Sam Alexander, The Last Nova


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Warning! This is just a bunch of little one shots and head canons. I needed somewhere to put all my Nova thou... Еще

What If...(RANT-ish)
Nebula the Horse (RANT)
Names (one shot headcannon)
My Art
Tattoo (RANT)
Update on Art WIP
KimberlyBlaize on YouTube
Adrenaline Rush(ONE-SHOT)
Holograms (One-Shot)
He Has A Page!
He Has a Page! (Con.)
He Has A Page (con.)
Giant Liberty Dude
Join Today!
Fanfiction Recomendation
Character Headcanon (CLOSED)
Headcanon Requests #11
Headcanon Requests #12
Headcanon Request #30
Pacific Rim
What If He Never...
(not a)CONTEST
Character Headcanon #29
Space Entity
Newton's Law (One-Shot)
Headcanon: Custom Request
Story Test - The Aurora Sphere
Powers and Abilities
Interesting Comic Plot
Comic Clip

Family Ties(Whole One-Shot)

658 19 4


A/N: I know you must be confused. I decided to combine the two chapters into one really long one. So don't be surprised when you see the beginning of the other chapter! I will be writing a 'sequel' kind of thing! BIG THANKS AGAIN TO Cakeforme FOR THIS IDEA!!!

?'s POV

It's quiet in the house tonight, but that's normal nowadays. Too quiet if you ask me. I've always been more of a social butterfly like my brother. I sigh as I finish off my last homework problem. Math. It's never been my strong suit, and my brother was always better at it. I've been thinking about my brother a lot recently. I hope we get to see him soon.


I jump as the blaring sound brings me out of my thoughts.

"Honey! Can you get that for me?" My mom yells from the living room. I get up from the kitchen table and walk towards the phone. I pick up the landline -yes, landline- and answer the phone.

"Hello?" I a little confused as to why anyone would be calling us at this time. I gasp too shocked to speak.

"Wait. Let me get my mom!" I stutter out. "MOM!" I yell loudly and urgently. "COME HERE!" She rushed over and grabs the phone from me and answers. She too, is shocked and her words stumble before coming out.

"W-We'll be there," She confirms. "We'll worry about the expenses later." Expenses? "Oh! Really?! Thank you so much!" My Mom gushes out. "We'll be waiting!" She turns to me. "Go pack a few sets of clothes and some essentials in a suitcase. We've got a little over an hour."

Within an hour I have everything I need packed. 3 sets of clothes, my toothbrush and toothpaste, a hairbrush, travel-sized containers of shampoo and conditioner, a phone charger and my phone, along with a few other essentials. Soon a large military plane that I've never seen before lands in the street. I wonder how none of our neighbors noticed the large aircraft yet. We're ushered in by a guy who looks like one of the secret agents from the movies my brother and I used to watch all the time. Those were the days. . . I miss them and I hope to have more of them. Everything was perfect back then, with the whole family together. I shake my head ever so slightly. The thoughts returned again. I return my attention to the craft. I sit next to my mom, who looks a little frightened. I'm pretty sure I look the same, but if you were in my position too.

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////TIME SKIP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Peter's POV

I pace the hallway as Luke stands next to the door with his arms crossed like a guard. Luke sits on the other side of the door in a meditation position, and Ava sits next to Danny watching me pace. None of this was supposed to happen. It's all my fault. I could have gotten there faster--no-- I tell myself. There was nothing I could do. I slide down the wall to the floor and put my head in my hands. I take a deep shuddering breath as I try to recall how I could have let this happen. We were ordered to take down Omega Red--who was seen rampaging down the streets--and subdue him. The battle was fine in the beginning, and it looked like we weren't going to have any problems, but it all went downhill.

"Spider-Man," I'm pulled out of my thoughts. I look up to see Ava looking at me. "Stop." I put on a confused face. "Stop blaming yourself. We all let our guard down," Ava tells me looking me in the eye. "Bu-" I stop talking and I stilled. Ava looked concerned and confused. I stand up as a see Fury coming down the hall with the people behind him. A women and a girl, probably her daughter. I look at Fury with a confused look.

