space," I explain to her. "Look you didn't hear this from me but she is a scared seventeen year old girl, she shouldn't have to do this on her own," she informs me. "Fine I'll go," I say before grabbing my keys and taking off after Kate. "Kate wait up," I call out to her and she stops to look at me. "Did I forget something," she asked me with a confused look. "No I just thought maybe I could take you to your appointment, you know so you don't have to be alone," I say trying not to make this a big deal. "Um thanks, but you have done enough already I can't ask you to go with me," she says and turns begin to walk again. "Seriously Kate get in the car," I demand her. "You don't get to boss me around just because I am living with you," she say angrily as she turns to face me. "Your are just a kid and I am going to be the one held responsible if something happens to you," I yell at her my anger getting the better of me. "Well then maybe I should leave then you want be responsible for me anymore," she say as tears form in her eyes making me regret everything I had said to her. "If that's what you want then I will help you get your own place in a better part of town and you can continue to help our around here and I will begin paying you along with the tips you make but only after you let me take you to this appointment only because your going to be late if you take the bus," I say hoping she would take my offer so I could still help watch out for her. "Fine," she say walking to my car and quickly getting in slamming the door behind her.

As we sit in the doctors office waiting to be seen I couldn't help but feel like I should be begging her to forgive me, but I figured it better that she knows that I know she is only seventeen and that I am always only going to be like her guardian. "Ok we are going to do a sonogram on you to determine just how far along you are and maybe even find out what the sex of your baby will be," the ultrasound technician say to Kate as she enter the room. "Sounds good," she say lifting her shirt to expose her growing baby bump. I watch closely as the lady squirts gel on Kate's belly and start moving the wand around on her until the baby shows on the screen. "There's your baby, would you and your husband like to know the sex," she asked Kate. "Yes I would like to know, but we are not together." She informs the woman. "I am so sorry I just assumed since you were both here that he was the father," the tech says apologetically. "He's not, but its fine really can I just get the sex of my baby now!" she says with a hint of irritation in her voice. "Yes mam and again I am sorry," she says apologizing to Kate once again before turning her attention back to the screen. "Your going to have a healthy baby girl," she say and Kate begin to cry.

Nether one of us said a word the entire way home and when we made it inside the bar Katie took off upstairs in a hurry. I follow her upstairs and as I make it to the door I can her muffled cries coming from the other side of the door. Just as I was about to open the door I hear her talking so I stop to listen. "I'm so sorry I never got to tell your daddy about you, I believe he would have loved you as much as I do," I hear her say and I realize she is talking to her baby. "I'm going to make sure you have a decent life, we will get out of here and live our own life soon I promise," she says before breaking down again. Deciding to just let her have space I walk away from the door leaving her alone. "How did her appointment go?" Sophia asked once I made it back down stairs. "She is having a girl, but I think it broke her," I say honestly. "What do you mean it broke her?" Sophia asked me with concern. "We had a fight before we went to the appointment, and I yelled at her and told her she was only a child," I inform her. "Ok but you said you think the appointment pushed her over the edge, what do you mean by that?" She asked. "She is upstairs crying and talking to the baby, I heard her say that she never got to tell the babies father she was expecting," I say feeling confused over all that has happened today. "You have to go talk to her and tell her you are here for her, she needs you now," Sophia demands me. "I don't know if I should get involved," I say honestly. "Look you need to get her out of town for awhile show her a good time, I can handle this place on my own and I can always hire help if I need it," she say pushing me towards the stairs. "Sophia she is only seventeen and she is pregnant where am I suppose to take her?" I ask her in confusion. "Take her to a beach that way she can relax," she says as she finally pushes me to the stairs.

I slowly open the door to the room and find Kate curled up in the bed asleep with tear stains down her face. I sit down on the edge of the bed and push the hair out of her face and watch as she stirs a little in her sleep. "Why did you have to walk in my bar of all places that night," I whisper to her wishing I knew the answer to the question as I realize for the first time just how beautiful she really is. "Kate," I say gently waking her. "How would you like to go to the beach for a few days?" I ask her once I see she is awake and looking at me. "Yeah I guess," she say having no emotion in her voice. "Good pack your bags and we will leave in an hour," I tell her before starting to pack myself a bag.

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