The Death Date

By madisynandolivia

818 46 0

At birth, everyone has their death date tattooed on their wrist and the death date never lies. That is, until... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Ten

36 3 0
By madisynandolivia

Chase's POV

I can't help but notice how distant Claire and Liam have been lately. The inside of me is playing tug of war. Part of me is excited because maybe, just maybe Liam turns out to be worse for Claire than I am, then maybe we could be together. But the other part of me knows that it's impossible. Even if she miraculously had feelings for me (as if!) there would always be the underlying guilt that would burn inside of me, knowing that she might have had it better with someone else. I only want the best for her, and it's hard to give someone the best, when you have nothing to give.

Liam's POV

She's still here. She's still here. She didn't leave. She's not safe. I'm not safe. She's. Still. Here. Thoughts of her consume me and I can't think about anything else and it's killing me. I don't know what's happening to me. I came into this situation with no feelings whatsoever, but now I feel the burning regret building in the pit of my stomach. The guilt eats away at my conscience. I didn't have regrets until Chase showed up. If he hadn't waltz in trying to get Claire to remember, maybe we would already be at official headquarters. If she remembered she would truly hate me. The things I did to her. I am ashamed to even think about the horrors that I put her through, but she doesn't remember, so maybe, just maybe, I still have a chance.

Claire's POV

The ropes of the table cut into my wrists and ankles as I struggle against my restraints.

"Please," I say weakly as a sob escapes my lips, "I can't take anymore." The figure standing near me doesn't respond, just continues to fill the needle with the horrid liquid. "Please, please, don't do this to me. I haven't done anything to you. It hurts! No! Just let me go Ple-please!" I cry hysterically. The figure walks towards me and I see that it is a boy, but he hides his face. He lines the needle up with my vein, and I try to pull it away, but it's no use. I'm trapped. I scream as he injects the liquid into my bloodstream. Within seconds I can feel the effects. My body violently shakes and it feels as if there is a fire ignited inside my flesh. I scream as the searing pain moves throughout my body, finally making it's way to my throat. I feel the blood resting in my mouth and trickling from my nose. The boy looks away, unable to watch.

"I'm so sorry Claire," a familiar voice whispers. It was the voice of Liam.

I gasp as I shoot straight up. A cold sweat runs down my forehead and I try to control my breathing. It was only a dream, but it felt so real. My hand moves to my wrist, for I can still feel the lingering burn. I want to cry, but no tears come. I am sick of weeping over my life. All I want to do is survive. I can't let myself be preoccupied with other things. I need to make it out of this battle alive, and for now, survival is all that matters. I am going to run away, and start again.

I plan to leave during the night, but I only have a short amount of time to plan my escape. Liam doesn't go to bed until late at night, and Chase hasn't missed one sunrise in his life. I predict I have a rough 4 hours to get far enough away to run away to.... to.... Where? It doesn't matter, anywhere is better than here. Even as I think It, something down in my gut awakens. Guilt. How could I leave them? Shake it off Claire I think, get a hold of yourself, they're the ones who betrayed you.

I pack my few belongings, and go to bed early. I lay down on my cot, but I'm unable to rest before my future journey. Around one in the morning I peak out of my tent. I don't see anyone, so I hesitantly make my way outside. The silence out here is painful. Absolutely no noise, nothing compared to my former life, before all this chaos. It was so peaceful going to school and hanging out with friends , especially Chase. No! I can't think like that. There's something going on and I don't want to stay long enough to find out. I hear the crickets and nothing else, so I keep walking down the path heading away from all my worries. Then I stop short in my tracks. I hear a twig snap behind me. I whip around and see an adorably looking guilty Chase.

He says sheepishly,"Hey, where Ya going?"

"That's none of your business, and your terrible at following someone."

"I've never been good at being sneaky," he admits. "Also, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me where you're going."

Chase's POV

I knew the instant I saw Claire that I wasn't at peace with letting her go. The thought of her leaving just about made me crazy. I remember how anytime I see her,I go weak in the knees. She has the most beautiful eyes, grey, but not the dull kind. She has the grey that leaves you searching for more, for the tiny specks of hazel, and clouded blue. They're as if a thunderstorm is brewing in her eyes with every intense gaze she gives. Her caramel coloured hair falls in soft curls that always frame her narrow face. Her frame is small, almost childlike, no significant curves, and yet she is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. However, it's not her looks that hooked me, it's just her presence. I can always tell when she enters the room, because it suddenly becomes more intense, not like tense, but she has a powerful aura. She is the better part of me. Her best qualities are the ones I'm lacking, and I will never give up on her again. I'm going to fight for Claire's safety, and her love.

Claire's POV

"I'm just going for a little walk to clear my head."

"I'll help you clear your head, let you vent your issues. I'm actually a very attentive listener."

Dang it, why have I always been a terrible liar. I know Chase won't leave, so I guess I'm just going to need to wait until tomorrow night to make my escape.

He looks at me with his emerald eyes, and says sheepishly, "I guess you're always prepared."

"What do you mean?"

"Well you have more supplies than necessary for a "little walk"."

I roll my eyes playfully, and we begin our walk. I know that we just took a couple steps then, but somehow I feel like it is just the start of our journey.

Chapter 11 Liam's POV

I watch them leave, but I don't follow. I need to let her go. Let her be safe. If they leave together I can blame it on Chase. Blame it on the fact that he told her so she remembered, but I know it would still end badly for me. I need to go after her, but my legs don't move. My mind is telling me to go, but for some reason my body stays still. I sigh and sit o  

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