"Spider-Man, this is Mrs.Alexander-" He introduces the women.

"Please just call me Eva," The women says shaking my hand and nods towards Ava, Danny, and Luke. "And this is-"

"Kaelynn Alexander, her daughter," The girl introduces herself. She's wearing a light blue button-up jacket and jeans along with boots.

"Wait. Alexander as in Sam Alexander?!" I ask confused and shocked. They nod there heads as my jaw drops, as does Ava's, Danny's, and Luke's.

"How is he?!" Kaelynn asks worryingly. I look down at my feet.

"H-He's not doing to hot," I admit. I look back up to her and look her in the eyes. She has tears in her eyes. "But they say he'll live."

"Thank God!" She lets out a sob. Her mom pulls her into a side hug and kisses her head. "I don't know what I would do if he left us too!" I look towards Eva confused. She too is close to crying. She looks at me and mouths 'Dad' towards me. My eyes widen and then soften I offer them two chairs brought out earlier for them to sit in. Now we must wait.

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////TIME SKIP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Kaelynn's POV

I sit next to my mom as we wait. I lean into her as she murmurs in my ear encouraging words and as she strokes my hair. Silent tear streaks trail my cheeks. Not much talking has been said between anyone. A few whispers are exchanged from the girl I was told was called White Tiger and the boy called Iron Fist but they didn't last long. Soon a couple of doctors and nurses exit the room, looking exhausted. We all look expectantly towards the doctors. One sighs and finally speaks.

"He'll live." I let out a breath I din't know I was holding. "Two of his ribs broke, and one of the ribs punctured his right lung, which we had surgically fix. His left knee will be very weak and I recommend not putting much pressure on it, so he should use crutches or a wheelchair for at least a week. There were many lacerations on his torso, three of which we had to stitch. His right shoulder was pulled out of it's socket so we had to reset it," The doctor concluded. The list was so long. What's he gonna look like? Is he still my big brother I knew?! "For a quicker recovery I recommend icing his shoulder and knee for a while," With that the doctor walks off in the same direction the others went.

"Wait!" I yelled. He turned around with a tired look in his eye. "Is he awake? Can we see him?" I ask. The doctor shook his head.

"He isn't awake but we think he will be within the next couple hours. You may not visit him now for he needs to rest seeing as he had recently exited surgery but you may visit in the morning. I recommend getting sleep. It's late." The doctor turns back around and leaves quickly.

"Here, I'll take you to where you can stay for the night." Spider-Man offers. I nod and follow him.

Sam's POV (Bet you saw that coming)

It's dark out. I think. I look around the room I'm in. There's a lot of white. So a hospital of some sorts then. I sighed and closed by eyes ready to accept sleep once more. . . But right before I drifted off I heard a creak. I craned my neck as much as possible to look towards the door. In came a small figure who dragged a blanket behind them. They sat in a chair in the corner of my very white room. Who could it be? Who'd be in my room of all places at this ungodly hour?

"Kaelynn?" I murmur softly. I don't know why I thought it was her, I just felt like it was. Their head shoots up in alarm. They stumble over towards my bed and stand before it shaking slightly.

"Sam!" They whisper surprised and happily as well as a bit drowsily. "I- We were so worried!" She started to cry softly. "I thought we might have lost you!" My eyes moisten a little.

"Oh Kaelynn. . . Come 'ere," I motion for her to get in the large white sterile bed. I scooted over as much as I could manage and lift the covers so she could get in, wincing at the movement. She immediately got in carefully. "Why -How 're you 'ere?" I mumble, my eyes threatening to close.

"I may have stolen a key card from a guard. And I couldn't sleep. . ." She responded tiredly. "I missed you," She said simply. I didn't respond, accepting her answer, and we laid there not saying a word, just enjoying each others company. Soon I fell asleep with my arm wrapped around her protectively.

