Demon in me!

By BabyDollxox

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On her eighteenth birthday Clara's mother was raped by a demon but not just any demon the prince of the under... More

Demon in me!
See my life is perfectly normal!
A Beautiful Nightmare
The first kiss
I think I drank to much!
The problems just keep on rolling!
The arms of the angel.
I did not see that coming!
The calm before the storm!
Caught between a hunter and a hard place!
Got to be cruel to be kind!
My almost lover.
A sight that cant be unseen.
The blood that stains my hands.
The story of my protector.
Could my luck be changing?
When Destiny unfolds
Some well deserved closure.
Our last goodbye
A new beginning
Home sweet home!
Authors Note!
The course of love never did run smooth
Taking one for the team.
From the ashes hell comes a man in love.
A friendly face with a guilty mind.
A turn for the worst
And so the journey begins.

A drink and we're off

418 20 4
By BabyDollxox

After we leave the office in single file we all head down stairs to the foyea.

“Okay so you guys brought hot party dresses right?” Juliet asks plopping down on the sofa next to Nick.

“oh I forgot about this little tradition” Dimitri says shaking his head.

“what tradition? And yes we did, why?” I ask looking to both of them.

“well every time we get a new member and they are issued their fist mission we go out drinking to celebrate!” she smiles at us.

“Oh, so we get to party?” Cas jumps on the spot sounding very pleased.

“Yes we do there’s a little club on the outskirts of town, specifically for our kind, it gets good soon so go get ready we leave at nine!”  Juliet orders. I shoot a curious look to Dimitri and he just smile.

It takes us about an hour to get ready and now its eight thirty. I chose to wear a chiffon dress with a sequined top; it shows a lot of leg so I like to keep my chest covered which this dress does nicely. I pair this with some black swade heals and some Smokey make up.

Cas has chosen a tight black dress with a pair of high pink heals. And Rob well thankfully he isn’t wearing a dress; he’s wearing a dress shirt and jeans.

We head down stairs to find everyone waiting on us. Every one also has a drink in their hand. Juliet stands to greet us and she looks amazing.

“heyyy” she shouts at us and Dimitri laughs.

“indoor voice Juliet, indoor voice” he says

“Haha, sorry, it took you guys so long to get ready I had to keep the vodka entertained” she laughs.

“no fair you guys have a head start!” Cas moans walking over and grabbing a drink. She hands me one and Rob too.

“Down it!” Juliet screams. I look to Cas and Rob who just shrugs their shoulder and proceed to down their drinks. The look on Cas’s face when she empties the glass is frightening.

“aw that is strong” she states.

“what is that?” Rob asks squinting.

“that my friends is a very special ass kicking demon slaying drink” Juliet laughs

“it’s vodka and tequila and a small bit of cranberry juice and a shot of absence” Dimitri fills us in, “ and Clara you don’t have to down it if you don’t want to” he smiles

“yes she does! If she wishes to continue this night you will down this drink” Cas slumps her arm around my shoulder.

“alright, fine, I’ll do it” I give in raising the glass to my lips. I feel the cold liquid flow down my throat. As it hits my taste buds it stings but there is a sweet taste that lingers after the liquid is gone. “gahh!” that stuff is strong.

“woo and so the party begins” I shout.


I can hear my name being yelled from down outside my room. There is a loud banging on my door and a pounding in my head. As I try to move I feel pain in my neck. The surface under my cheek is cold and smooth – the rest of my body leaned on something soft. I can feel a weight wrapped around my waist and what I can only assume to be as someone’s breath on my neck.

I crack one eye open to only be blinded by bright sunlight.

“gahh” I moan as I try and push my self-up but something is holding me back. looking round I see Dimitri’s sweet sleeping face. I press a light kiss to his lips and whisper.

“Dimitri, sweetheart, it’s time to wake up” his lips curl up into a smile even though his eyes are still closed.

“I could get used to hearing that every morning for the rest of my eternal life” he almost moans. I smile and look around us. I can’t stop the laughter that follows.

