Secrets of The Dragon Riders...

By TheEarthMother

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This is Berk. Its gotten colder as the years have gone by, but we've all grown as a tribe. You see, three y... More

Secrets of the Dragon Riders (A HTTYD Fan-Fic)
Author's Note
Chapter 2 - Friends or Foe?
Chapter 3 - His Sister's Keeper
Chapter 4 - The Haddock Family
Chapter 5 - Mission:Love
Chapter 6 - Seeing Double
Chapter 7 - The Lady of the Lake
Chapter 8 - Walk A Mile In My Shoes
Chapter 9 - The Jorgenson Fury
Chapter 10 - A Million Dreams
Chapter 11 - Seeing the Light
Chapter 12 - Fixer Upper
Chapter 13 - Faces From The Past
Chapter 14 - Vision of the Future
Chapter 15 - The Quest
Chapter 16 - WÓ•lisc
Chapter 17 - The Holy Grail
Chapter 18 - Excalibur
Chapter 19 - One Day, In Time
Chapter 20 - Meet the Family
Chapter 21 - No Matter Where You Are
Q&A (plus Sneak Peek)
Chapter 22 - Mother Like Mine
Chapter 23 - A Pirate's Life For Me
Chapter 24 - Rotten to the Core
Chapter 25 - Love Is A Complicated Thing
Trick or Treat (BONUS CHAPTER)
Chapter 26 - Valkyries of the North
Chapter 27 - Sherwood
Chapter 28 - The Walking Dead
Chapter 29 - Dance of the Druids
Chapter 30 - Briar and Rose
Chapter 31 - Mordred's Lullaby
Chapter 32 - At Your Command
Chapter 33 - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Chapter 34 - Merlin
Chapter 35 - Stay Strong
Chapter 36 - A New Life
Chapter 37 - The Test
Chapter 38 - Journey to the Past
Chapter 39 - The Knights of the Round Table
Chapter 40 - War of the Archipelago
Chapter 41 - A Noble Sacrifice
Chapter 42 - A Noble Heart
Chapter 43 - The Once and Future King
Chapter 44 - Once There Were Dragons

Chapter 1 - Welcome to Berk

1K 19 7
By TheEarthMother




The sun rose on the Isle of Berk, a delicate golden glow dancing on the dusting of white from the night's snowfall, as Terrible Terrors stretched their lungs and woke the Vikings of the tribe.

At the Jorgenson house, Snotlout awoke to his father's heavy snoring and Hookfang, his Monstrous Nightmare dragon, knocking the door repeatedly, to get his attention.

"I heard you...I heard you..." He grumbled after he had washed and changed into his clothes. As second-in-command, he too was entitled to wear the Tribal crest on his belt as well as a fur stole, to emphasise his importance. Snotlout stepped out and fed his dragon.

"Winer..." He muttered. After dragon training for almost ten years...he would've learnt by now that dragons have excellent hearing.

So Hookfang heard his insult.

And he did not take it likely.

Hookfang exhaled, released a spark on his owner and set his trousers on fire. "Hookfang!" He cried as he jumped into the water trough. "That really is...getting old..." He snapped as the Monstrous Nightmare went back to his barrel of Nordic fish.

At the Ingerman house, Fishlegs awoke to his mother clattering around in the kitchen as Meatlug, his Gronckle dragon, slept soundly.

After changing and washing, Fishlegs shuffled down the stairs and kissed his mother on the cheek, as he fed him a hearty breakfast.

"So...what have you got to do today?" She questioned and Fishlegs sighed as sipped some yak's milk.

"Something haven't forgotten...have you?" He asked her and she shook her head.

"No! Of course not! I'm on kitchen duty at the castle..." She headed to her room as Fishlegs sighed, leaning back, before he heard creaking upstairs.

"Meatlug!" Fishlegs cried as the Gronckle came flying down, crashing into Fishlegs and pinning him to the floor.

"Lovely..." He moaned as dragon saliva covered him.

At the Thorston home, the twins awoke to a loud scream.

"What was that?" Tuffnut asked as he walked towards his sister's bedroom.

"Tuffnut! Ruffnut! Get down here!" Their mother shrieked, as they scrambled down the stairs.

You never got on the wrong side of Mrs Thorston.

"What? What happened?" Ruffnut asked, immediately regretting her question when she saw her mother – covered in slime.

"What is the meaning of this?" She cried and the twins were unsure how to respond.


"It's Monstrous Nightmare gel!" Tuffnut quickly responded, but their mother was not pleased.

"Why was it hanging above the kitchen?"

"Yes...Tuffnut why was it hanging above the kitchen?" Ruffnut turned to her twin, crossing her arms and he scratched his head.

"Well...I was going to prank you...but clearly that backfired..." Mrs Thorston threw a fork at her son, who yelped and ducked, before clearing off the gel from her.

"If I see it here again...I will make sure I do not miss with the fork..." She threatened as Ruffnut snickered. "You too, missy!"

"Me? What did I do?" Ruffnut cried, just as their Dad walked in from the back.

"I need to borrow your dragon..." He held up a charred piece of wood, embers on the end of it.

"Why?" Ruffnut asked and he sighed.

"We need to get wood from one of the Northern a wild dragon decided to go on a night rampage..." He said and Tuffnut nodded.

"Okay...but we'll need them by this evening and Barf and Belch require two riders..."

"Fine!" He placed the slightly lit wood on the kitchen counter.
"Dad no!" The twins cried, but it was too late as an explosion rang out from the Thorston house, alerting Fishlegs and Snotlout who jumped at the noise.

"What was that? Fishlegs asked as he and Meatlug made their way to the Thorston house.

The door opened and the twins stepped out, covered in soot and coughing.

"What happened?" Snotlout snickered as Ruffnut shook her head.

"Don't ask..." She punched Tuffnut in the ribs and he yelped, falling to the ground.

"What was that for?" He moaned as he hugged his stomach.

"You put the gel in there..." She pointed out and he nodded in agreement.

"Well...when you guys are done...are we going today or not?" Snotlout asked, with his arms crossed and Tuffnut nodded as he coughed, standing up.

"Oh yeah! Dad!" He called, Mr Thorston came out, covered in soot, similar to his children. "We need Barf and Belch for a while."

"But you just said I can use" He didn't know how to address the double headed Hideous Zippleback.

"We'll give him to you...we's just we have something to do..." Ruffnut said and he nodded.

"Fine..." He walked back in side. "You two are cleaning this up!" He called from inside.

"Tell's her job!" His arm was twisted behind his back and he was kicked to the ground. "But there again...we are whatever she does...I can do too..." Tuffnut replied quickly, looking at his sister, the one who was torturing him. "Please don't kill me..." He pleaded and she pushed him to the ground.

"I'm...going to get changed..." She walked back inside.

"We'll see you guys in a few minutes..." Tuffnut assured Snotlout and Fishlegs who looked at each other, confused.

"We'll be in the castle...eating..." Fishlegs called as they made their way to the Great Hall of the Kastalinn Dreka.


The early morning sun crept in through the slightly open shutters of the bedroom. The chief squinted as the light hit his eyes, stretching before sitting up slowly.

He yawned, the caws of a dragon outside as he heard chatter from the plaza outside.

Another day.

He turned to his left, his beautiful wife still asleep. He leaned over her, stroking her blonde hair, before planting a kiss on her skin.

His prickly stubble caused her to flinch and her blue eyes opened, a smile on her lips.

"Good morning..." Astrid mumbled as she took Hiccup's face and kissed him.

"Mmm...good morning to you too..." He muttered against her lips as they shared another kiss, and he travelled along her cheek and neck, making Astrid giggle.

"" She said. "We have too much to do today!" She grabbed his face and he pouted, making her laugh.

