Lost and Found

By _tnsreality

27.9K 1.7K 762

~ L O S T & F O U N D ~ 3 years ago, the cast of the hit TV show The Next Step concluded after its 5 season... More

Chapter 1 - News.
Chapter 2 - The Call.
Chapter 3 - Someone Familiar.
Chapter 4 - Reunited
Chapter 5 - Pregnant?
Chapter 6 - Reassurance.
Chapter 7 - Problem.
Chapter 8 - Aftermath.
Chapter 9 - The L word.
Chapter 10 - Thoughts
Chapter 11 - Missed You
Chapter 12 - Myself
Chapter 14 - History
Chapter 15 - Misunderstood
Chapter 16 - We Go
Chapter 17 - Confusion
Chapter 18 - Father
Chapter 19 - Nerves
Chapter 20 - Baby Tell
Chapter 21 - Frank V.K
Chapter 22 - Warning
Chapter 23 - Fear
Chapter 24 - Competitiveness
Chapter 25 - Emotions
Chapter 26 - Til' Death Parts
Chapter 27 - Family Matters
Chapter 28 - Announcements
Chapter 29 - Love Always
Chapter 30 - Busy Little Lives
Chapter 31 - And sold!
tag tag tag
Chapter 32: Its okay.
Chapter 33: Get Togetherrrr
Chapter 34: Sharing
Chapter 35: Life as it is

Chapter 13 - Memory Lane

659 45 10
By _tnsreality

Britt POV

I breathe deeply, releasing my hands from Trevor's. We chose not to spill the beans that we were a couple yet, and decided that we would wait a bit until the cast was settled down before we announce it. I'm so nervous, it feels like yesterday I left this building for good but now coming back, it feels like forever ago. I'm so confused. My emotions are everywhere.

I enter the set where I immediately come face to face with Frank. He smiles at me and Trevor before we see Amy walk in too.
"Oh my god!!! You guys!!!" She says hugging us "Ahhh it's been so long!" I smile as she hugs Trevor too.
"Great to see you too Amy. Definitely missed the best choreographer I've ever met!!" I say and she grins
"Thank you Brittany! You've been doing so well! And you too Trev! Can't wait to hear both of your stories. You two still together?" She asks and I bite my lip, looking at Trevor.
"It's just through there isn't it? I can't remember?!" I say quickly, chancing the subject and ignoring her question, trying to pretend I didn't hear it.
"Er, yeah. Straight through" she says sounding utterly confused. Trevor follows me in as we start walking in to the main set together.
"Nice one"
"If anyone asks, I've lost half my hearing" I wink to him and he smirks as we are then face to face with the place we basically grew up in.

Studio A.

"Woah" I exhale looking around. Everything's the same. The chicken sign, the floorboards, the Windows, dance mirrors, even the chandelier that Trev broke a couple times. I look around to see that it's only just me and Trevor in here. No one else. It kind've reminds me of the old times. Trevor actually firstly asked me out in Studio A.
"This place, gosh, it brings back so many memories. So many good times Trev. I can't believe it" I whisper. He turns to me, smiling.
"I know. This is just.....too overwhelming!" He says and I smile at him back. We just stand there in silence for a while staring around the room, creating more and more flashbacks for ourselves. All of a sudden I feel Trevor's hand slip into mine. I mean there was no one here. We were safe. It wasn't just the people though. It was Trevor. He made me feel safe. Protected almost. He made me destress and let go of all my worries I had of this day. I mean surely today I knew was going to be exciting but deep down I couldn't not say that there were some nerves- maybe that some things wouldn't go right with this reunion. Maybe that the cat would just be awkward in conversations together. But Trevor made all those feelings go and made me almost sent each one of them. It's almost like he's cured my nerves. Not made all of them go, but most of them.

Suddenly Flying, our Season 3 Internationals Duet comes on and I turn to Trevor in surprise. How did that come on?!? I find myself in position and ready as the songs first beat starts and I dance. My arms and legs, melting in the choreography and I find myself almost dissolving in something I learnt 5 years ago! As I'm dancing, I'm letting go. I feel like I'm ready and now extremely pumped to do this reunion with the cast and with Trevor. It's like all my troubles are being left behind. This duet I'm doing with him, makes me so emotional. It starts off such a great year and brings so many good and bad times flowing into my head. So much is going on and as I finish the dance, the song coming to an end and as I melt into Trevor's arms, I can't take it. I'm just too overwhelmed. Too emotional to keep strong.

I knew memories like this we're going to happen and I knew they were coming, but not like this. Coming back here it just brings flashbacks like no other. This room shows so many scenes that I can remember like they happened a second ago when in reality was 5, 6 years ago. I'm still standing in Trevor's arms, and all of a sudden I realise that it's quieter than normal.  Its shut silent and I'm too caught up in the moment to realise what has gone on.
"Trevor?" I look up at him and he smirks down at me
"Why are you smiling?" I ask confused. "Look around" he says and I turn my head 360 degrees seeing every single member from THE NEXT STEP cast and crew from all 5 seasons. They were all standing there in a circle, watching us. They must've seen us dance. They too, were crying. Just like when we shot the scene in real life. They too, were feeling exactly how I was feeling- overwhelmed. I guess his day was huge. And not just for Jiley, but for everyone. Reuniting everyone back as one again was harder than we all thought.

It's been so long and coming back here, as one, has I think everyone have millions of flashbacks to when they were younger. It's a big day for us all. Suddenly everyone starts cheering.

"Wow that was just....breathtaking"
"It's like your bodies were doing the dance and remembering it all for you"
"Mind blowing"
"Wish I filmed that"

We're only some of the responses. I find tears water-falling down my cheeks and I look up at Trevor.
"That was amazing" I say and he pulls a strand of hair out of my face as well as wiping the year from my cheek.
"Thank you" he says and I smile but title my head
"For what?"
"For being you. For living this journey with me. For bringing back some incredible times Britt" he whispers
"I love you" he adds as he pulls me in for a hug
"I love you more. And thank you"

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