“Well may I suggest the next time I say it, I think we should try it in a bed, not the bath tub” his eyes shoot open and he looks around.

“oh geez” he moans rubbing his eyes, “that explains what was dripping on my head all night” he sniggers turning around to tighten the dripping fosset.

“come on let’s get up” I say pushing myself up to sit up right. Owww! Everything hurts and I feel my face scrunch up with pain. Dimitri pushes himself up behind me quickly pulling me in closer. He presses a few light kisses on my neck as I stretch.

“you okay sweetheart?” he whispers.

“a little sore but I think so, what the hell happened last night?” I ask.

“you don’t remember?” he asks. I strain my memory trying to remember but all I remember is colourful lights loud music, smoke and Dimitri’s sexy body pressed up against mine on the dance floor – I almost moan at the thought of that again.

“nothing after about twelve thirty, what happened?” 

“well after a few more drinks you, Cas and Juliet decided that you would try out being strippers, you know in case this whole demon hunter thing doesn’t work out as a career” he laughs.

“oh please tell me I didn’t” I beg him to agree with me.

“doesn’t worry it was more like a strip tease and you only went down to your underwear” he states. Great now I look like a slut.

“Don’t worry, I liked what I saw” he growls as he kisses the back of my neck and manages to hoist us both up. I have to hold on to him as my sudden vertical-ness is a weird feeling. He hops out of the bath and lifts me up bridal style to get out.

“so what’s the deal with the bath?” I ask as he sets me down on the cold floor, it soothes my overworked feet.

“as far as I can remember you wanted to take a long hot bath with me and I tried to stop you but we sort of slipped in and fell asleep” he looks confused.

“oh how very classy of me” I say rubbing my head and walking to the bedroom.

“so how are you feeling?” he calls from behind me.

“like I’ve been run over by a truck! How about you?” I say pulling off the dress when I’m behind my changing wall thing. I pull on some grey sweat pants and a blue tank top. I grab a wipe and take off the smudged makeup.

“ugh don’t look at me I’m a mess!” I hide behind my hands due to the fact that Dimitri stands staring at me. He pulls my hands away and his lips crush down on mine. He lets go of my hands only to grab my waist. I snake my arms around his neck and run my fingers up through his hair.

“you look beautiful” he utters sternly kissing my forehead as he pulls away.

“hey while we’re here do you remember if anything happened last night, like this?” I say pressing a kiss to his lips.

“what, in the bathtub? No I’m pretty sure it didn’t.”

“oh well then why don’t we make up for last night” I whisper placing my head in the crook of his neck and placing light kisses up his neck. His whole body stiffens at my actions but with his hands still on my waist he pulls me away. He kisses my forehead.

“let’s go grab breakfast first, everyone will probably be waiting to talk business with you” he says softly, I kind of have to admit that’s getting a little annoying – every time I try to get Dimitri in bed there’s always something else we’ve had to do.

“ugh fine!” I mutter

We make our way down stairs to see some very hung over bellatores members, all but Juliet – she sits at the head of the table with a huge grin on her face.

“still the champion!” she half shouts causing everyone to groan.

“do you have to be so loud” Lola moans.

“for you yes I do, slut” the slut was whispered but everyone heard it anyway.

“just because you can’t satisfy a man” she retorts.

“least I don’t have to get my tits out to get em! Juliet snarled back.

“Juliet calm down nothing…” Nick began.

“don’t even bother” Juliet cuts him off causing Nick to look hurt. Juliet’s attention turned to us instead.

“hurry up and eat then meet me down in the lab, we have some toys to play with” she said looking at me and Dimitri, Cas and Nick and to my surprise Mark and Nadia! I wondered where the hell they went.

“okay” I mutter as Juliet storms past with her accelerated speed.

When the door has closed behind her we take a seat with the others.

“what the hell was that about?” I ask

“you don’t remember?” Cas asks wide eyed. I just shake my head at her.