"I'd rather stay here...with you..." His voice trailed off as he claimed her lips again, their hands running all over each other.

"Knock knock!" Gobber cried as he barged into the room.

"Gobber!" Hiccup cried as he covered himself with the furs and sheets of the bed. "What are you doing?"

"Your mother sent check you were awake!" He called as Astrid sat up.

"Have you never heard of knocking?" She said, running fingers through her hair.

"I said knock knock..." Gobber pointed out as Astrid and Hiccup looked at each other. "Oh please...I did this plenty of times with Stoick and Valka." He said as he walked towards the window and opened the shutters.

" you could see what you were missing out on?" Hiccup muttered, smiling at himself, as a dish came flying in his direction. "Ow!" Hiccup cried as Gobber glared at him.

"Just get up...or I'll call your mother..." He left the room as Hiccup through himself backwards as Astrid laughed.

"Come's a big day today!" She nudged him with her foot and continued to poke him when he refused to budge.

"Yeah...but we got all day..." He suddenly grabbed her leg and pulled her towards him. She climbed on top of him and straddled him. "Much better..." He kissed her neck as she bit her lip, before the door swung open again.

"Mom!" He cried as Astrid climbed off of the chief and Valka walked over to his chest of drawers, pulling out clothes and tossing them at her son. "Note to self...get a lock for the bedroom..." He mumbled to himself as Astrid elbowed him and got out of bed, making her husband moan.

"Stop being a child and get up! are chief and you need to be up and ready before everyone else!" Valka said and he groaned as Astrid shrugged her shoulders.

"I'll handle it..." She assured her mother-in-law as Valka turned to leave the room.

"In the Great Hall in fifteen minutes!" She looked at both of them and they nodded, the door remaining open as Hiccup didn't budge from the bed.

"Get up Dragon Master..." Astrid teased as she grabbed some linen and fresh clothes to take a bath.

"It's still early!"

"But today is a big day!" Astrid walked over to him. "You need to counsel the council..." She winked and he looked at her, arms crossed.

"Sometimes...I wish I wasn't chief..." He growled as he crawled to the foot of the bed and Astrid fake laughed, leaving the room and heading to the wash room.

Hiccup yawned and stretched, checking his expression in the mirror.

He looked like someone who had had a good night's sleep...

But also could do with a few more.

Something on the chest of drawers made him smile and he reached for it, making him smile.

He left the room and made his way to the room next door.

It was much smaller, but with toys, a chair and stuffed animals. There was a chest of drawers and two trunks as well as a shelf on one of the walls with books, a music box and ornaments.

The window was closed but the early morning sun was creeping through that he walked over and opened the curtains, filling the room with lightness.

There was a stuffed animal toy on the fur rug that he picked it up and leaned over the crib, smiling to see his greatest achievement to date.


Astrid stepped back into her bedroom and her mouth fell open when she saw her husband, still in his night pants sitting on the unmade bed...but this time, he had brought their eighteen-month old daughter into the equation.
"Hiccup!" She cried as she tossed the damp linen clothes against a chair and he looked at her, acting innocent.

"What?" He was playing with his little girl who he loved with all his heart and more.

"I told you to get ready...not to use our daughter as your pawn in trying to convince me to let you stay in bed!" Astrid snapped as she began fixing the bed around him and he laughed as he picked up Eira Freyja Haddock and tickled her stomach as she giggled around.

"I was not doing that..." Hiccup protested, with a childish voice, making his little girl laugh.

"Hiccup..." Astrid said simply, but her husband grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the bed. " is a big day and I know you want to just sit here with her...but you really do need to get up..." She sat next to him, her arm coming around him and he nodded as he nuzzled her neck.

"Yeah I know...but I just...sometimes feel like I am too busy being a chief...that I miss out on time with her...and you..." He kissed his wife's nose. "I want to be there...I want to watch her grow up and not miss out on anything."

"You won' will always be there..." Astrid smiled at her husband and daughter. "You just have to find a balance."

He scoffed as Eira climbed off the bed and toddled over to the chest of drawers to begin playing her favourite game – empty the drawers. "You say that like it's easy..."
"It is! I've done it!" Astrid protested.

"'re not even dragon training anymore..." He pointed out and she pouted.

"Yeah...I know but they were yours and Mom's and Valka's orders! But I still manage to be an awesome Queen and a loving mother and wife..." She grabbed her husband's face and kissed it. "You'll find the balance too..." Astrid stood up and grabbed Eira and cooed at her. "Get ready and we'll be in the Great Hall."

"Of...dragon training...being the dragon master...diplomacy...paperwork...chiefing....being a father...and a husband and son?" He scratched his head as he continue to think about Astrid's words about finding a balance. His wife left the room and he groaned.

"Good luck with that Hiccup..." He muttered to him, before he moaned and threw himself against the pillows behind him.

But...something was missing.

Hiccup smiled and walked out to the balcony and he saw it.

Heading back into the room, he pulled on his armour and grabbed his helmet, before clearing his throat. "Toothless?" He called and the Night Fury came, waiting on the ground as Hiccup climbed over the stone bolster of the balcony and dropped down.

"Let's fly bud!"

Toothless smirked and stretched his wings, before setting off for the sky as Hiccup cheered at the top of his lungs.

"Hiccup!" Valka cried, her son disobeying her again as Toothless flew circles around the castle

"Hey! I'm up right?" He called to his mother, who's mouth fell open as Hiccup fist-pumped the air and cheered as they set off for the ocean, flying together with the jumping water dragons and animals as well as the air dragons.

Familiar cries behind, made Hiccup up straight and turn his head to see Aurora, Eluf and Thora following.

"Let's go!" Hiccup waved for the to catch up as they all flew together, the sun rising over the Archipelago as they circled the perimeter of the Berkian waters and lands four times, taking in all of the sights, which never got old as Toothless blasted plasma balls into the air as Hiccup felt the cold Northern Air in on his body and face, a feeling that never escaped him when he took to the skies.

He was the Chief of Berk; he was the Alpha of the Dragons.

They had duties and families and time was scarce between them.

But when they got together...

They were unstoppable.


Although he was chief...he had casual wear.

And it did not involve the ceremonial belt or fur cape.

His leather armour had the Berkian crest, the Night Fury mark on his right shoulder and he smiled satisfied with his appearance.

He had changed so much in the past two years, sporting a slight stubble and slightly longer hair.

However, Astrid's infamous braids were still there and although many chiefs had told him to remove as they degraded his image as a broody and macho chief, he refused, because now he actually liked them.

And they had a sentimental meaning now.

Two braids = Astrid and Eira.

The two love of his life.

Hiccup descended the staircase of the castle in the Great Hall, to see his fellow dragon riders were already seated, included several of the villagers.

As they saw him, they stood up, but he waved his hand for them to get on with their breakfast as he sat down at the head of the chief's table.

It was half a circle...his way of being able to talk to all of his council members, but yet also keep an eye on his people.

It also represented that although he was chief...everyone at the table was his equal.

His wife, daughter...his cousin and his friends.

"Hiccup!" Snotlout toasted to him and he smiled.

"Alright...let's get through this..." Hiccup said as Eira bounced on Astrid's legs. "What happened in Caledonia?"

"Clan Munro had come closer to the borders of Donan..." Ruffnut explained. "Donan are seeing it as a hostile attack and have asked continuously for them to retreat."

"But...Clan Munro are stubborn and refuse...claiming the land is there's. Donan says its spies are suspecting an alliance between the Clans Munro and Gunner..."

Hiccup rubbed his temples. "This is getting out hand."

