
By FNAFToyChica

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Kayla is used to being alone, she's been alone ever since age 3, she had a family, but a woman we all know as... More

Chapter 1: Memories
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Safe & Sound
Chapter 10: Kayla's Memories
Chapter 11: Help...
Chapter 12: Sunny?!
Chapter 13: Wheelie and Brains
Chapter 14: My shell... broke
Chapter 15: Boom
Chapter 16: Silas
Chapter 17: Stronger than You
Chapter 18: The Past
Chapter 19: Primus
Chapter 20: Pretty Little Family
Chapter 21: What Happened?
Chapter 22: Hell To Pay
Chapter 23: The Man in the Flamed Suit
Chapter 24: Breathe

Chapter 2: Kayla Ann Pax

1.3K 44 9
By FNAFToyChica

Hello my name is Kayla Ann Pax, my family was torn away from me, or I was torn away from them. I can't erase the memories that plays over and over in my dreams, precious memories that no one can erase, my mind drifts to the vow I made. When I was taken away I made a vow, to get back to them and do whatever it took to be back by their sides.

After being taken away not long after I was adopted, the family that adopted me seemed nice, but when they took me home, and my new Mom and Dad left, the brother trudge upstairs, not long after the whole house smelt strange, smoke was climbing down the stairs of their home.

My little blue eyes widen then I bolted out the door with my bags in hand, white smoke climbed out of the opened windows and the opened front door, of the white two story house, soon cops and firemen arrived, I later found out their son invited some friends, who had crawled through the upstairs ladder that was outside of his bedroom, and they all started smoking drugs, well the smoke from the drugs made the whole house stink and smoke went everywhere.

Not long after I was taken away from that family, then thrown into an adoption home, one day out of the blue at age 4, my uncle Lennox came in and adopted me, I am still currently living with him, along with his wife and my cousin Anna, I am now at age 16, my hair long black, my icy blue eyes sparkling like my parents, my Spar-

"Kayla?" I hear my aunt Sara ask from the other side of my closed door, I look up from the picture book my Mother stuffed in my small book bag before I was taken, my stuffed Teddy bear still has Sideswipe and Sunstreaker's scent still on it, I sleep with that bear even though I'm 16. Most people say it's childish, but I smell it remembering how they smelt. It may sound weird but, it really helps with the memories.

Sideswipe smelt like cool metal after a rain storm, and Sunstreaker, he smells like fresh paint, with a hint of car wax, which I never knew why, but he just did, oh and that marvelous smell of cool metal... I know, I maybe weird but if you could smell their cool metal, you would be like me.

"Honey? Are you okay?" I hear my aunt question, she peaks her head through my plain white door, and sees me on the floor, my family memory book under my bed, if I was caught with it, Lennox would have to take it.

"Oh hon," she sighs, I do a fake smile, no one knew it was fake, except me, "Your smile is so pretty" she compliments.

I look outside of my window, and see a bright moon along with stars brightening up the dark night, making the street seeable, "Oh dear, Kayla hon?" Sara asks, I drop the smile and look at her with no emotions in my sparkling blue eyes, "I need you to go to the store," she says, "At 10 o'clock?" I ask my emotions carefully guarded.

"Well the store is only a hop skip and a jump, you shall live, anyways you need a walk," she says offering a smile.

I sigh and nod, she leaves the room, closing my door behind her, I stand to my feet, I am a 5'2 girl, blue eyes, long black hair, dangerous personality, I could make a tough guy piss his pants by looking into my cold dark eyes. I was a girl that every guy wanted, but they were too scared of me, which made me happy, I don't ever want a mech! Human mechs are a bunch of pigs at my school.

All they do is talk about how they did this chick or how good they did her, it always disgusted me, I put on a pair of black skinny jeans and my black converses, I throw on my pitch black sweatshirt, I put on my chained necklace that has a small red face on it, my real family always has this face, on their cars, tattoos or necklace, but how I ended up with this necklace, it was my uncle Sunstreaker, when I was little I had accidentally ripped it off his neck when they were pulling me away, I had to replace the chain, which wasn't hard, once fully clothed I throw on my black sweatshirt, I then grab my iPhone 4 which I have had ever since they came out with 4's, it was black, the Apple logo on the back is like a mirror, I sigh shoving the small phone in my pocket, I walk out of my plain boring room.

My given room is white, there is my bed, which is properly made only because of Sara, my wooden nightstand sitting beside the bed, holding an alarm clock with some pictures of me and my uncle Lennox, when I was four, I sigh closing the plain white door, I walk down the hall to the two story home, "Hey Kayla!" My little cousin chirps, I look over at the little brown hair girl, smiling brightly, her small cheeks red along with her face, "Why is your face red?" I ask emotionless, "My friend Ron! He chase me around the yard!" She says using her 6 year old talk, I sigh, Ron is her imaginary friend, I have never met this Ron guy, but Anna sure does talk about him at supper.

"Why can't I meet him?" I ask her emotionless, "Because, Daddy says," she says trying to sound smart, I grumble and walk faster, "Wait Kayla!" She calls, I turn towards her before I walk down the stairs, "I love you" she chirps before running into the upstairs bathroom, "Yeah whatever" I mutter walking down the 14 wooden stairs, once at the bottom I see Sara, her blonde hair long down to her back, her tall body, she was slightly taller than me, her hair was shorter than mine, she turns, the smell of tomato sauce reaches my nose, "How does spaghetti sound?" She questions, I shrug, "What do you need from the store?" I ask, "I need spaghetti noodle, milk and cereal" she says counting what she needs using her fingers.

I grunt, she hands me 20 dollars, "Get you a drink maybe a snack" she says with a sweet smile, "I'm gonna take the truck" I yell from the living room, "Fine! But drive carefully!" She says her groan, I yell an okay then leave, the truck keys jingling in my hand, I feel my phone vibrate, I pull it out of my pocket, it was from Sara.

"Don't text and drive or Lennox will have your ass" she warns with the text, I roll my eyes, I walk over to the driver side door of Lennox's c4500 GMC TopKick, two silver smokers on the back, the truck's black paint shining in the moonlight, "I might give your paint a nice wax" I mutter to myself, I unlock the truck on the driver side, I throw my phone in the passenger seat and climb into the driver seat.

I put the key in the ignition and start the truck, it's engine roars to life, "Morning" I say petting the dash, I back up and drive off to the store.

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