“last night Juliet was trying to make a move on Nick and she turned her back for like a second and when she came back Lola was in Nicks lap and they were… getting friendly” she said the last part in those sarcastic finger bunny ear things.

“Well I felt bad for Nick sitting there being annoyed by her so when she left I took my opportunity to show how much he wants me” Lola flashes Nick a smirk but all she gets from him is disgust.

“I’ll never want you” he replies.

“I warned you man, a man who never chooses finds himself without a choice!” Dimitri pats him on the shoulder. So he does have feelings for Juliet, I wonder why after all these year why haven’t they got together. Hmm maybe I’ll ask Juliet of we’re alone later.

“ugh but she’s so pissed at me now” Nick puts his hands over his face.

“I’d never get pissed at you baby” Lola winks

“I’m sure she’ll forgive you” I say smiling at Nick he gives a weak smile back.

The rest of breakfast was spent in somewhat silence apart from the odd ‘do you remember this ‘and ‘I can’t believe you did that’. Breakfast is over now and the six of are making our way down to the lab.

“so where have you two been?” I ask Mark who looks happy but hasn’t said a word.

“we had silver knight stuff to do, we had to throw them off the scent for a while, and we’ve been helping out in the lab, I thought you’d still be pissed about the thing” he raised his eyebrow and I remember that he means the thing between me and Dimitri a few months ago.

“I wasn’t pissed but even if I was there was no reason to leave without a goodbye or any indication that you were okay!” I scold.

“What thing?” Dimitri asks sternly.

“nothing you need worry about” I smile sweetly.

“I will find out what it is, you know that right?” he says

“I know but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it” I laugh as we reach the swooshey door I like.

“Hey guys” Dimitri greets.

“took you guys long enough” Juliet says with a tone of annoyance.

“how pissed are you really Juliet? He was drinking we all were” Dimitri provokes.

“no Dimitri he was closer to sober than drunk, he always is, and not only did he let her do that to him but he looked like he was enjoying it too, but forget it” she said with a lot of sadness in her voice.

“Aww little Juliet actually has emotion to show!” Sparky teases.

“Give thy thoughts no tongue” Juliet warns pointing a finger at him.

“I love it when you go all Shakespeare” he laughs.

“can we just get started?” she moans.

“sure, come on over guys” Chip beckons us over to a table with a lot of stuff on it.

“hey Cas have you ever worn contacts before?” Juliet asks picking up a small box.

“once I worn colour contacts for Halloween” she replies.

“great can you put these in, I think you’re really going to like theses” she says handing her the box and what looks like part of a sleeve with a control panel. She spoke like her old self again; I guess she’s good at repressing sadness.

“okay” Cas moves over to a mirror and starts pulling at her eye to get the contact in.

“now Rob, we though you could use this better than the contacts” she hands him a pair or blue tinted goggle like things. They attach over his ear and there is a slight beep when they are activated.

“oh and you’ll need this to control them.” She hands him a glove with metallic bone like structures running down them with hinges on the joints of his fingers.

“whoa this is cool!”  Rob gapes at his new toy.

“what’s happening?” I ask felling a little left out.

“I can see stuff!” Rob says moving his hand in front of his face.

“like dead people or what, what stuff?” I joke.

“at the moment my bones!”  he said looking at me, for some reason I cover my body with my arms feeling a little exposed.

“oh that’s because you have it on X-ray, try holding up your hand and swiping it to the left” Juliet instructs and he does.

“sweet!” whoa Cas you’re hot” he says strangely.

“what?” Cas asks dramatically still placing the contacts in place.

“haha that’s the heat sensor, this should help you find hot and cold spots and hopefully track things if they get away from you. you can also zoom in on things to a near microscopic level, you can analyse objects and substances with it and it can receive calls and you’ll see the person calling in the top left hand corner” Juliet finishes.

“What about me?” Cas asks walking over with her new contacts in, although I can’t see them.