"But we set up the Peace Guild Hiccup. These issues are for us to deal with..." Astrid pointed out.
"Astrid... the Peace Guild was set up to prevent war in the archipelago...not to calm down some war-hungry clansmen. The Celts of Caledonia don't even like Vikings..."
"Which is why they are all ganging up on Clan Donan..." Fishlegs added.

"Look...Hamish will be arriving here this we'll ask him our we can help?" Hiccup looked to his council. "Agreed?"

"Agreed!" They all called as Eira leapt into Ruffnut's arms.

The young princess was friendly with all of the council members, and they loved her equally, finding any opportunity to spoil the princess.

"Any reports on Dagur's whereabouts?" The chief asked as he drank some mulled wine.

"He was last seen heading towards the South...according to the Devious tribe who are located on the borders of the archipelago waters..."

"Dagur and Alfons both carried out sea raids on the Devious tribe, making them lose quite a lot of export to Whitwara. They might ask us the tribes for help...but..." Fishlegs stated, looking at the chief. "The Hags are not really friendly with them right now."

"Why?" Hiccup cried.

"Something to do with an emergency raid exercise. The Hags believe the Devious deliberately attacked their docks...causing them mass destruction...." Hiccup sighed nodding slowly.

"What about the dragons?" Hiccup questioned.

"We've been monitoring their activity and we still don't know..." Ruffnut confessed.

"They are disappearing...randomly and at vast amounts..." Snotlout continued. "We can't explain it..."

Hiccup sighed. "I have disappearing dragons...clansmen at war against Viking sympathiser and a war brewing in the archipelago. The tribal leaders will be arriving this afternoon to talk peace..."

"We have to do it Hiccup. We are the Peace Guild. We promised to stay neutral in all decisions and we have to hear out their problems and find a solution." Astrid took her husband's hand and squeezed it and he nodded.

"I know...but it's just a lot of pressure..." He sighed, kissing her hand. "Okay...we keep the peace tonight and for the coming week. We do not let there be any chance of hostility, got it?"

"I'll be in charge of Varg and Gosta. Their tribes get on..." Snotlout said as he bit into the chicken leg. " can control Calder and Hackett. and Astrid can keep Hamish and Alvin busy and the twins can have Asmund and Jerker. Agreed?"


"What exactly are we supposed to do with them?" Ruffnut questioned as Eira moved along the table to her father, before waving her hands to move into the arms of Snotlout.

"Keep the them around and keep the peace. They just have to not...kill each other because I don't Berk to be the battleground for another war..." Hiccup shuddered at the thought, recalling two years prior.

The worst moment of his life.

"Alright...everything is done!" Fishlegs has been writing everything. "You guys have to be dressed in your finest clothes for the feast tonight, got it?"

They all nodded. "We still have things to do before this afternoon, such as get the dragons into the stables in the caves...the chambers in the East Wing are ready, make sure the feast is being prepared, the gifts are completed and the decorations for the tribes' arrivals are all done."

"Got it..." Astrid nodded. "I'll make sure the castle is ready for the guest..."

"We'll round the dragons up..." Fishlegs looked at the twins who nodded.

"And I'll keep an eye on the docks and make sure the decorations are completed," Snotlout said.

"And I guess I'm in charge of the food and gifts..." Hiccup stood up and clapped his hands. "Alright...let's do it..."



This is Berk.

Life has changed for you can tell.

Last time...this place was destroyed and people were dead.

But that was two years ago.

And so much has happened since then.

Astrid and I finally married and it was a small, intimate ceremony.

Weeks later, Toothless's mate, Aurora delivered two dragon eggs, so now we have four Night Furies on the Island.

Thora, Eluf, Aurora and Toothless.

A lovely little family.

Speaking of family, Astrid and I had a daughter.

A beautiful, little girl who was a blessing from the Gods themselves.

She was born days after the Yule festival, a gift for both Astrid and I.

I wasn't even on Berk when Astrid delivered her. I was not really allowed to leave the island, the month leading up to the birth, but I was chief and I just had to get back as soon as possible.

I had left her with her mother, not expecting the baby to arrive, hence why I had travelled with Snotlout and the twins to the other tribes, bearing Yule gifts.

All of the questions that were asked during my visits were was I nervous for the arrival of the baby.

Oh Thor, I was nervous.

But I was more concerned for Astrid's well-being. I prayed day and night to Freyja, Frigga and Thor, hoping someone heard me.

Hoping someone protected Astrid during the ordeal.

Toothless was the first to suspect something was up, that I had to cut my trip short, sending Snotlout and the twins on as I made my way back to Berk.

And when I saw the excitement on everyone's faces, I knew what was happening.

I didn't think, running straight to the castle and up to the room Astrid was confined in.
"Hiccup!" She cried, panting heavily, sweat beads on her head as she lay on the bed with pillows around her to keep her comfortable.

" can't be here..." Mom had told me and I shook my head.

"Is she okay?" I looked at Astrid who screamed from the pain as her mother dabbed her damp cloth on her forehead, giving her words of encouragement.

"Hiccup...she's fine...but you can't be here..." Mom repeated and I hesitated, nodding slowly.

"Okay...fine...I'll everyone else...but..." I didn't think and just walked over to Astrid, she grabbed my hand, her breathing heavy. "You can do this milady...okay? I'll be praying for you...I'll pray you do this and we have a healthy baby...and that you are okay..." I kissed her head and she nodded, smiling slightly. "I love you can do this..." I encouraged her as she kissed my hand.

"I love you too..."

Mom pushed me out of the room, Toothless was waiting for me on the landing and I smiled at him, as he nudged me slightly, comforting me as Aurora did the same.

"Come on...let's wait with everyone else..."

Men, even if they were chiefs, were not allowed in the confinement room when the birth began.

Astrid had been in the room for two weeks, to prevent evil spirits from cursing her or lingering around her to make the delivery difficult.

After the birth, she would stay in there for another month with the baby and I would be the only one that could see her as well as our mothers.

If she and the baby survived.

Horrible talk, I know, but it was the reality. Since being chief, I have had to bury three babies and two mothers and it's horrible.

A baby...not knowing his or her mother or a mother...never watching her baby grow up.

I mean...I know what that felt like.

I had tried to keep myself doing diplomacy and holding a meeting with the council members, but I was constantly distracted, hoping everything was doing well.

Snotlout had to take over several times as I could not concentrate...but when I finally got my head together and progressed with the meeting, the sounds of a baby crying filled the castle.

I stood up, as did everyone else as Gobber headed up. Ruffnut's hand came to my shoulder out of assurance and I smiled at her as the other's comforted me, calming me down.

They were feeling the same...I could feel it.

Gobber came down the stairs a few minutes later and he walked over to me.

"Well?" Snotlout asked and Gobber sighed.

The entire village had gathered as had the dragons and I could not help but feel that his expression and body language meant bad news.

"Hiccup..." Gobber started and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

The villagers were already mumbling, the mood dropping, but I had to remain calm no matter what he said.

Gobber cleared his throat. "The Queen has delivered...a healthy baby girl..." He announced loudly and the noise that filled the hall behind me was inhumane.

"It's a girl!" Ruffnut squealed as they also celebrated and I was over the moon.

"Hiccup...Astrid and the baby are fine. They're both okay..." Gobber assured me as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "Congratulations...chief!" He hugged me, before the others jumped into the embrace, congratulating me as well.

"You can go see them..." Gobber said to me and I nodded, thanking him again, heading up the stairs as everyone cheered.

"Why is there not something that can take a picture for us to remember this occasion?" Ruffnut cried and everyone teased her as the happiness continued.

Toothless and Aurora were behind me and I smiled at them as we entered the room.

Astrid was lying on the bed, looking out of the window as her mother stood at the far end of the room, with her back to me.

My wife turned to me and smiled as I walked towards her and kissed her head. "Milady..." I said simply as I took her hand.