Kaelynn's POV

I woke up in a cold room. I snuggled deeper into what I thought was the blankets, but turned out to be Sam. My eyes snap open and I let out a squeal.

"Sammy!" I grab Sam and give him a big hug. He wakes up at the sound of my squeal and was startled by the hug.

"K-Kaelynn?!" Sam says hoarsely. He coughs and I immediately let him go.
"You alright Sammy?" I ask, guilty that I may have hurt him worse.

"F-Fine," He rasps out. I smile and pull him into a more gentle hug, to which he returns. We break the hug at the sound of a rumble. I look at Sam and he looks at me sheepishly.

"Stomach," He answers. "But I don't know if I'll be able to keep it down. . ." He responds honestly. I nod.

"This place got room service?" I ask getting out of the bed. He shakes his head.

"I recommend waiting a bit till we bother anyone. . ." He admits. "Doctors don't take to people in a patient's room outside visiting hours." I nod my head. We ended up just sitting there and talking for a while.

"Tell me about your team," I say sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the end of Sam's hospital bed. He then tells me about different missions he was on not going into too much detail. Mostly about what he and his friends did more than what the mission itself was.

It was only about an hour when Sam yawns. "I'm gonna go back to sleep. . .'K?" I yawn as well.

"I'm going to sleep as well," I whisper. "See you on the bright side," I joke as I slowly fell asleep once more.

Spiderman's POV

It was around 10 in the morning when I decided to stop by and visit Sam. I slowly open the door in case he was asleep and peeked in. Well, he WAS asleep...just not alone. I'm pretty sure it was Kaelynn, his little sister. Both were snuggled into each other, sleeping peacefully. I smile and close the door softly. I walk towards the guest quarters on the far side of the ship. We don't get guests often, and most are for when certain superheroes need a place to crash and or rest. I knock on the door that Mrs.Alexander is staying in. Soon the door opens and I'm met by the person in question.

"I think you should see something," I motion for her to follow.

"Why?" She questions curiously.

"Just come see. And bring a camera," I add. She nods and follows without further questions. We walked though the halls to the medical wing. Just a lot of boring hallways with closed doors.

"Look in there," I whisper softly and motion towards the door. She slowly and quietly walks inside with me following not far after. She takes one look at the scene in front of her and smiles instantly. She pulls out her phone and takes a picture silently, showing the photo to me. I smile back and nod in approval. She motions for me to follow out of the room.

"So you're on the same team as my son?" She asks. It's not a threat or anything, just a question. I nod my head, realizing I'm in my suit.

"I'm sorry about what happened," I start. "It's all my fa-"

"Stop." He commands with a tone practically screaming 'I'm a mother, listen to me.' "I don't at all blame you," she explained in a softer tone. "Sam may not show it but he speaks highly of you all."

"He does?!" I ask in awe. "I thought he hated us and wanted to leave Earth and go into space to look for his dad?" She looked grim.

"Their father was in the Nova Corps, that's his helmet you see Sam wearing." I nod in understanding. "He left for space one day and never came back. Somehow his helmet ended up in Sam's hands and Sam became the next Nova!" She explains more in depth.

"Sam took his leaving hard, very hard...but he loves his father no less, and loves being Nova more, despite his attitude," she adds. "He was always interested and space and everything it has to give. . ." She trailed off then chuckles. "Heck, he learned all the constellations by heart with his dad, every night they'd go out and name 'em all." She sighs sadly. "After he left those two got real close," she motions towards Sam and Kaelynn. "Alright!" She smiles. "Enough stories. I just wanted to thank you for looking out for my son," she concludes. "He's as stubborn as an Ox but he's a real softy on the inside, but even he needs someone to lean on." I nod my head.

"I'll be there for him. I promise." She smiles and I smile back, before she pulls me into a hug,shocking me, but I hug back.

AN: I will be writing a sequel/continuation of sorts! Keep your eyes out and PLEASE vote and comment below! Show me you care!

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