“okay you hit the blue button on the sleeve” she commands and the sleeve that Cas has from her wrist to her elbow begins to light up when she hits the blue button.

“Holy crap!” she exclaims.

“I thought you’d dig it” Juliet smiles

“what do you see?” I ask.

“what everyone is” she says looking to every one individually.


“well your this white colour and it says Demon 50%/Angle50% above you and all the bellatores are a blue colour and it says Dimitri’s Demon 35% and his Angle is 65% and Juliet’s is Demon 45% and  angel 55%, but everyone else is purple and it just says Human 100% above them.” She explains.

“yea it’s a ora reader, that’ll tell you to a pretty close percentage what a person is, there’s another mode where you can see a person’s good to evil ratio and when you turn the dial to the red stop you’ll be able to see through walls to a degree, you’ll see shaped and figures of anything with an aura it’ll just give you an idea of where things are. There’s another feature that tracks your path and can help you find your way back and also if you have the time to scan an area it can direct you. it’s a blue line that will look like it’s on the floor and all you have to do is follow it.” She smiles, that’s awesome I want something cool like that.

“and Cas we also made you this” she lifts up a cross bow, mostly black but on the ends of the handle there is silver with grooves for where her fingers will go.

“cool that looks so awesome” Cas squeals.

“yea whenever your contacts pick up a target the bow will lock on to it, makes it easier to get a hit” she smiles.

“that is so sweet “Cas says inspecting the bow.

“and Rob for you we have a more melee weapon, we don’t think you’ll be fighting as much but we want you to have a way of defending yourself” Juliet point down to a rather kitted out axe.

“it’s specially made for you, kind of like Thors hammer you’re the only one who can use it, the glove you use to control the glasses will connect to the axe and like a magnet it will come back to you if you throw it and there are various settings on it” Chip informs him

“Settings?” Rob asks picking up the axe.

“Yea when its activated there will be another window on your goggles that will control it, there’s a fire element, poison, ice and electric” Sparky points out.

“that sounds awesome” Rob says in awe.

“well we have a few more bits and bobs to give you but their all pretty basic stuff why don’t we let Cas and Rob try out their new toys” Juliet asks with a devilish smile.

“I’m in!” Cas shouts jumping on the spot.

“Same baby” Rob agrees sliding his arm around her waist causing Cas to giggle a little, man she’s such a girl sometimes.

Hey guys, long time no see!!! Let me start of by saying how sorry I am, after my exams I ended up having to go through a lot of stuff to earn my place in an art school which really meant a lot to me and I’m over joyed that I got in but I do have a lot of summer homework for my first big project, my topic is “concealed within” if you guys have any suggestions or ideas for me to draw please let me know, and if everything turns out well I’ll put up an online gallery cause a lot of it will be from this story like concealing inner demons and stuff.

But that’s off topic anyway after my exams my laptop got badly water damaged and I didn’t have the money to have it fixed even though I’m currently working four jobs D: and I am deadly serious, I work for two different companies as a child’s face painter threw the week and I also work in a bar and a wine company on weekends and nights so I’m stretching myself pretty thin.

And I know I promised the update at the end of last week but due to the repairs I lost everything and I had to retype everything and I changed quite a lot of stuff plus I forgot I had my driving test booked as well so I had that and I passed so yay me. But I a little time off work now and I will be putting my art on hold for a bit to work on this. If I can at least write all the chapters I can put them out every week or every couple of days.

But as I have said before thank you for all of your continued support and votes and comments, I really love writing this story and it means soooooo much to me that so many people had taken an interest in it and maybe someday after my art course ill animate some of it put it up and maybe in the future I will make a game out of it. But for now let’s just get this story finished.

And I would love you guys to keep voting and commenting and talking to me I love the conversations. So tell me below what do you want from this story, there will be some Nick and Juliet chaps and back stories coming up and defo more Clara and Dimitri ;) so let me know all that and let me know how you all are, I hope you are well!!!

I love you all soooooooooooo much!!!!! talk to you soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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