Isolde looked at us, a linen bundle in her arms.

She came over to us and kissed her daughter, before handing the bundle to Astrid.

And then I saw her.

Her beautiful porcelain skin...her thin wisps of brown hair as her little eyelids flickered open, bright green eyes.

"We have a daughter..." I said as tears formed in eyes, so many emotions running through me as Astrid leaned into me and I put my arms around my little family.

"She looks like you..." Astrid pointed out as she cooed her. "Here..." Astrid lifted the bundle and baby and passed them to me. "You're a natural." She kissed my cheek as I rocked my daughter in my arms.

"I thought I knew love..." I looked at Astrid as she leaned on my shoulder. "But there are no words to describe the love I feel looking at this life we created...our love created..."

"She's our little miracle..." Astrid mumbled and I nodded.

"And she is going to be as merciful and fearless as her mother."

"And as brave and noble as father..." Astrid continued.

"And I am going to love her unconditionally, every day for the rest of my life..." My daughter wriggled in my arms, one hand was holding her head as the other supported her tiny, fragile body as I rocked her gently as she babbled. "I will protect her forever and I will never let any harm come to her. I will love her and always come home to her. I will never see her heart-broken and I will never see tears in her eyes. She is my world..." I kissed my daughter's head and it felt like the world was complete.

My daughter.

The next day I announced her birth officially to the villagers, recording it as another feast and offering was carried out as word was sent to the neighbouring tribes.

They sent gifts of all sorts from small daggers to engrave horns.

And then...Astrid and I decided on her name.

After her confinement period was over, she was blessed with holy water and I officially named our daughter, accepting her into the household.

Eira Freyja Haddock, Princess of Berk.

Eira...because she would be merciful like her mother and Freyja...because its Mom's middle name and she would be loved by all.

For now...she was the heir to the throne, but sadly if Astrid and I had another child, who was a boy, she would be displaced.

Viking law...sadly.

But...all that matters right now...was I had a daughter.

I was a father.


Afternoon closed in and the chief's would be arriving soon.

I fixed my fur cloak around my shoulders as Astrid entered. She was wearing her normal dress that had changed since Eira was born.

Her skirt was much longer to her ankles in a grey colour and a black sash was around her waist. She had a red waistcoat and a tunic that was similar to the skirt but it fell off her shoulders, which were always covered with her long blonde hair which had grown significantly too.

A braid always adorned it now and she really did look like a queen.

Her more regal gowns, in rich colours of purple, blue and red as well as the expensive jewels and crowns, were always reserved for joyous feasts, occasions and festivals.

I whistled at her and she glared as her arms came to my shoulders and she affixed the cloak.

"Don't forget...we're keeping the peace..." She reminded me, her hands running up and down my arms.

My arm wormed around her waist as I pulled her towards me. "If I get have permission to punish me..." I rubbed her nose with mine as he lips came to mine and she grabbed my face.

"What do you have in mind?" Her lips brushed mine as she playfully tried to bite me and I raised my eyebrows.

"Take a guess..." I kissed her passionately, lifting her up and pushing her up against the stone wall. She yelped at the force but our lips met again as I pushed her skirt up and she wrapped her legs around my body.

"Hiccup?" There was a knock at the door and I groaned, pulling away. We fixed ourselves as I called for the person to enter. "The chief's will be arriving soon...and well..." Gobber stated and I raised my eyebrows.


He pointed to the balcony and I frowned, looking at Astrid as we walked over, followed by Gobber.

"Oh my Thor!" Astrid gasped as we saw...dragons causing havoc. "There is no way we are going to talk peace if the dragons are out of control like this!"

"Do something...dragon master..." Gobber said to me as I ran a hand through my head.

"Fine...but get me my crown...I have to wear the bloody thing when the chief's arrive..." Gobber left as I looked at Astrid.

"So...what are you going to do?"

I sighed and kissed her lips. "What I do best..." I scanned the dragons and a smile came to my lips. "Toothless!"



"Okay...we have approximately fifteen minutes before the chiefs arrive...therefore we need to get these dragons into the stables and make sure they stay there. are in charge of the Stokers and Tidals. get the Boulders and Trackers. got the Mystery and I'll take the Strikes and it?"

Hiccup divided the riders to gather the dragons they knew the most about, to make things easier as they boarded their dragons and headed for the skies.

After sometime away from the dragon riding, Astrid was not ready, her own words, to start riding dragons again.

She had defended her claim...childbirth changed her body too much that riding a dragon was proving to be difficult.

The young dragon riders were disappointed, because behind Hiccup, Astrid was the best dragon training and although she did what she could from the ground, Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins took over when it required actually flying on exercises.

"Hiccup!" Valka came to her son and flipped his helmet up.

"Mom...I have to do this!" He said quickly, flipping the helmet back down.

"But the chiefs will be arriving any minute!"

He shrugged his shoulders. "You do the honours!!" The Night Fury stretched his wings and set off the wing, followed by his mate, as Hiccup retracted Inferno II, and used the flames from the sword to direct the dragons to the stables under the ground, the others flew to every inch of the island, looking for any straggling dragons, directing them all towards the caves and tunnels and making sure they remained in the bunkers.

Valka stood on the docks as the first few boats appeared on the horizon and she breathed heavily a few times, to calm herself.

She was Dowager Queen, the Chief's mother.

She had done his one time before and it was when she was expecting Hiccup. had been while.

Gobber, Freda, Spitelout and Isolde came over to her, to provide moral support.

The boats docked and Valka put a smile on her face.

"Welcome to Berk..." She said simply, spreading her hands out as the first chiefs arrived.

Gosta of the Cannibalistic Tribe and his wife, Runa and one of their children as well as Varg of the Meatheads and his wife, Aslaug and one of his children.

"It's an honour to be here..." As Gobber led them to the plaza, more chiefs arrived.

Alvin of the Outcasts arrived solo, but was followed by Asmund of the Hysterics and his wife Gunilla and two of their children, Calder of the Bashem-Oiks and his wife, Hertha and one of his children as well as Hackett of the Hags and Jerker of the Devious with their respectable wives, Saga and Brenna.

Hackett brought along his three youngest children while Jerker brought two.

Finally, Hamish of Donan with his wife, Elinor and their children, Neilina and Finlay.

All of the chief's stood together in the plaza, tension lingering, until Gosta spoke up.

"Where is the chief?"

Valka laughed awkwardly as she cleared her throat. "He is...currently busy..." She replied and every frowned.

"What do you mean he is busy?" Hackett snapped.

"He knew what today was...right?" Alvin asked and Valka tried to calm them down.

"Something came up last minute and he is just dealing with it! He will be by shortly!" Valka assured the all, but the chiefs were not impressed.

"Oh really...well...where is he?" Jerker demanded, the others nodding.

Young Prince Finlay's gasps made everyone look at him. His head up...looking up at the sky as a big black dragon swooped low, making them all duck.

"Sorry!" Hiccup cried as Valka laughed.

"There...there is the chief of Berk...the Dragon Master of the North..." Valka pointed to her son, who had lit up Inferno II again and led the dragons into the stables.

"Daddy! I want a dragon!" Finlay cheered, the other young children begging for their parent to get them a reptilian pet.

"No!" Was all the chief's said as the young children betted on who was going to succeed.

Who was going to get all of the dragons away first.

"Dragons away!" Hiccup called, all of the dragons were away.

Well...except for one.

"Rogue Nadder at the sheep farm! Sheep alight!" Fishlegs called as Hiccup groaned and snapped Toothless's tail into place as they jetted to Sven's farm.

Hiccup had to calm the Nadder...but first he had to help the sheep. Opening the gate, the sheep ran free, the others grabbing them and putting them in the barn, but one ran free, on fire as the Nadder chased.

As Hiccup closed in on the fiery sheep, a sudden gust of wind and blue past him made Toothless back off, as Stormfly came flying at ultra-speed, grabbing the flaming sheep with her talons as Astrid cheered on the back of her Nadder.

"Astrid?" Hiccup cried as she saluted him, Stormfly tossing the sheep at Fishlegs who put it in the barn as Astrid led the rogue Nadder on her chase into the Dragon Nip fields.

Calming down, Stormfly lifted it and carried it to the stables.

"Astrid is back!" The young dragon riders cheered as they gathered in the plaza, cheering on their great teacher and the Queen of Berk.

"That's the Queen?" Hackett's eldest daughter asked and the Berkians nodded. "I think I have a new hero..."

They watched in awe as the Queen of Berk enjoyed flying on the dragon again, before they all landed on the plaza, followed Hiccup who glided over with his flight suit, Toothless and Aurora.

"Astrid!" Ruffnut squealed as Astrid laughed.

" said you didn't want to fly anymore?" Snotlout said, his arms crossed as Astrid titled her head.

"Hey...I just needed to get used to it..." She shrugged her shoulders as Hiccup climbed off of Toothless and walked to Stormfly, helping Astrid down.

"My Queen is back where she the sky..." He kissed her nose and Astrid smiled.

"But it also mean I will kick your asses in Dragon Racing...again!" She warned them as they all laughed.

Valka walked over to them and cleared her throat and Hiccup looked at the chiefs who were smiling, impressed as excited children stood around them and humble ladies on their arms.

Hiccup cleared his throat, Astrid on his arm as they walked before the chiefs. "Chiefs of the Archipelago..." He looked at his council...who stood either side of him, their dragons standing proudly behind them. "Welcome to Berk..."



"To the Gods for letting this moment happen...and the chiefs of the archipelago!" I lifted my chalice up to all of the people in the room and they did the same as I sat back down and conversation erupted.

I turned to Astrid on my right and she smiled as I took her hand and kissed it.

"So good..." I whispered to her and she nodded.

I turned to Snotlout on my left, where Eira was throwing food on his head.

"Here...take this...menace..." He handed her over and she jumped into Astrid's arms who cooed at her.

"Hiccup..." Alvin said and I turned to him. "We do need to discuss...matters..." He said and I shook my head.

"That can wait for tomorrow..." I pointed out and he raised his eyebrows. "Alvin...just enjoy this peace before we have to go into serious matters."

He shrugged his shoulders and turned towards Savage as I sighed, leaning back.

"Hey..." Astrid said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be okay."

I nodded slowly and stared at the bowl of soup before me.

Truth was...was it ever going to be okay?

The tensions between the tribes was my own fault.

Since the Great War two years back, I promised myself I was never, ever going to put myself in a position that I would have to compromise the safety of anyone on the island or anyone in the archipelago.

They all joined forces and helped me get me my throne back...but at the end was their people that died.

Their soldiers and warriors...fathers and sons and even King Balfour...all of them fell...while the majority of Berkians remained untouched.

They came to save me...risked their lives and got involved in something they did not have to get involved in...and me?

All I did was step back and announced I was to give up everything they were fighting for...fighting for me.

Selfish...I know.

When we won and everything fell in was clear.

I made it clear...I was never going to let something like that happen again.

And I didn't want to be part of anything like that again, which meant I could not take sides on conflicts between the different tribes.

It was a mistake...I won't deny it.

My decision to remain neutral in all decision, in not providing help to the tribes that needed it, in not being the voice of reason...the tribes had slightly turned against me...and each other.

The war was big and they lost many warriors between them, but it always came back to me.

They blamed each other for their losses, lack of war-fare knowledge and Viking prowess and that Hiccup will help them as they had helped me.

Truth was...I didn't.

I had to fix my own own tribe.

I had to mend the many cracks in my own home.

I had to make things right with Astrid...and I married her and we had a beautiful daughter. I had to assure her that nothing like what happened before would happen again.

My guilt for exiling her two years ago and her guilt that led to that moment was always there...and we had to move past it...together.

We wanted to go back to that moment when we were hours from getting married and there were no stories...or treason or even adultery claims.

There was nothing of the sort.

And...we were still working on it.

But...the guilt consumed me every minute of everyday... of my regrettable decisions two years ago...because everything that was happening now in the archipelago was because of that moment...when I let Astrid go.

It was easy to see and know that this cold war that was brewing in these icy waters...was because of that moment.

It wasn't just Astrid I had difficulty in moving forward with.

My friends as well.

I didn't believe them when they told me own cousin was working against me.

I also felt like they were putting on an act...because I was chief.

It seemed like everyone around me...put up with me because even though I was the reason things fell apart in the first place...I had done everything to put them right.

The silent resentment from my own people...was echoed by the resentment by the chiefs before me.

They had done so much for me...remained loyal to me.

Even Alvin...who had tried to kill me on many occasions and I returned the favour.

Everyone stuck by me...but I left them on their own.

Berk had dragons...I wanted them to know if it came to it...I would use the dragons without hesitation.

This war that was brewing...was my fault.

My mistakes.

And I would have to live with that.

"Babe?" Astrid's voice came from the right of me and I looked at her, not realising that the next course of food had been served. "You alright?" She asked and I nodded, giving her a small smile.

I looked towards my father's portrait.

My father, Stoick the Vast, was a great noble man.

He would always was not the duty of a chief to help those in need...but the duty of a person.

And the tribes before me...they did need me.

And I had to accept that.

I cleared my throat and clinked my chalice, getting their attention as I stood.

"What are you doing?" Snotlout said though gritted teeth.

"Shut up..." I replied simply before smiling at the tribal leaders. "Two years ago...the biggest threat to the archipelago grew my home..." I could see Astrid's muscles tense as she looked away. "I let that that war happen...because I did not do enough to stop it. You all jumped on the wagon to help me...even though I did not deserve any of that help. You all joined forces...some of you were conflicting between yourselves..." I pointed to Gosta and Calder who shrugged their shoulders. "You all...put your differences aside to help me and my people...over a mistake that I let happen. I didn't listen to my friends..." I looked at Snotlout, Fishlegs and the twins who looked at each other. "Or...believe the woman I love..." I turned to Astrid who gave me a small smile. "And I swore...I would never let something like that happen again. I swore...I would not let my people go through something like that again...but that was a mistake." I sighed, looking down as the Berkians gathered around.

"My decision was out of selfishness. You all came to me and helped me when I needed it...yet I failed to return the favour. I want peace...more than anything. I want peace across the archipelago and the only way I will get if I help you all..." I said and the chiefs were now interested.

"What do you mean?" Jerker asked and I looked at him.

"From tomorrow and however many days it takes...I will listen to your worries and your disputes and I will help you all find common ground and peace..." I said and they seemed impressed. "If we want a peaceful starts with each other."

"To Hiccup...the Dragon Master!" Hamish lifted his chalice to me and the others did the same, toasting me and I smiled, nodding simply.

"Alright...keep on eating! This food was prepared for all of you!" I spread my arms out, gesturing to the tables of food from vegetables and fruit to meat and fish.

The feast continued, the conversation lightened and it seemed like everyone had put their differences aside.

I sat down and turned to Astrid who leaned forward and kissed my lips. I raised my eyebrows. "What was that for?"

"For being brave...and noble..." She kissed me again and I smiled as the feast continued.

If things stayed like this...everything would be okay for the coming week


"What about those dragons?" Gosta asked suddenly as music played, the children danced and we all relaxed after out large meal.

I looked at him, Eira asleep in my arms as Astrid was outside with the other ladies.

"Uhm...I don't know..." I looked at Fishlegs who cleared his throat.

"The dragons are disappearing in masses and for the first time...we can't actually explain it..." He explained and I nodded slowly.

"I mean...they are going somewhere and we don't even know where or why..." Snotlout said as the ladies came back, running after their hyper-active children.

It was obviously bed-time.

Astrid came to me, taking Eira from my arms and placing an arm on my shoulder.

As the ladies left with the disappointed children, the older children remaining awake with their fathers and I leaned back and exhaled deeply.

"We've tried tracking their patterns...trying to find out where they are going but it's...hard..."

"Truth is...we don't even know what we're looking for. Dragons are disappearing at the masses and we can't explain it..." Ruffnut confessed and I looked regretfully down.

It started slowly first, we didn't even notice, but suddenly, around a year ago...dragons began disappearing in masses randomly and out of the blue.

We only noticed when we visited the dragon sanctuary around a year ago...and well...the numbers had reduced considerably.

Originally believed to be a new migration pattern, it turned out they were just...disappearing in thin air...and we don't even know where.

For months, we tried tracking the patterns and following the fleets, but it was impossible as we always lost them.

Fishlegs and Snotlout even claimed to have been attacked by them, when they tried to catch them in nets and bring them back.

The lack of dragons was worrying and it made me wonder...was Drago back?

Was he taking the dragons back as revenge for when I stopped him and his dragon army?

He was the reason I almost lost Toothless three years ago...and was responsible for Dad's death.

So...was he finishing the job?

Problem with this theory was how was he controlling them?

And why were they obeying him?

He needed a Bewilderbeast last time and according to Mom, there were only two she had heard of – hers and the Drago's.

Had he found another one, was building the largest dragon army ever and coming to Berk to finish what he started?

"Earth to Hiccup?" Hamish said and I turned to him, sighing.

"Just thinking.."

"About?" Fishlegs's voice trailed off and I looked at my council.

"Drago..." I confessed and hey gasped.

"Why?" Snotlout nudged me. "He brain-washed Toothless, who killed your Dad and tried to destroy Berk."

"Thank you Snotlout for that lovely reminder..." I said sarcastically. "No...I was just wondering if he could be behind the dragon's disappearing."

"Like what...building another dragon army?" Ruffnut questioned and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Valka said there were only two known Bewilderbeasts. Hers and Drago's...both are dead!" Tuffnut pointed out and I nodded slowly.

"But...what if he found another one?" Fishlegs muttered, my council swallowed the lumps in their throats.

"No..." I assured them. "No...I mean...Toothless is the Alpha and we would bring them back. If Drago is building a dragon army...we will do what we did last time...we will fight till the end..." I said and they smiled, nodding.

"And...of'll have us..." Alvin gestured to the tribal chiefs.

"You guys really need to find something to do with your spare time..." I joked and they all laughed as Astrid rejoined us, a shawl around her shoulders.

"What's so funny?" She asked as my arm went around her.

"Nothing..." I kissed her head. "Eira asleep?"

"Yes...Thora and Eluf are with her..." She said as I poured in some Meade for her. "I'll check on her in a while..."

The young Night Furies took care of Eira whenever Astrid and I were not available. They were all like siblings...Eira loved them (much to Astrid's chagrin) and Thora and Eluf loved her.

They were always together and sometimes Eira would sneak off and sleep in the stables with them.

It was better to Eluf and Thora with the castle.

We knew...if they were with her...nothing would happen to her – they protected her with their life.

"Okay...let's change the subject..." Jerker said, his arm around his wife's and I saw all of the chief's doing the same.

Whatever I did with Astrid...they did the same.

I smirked, before nodding for Jerker to continue. "That Masked dragon rider..."

We all froze as the chiefs glared at us.

" know about that?" Snotlout asked and Gosta nodded.

"We've seen them around...flying over our islands as if they are..." Calder waved his hands as he tried to find the words.

"Inspecting us?" Hackett said as Calder snapped his fingers towards him


"But wait...I thought it was only us?" Tuffnut said. "Why did you never say anything?"

"Because...we thought it was one of you first...but clearly...not..." Asmund stated.

I sighed. "This dragon rider...we've heard reports by Trader Johann. They from Albion somewhere..." I explained as Fishlegs nodded.

"Johann said he say them come from Whitwara..."

"But why? What does it want?" Varg snapped.

"Well..." Ruffnut shrugged her shoulders. "If this theory of Drago being back is true...maybe this person works for them?"

"Scouring the area...waiting to attack?" Snotlout said and she nodded. "Well...that's not good..."

"'s not..." I turned to Astrid who took my hand interlocked our fingers. "Have they actually attacked anyone yet?"

The chief's shook their heads. "But them hovering around us like not pretty!"

"Tell me about it..." I said. " they're not attacking...that's good right?"

They wanted to nod...but they couldn't.

Because it was really was not good.

"What do they want?" Astrid asked.

"Who knows...and we'll never know until we actually meet the person..." Snotlout threw back more wine and I rolled my eyes.

He was going to wake up with a head-ache.

"Until they actually do attack...we can't do anything. I's not like they are doing anything to us?" They all looked at each other and agreed, reluctantly. "Guys...we want we can't just start blowing everything up that flies over us!"

"We can if it's dangerous..." Varg muttered against his chalice and I looked at him.

"You don't know that!"

"There can be no good reason for someone in a mask hovering over our islands like we're prey and they're hunting!" Hackett cried and I groaned.

"No! No attacking them until we're attacked first!" I warned them all and they grumbled.

"We're Vikings! It's what we do!" Alvin pointed out and to be fair...I couldn't really argue with that.

"Why?" I muttered, looking up to the ceiling as Astrid laughed, kissing my cheek.



"I have a are there...high above the clouds somewhere...rain is falling from the sky...but it never touches your way up high..." Hiccup sang to the chiefs as the ladies watched from the gallery upstairs.

It was really late and with young children...the mothers wanted to get some shut eye as they were the ones that would be up early to tend to them.

But the voices of the Berkian council singing the folk tune of the island, made the ladies gather around the gallery overlooking the Great Hall and cheered them on.

"No more worries...No more fears...You have made them disappear...Sadness tried to steal the show...But now it feels like many years ago...And I...I will be with you every step!" Snotlout sang the next lines as the crowds cheered.

"Hey! Hey!"

"Tonight...I found a friend in you...And I'll keep you close forever..." Fishlegs sang the next bit as everyone cheered him on, before the grand chorus...all of the Berkians sang along.

"Come fly with me (oh-oh oh-oh)...Into a fantasy (oh-oh oh-oh)...Where you can be...Whoever you want to be...Come fly with me!"

Astrid and Ruffnut sang along as, the other ladies laughing and smiling at the happiness below them.

"How long do you think it will last?" Elinor asked as she leaned to the left, towards Astrid.

"Who knows?" Astrid shook her head, clapping along as the singing got louder.

"You think it will?" Hertha, Calder's wife asked and Astrid shrugged her shoulders.

"I hope it does..." She looked down to the crowds and blew a kiss to her husband as he lifted his chalice to her, before continuing the party. "There has been too much death and destruction...we don't need anymore..."

They all agreed, watching the rest of the singing and cheering their men on as they sang different ballads to applauses and taunts.

As the music calmed down, Astrid and the ladies retired to the separate chambers.

"Astrid..." Isolde caught up to her daughter, before she entered her room.

"What's up Mom?" She turned and smiled at her mother, who handed her a small, white letter.

"It's from your father..." She said simply and Astrid smiled. Isolde kissed her head, before retiring to her own chambers.

Kastalinn Dreka, or the 'Dragon Castle' was a large, traditional Celtic and Nordic fortress made out of stone.

It had the centre which was the Great Hall, open to all of the villagers and led to the outdoor kitchen and underground dungeons and kitchen as well as the main doors out into the plaza.

There were two large stone staircases on either side of the Great Hall that led to the East Wing and the West Wing.

The East Wing was were the chief and his family lived. His mother, mother-in-law and Gobber lived in rooms there and there were several spare rooms for the council members after a long day's work and guest rooms for personal guests of the Chief. There were five washrooms, a large study and office as well as a nursery and a room filled with the Island's treasures and relics.

The Chief's jewels were also in the East Wing.

The West Wing was full of guest rooms for every chief of the archipelago, washrooms and even another study.

The castle's walls stretched around the plaza and all of the houses of the villagers ad it protected them from attacks. The walls were high enough for dragon to perch on and strong enough to withstand fire.

Two gates houses stood in the at the back of the castle that led to the woods and beyond and one near to the docks and watchtowers were in each corner, to overlook the different areas of the island.

The Castle was built by Astrid's magic when she had reunited her parents and it was everything she ever wanted.

Everything was working out well for her.

Her parents were home.

She was married to the love of her life and they had a beautiful daughter.

Sitting on a window-sill just by the doors of her chambers, she smiled at Stormfly who was at the watchtower over on Thor's beach, which she could see from the window. 

The Nadder tottered over to her and Astrid scratched her as they nuzzled each other, before the Nadder returned to the watchtower. 

After watching her for a few minutes, Astrid skimmed through her father's letter.

Dear Astrid and Isolde,

Well...I'm here in Lombardy. Hopefully this is my final stop, but if something else does come up...I apologise in advance.

I miss you both like crazy. We all just got back together and I made the decision to leave...but I had enemies and disputes and I had to deal with everything.

It was the only way we were going to love together without me worrying about a bounty or warrant for my arrest.

How is my granddaughter?

Tell me she is happy and fine.

Always tell her I love her and her Grandpapa is coming soon.

I will bring many gifts for her and spoil her. I failed to do that with you Astrid and I promise I will treat your daughter the way I should've treated you.

I will love her forever and dote on her.

Count down the beautiful ladies...I will be coming home soon...I truly promise.

Keep smiling and keep going.

I'm coming home...

Send my wishes, hellos and love to everyone.

And don't forget...I love you both very much.

Never, ever forget that.


Captain Tristan Hofferson.

Astrid sighed and hugged the letter against her chest.

"Hey..." Elinor's voice came from behind her and Astrid turned her head, smiling.


The sudden bellow of laughter from the men in the Great Hall, made them laugh as Elinor sat opposite her on the window-sill.

"Can't sleep?" Elinor asked.

"Yes...and..." Astrid showed her the letter. "My father sent it from Lombardy..."

"The old Roman Empire?"

Astrid nodded as Elinor handed the letter back. "He says it is his final stop...but we will see..." She sighed as Elinor took her hand. 

"'s alright. He will come back...he had something to come back too..." Elinor assured her as Astrid smiled.

"Finlay and Neilina? Are they asleep?"

Elinor groaned, leaning backwards. "Finlay was fast asleep. The minute his head hit the pillow...he was out. took her much longer..." Elinor moaned, making Astrid smile. "I mean...she eventually did go to sleep...but then she woke up because she was hungry!"

Astrid laughed. "Oh...I remember when Eira was like that..." Astrid sighed and looked out of the window. "They grow up way too fast!"

"I know...but you can have another one..." Elinor pointed out, nudging her slightly.

"We'll see..." Astrid said as they laughed together. "But...tell me...I forgot to ask anyway...but..." She sighed and found the courage. "How's Karolina?"

Elinor remained quiet for a few minutes and clacked her teeth. "Good...good...yeah...she was in Donan a few days ago...just before we came and well..."

"I know it's awkward to talk about...after everything..." Astrid said and Elinor nodded.

"I mean...Hamish and I...we didn't..." She tried to apologise, but Astrid shook her head.

"No...don't apologise! None of this is yours or anyone's fault. Not even hers..." Astrid assured her.

"Hamish was angry and she didn't even tell..." Elinor didn't finish the sentence as Astrid swallowed the lump in her throat.

"We didn't say anything was not our place..."

Silence lingered between them for a while, before Elinor burst out laughing. "What's funny?"

" and me! I mean...look at us! We've turned into our mothers, sitting around gossiping about people and complaining about married life and motherhood!"

"It's the circle of life!" Astrid joked as they laughed again as a thump noise came from in her bedroom. "And it looks like the little princess is awake!"

They stood up and stretched. "I'll leave you to it and see you in the morning..." Elinor said as they hugged and parted ways.

Astrid entered her bedroom, Eira was asleep on the big bed for the night as Hiccup would be up really late and Astrid didn't like sleeping alone.

Thora and Eluf were sound asleep and after lighting a split with a spark from to stones, she lit up some candles and looked around the room.

Nothing seemed out of place, but the balcony shutters were open slightly and making a slight noise as the night wind blew.

Walking to the bed with one of the candles, Astrid placed the letter in the drawer and stroked her daughter's face with her free hand, smiling, before placing the candle on the table and walking over to the shutters and sealing the quickly.

The room was still and it was quiet, the slight cheer from the partying Vikings.

Astrid prepared for bed, removing her waistcoat and over skirt, but a sudden gust of wind behind her made her turn.

A shadow ran past her, Thora and Eluf's ears perked up.

Astrid reached for a dagger in her belt as she lifted it and walked to the corner, where she could make out something moving slightly.

As she reached forward, it disappeared and she frowned, turning her head to the bed, where a person...clad in black in a hood and mask stood over Eira who was fast asleep.

"No!" Astrid leaped forward, but the person lifted their hand at her, elevating Astrid, before throwing their hand to the left as Astrid flew and smashed into the wall and mirror, crashing into the vanity table and slumping to the floor.

Thora and Eluf woke up and growled at the shadow, preparing to fire as they protected Astrid, walking to the mysterious person slowly.

Astrid lifted her head, weak from the attack, but enough energy to get up on her feet, and reach for her dagger again.

"Who are you?" She demanded but the person did not speak, instead they raised their hand, drew an infinity sign, sending the dragons into a trance, before dropping their hand and the dragons were knocked out cold.

"Thora? Eluf?" Astrid nudged them, but they didn't get up. "What did you do to them?" She cried, jumping up with the dagger and charging at the person. They grabbed the dagger, Astrid fighting with her for control, as the masked person grabbed Astrid's arm, spun it behind her back and knocked the blade out of her hands before holding it at her neck.

"Not a word..." A distorted, deep and terrifying voice came from the person and Astrid swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Just...just tell me...what do you want?" Astrid begged as the masked person let their guard down and turned to Eira. "No...not my baby..." Astrid pleaded as the person, held the point of the dagger right against her skin, piercing it and making Astrid bleed slightly.

"I don't need your permission..." Their evil, sly voice snarled and Astrid remained strong as she elbowed the person in the ribs. They fell against the bed-side table as Astrid grabbed a dagger, but the person raised their hand, causing Astrid to freeze.

"Think again...your majesty..." The person snarled, releasing Astrid who collapsed to the ground, before the person turned their attention to the dragons.

"Eirich..." The dragons sat up, their attention affixed to the mysterious person, who gestured their hand to Astrid. "Loisg i..."

Thora and Eluf slowly walked towards Astrid who shuffled away, raising her hand hoping she can get through to them.

"What did she say to you?" She asked, but the Night Furies were hostile. Astrid was helpless...the person grabbed Eira who didn't open her eye as Astrid called for help...only for her to realise that everyone was at the party or on the other side of the castle.

Whoever...something...she knew could here.

So she called to them as the masked person prepared to jump out of the window with Eira and a glow developed in the throats of Thora and Eluf's open mouths.


The party had gone out to the plaza, where the men were seeing who was the least drunk – by shooting arrows at a target.

So far, all of them had failed.

Hiccup laughed as he leaned on Toothless as Alvin once again tried to shoot the targets, the chiefs and Berkian men laughing and having the time of their lives.

Until...the dragons suspected something was wrong.

Toothless's ears pricked up as did Hookfang's, Meatlug's, Grump's, Aurora's and even Barf and Belch's, as if something was wrong.

"Uhm...are they okay?" Gosta asked as Hiccup frowned, stepping away from his dragon and looking at the behaviour of all of them.

"I don't know..." Hiccup muttered as he stepped in front of Toothless. "Bud? You alright? Something wrong?"

Toothless and Aurora looked up at the balcony of Hiccup's bedroom, before all of the dragons began roaring and flapping their wings.

"What's wrong?" Snotlout cried as they tried to calm the dragons down.

Hiccup's eyes went to his bedroom, noticing all of the dragons were looking there.

Something was wrong.

Retracting Inferno, he was going to run into the castle, but a loud explosion, blew off half of the front of the castle, and rendering everyone to the ground as a shadow jumped from the window and onto a black dragon.

Hiccup coughed as he sat up slowly. "Astrid..." He moaned out, as Eluf and Thora jumped from the window...and their expressions were enough for him to know what happened. "Astrid!" He cried as he ran into the castle and up the stairs, the rest of the castle awakening and running out into the plaza.

"What happened?" Elinor ran to her husband as they saw the fire raging from the castle.

"We don't know..." Hamish said as Snotlout jumped up.

"Dragon riders! Follow that thing now!" They boarded their dragons and set off for the skies, heading for the direction the shadow had flown to.

Hiccup arrived in his room, the balcony had been destroyed and there was rubble as Astrid emerged. "Astrid!" He cried as he freed her and she coughed heavily.

He hugged her and kissed her head. "Oh...milady!" He said, as Astrid pushed him away.

"Eira! My baby! It has my baby!" She was hysterical as she stood up, but Hiccup didn't think.

He left his wife and ran to the balcony. "Toothless!" He called, jumping down, the Night Fury catching him. "After the shadow!"

They set off and Toothless thundered through the sky as Astrid ran down the castle steps and out into the plaza.

"Oh my dear!" Isolde ran to her daughter, cuts and grazes all over her.

"Eira! It has Eira!" Astrid sobbed. "I have to save her!"

" can't!" Valka took hold of her.

Hiccup and Toothless flew past the others. "Overtake her!" Hiccup ordered and Toothless obeyed, heading into the clouds as they flew over the shadow and its dragon, before dropping down in front of them.

They stopped as Hiccup heard his daughter's cries. "Eira..." He said simply, retracting Inferno, until his eyes went wide at the dragon that was being ridden.

A Night Fury.

"Hiccup..." The distorted voice said as the others caught up and circled around the shadow and its dragon.

"Give me my daughter!" Hiccup demanded, getting a better look at the 'shadow'.

It was a person, a black mask on their face so only their eyes showed. A hood on their head and scarf around their neck as they wore a long black cloak that flapped in the window.

"Come and get her!" The person teased in their distorted voice as the dragon dropped and they flew backwards towards Berk.

"Fishlegs and Snotlout head towards Thor's beach and cut them off! The twin and I will follow..." They obeyed as their dragons flew with all their might after the masked rider, more determination and power to succeed...because this was personal.

Toothless fired at the other Night Fury's tail, but Hiccup prohibited it, in case they used Eira as a shield.

Fishlegs and Snotlout took a shortcut and came from Thor's beach as they circled the masked dragon rider at the high point, attention in the plaza, turning towards them.

"Give her to me!" Hiccup cried again.

"It's over!" Snotlout added, but the masked rider, tilted their head slightly.

"Here..." They lifted the toddler to her father and Hiccup reached forward, before the masked rider, lifted their hand, the dragons flying up and the riders falling and holding onto the saddles, before falling to the ground, all of them pulling their weapons out as the dragons fell unconscious.

"Go get her!" The voice cried, as Eira was tossed from the High Point into the ocean, Astrid's screams filling the air as she watched her baby fall.

"No!" Hiccup jumped from the cliff and fell with his daughter as the others scrambled to wake up the dragons, while the masked figure waved their hand and disappeared with their own Night Fury.

Hiccup reached his daughter, grabbed her as they crashed into the icy cold waters of the Celtic Sea.

They plummeted down as Hiccup held his daughter close, swimming to the surface and Astrid ran to the docks as they resurfaced.

"Hiccup!" Astrid was relieved as Snotlout jumped into the water to help him as he was injured.

Passing Eira to her mother, Hiccup and Snotlout scrambled out, both breathing heavily from the cold water as Hiccup crawled to his wife and daughter and hugged them, Elinor and Hackett's wife, Saga, removed their wool shawls and wrapped them around them.

"What happened?" Valka asked as Hiccup shook his head, his breathing heavily as he looked at his daughter.

"I don't know..."

He didn't know what happened...but someone had broken into his home...filled with dragons and Viking chiefs and tried to kill his wife and kidnap his daughter.

He didn't know what had happened.

But he sure as Nifelheim was going to find out.



So, first chapter of the Secrets of the Dragon Riders!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited!!!!!

Okay, so there were two Scottish Gaelic phrases near the end; 'Eirich'  means 'Arise' and 'Loisg i' means 'burn her'. 

This is from a translator on line but it wouldn't tell me the correct pronunciation so when I find that out, I'll let you guys know. 

All castles have names and the Berk castle is called 'Kastalinn Dreka' which is Icelandic (it is the closest language to Old Norse) and translates to 'Dragon Castle'.

Lombardy is an old kingdom in the north of Italy...that is were Tristan is. 

Where do you think Karolina is?

Also...who was the attacker?

Okay...if you guys watch the show "Vikings" (which I am obsessed with!), the characters dress is highly accurate to real Viking wear, so I did some nit-picking and 'borrowed' some of the costumes to show you what the ladies are looking like! is Astrid. She has several...all for different occasions. 

The first one is her everyday, when she is not dragon training or warrior training.

Just imagine a brown waistcoat over it and the dress falls off her shoulders, with her significantly longer to her waist and there a few braids in it. 

Next one, is for state events, when neighbouring Chief's visit the island. 

It's much more formal...obviously and she looks like a real Viking Queen. 

And finally, her warrior uniform. 

Suits her well...I think. 

Her looks are more feminine, being a mother now, but she's still a Lagertha is. 

And here is Ruffnut. She too wears blue, which I've decided is like a tribal colour along with Red and black. 

Blue for Queen Astrid, Red for Chief Hiccup and Black for the Night Furies.


Okay...another thing. I named the wives of the Chief's and gave them all families, but they aren't really that important. If they do appear, I'll put little reminders in here and there. 

Next chapter is titled, Friends or Foe? and here's a synopsis:

'Hiccup is furious is daughter was taken so easily and his unableness to trust the other chief's leads to tensions, especially when they all head out hunting. He tries to find ways in protecting his wife and daughter as well as people, but with no idea what he is dealing with, he distracts himself with something...rather someone else...'

Oooo...what's Hiccup  up to?

The next chapter might be shorter, but we'll see. 

Song above is 'Into a Fantasy' by Alexander Rybak and that was all I really had for the chapter, except for...


It's all great music when they are all flying their dragons - Hiccup at the beginning with Toothless, Aurora, Eluf and Thora aand later on when they are rounding up the dragons into the stables. 

Okay...I'm going.

I'll see you all soon!!!!


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